Beloved. (Female reader X Yor...

By Bamkxrz

9K 198 351

Y/N is a waitress who works at a Korean restaurant. Til one day she finds a special someone that makes every... More

•~Before you read!!!~•
Ok so-
oh shit.


400 12 55
By Bamkxrz

Hey guys!! So I know the "Thunder scares Yoru" and "Y/N cuddles w him to feel better" is such an overused stereotype and its a bit cringe. And I apologize for writing that if it cringed you or genuinely pissed you off lmao 😔 I'm no good at writing and this is my second fanfic that I'm writing so yeayeayea 😵😵 anyway enjoy this chapter I went into blind eye-d

You woke up the next morning with Yoru resting his head on your chest still. The sunlight reflected off of his face which made his jawline show and make him look pretty attractive. He nuzzled his face into you while mumbling something inaudible. You fidget with his hair with one hand while rubbing his back with the other. God he is so cute when he isn't so defensive and mean. You can see the eye bags under his eyes and you smile softly seeing that he's getting sleep.

You checked your phone and saw that you had one hour and 30 minutes until your shift starts. You decided to try to get out of bed and move back to your apartment to get ready. You start shifting out of the bed slowly trying not to wake up Yoru. He tightened his grip on your waist and grumbled "Don't leave Y/N.." You sighed softly and responded. "I have to. I have work today Yoru." I scoff slightly and try to take his hands off of my waist.

"Just for a bit Y/N..?" He whined softly like a little boy. You couldn't help but sigh and get back into bed with your whiny little boy. "Thank you Y/N.." He said happily and smiles at you before resting his head onto your chest again.

30 minutes later because Yoru is a clingy man 😘😘

"Yoru. I have to go get ready c'mon." You say while shaking him slightly. He whines and lets you go slowly. "Fine. But come back later." He grumbles and sits up while looking at you sternly. You chuckle and crawl out of bed. You start heading for the front door of his apartment while saying "I need to go to my apartment so ill see you-" You get cut off by Yoru hugging you from behind. "Please stay safe Y/N." He says while clipping on the sun necklace on your neck. "I will. Thank you Yoru." You smile softly and chuckle. He breathed hot air on the back of your neck and lets go of your waist slowly.

You wave and go to your apartment to get ready for work.

Btw guys a few weeks passed w you and Yoru getting closer and closer because it makes sense on what happens next and stuffs lollolololol

You came back into your apartment one day to see Neon chilling on the sofa with her phone. She looks at you and smiles. "Hey Y/N! I just wondered if you could hangout today. Raze is busy with Killjoy so we should go out and have some fun!" She exclaims happily. You were about to respond but at that moment, the door behind you is being knocked on. You quickly look behind you and open the door. Neon quickly stands up from the couch and pushes you to the side softly. She grabs Yoru's collar and lowers his head level to hers. "WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU BLUEBERRY SCUM?!" She yells in his face. He scoffs loudly and pulls away from Neon's grasp. "You should know if your 'y/N's bEsTfRieND' he smirks and tries to mock Neon horribly. Neon gasps sadly and picks you up from the ground. "Take care of this varmint. I don't like it one bit."

You sighed softly and blocked the space between Neon and Yoru. You faced Neon and sighed softly. Yoru placed his arms on your shoulders and rested his chin on your shoulder. You started explaining on how you and Yoru became friends again. While explaining, Yoru made eye contact with Neon and stuck his tongue at her like a little boy. Neon did the same and in the blink of an eye they are arguing with each other. Once you break them apart you sigh loudly. "Lets head to the mall! It might calm you both down from your childish behavior." You say softly. Yoru and Neon agree quickly and you all hop into Neon's car and drive off to the mall.


You guys arrive at the mall and you are currently debating on where to go first. You go as a group and head to H&M first. (Btw that place is really cool i get my clothes there no this is not an advertisement) After a few stores, You 3 are walking around the mall. Your talking with Neon and hear a voice behind you. "Yoru? Is that you?" You can hear. You all stop and see a girl about your age. She's a long haired brunette and she's wearing baggy pants with a sage green shirt that's tucked in. "Oh? Veronica? Is that you?" Yoru speaks. "Hey darling! Who are these girls?" She asks him happily and points at you and Neon with a hint of disgust obviously shown on her face. You couldn't help but feel a little offended.

"Oh them? They're um. Relatives." He says slowly. She nods hesitantly and instantly clings to his shoulder. "Lets go shopping then! Were gonna have the best time ever." She says happily before pulling Yoru's arm forward harshly. You guys race behind him quickly. After an hour or so you guys are sitting down at the food court with Veronica still latched to Yoru's hand like a baby. You felt something deep down in your stomach that didn't make you feel well about her. You tried pushing it out of your mind but it just kept coming back. Neon checks her phone and she almost chokes on her food. "Oh shit- Y/N." She says while looking at you worriedly. Yoru pays his attention to you two while Veronica continues eating her salad because its 'so healthy for you and she eats them all the time' You look at Neon and say "Why are you so worried?!" you say. "HELP ME Y/N.. JASON IS HERE." She says while clenching your shoulders harshly.

