Yellow Eyes: Safe Haven

Par Browwnsuugarr

1.9K 122 4

Camdon and the group have made it out of Wyoming. The roads take them to a safe haven by a beautiful Lake. Lo... Plus

Road trip (Ch.1)
We need to talk(Ch.3)
Alone Time(Ch.4)
The Skinner(Ch.7)
Positive (Ch.8)
Decisions (Ch.9)
Trying (Ch.11)
So much(Ch.12)
Numb (Ch.16)
Forgive me(Ch.18)
Taking it Easy(Ch.19)
Up & Running (Ch.20)
Two more (Ch.22)
The Neighborhood
Burn Bonus

The Path Ahead(Ch.14)

54 6 0
Par Browwnsuugarr

Hope you are enjoying the read so far.


The deep breaths I am taking while running back to the others are burning my lungs. Sweat has formed on my forehead out of nervousness for how we are going to explain this. If Sofia and I bust through the door panicked, everyone will panic too and nothing gets done right when everyone thinks out of fear. I need to calm myself before we get there, but most importantly I need to calm Sofia.

We’ve made it back, I can see the Cabin across the lake. I stop Sofia from going any farther.
“Calm down. Take a deep breath. If we go in there panicked things could go left.”
“Shit has already gone left Camdon!”
“Just breathe. I’ll tell them and all you have to do is nod and agree.”
After she set away her fear, we jogged to the cabin while mentally preparing ourselves for the worst.

We opened the Cabin door and walked in with a more level headed Sofia, I knocked on the wall so everyone knew we were back. They all herded into the living room after hearing the knocks on the wall. Vi came running into my arms, smothering me with kisses and hugging me deeply. It feels good to have her in my arms, I'm too scared to lose this. If I want to protect Vi and not this house we have to leave. It was good while it lasted. But I'm not losing her, not tonight.

I have to say this so that they will not panic.
I focus on my breathing and my other four senses before continuing.

“There are Zombies coming, we should go.”


It can’t be that bad to where we have to leave, Can it?
Everyone is quiet and in deep thought, they’re probably trying to imagine how many Zoms Cam is talking about like I am.

I'm the first one to break the silence that surrounds us.
“Cam baby what do you mean we have to leave? I'm five months pregnant. We can't just pack up and go.” I say in disbelief.

Now that I take a closer look, Sofia and Cam seem to look a bit rattled, like something happened that they are not telling us. Sofia has never not been able to handle a couple of Zombies, why do they look so tense?

“Sofia?” My brother says. “Are you okay? You look a little pale my love.”
“Veer listen to Camdon we have to get the fuck out of here now.” She says in a low but shaky voice.

Now it’s clear. She’s frightened and Cam is too, What did they see out there?

“Camdon you’re scaring us, What’s going on?” Sakai voices.
“I don’t want to scare you guys, but please listen to me and get your things, we should go.”
“No! Tell us what the hell has got you too scared of all people!?” Solei orders
I don’t interject because I want to know too.

Sofia takes a step forward in front of Cam and I, “Fucking Zombies, Hundreds of them.” She says low enough for all of us to hear.

“What? That’s not possible.” My brother says

“Yes it is. I heard them.” Cam speaks up, defending what Sofia has said.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” He counters.
"Yes, it does." I told my brother. "We need to leave right now." After a moment of confusion, I say, "Pack your things!" I end their denial. They all scramble leaving me and Cam.

Cam hands me her hand gun and sits me on the couch “I’ll get our things, you stay here and don’t go outside until we are all ready.” She takes off towards the basement and all I can do is sit here until they all come back ready to go.

I would at least like to eat something if we're going to be on the road again. In spite of my girlfriend's words, I find myself in the kitchen grabbing my leftover stew from last night. I place it in the microwave and start it for 2 minutes. I’ll miss this place, I'll miss the electricity, the hot water, the privacy, the safety, the scenery, everything about this place makes it a gold mine in an Apocalypse and we were lucky enough to find it. As much as I thought we were going to raise our child here, life has other plans, as it always does.

A thumping sound broke me from my remembrance of our temporary home, I followed it to the window in the kitchen. I peered out of the blinds and saw exactly what Sofia and Cam had been so afraid of. I instinctively let out a scream and when I did all of their heads snapped to the window I had unfortunately peeped out of.

“Vi!” Cam grabbed me and pulled me from the kitchen with our stuff on her back. The others ran down the stairs with their guns drawn as well.

My brother runs to me and cups my face. “What happened?”
Sofia grabbed his arm pulling him towards the door, Cam did the same to me. Lue, Sakai and Solei were behind us as we braced ourselves.

Before opening the door Sofia glanced out of the front window. “Their everywhere, I thought we had more time.” She put her hand on the doorknob ready to twist and pull. “When I open this door, running to the car is top priority.

I gripped Cams hand and out of fear, I don't feel safe right now and she’s the only one who makes me feel protected.
“You’re gonna be okay, go ahead of me, I'll cover you so you don’t have to shoot.”
I step in front of her and behind my brother.

“Now!” Sofia yells shoving the front door open. She takes off towards the car that is around 20 ft from the door. The Zombies are slow to look our way and we all beeline in a line to the car,  the Zoms are closing in on the seven of us. Sofia unlocks the doors and we pour into the vehicle. Cam was pushing everyone into the car through one door, making sure we all made it.

Everyone was now in except for Cam and Lue they were shooting Zombies surrounding the Car, trying to clear a path for Sofia to drive through. I beat my fist onto the window calling out for her to get in the car. She didn’t listen, she kept shooting away at Zoms.

The path ahead had cleared and the undead were following Cam and Lue, Sofia started the car and pulled off without them with us. My heart dropped in an instant and tears fell from my eyes. But I never took them off of Cam, her and Lue were running behind the car while hundreds of Zombies shuffled behind them.

The car stops abruptly giving them time to reach the car. Sakai jumped to open the trunk door where both Cam and Lue hopped in. Lue was embraced by Sakai in a longing hug, and I also want to do the same, but Cam is shooting Zoms with her bow and arrow, now that her bullets are nonexistent.

How did things go so left in a matter of a day?
I hate being on the road, and now we're back to having to look over our shoulders everyday.

"Nothing is Just"


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