What if?

By Pokefan2012

8.7K 71 3

What if Anne found out she was pregnant the day before her execution? With not one, but two babies! What if L... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

1.2K 10 0
By Pokefan2012

"Why hello Lady Jane!" Jane Seymour exclaimed. Lady Jane turned around. "Oh my god! Aren't you supposed to be arrested?" She shouted, Jane covered her mouth instantly. "Shut up! I need your help, you hate the Boleyn's right? I want you to help me get revenge on them" Jane said quickly. Jane Parker was silent for a few seconds, then grinned. "Of course. I hated them ever since I married my husband" Jane Parker said in disgust. "Great so the first thing we have to do is disguise ourselves, do you have wigs?" Jane Seymour asked "Of course I do" Jane Parker replied as they walked together in her estate.
Elizabeth walked into Whitehall full of glee. She immediately saw her mother and ran to her. "Mama! I have missed you so much" Elizabeth exclaimed. "Elizabeth, my own heart" Anne said while kissing Elizabeth's cheek. "Hello Papa" Elizabeth said as Henry walked in through the door. "Elizabeth my jewel" Henry said picking Elizabeth up. Just then the captain of the guards walked in. "Your majesty, I have terrible news" he said. "It appears that Lady Jane Seymour has escaped the tower". Everyone I the room looked at him with shock. "Anne, pack your everything you need, set the carriage to Hampton!" Henry said worriedly. As everyone packed and left to the carriage to Henry looked at Anne apologetically. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry for what I have cost, I promise on the life of Elizabeth I will be a better husband and father". "My love, stop apologizing! I said I already forgive you" Anne said softly.
Jane Seymour and Jane Parker were dressed in new outfits. Jane was in a soft orange dress and French hood. Her hair was in a red wig in a braid. Jane Parker was dressed in a dark blue dress and hood, with her hair in a chestnut wig. They both were gonna settle in to make them seem like normal nobles. "We have to wait a month or two in order to make us not look suspicious" Jane Parker said. Jane Seymour nodded and they began with their plan to kill the Boleyn bitch.
It has been. 2 months ever since they moved to Hampton. Anne was in her 8th mint of her pregnancy and was expecting to give birth today. Kathrine was making her a dress, Nan was getting the water ready, and Mary was getting the towels prepared and organizing how the birth with go. Anne was laying on her bed reading, when two ladies walked in. One with red hair, the other with chestnut hair, Anne recognized them immediately.
Jane Seymour and Jane Parker

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