Mr. Wolf x reader

By waffleh03

8.8K 153 1.1K

idk man I'm just going with the flo More

hey this exists
ok im doing this thing
chapter one
Not so Great Escape
Heist of good(ish)
The Good Life
Dance with me
red pawed
I'm Sorry.
BONUS 1 - 🍋

save the day

645 17 162
By waffleh03

I took shotgun as wolf opted for the backseat. On the way there Diane and I started chatting about Normal things, despite how strange the situation is.

After a while I noticed wolf's silence in the back seat.

"You ok, Buddy?" I turned and asked.

He cleared his throat and sighed. "As ok as you can be after the only friends you've ever had abandon you." He leaned forward to pit his hand on my shoulder from behind. "But at least I still have you. You and Diane."

I reached to place my hand on his. "Yeah. Don't worry. They've gotta come around some time." I tried to console him.

"Maybe." He leaned back again. "Maybe."


We pulled up outside of Diane's home.

"Alright, let's get inside people." Diane called while taking her keys out of the ignition. "You guys look like you just busted out of a prison."

"Oh hardy-har-har" I playfully rolled my eyes as I stepped out of the car.

"Waht can I say? I'm the best bad guy, governor, and comedian." She shrugged and followed me along with wolf.

Before we all stepped away from the car a guinea pig with glowing blue eyes plopped onto the windshield. "Guinea pigs!?" Diane jumped back.

We all gasped and said, "Marmalade." In unison.

"We need to hurry." Diane said leading us up to her house.

We stepped in to a very plain and organized house. Not exactly what you'd expect the best Criminal the whole world to live in.

Diane wasted no time to go to her microwave and press buttons.

Wolf looked around and whistled, "so this is the hide out of the great crimson paw?" He turned to her still fiddlingwith the microwave. "Snack break? Okay, oddly timed, but you do you- AHH-" He exclaimed as the fridge slid to the side to open a secret door.

"Woah! What!?" I laughed in surprise.

She grabbed me and Wolf by our shirts and pulled us into her box.

It was an elevator that led us down to a dark room. Once we stepped in lights illuminated the darkness and the wall opened up showing clothes, gadgets, weapons, and other stuff.

"HOLY GUACAMOLE LOOK AT ALL THIS!" I yelled and ran into the room spinning in circles.

"Ohhh! Wow! Are you kidding me!?" Wolf displayed his excitement as well. He ran to a wall and took a gadget off of it. " laser sighted zipline? The XM 2400 Raider Jammer? No way!"

" I actually prefer the earlier model." Diane said casually.

"Agree to disagree." He ran to the other wall and picked up a lipstick. "This stuff is nice too." He started before playing with it and made fire shoot out.

"Yeah that's a blowtorch. Also, not really your color." She grinned.

I snickered at it and Diane regained our attention.

"Alright marmalade," she went up to a touch screen table with a map on it. " what are you up to, you fuzzy little weirdo? Mm, we need eyes on the city. Let's see if we could hack into the government's surveillance satellite."

" but you're the governor. Can't you just ask?" I asked while leaning my hip onto her table.

"Yeah, but, pff. The paper work." She shrugged.

She was able to and caught some movement. " I'm definitely ing up on some suspicious activity here. Those are guinea pig Heat signatures. Marmalade seems to be controlling them. But to do what? No obvious targets."

"That's because they're moving targets." Wolf picked up a map and placed it to line up with the one on the table. The paper map showed the schools, hospitals, and other charity places money would be delivered to from the gala for goodness.

"His charity fundraiser." Diane gasped. " he's going to steal the money. Raised in his own name?"

" it's the greatest Heist the world's ever seen. $1 billion in side trucks on their way to Charities all over the city." I said looking over the map.

" we need to cut off marmalade communication with his guinea pig army." Diane went on.

"If there's no signal.." Wolf started.

"There's no height!" Diane finished.

"We have to steal the meteorite!" I blurted.

Diane got a random black outfit from a box and through it at Wolf. "Put on your big girl pants, sir. We're gearing up." She turned to me, "Tempest, you can borrow something of mine since we're the same height." Diane ran over and grabbed one of her suits and gave it to me.