"Really?! Where is he? He should hangou-" You get cut off with a "Hey Sunshine!" You screech and look behind you to see Jason. Him and Neon start snickering wildly as you look at everyone embarrassedly. You see Yoru glare at Jason weirdly but look back at Veronica who was trying to get his attention with weird nicknames like "Love" or "Boo" You scrunched your nose and looked down at your food. "Sunshine! I see your still wearing that necklace I gifted you." You hear Jason say as he grabs the sun necklace that was tied around your neck. You chuckled and looked up at him. "Yea I am! It goes well with most of my outfits as-well." You smile up at him. You could feel the cold gaze of Yoru's eyes that darted up from Veronica.

"Why don't I get a date?! This is so unfair." Neon pouted and crossed her arms. Everyone immediately looks at her and she stares at everyone confused. "What..? Did I do something wrong?" She asks with a hint of worry in her voice. "First of all. Veronica and I have nothing going on. Second of all I know that Y/N isn't in a relationship because she cudd- told me she isn't." Yoru puffs and leans back in his chair while crossing his arms. "What!?" Veronica yells and stands up from her chair quickly. "I thought we were a thing!" She yells at him. "Well sucks to suck. We aren't." Yoru scoffs and smirks smugly while looking at her enraged face. "Whatever. I have Chamber anyway. You probably don't even know who he is." Veronica shouts and storms off. Yoru chuckles softly. "You bet I do darling. Well thats $260 down the drain." He grumbles under his breath. You realize that she was apart of another one of their bets. You look at him as he smirks at you. "What's up Y/N? Why do you look so relieved?" He says while leaning his elbows on the table. You scoff and look at Neon.

"Well. I think we should continue shopping! We still have half the mall to explore." Neon says while standing up and slamming her hands on the table. You all agree and start walking the next part of the building. After a few minutes of exploring you find a cute store that have minifigures of all kind of things. You look around with neon and see the 'Video Game Section' You see a minifigure of F/C (Favorite Character) You pick up the box and admire it before confidently saying "Im buying it."

You four are in the checkout line, Neon checks out first. You walk up to the cashier and place the box on the counter. The cashier scans it and speaks. "that will be $7.00 with tax please." You slightly panic as you pull out a $5 dollar bill. You quickly scavenge through your bag desperately to find the rest of the money. You then feel two figures behind you, Holding out money just for you. "Here, Ill pay for both of us, Y/N" You hear Jason say softly. You turn around and see Yoru shove him slightly. "Take the rest of the money Y/N. And next time be more prepared." Yoru says while placing the money in your hands. "A-Ah thank you, Yoru." You say in embarrassment because the cashier was watching you struggle with 2 ATTRACTIVE men offer to pay for a stupid figurine. You quickly pay and scurry out of the store next to Neon. Neon stares at you while snickering softly at you. "I saw that go down." She says as you hit her playfully.

You guys have fun exploring the rest of the mall yippee!! This is outside of the mall now :-) <<33

You four are standing outside of the mall saying your goodbyes and all. "Y/N I can drive you home with me and Neon" Jason offers to you. Before you answer Yoru interrupts. "Sorry. Im taking Y/N home. Thanks for the offer though." He says angrily. "YORRRUUUU!!!" You hear a familiar voice behind you. You guys turn around to see Veronica running towards Yoru. She quickly jumps onto Yoru, Making him stumble back a bit. "Im sorry for being so rude earlier!! I was angry.. Forgive me?" She says while looking up at Yoru pleadingly. You, Jason, And Neon stand there awkwardly while Veronica fawns and pleads to Yoru. "Oh uhm..Sure I guess.." Yoru mutters.

"Good because your driving me home!!" Veronica says happily. "Your relatives won't mind would they?" She says softly. Yoru starts speaking. "Well.. Uhm Y/N do you-" You cut him off with a cold "No. Not at all." You smile slightly as turn around to Neon and Jason. "You sure Y/N? We could always take you to your place.." Jason says. "Im fine. Thanks for offering." You say sternly. "Jason we have to go. Mom needs us at the house." Neon says suddenly. "I guess this is where we leave. Ill catch you later Y/N." Jason says before smiling happily at you. "Y/N. Come on we need to drop Veronica off." You hear Yoru say behind you. You nod and wave to Jason and Neon before leaving and heading to the car.

