Second Chance || Lab Rats

By multiny_

32.4K 739 168

Hundreds of mile away from home. New school. New friends. New life. New feelings? Maybe Everything was bound... More

• Act one •
01: New School
02: Finishing First Day Of School
03: Split Personality
04: First Dance
05: Progress Reports And Shocking News
06: Chessy Picture On The Wall
07: Absent Birthday Boy
08: Forgive And Forget- Cause They Have A Flippin' Lab
09: Alone Time Gone Wrong
10: Beach Day And Old Enemies
11: Magic Shoes
12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience
13: Parent/Teacher Night
14: Visit From An Old Friend?
15: Day Two Of Building A Lab
16: Finally Friends
17: Marcus Goes To School
18: New Band And Betrayals
19: First Sleepover And A Mission
20: Mission Success
21: Wild Assumptions and laser tag gone wrong
• Act two •
22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean
23: Near Death Experience
24: Aftermath
25: First Day Of Parenting
26: Bad Parent(ing)
27: Making Memories
28: I Didn't Even Have Detention
29: What's Wrong With Bree?
30: Hanging Out With Geeks
31: Win Some, Lose Some
32: Vocal Manipulation
33: Close Call
34: Not So Happy Visit
35: Truth's Out
36: New Universe, New Me
37: No Place Like Home
38: First Birthday Together
40: Spike's Back
41: Uh Oh
42: Smoothing Things Over
43: Another Dooley In School
44: Loud neighbors
45: The Day Has Come
46: Unexpected Turn
• Act Three •
47: A Year Later
48: An Angry Old Friend
49: First Hero Mission
50: Boyfriend Goes Missing
51: We've Come So Far

39: Talent Show

236 6 1
By multiny_

                 Today is the day I've been dreading, even more than picture day. The worst part being Ms. Whitlock nonstop mentioning it.

The schools talent show.

I don't want to be in it but she insists that I play my guitar for a spot in the show. After her persuasive skills— she told me I would get extra credit— I agreed. But apparently I wasn't as persuasive as my favorite teacher. I failed to get Marcus to perform with me.

I wouldn't say I have a fear of performing but I definitely don't like the attention. Which to this today still makes me wonder how in the hell did Tony and I perform our dances to crowds of people.

On top of it being the day of auditions, Marcus wasn't attending school again. I'm getting tired of only hearing, 'It's almost time, he can't go today,' all said by his creator. I already gave him the benefit of the doubt when he missed some days around his birthday, but we're way passed that now. Come to think of it, Marcus did look tense when I left the house. Maybe what they have planned is sooner than I though. Only time will tell.

As I shut my locker I caught sight of the three Davenport brothers. I walked over to them hoping they would take my mind out of the show and Douglas.

"Did you guys see the yearbook?" Chase stood in between Adam and Leo, showing them the book in his hands, "Everybody but me got a 'most likely to...' even Leo!"

"What? let me see that." Leo snatched the book from his hands scanning the page for his name.

"Most likely never to get a 'most likely'" Leo paused. "I'm on the board!"

And here I thought he would be upset.

"Yeah, that's quite the accomplishment, Leo."

He narrowed his eyes and went back to the book, a wide smile on his face admiring his photo.

"Oh, hey. Lauren's here too." Leo pointed out, "Most likely to... get married young?"

I did a double-take to the page and saw he was right. I was hoping he'd misread that.

"Married young?" Chase questioned, also looking at the bizarre statement.

"Yeah. You guys didn't know about Marcus and Lauren." Adam smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

Chase's eyes widened and Leo scoffed.

The hell is he talking about?

"Marcus and Lauren?" Chase repeated and Adam nodded.

"Yeah, everyone thinks they're one of the cutest couples here. Congrats Lauren." Adam gave me tight hug and lifted me up. He set me down and was greeted with shocked and unamused faces.

"You're dating Marcus?!" Chase asked, practically yelling the question. I shushed him and looked around seeing some eyes on us.

"I didn't even know I was dating him." I answered. Marcus and I haven't really talked about what we are or anything. It never even crossed my mind but apparently to everyone else... we're a cute couple.

Chase furrowed his brows waiting for a clearer explanation. I sighed, "We aren't official or anything. People just assumed we were in a relationship."

