Not You

By DimitraTeg

32 4 0

A girl named Amelia with adhd,dyslexia and severe crippling anxiety is being forced to go to a law school by... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

12 2 0
By DimitraTeg


  Classes for today are over. It literally took forever for this day to end. I am heading home to get some rest, because after that I have swimming.

  I open the door and find Tristan on the couch. How did this motherfucker come here earlier than me? Dude, is Ellis and Elijah here? I ask him I dont know but I suppose so. Why are you asking? bastard never listens when I talk I have told you several times before. We are competing in the FINA World Swimming Championships at the end of the year. I remind him So? Ugh his stupidity is becoming annoying So we need to practise regularly.He shrugs and I head to my room. 

  I search for my two Es and find them drinking on the balcony. I caught you! Motherfuckers stop drinking as if there is no tomorrow, we have the Championships coming up I remind them Dude relax. It is just a beer. they look at me Ok still, we have training to do, get ready to go. It took me some time to convince them but in the end they went along with it.

  Sometimes we prefer training at the schools swimming pools, where the pools are completely still and the room is filled with silence, since its noon and no one else is there.

  When we return home, I go straight to the shower and then I immediately crash into my bed extremely tired because of today's practice.

  The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Thats why I love Elijah. I stretch as I am sore from yesterdays workout. After that I walk to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Morning I say to everyone. Good morning Marcel, I prepared pancakes. Grab some and later on Ellis will be driving you to college Elijah says while passing me a plate. I eat quickly and we leave.

  The bell rang exactly the moment Ellis was pulling his car over. 

  On time.Ellis declares proudly.What class do you have now? he asks before driving off. Civil procedure Hunter replies. Okay, have a good day. I wont be able to pick you up today, so you will have to take the bus Ellis reminds us. Okay, thanks mom! Tristan mocks him and Ellis curses him. 

  We enter the auditorium and sit in the very last row. I look around the room and spot the mad girl from yesterday glaring at me. I wink at her playfully and she abruptly turns around to hide her blushing.

  After civil procedure we have real property, contracts and last constitution law. 

   I am exhausted from todays lessons. Tristan complains. You literally slept most of the time Tristan. I tell him. Thats not true. I was awake in constitution law. He protests. 

 Yeah only because you were flirting with that chick Trixie. Hunter hopefully breaks in on our conversation and shuts him off. 

  Lets go.I snap to shut them up.We need to catch the bus, unless you want to wait for another 30 minutes for the next to pass I say while proceeding to the bus station and after some time of them, two arguing, they catch up.

 When we arrive, to my surprise, the mad girl is here too, she turns to look at me and catches me off guard by winking at me exactly the way I did to her earlier. Fair enough I think to myself.

  We get on the bus and since her other two friends sat together, I sit next to her to annoy her.

  "Where are you heading to, Amelia?" I ask her.
   "First of all, it's a-mel-ia not a-ME-lia." she corrects me
   "It sounds better the way I say it." I claim and she rolls her eyes

   'You didn't answer my question." I remind her

   "You cut me off and made me forget, but for the record I wasn't planning on answering." She snaps

   "Not like I care I just thought you lived in the school dorms" I explain

   "I do" she responds, and I just nod because she is clearly not in the mood to talk.

We got off the bus before them and went straight to home. I need to study for once in my life or else I won't pass the semester's exams.

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