You three reach the car and you start to head to the front seat before Veronica moves you out of the way and looks at you. "Sorry Y/N.. I get really sick if im not in the front and Yoru said I could be.." She says while looking at you pleadingly. "We don't want you getting sick then. Go right ahead." You say before shutting your mouth and gritting your teeth. You and Yoru both get into the car. "Oh Veronica I didn't know you were going to sit in the front. "Oh thats fine! Y/N offered me the front seat." She lies happily. You didn't want to deal with it so you just let it slide. "Y/N? You sure you want her in the front?" Yoru asks you confusedly. You nod with a "Mhm" before leaning back into your seat and looking out the window to your right. Yoru shrugged and started the car.


Your on your phone as the car comes to a small stop. You perk your head up and look out the window once more. "Veronica, this is your stop." Yoru speaks. "Thank you dear! I'll see you later." Veronica says as she quickly plants a kiss on his cheek. She glances at you to see your reactions before leaving. You watched it all happen. Your emotions were just bubbling up at this point. You grit your teeth and leaned back into your seat. "Y/N... I-" Yoru said worriedly. "Just Fucking drive." You say sternly. Yoru looked at you with guilt while opening his mouth to speak to you before shutting it and turning in-front of him while placing his hands on the wheel.

In the parking lot of the apartments bcs you guys drove in silence 🥰🥰 and guilt..But thats mostly Yoru 🥰🥰

You open the door and grab your bags on the way out, Waiting for Yoru to get out so you can say thanks. You hear the car door close shut and Yoru walks up to you while looking at you worriedly. "Hey, Y/N I-" He says before you cut him off with a "Thanks for the ride and everything. Have a goodnight." You say before turning to the apartment doors and walk forward leaving him standing there watching you. "Y/N, Wait a minute!" Yoru calls out as he jogs up to you. You walk inside with Yoru following after you (WALK HIM LIKE A DOG GIRL 🔥🔥🤭🤭) "Y/N that peck on the cheek didn't mean anything.." He mutters as you press the elevator door.

You nod and step back for the elevator door to open. "Y/N please.." Yoru whines softly. You sigh as you look at him before nodding softly. "I don't mean to get mad over something so small. But I am." You say while scoffing as the elevator door opens. You walk in with Yoru following after you. You press the button at the edge of the elevator and the doors shut slowly. Yoru walks up to you and corners you with both of his arms. "Y/N, Just speak to me so I know that it doesn't matter. Please, Y/N.." He whimpers softly at the end of his sentence. You quickly brush him off while breaking through his right arm. "It doesn't matter to me. Not at all." You say as you watch the doors slowly open. "Goodnight, Yoru. Sleep well." You speak as you storm off.

You open your apartment door and walk in slowly. You drop your bags next to the door and you fall limp on the couch. As you turn on your back you think about what happened that day. You thought about Yoru buying that thing for you. You thought about Veronica placing a small kiss on his cheek. But most importantly you remembered on how you treated Yoru. The guilt crept onto you and you couldn't help but feel a little bad about how you treated him. As you gathered up all the courage to go over and say sorry, You lifted yourself off of the couch and grabbed the spare keys you have to his apartment. (if you dont remember you gave eachother copies of your apartment keys lmao </3) You put on your comfy shoes and walked out.

As you walk up to his apartment door you take a deep breath before knocking once. No answer. You knock again. No answer. You took the keys from your pocket and stuck the key into the keyhole. You turned it and it opened with a click. You slowly opened the door and noticed nobody was in the living room nor kitchen. You sighed and walked into his bedroom. The bathroom door was closed and you thought he was just changing or so. You sit on his bed and wait for him to be done.

(Shh that part was rlly difficult to write.. SHUT UP OKAY? 😡😒) A few minutes later btw lmao

You hear a door open and shut. You watch as the bathroom door open and shut to reveal Yoru, Who looks like he finished taking a shower. A towel wrapped around his waist, Revealing his V line perfectly. His toned body looked like a God's as it glistened with damp water on his muscular body. His hair was damp and messy. As he looked at you surprisingly as he spoke. "Y/N? What are you doing here." Your too stunned to answer, He looked so attractive right now. "Y-Yea I just wanted to talk to you tonight..About earlier.." You say softly. Yoru's face drops as you mention it. "Of course.." He says softly. You don't notice your staring at his figure. You snap back into reality with Yoru walking up to you as he grabs your chin and lifts your head up to look at his. "Don't tell me my figure is distracting you from saying sorry?~" He chuckles lowly as he sees the expression on your face. "Of course not." You mutter embarrassedly. "I didn't mean to stare." You say while trying to look away from his grin. "Y/N you know its polite if you look at people while they speak." He says while chuckling.

You look at him and speak lowly. "Im sorry s I never meant to be rude to you its just that-" Yoru cuts you off with him slamming his lips onto yours. You gasp in surprise as you slowly melt into the kiss. Your the first to pull away. "Fuck.. Y/N I love you more than anyone.." He says under his breath while looking at you. You smile and kiss him again. This time its longer than the previous one. As you two pull away gasping for air he looks at you smirkingly. In a flash, Your pinned against the bed with Yoru ontop of you his hand is pinning both of your hands down. "Y/N.. Let me show you how much I love you.." He says as he leans down and kisses you again.