"So even Marcus is on here." Leo remarked, scowling at our picture. I wonder when did they even take that— oh, never mind, this was taken when the school did the art show.

"Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school." Chase sulked.

"Chase, that's not true. If you were invisible, I couldn't do this." Adam punched his younger brother on the shoulder. Chase clutched that area and grunted in pain.

"Adam, right now is not the time to tease your brother." I said. Adam shrugged and walked to his class. I shook my head and sat down next to Bree, who I just realized was here the whole time. Which means she heard about Marcus and I and will get asked series of questions later.

"Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible." Bree reassured.

"Oh, really? Yeah? What's this?" Chase turned the book towards Bree, "Chip Davenport. I'm a misnamed question mark!"

Wow, he has it bad. Didn't even get his name right or put up a picture of him. Granted, the people that put the yearbook together don't like Chase very much. To summarize, Chase had math class with some of the students and let's just say he got on everyone's nerves.

"Wussup, snot-buckets?" Principal Perry 'greeted' and strolled over to us. "Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek high talent show. Auditions are after school, and will be judged by moi." Perry motioned to herself.

"Chances are that if I don't like you, you won't get through, and I don't like any of you. So good luck." Principal Perry chuckled, going over to an empty wall to place the flyer.

"Talent shows are wrong!" Owen declared. Of course, if anyone has something to say about a innocent talent show, it would be Owen. "There are no winners or losers in creative expression."

Perry groaned, "Stick a paint brush in it, emo sabe!" Perry shrugged him off.

Oo— why did I feel like that was directed to me? Although, I do somewhat agree with his point. There is no right or wrong doing in art or performances. Everyone had their own style when creating something they enjoy. Music, however, is similar but one does have to know what they are doing or it will sound and look bad. I don't know much about performing arts, being confident is something I did learn throughout my preforming days.

"I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body. I'm gonna go sketch my feelings!" Owen raised his voice getting more fueled up with the thought of the 'student's artists souls getting crushed.'

"He is so tortured." Bree smiled at his figure leaving, "Isn't it great?"

"Yeah. He sketches his feelings instead of committing murder. I say that's a win." I commented. Bree ignored my comment and walked away to probably catch up to her dream man.

"This talent show is the perfect opportunity for me to build my fan base." Leo excitedly said.

"Leo, you don't have a fan base." Chase added.

"I know, that's why I have to build one. With magic!" Leo emphasized, practically shoving his hands onto Chase's face.

"Well, that is what it would take."

"No. I got a magic kit and I've been practicing, specifically for the competition."

"A magic kit? Isn't that kind of lame?" Chase said.

"It's not lame." I commented. Leo nodded at my statement and Chase gave us both an unamused look.

"Yeah. There is nothing lame about buying something off the internet to make friends." Leo uncrossed his arms and walked to a pair of girls that were looking at the yearbook.

"Hello, ladies, would you like to see a card trick?" Leo asked. He didn't wait for a response and pulled out his deck of cards. "This is your card." He showed them the card he picked out for them and put it back with the rest of the cards.

"Mm-hmm... hey, what's that in your hair?" He reached towards the brunette hair and pulled out the card he'd shown them. I gotta admit it was kind of impressive.

"Bam! See? Magic." Leo shoved the card into Chase's face.

"That's a pretty neat trick. How long did it take you to prefect it?" I asked. Leo smiled and walked over to my side.

"I actually got help from your brother. With my magic." Leo explained, shoving his hands into Chase's face again. Chase smacked his hands away.

Huh, guess Tony is getting closer to the Davenport's too.

"Ms. Walsh." All three of us turned to face the new voice that entered our trio. I sighed seeing Ms. Whitlock with a bright smile. I waved at the guys and walked with her to her classroom

I sighed, "Hey, Ms. Whitlock."

"Don't start with that. You'll be fine. Principal Perry may not like you but she tolerates you, meaning you have a chance to get in!" Ms, Whitlock informed. I gave her my best fake smile and took a seat in my assigned desk.

"I have you an option: either play the guitar or do a dance performance."