Me and Wolf pit our clothes on and grabbed gear. After we were ready a the wall behind us side down, revealing a black car.

"You stole may car!?" Wolf said jumping onto it. "Respect."

We hopped in and drove out of the garage. "Let's do this!" Wolf said in excitement.


Soon we made it to Marmalade's home wolf stopped the car and Diane rolled down her widow. "Once we steal the meteorite, we take it straight to the police."

"And all will be forgiven." Wolf interjected.

Diane sucked her teeth to hiss. "I don't know about all, but it's a start."

"Alright, let's do this thing." I smiled as we all got out of the car.

We snuck past the electrical fence and up to the house. We climbed to the very top of the house and and found an opening in the roof. We all got out our ropes attached to us and slid down to the room with the meteorite in it.

We got down to the floor when wolf looked off to the side. The golden dolphin was shimmering under the gentle light of the dim room.

"Why is that down here?" I whispered in confusion.

"Yeah that's weird. Why would marmalade leave the golden dolphin unprotected?" Wolf asked. He walked over to it.

"Because maybe it's a trap." Diane said as if it was obvious.

"Ohh." I nodded. "Yeah that makes sense."

Wolf put his hands out to start grabbing it. "Orrr maybeeee...."

"Wolf? no! wait, wait, WAIT-" me and Diane tried to run to him but it was too late. When we tried to grab him off of the dolphin he touched it, and it electrocuted all of us.

Next thing I know I'm regaining consciousness, but I'm upsiddown?

"Yeah that was a trap." Wolf said next to me.

"You think?" I asked in a ticked off tone.

"Well, well, well." Marmalade's annoying voice caught our attention. If it isn't my price pupil, and you brought along the governor. Or should I say the Crimson paw? What in a genius way to disguise does zumpango diamond." He said pulling out her ring. "hiding it in plain sight."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Wolf said, surprised the Dimond was once In his hands.

"What? I'm sentimental." She huffed.

Marmalade nodded. "you always did have panache. And yet you still fell right into my trap."

I scoffed, "Oh, wolfie here can take all the credit for that."

"I'm sorry ok!" He sighed then turned his attention back to Marmalade. "..but how did you know that we'd be here?" Wolf asked.

"Oh, I got a little tip.. from a friend." Marmalade widely smiled as a door opened behind him to reveal snake.

We all gasped.

"Hey, buddy. How's it hanging?" Snake asked while slithering in.

"Snake." Wolf growled in disbelief.

"what can I say?" Snake asked. "we just clicked."

"Oh yeah? How does it feel to work for tour favorite food?" Wolf asked.

" you're just jealous to be missing out on a The Heist of the century. It's got everything. Betrayal, a meteor, mind control." He went back to Marmalade "Can I try it on?" He asked referring to the mind control helmet.

"Of course, partner."

"Nice~" Snake said while putting it on. " all the crime with none of the exercise."

Wolf interrupted. "What about all of that 'flower of goodness' talk? Was it all just a lie?"

"Uh, yeah, pretty much. You see, I never cared about what's good. Only what's good for me. I just got a tingle." He said and started to walk out, laughing maniacally.

"Go bad," Snake started.

"Or go home." Marmalade finished. Before he walked out to his weird body guard.. butler.. evil servant guy. "Oh cuddles! Finish them."

The servant pulled a lover that made the ground below us open up to reveal sharp spinning blades that we were being lowered into.

"AHHHH! WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed.

Diane and wolf were both screaming in fear as well.

As we were struggling and wiggling around in fear a green gas came through one of the ground vents. Diane noticed and gasped. "Poison gas? Don't breathe it in!" She said and heald her breath.

Wolf noticed too. "Wait a second." He sniffed and gagged. "That's not poison gas."

Shark, Webs, and piranha busted out of the vent. "SURPRISE!" Piranha screamed.

"What!? Ah, guys! I can't believe it's you." Wolf smiled.

"You were right, Wolfie." Webs said.

"We felt the wag, man!" Shark laughed.

"And the tingle!" Piranha yelled.