As Yoru breaks the kiss he sits up and slowly starts to slide your pants off. You sit up and look at him expectantly. He succeeds and tosses them on the floor. Yoru grips your thighs roughly before looking up at you to see if your okay. "Y/N if your in any pain or if this is too much for you just say the word. I don't want to hurt you or anything." He says reassuringly before crawling up to you and kissing your lips. As your passionately making out with each other he takes off your shirt. Revealing your bra and your perky breast. "Fuck.." He mutters as he stares at your chest, His mouth open agape. He chucks the shirt onto the floor with your pair of pants. As he looks at you wildly he starts to roughly kiss you again. Your tongues intertwine with each other. Yoru takes your hand and leads it to the towel around his waist. You undo the towel with ease and let it fall. Revealing his hard member that you couldn't wait to have inside of you. Yoru slides the towel away onto the floor while smirking. You grab his hand and lead it to your wet panties. He chuckles and slowly starts rubbing with a bit of force onto them. Making you whimper softly. He chuckles softly as he slowly starts pulling your panties down your thighs. As he takes them off completely he stares hungrily at your pussy. He grabs a condom from his nightstand drawer and put it on himself. "Y/N are you ready..?" He says as he crawls on-top of you in as he gets into position, Gripping your thighs softly. You nod and look at him desperately. He smirks and slowly pushes himself into you with a groan. You moan louder and louder as you can feel yourself being filled up inch by inch. "Fuck.. Your so amazing.. Your pussy is so warm and wet.." He mutters and he's fully inside of you now. He starts to slowly pull out of you and slam himself back in. You moan and arch your back in pleasure. He goes farther and farther with a loud cuss as his hard cock slams against your wet pussy. You two moan loudly as you start to get sweaty and heated. Yoru continues to pound into you roughly. He pulls out and grips your waist as he speaks. "Cum for me baby.. Cum for me.." He begs as he slams himself inside of you fully. You reach climax at the pleasure of him slamming into you. You cum all over his chest as you pant heavily. He pulls out of you slowly for his pleasure. "Good girl.. Your doing do good.." He praises you as he looks at you panting heavily. "Sit up and lean against the headboard darling." He orders sternly. You nod and quickly obey, Leaning against the headboard as you look at him desperately. Yoru chuckles and crawls ontop of you. He kisses your lips then slowly starts moving down. He kisses your neck down to your breasts, He teases them both by sliding his tongue against both of them before moving down to your stomach. Yoru plants a kiss on your stomach before moving to your thighs. He kisses your left thigh and bites down on it roughly. You shiver and whimper in pleasure. He plays with your thighs more, Making you more riled up, Whining for him to move on. He chuckles as he grips your thighs and pushes them apart. He looks at your wet, throbbing pussy as he slowly moves his head forward. He runs his tongue along your clit before sucking on your pussy wildly. You moan loudly as you squeeze Yoru's head between your thighs. Yoru pushes your thighs apart again as he sticks his tongue inside of you. You whimper loudly to try and make too much noise, knowing that the walls are as thin as paper. Yoru continues to eat your wet cunt out, His face covered with your juices. You pant heavily as you can feel the sensations going through your body making you go close to climax. Yoru sucks faster and faster on your pussy as he hears the noises that are escaping from your mouth. He bobs his head up and down your pussy as you finally cum, Cumming all over yourself and the bed with a loud moan. Yoru groans loudly as he cums all over inside of you, Covering your walls with his warm cum. Your both panting heavily at this point, Enjoying the fact you got to pleasure each other. "Fuck..We made a mess.." He chuckles as he looks down at everything. "Yeah we did.. Ill go get a towel-" You say while trying to get off of the bed. "Stop it Y/N. Ill do it.. Just catch your breath darling.." He says as he gets off of the bed and into the bathroom to find a towel. A few minutes later he comes back. "Damn baby.. That felt so fucking good.." He says as he wipes down the bed and eachother. He crawls into bed with you and kisses your lips happily. He bites down on your neck as he you both lie down next to eachother.


Word count: 4044..

YOU GUYS FINISHED THIS CHAPTER ALREADY? Yall are devouring these god damn.. Anyway thanks for reading this chapter! It took a while to write but it was worth it! <3 ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 3.K+ READS!! I CHECKED WATTPAD A FEW DAYS AGO AND I WAS SO HAPPY!! IM SO GLAD YALL ARE ENJOYING THIS STORY <3 (I was on writers block so thats why it took me a while to post this..) <3 I love you guys sm <33


Ideas here </3 ——->

Love you guys so much ❤️❤️🥰🥰🫵🫵

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