"Uh, yeah no, I'm not going back to my dancing days." I replied. I slumped into my chair and let out yet another sigh. Its not the worst thing in the world to preform but I just really don't want to. The thought of getting up in stage and have everyone's eyes on me bothered me. If I really had to do it, I would but since this is optional, I'd rather not.

"I know you're nervous but please, your a talented young girl and I want your abilities to be known." Ms. Whitlock insisted.

"I already agreed to it. I just— I'm not ready to go up?" I fidgeted with my necklace frantically looking around the room.

"I understand. I'm sorry for pushing this on you. I just want you to know that you deserve to show off." Ms. Whitlock said. I nodded and genuinely smiled at her this time. She patted my shoulder and opened the door for me. I grabbed my things and walked out the door.

"I'll see you at the show." Ms. Whitlock bid her farewell and I walked to one of my remaining classes for the day. I really hope I don't get picked for the show.


Auditions are taking place in the cafeteria just like Perry said. I sat next to Leo and Chase curiously watching a student gargling 'twinkle twinkle little star.' And might I add, it was severely disgusting. I wonder how he hasn't choked.

"Next!" Perry yelled, pressing the large red button in front of her. Finally, she pressed it. We had to sit through the first verse of that. That's thirty seconds of my life I'm never getting back.

"You nervous?" I asked.

"No, not at all." Leo responded, leaning against the wall behind us with a smirk.

"I meant that towards Chase, but I'm glad you're not."

"Oh, um, no I'm not." Chase replied leaning forward a bit to look at me. Leo with sitting in between us. "Are you?"

"A little bit." I honestly answered. There's not point in lying about it.


We turned to the stage and saw that Leo had already gone up on the stage.

"Uh! Dooley. Next!" Perry groaned and pressed the button.

"Come on give me a chance!" Leo complained.

"Ah, fine. Just get it over with." Perry said in a monotone voice. I'm surprise she didn't kick him out of the stage yet. She did that to one of the first students that preformed. She deserved it though, she drew a portrait of Perry and let's just say it capture every detail of Perry.

While Leo did his act, I truly did try to focus on it but my mind kept on wandering to different scenarios of my turn. I readjusted the guitar and tightly held onto it. I regained my focus back on Leo and saw he'd made the rings disappeared by blowing on it. Well, I'll be dammed, he really went to my brother for help.

I remember dad doing close up magic for a little while as a side gig. Tony was obsessed with magic and begged dad to teach him. That was his whole personality for a solid two years. He never stopped loving magic but it blended to one of his forgotten hobbies. I'm lucky enough to occasionally see him do an act or two in the house.

Leo's act wasn't the only magical thing in the cafeteria but so was Perry's answer. She didn't bash on him and actually let him in the show. I'm glad Leo got in. He definitely took his time practicing his magic.

"Good luck." I said. Chase smiled at me and hopped on to the stage. Leo looked looked my way and helps up a thumbs-up. I returned the gestured and set my gaze onto Chase. He didn't mention what he would be doing. Hopefully, it's something that can impress Perry.

"What's your talent? Other than having my middle school haircut." Principal Perry retorted.

"I am the smartest man to ever live." Chase dramatically said. Everyone in the room scoffed and groaned. For being the smartest man alive, he's really not that bright at time. I understand he's desperate to be seen but to risk your family secret for recognition? Its a bad move.

"Break out your online dictionary, people— I can spell any word."

"I got one for ya: 'snoozefest.' Ha!" Perry mocked. The crowd booed and threw crumpled up paper to him. My fears are happening to someone else and it's difficult to watch. I never wish humiliation upon anyone, not even Trent.

"Next!" Perry pressed the button shutting everyone up with the buzzer form it.

"No! No! I have another talent!" Chase insisted, "I can do magic."

Oh, Chase don't.

Chase put up his hands and the paper balls levitated from the ground. This stupid son of a bitch. What is he doing? The crowd of students gasped and Perry leaned in, clearly impressed. If it wasn't enough, Chase made his 'magic' balls hit back to the crowd. And of course Perry was enjoying it resulting in her letting Chase in, but since he's doing magic, Leo was kicked out.

"Next!" Perry said through chuckles. There were only two spots left for musical acts and there about four—including myself— that were preforming.

Okay, my turn.


Season 2 ep 9: Spike's got talent

Word count: 2273

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