The Incomplete Stories of a B...

By eliadedorne

49 0 0

This is a space design for me to create and write quotes, stories, essays and so on. random little stories I... More

A Storyteller
Why is that?
Un simple texto
Vitacora o Diaro
El beso del verdadero amor
Fuckin Great (song lyrics)
Barritas de Limón
Experimento social #1
Estudio Científico # 1
Nueva version para concurso

Scary Moment

3 0 0
By eliadedorne

My friend Carla and I were driving around downtown Guayaquil, just spending some time together and talking. Suddenly we realized that we could go to the firemen museum, after we had lunch together. We drove for 20 minutes trying to find empty parking spot. We parked the car near a nice house so Carla decided to take some pictures near the house, making me the photographer. After a couple of pictures, the car was at near sight of us, we saw homeless man coming to us and started to talk in a weird language I have never heard before. We smiled at the man and ran for 5 minutes straight because we though the homeless man was following us, we arrived to the museum. After that we looked around the entire museum we went to the oldest part of the museum that was made of wood, and while we were walking around the room we heard steps...

(We were alone in that part of the museum).

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