"It's good, right?" Wolf asked.

Diane nervously chuckled, "this is super moving, but can we do this later?" She asked.

"Feels like I got a rhythm section in my fin!" Shark said and started beatboxing.

Wolf laughed at them as piranha joined.

"COME ON!" I yelled getting their attention. "Spinning blades, about to die!" I said making them remember why they're here.

"Oh, yeah, right." Shark said and rushed over to us while Webs shut off the power.

Shark got wolf down first and untied him, then wolf got me down as shark untied Diane. Wolf caught me as I fell out of the ropes and gently pit me down.

"Thanks.." I sighed in relief.

He nodded, "no problem but," he turned to the gang. "Guys! Am I happy to see you!" He said while running over and jumping onto shark in a hug.

Me and Diane were off to the side when they all hugged. Piranha looked over, "what are you doing? Get in here!" He said to both of us.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Shark said letting go of everyone and ran over to me. They all did to and created a group hug around me. Diane jumped back for not wanting to be in it.

"Awe, guys." I laughed. "I'm happy to see you too."

"Yeah! We're glad you're still alive Tempest." Piranha said as we all let go of each other.

I laughed at the way he worded that. "Yeah, I am too.." I started. "And, you can just call me y/n. All right?"

"Y/n is back from the dead?" Wolf chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Yep. And I don't think they're retiring for a long time to come." I smiled and leaned into him.

When we backed off of each other he put his hands on his hips. "Now it's time to huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down.

"Yeah!" Piranha went.

"Let's gooo!" Shark yelled.

"Game over, guinea pig!" Webs laughed.

We all went to get wolf's car and brought it to the garage with the meteorite in it. We loaded it up and waited for the door to open, which it did when marmalade and snake opened it from the outside.

"Don't mind us." Wolf said "just robbing this place." He said before laughing and slamming on the gas. We zoomed out nearly running them over.

We get out and speed straight to the city.

We were all celibate as we got to the interstate. "WOO!" "Yeah!" "We did it!"

"Now to bring the meteorite to chief and clear your guys' name!" Diane said.

"Weird. Usually we drive away from the police." Shark laughed.

"Hey, chico, are you sure we stopped the heist?" Piranha asked.

"Yeah." Wolf answered.

"Relax. Marmalade can't control them if he doesn't have the meteorite." Diane said.

"Soo.. who's driving those trucks?" Piranha asked pointing to Marmalade's charity vehicles that were still, very much, being taken over.

"The meteorite!-" Diane gasped.

"It's still transmitting." I added.

"Uh-oh." Shark interjected.

"The charity money. Changes of plan, guys." Wolf went on. " is there some way to override the trucks navigation system?"

"Uh, we'd need some kind of magnetized cross-circut interceptor." She explained.

"You mean," Diane opened her case and got one out. "Like this?"

"OOO! she just keeps getting cooler!" Shark exclaimed.

We turned around and got close to the trucks. It's wasn't enough though. The trucks went in different directions to avoid us. "Crap. We need to split up." Diane said and tuned to Webs. "Hey, Webs, you feel like a girls' trip?"

"Um. Yes!" She said. She hopped in Diane's shoulder and and they hopped out of the car. "Later guysss!"

Piranha stuck his head out of the window. "I wanted to go on the girls' trip." He sighed.

We kept following trucks. Piranha found some more of the devices Webs and Diane were putting on the trucks and decided he wanted to help.

Shark looked to wolf, "you're insured, right?" He asked referring to the car.

"Yeah, why?" He answered.

Shark didn't say anything else just pushes the roof of of the car.

"Wha- HEYY! that's my car!!" He yelled.

Shark picked up piranha as he yelled, "it's ceviche, baby!" And with that shark through him to go stick the things onto the trucks.

Once the last one got stuck on Webs rerouted all of them to go their original location.

After that Diane dropped Webs off in the car. "Guys! Meet me at the police station. Don't be late." She said and with that she drove off the road to get there.

"What do you say we deliver this butt rock to the chief?" Wolf asked the group.

We all laughed and said yes at the same time, and we were on our way.

As we drove up and saw the police station in the distance we hear the news anchor on the car radio "can this be? are the bad guys returning the meteorite? this could be the feel-good story that we all need."

"Woo hoo!" We all yelled.

"Do you guys think they'll throw us a party?" Webs asked.

"Yeahhh." Piranha said. "with virus, and piñatas, and cake." He said.

But with his last words everyone's mood changed. I knew what they were all thinking about. Snake.

Wolf brought the car to a halt. Wolf looked to the governor and sighed. "We can't do this without him."

Shark nodded. "He might be a Mr grumpy pants."

"But he's our Mr grumpy pants." Webs finished.

"Yeahh." Piranha said as wolf's screeched for turning around and driving right past the station.

He tried to follow the helicopter. When we got close to it starting honking and yelling his name. "SNAKE! come back!"

"We need you, baby!" Shark joined in.

"He's right! They're a mess without you." I yelled.

"And you need us too!" Webs added.

Marmalade yelled down to us. "I'll give you one last chance to give me the meteorite!"

"Oh yeah!?" Piranha yelled. "What you gonna do, whiskers?"

Marmalade tookthe helmet off of snakes head and put it on his. "This."

Just then we all realized what he was doing.

Out of nowhere thousands and thousands of guinea pigs came after us.

"We got adorable company!" Shark sai,, panicked.

"Floor it!" I yelled.

As the guinea pigs surrounded the car it was getting hard to drive and we were banging up against walls and scraping around the roads. "Maybe I shouldn't have called him whiskers." Piranha yelled.

"When I woke up this morning this is not where I saw my day going!" Webs yelled at the crazy situation.

As we were dodging attacks from groups of guinea pigs I look upto see that Marmalade through snake out of the helicopter.

"Look!" I yelled and pointed to him.

Wolf gasped in fear.

Before Snake could fall he grabbed on the the landing steps of the helicopter.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah." Wolf yelled. "Hold on, hold it! Hold it! Okay, okay. You win." He said to Marmalade. "You can have the space rock."

"Goodbye, wolf." Is all he said as he cleared a spot for our car to not hit guinea pigs.

A giant claw came out of the bottom of the helicopter to take the meteorite.

Wolf grabbed my body and pulled me over to take the wheel as he climbed onto the claw. "Not so fast! Pull him up first!" He yelled to Marmalade. He pulled out Diane's torch lipstick. "Or ill use this!"

Marmalade looked down to it with a confused face, "Oh, come, now."

Wolf scrunched his expression and turned it so flames were shooting out. He directed the heat onto the chain of the claw. "Do it. Or you'll loose the rock." He demanded.

"If you insist." He said coldly. "Cuddles!"

They flew up high. High enough to the point where they couldn't be seen at the helicopter door anymore.

"What is he doing..?" I asked in fear.

Nobody answered, they all were looking to the sky. Then at an instant everyone gasped. I looked up myself to see Marmalade through snake out.

"SNAKE!" Wolf screamed. He literally jumped on top of me to get to his spot and make the car go faster. He had it push to its limits it get to him.

We spead through mountains and mountains of guinea pigs to the edge of the bridge.

"Guys, I know it's crazy," he said while looking to snake. "But we're gonna jump it."

"Crazy? You finally speaking my language chico!" Piranha yelled.

"Well I'm not!" I yelled and grabbed around wolf's torso in fear. "There's no way in hell we're going to make that!"

"We need to try!" Shark yelled from behind me.

"For snake!" Webs screamed.

"For snake!" All of them yelled in unison.

"YOU'RE ALL INSANE!" I said, just as we got to the edge.

Are car flew out into the empty spot the road once was.

"We're gonna make it!" Piranha screamed.

As if on cue the car dove downward and we fell out of it into the air.

"You came back." Snake said, now falling with us at the same level.

"Snake, I should have been honest with you." Wolf said trying to swim over to him through the air. " but if you knew I wanted to be good, that you'd.."

"Act like a jerk and never talk to you again?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." Wolf weezed. "Point is, i..."

"Yeah, I love you too buddy."

They hugged right there in the air and all the others floated to them and joined in. "This is so beautiful." Shark said in a sappy manner. "You know how beautiful this is you guys?"

They were all crying and hugging up on each other. I air swam over to them too. "Guys, touching moment, really. Maybe we can continue WHEN WE'RE NOT FREE FLYING TO OUR END?!!?!?" I yelled making wolf lean back to me. "Come on, y/n. Who said this was the end?" He asked pulling out a claw gun.

I gasped along with the others when he pulled it out. He grabbed onto everyone and shot it up to the broken bridge.

As we rode up I couldn't help but feel oceans worth of relief pass me.

We climes onto the bridge where Marmalade's helicopter just crashed. As wolf went to grab the line chief stopped up to him.

"That. Is. It. There's absolutely no way you're getting away this time." Chief yelled right in his face.

"Wait, chief." Diane said.

They looked to each other. "Governor Foxington?" Chief asked.

"Don't do this." She said. It distracted her enough that chief let wolf go and he came to stand back to us. "They were bringing it back."

"How could you know that?.. unless you were conspiring with a bunch of well-known criminals." She sarcastically said.

"Well," Diane cleared her throat. "As a matter of fact, it's time I came clean about something. The truth is, I'm really.. really, uh-"

Wolf stepped up behind her and interrupted the sentence. "Really a big fan of redemption arcs. Yeah, we know." Wolf looked to us, we nodded knowing what was coming. "We're done running away. Chief, do what you need to do." He said putting up his wrists to get cuffed.

"What!? You're turning yourself in?" She asked.

"We might not have stolen the meteorite," he started. "But we stole a lot of other things. It's time we took some responsibility. Start a clean slate. Take us in, chief."

"Wow, really?" She asked in disbelief.

"You finally did it. This is your moment, chief. Drink it in." He said taking the cuffs out of her hand and putting them onto his wrists himself.

"Wow! I- I need to make a speech. Well, I should, shouldn't I!?" She cleared her throat and started giving one. "When I was 6 years old, I decided that I wanted to play the piccolo," she turned to the crowd of cops. " only to find that my fingers were too powerful for that fragile little instrument. And that's when I discovered law enforcement.." she went on.

As we drowned her out I walked up to wolf with my hands holding each other behind my back.

"Hey, that was really cool of you, Wolf." I smiled.

He chuckled, "Yeah. I guess, but it's what we needed to do." Wolf responded.

The gang was behind us listening to our conversation.

"Well," I sighed. "You finally payed yourself off to the chief, but I believe you still owe me something."

"Owe you? Huh?" He asked.

"Mhm, I believe you said at the gala you'd give me something 'when this is all over', ring any bells?"

He Thought about it for a short second before a surprised, flustered look smacked into his face.

"Right now?" He asked in a high nervous voice.

"Might be the last we get before we're locked up." I said elbowing him.

"Well, I mean, true but the crowd and, the news Camara is probably on us and-" He tried to make up an excuse.

I cut him off by grabbing the color of his under shirt and pulled him by it to smash our faces together. He couldn't do much with his hands due to them being cuffed but he made up for it with his mouth.

He slowly kissed me back, leaning into me.

"You owe me $10 shark." Piranha said, holding out his fin.

He scoffed and handed him some spare change from his pocket.

Wolf backed up from me and turned to them. "You were betting on us!?" He asked.

"Yeah shark owes me $5 too." Snake said with a grin.

Webs laughed. "You guys were kind of obvious."

Wolf turned away from them in embarrassment.

I laughed and looked to Diane while she was giggling a bit herself.

After that the police came by and rounded us all up into different cars. When we got in I looked to the side to see Marmalade getting found out. Well, not exactly, he was mistaken as the Crimson paw.

Well at least Diane is off the radar now.

(I'm too lazy to write the snake blowing up the real meteorite part lol)

We all drove off to jail were we checked in like last time.

I mean, I guess it's not ideal. But, hey, as long as I'm with my friends and wolf. How bad can a few years in jail possibly be?


Bro did anyone ever notice that Webs and shark have tatoos?

Anyway bye, love you

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