4.3K 48 39

Y/n. She's the 8th member of bts. She pretty, funny and a rapper. Yoongi. Her cousin and her best friend who... More

"Cause you deserve it"
"I look for love at first sight..."
"You must at least try if you want her"
"Some people are on the journey but not the destination."
"You lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones."
"But there are hundreds of mountains infront of it."
Because i love you

"She looked so cute like this"

1.5K 8 25

Part 1


Name : Lee y/n

Age : 25 (ur 4 months younger than jk)

DOB : January 31st 1998

Parents : y/f (your father) y/m (your mother)

Birthplace: New Zealand

Languages you speak : you can speak Korean and English fluently

You also have a twin brother which is Cha Eun Woo, he is part of the K-pop group Astro. One of his close friends is Jimin.

You were school heartthrob but also named savage queen, because of your savage comebacks.

Your family is rich and they own a house in Hannam Dong, but about 3 years before you were born, they were average (not poor, but not rich).

Yoongi is ur cousin and his parents run a company with ur parents called min lee, a designer franchise.

You also studied music as your major in the same school as Rosé who is in the group blackpink, you couldn't join it tho cuz you were working with a different company.

You, Rosé, Jennie and another girl, who isn't famous, called A Yeong are best friends. A Yeong is friends with all three of you but you don't mention her because of privacy and ssaseng. You are also very close with Suga, you even have the same personality traits but you both didn't notice

You have insomnia but no one knows except ur family and not even yoongi knows.

Before you were in Seoul you were visiting your grandma and grandpa in Daegu Town.

*End of preview*

Y/n pov

I have arrived at my dorm and it looks nicer than I imagined, it was clearly decorated recently as I could smell the paint.
Y/n : ahhh, I love the smell of paint.
I stepped into my new room and took my shoes of and I was about to unpack but...
Aaaaah the marble floor was so cold, I quickly jumped into the bed, the mattress, it was so soft and cozy, within minutes I had fallen asleep.

Suga pov

I knock on y/n's door then open the door to see her sleeping peacefully in the covers. I decided not to wake her because she has travelled 3 hours so she will be very tired

Author pov

Jimin: what happened?
Suga: she's sleeping so I dint wake her because of the long hours she traveled
Jungkook: then she is just like you hyung, sleeping all the time
Suga : yaaah the only reason I'm sleeping all the time is because I'm awake all night producing all of our songs
That shut Jungkook up. The rest of the members were trying not to laugh while the savage king walked away
V : yah Jungkook, you seemed to have forgotten that he's the savage king
Jungkook glared at V making the rest laugh

Time skips // 4 hours later \\

Y/n woke up and checked the time. Her eyes widened when she saw that she had slept till 7pm
Y/n : Omo I've slept for 4 hours!! I was meant to be unpacking!
Y/n realised she was quite hungry but she didn't know where the kitchen was because after she had unpacked the members were going to show her around. She decided to just find out herself so she went downstairs but ended up in the living room and saw jimin waiting for his phone to charge, sitting on the sofa. When she saw jimin she immediately ran to hug him.
Jimin: you're up, aren't you
He said with his cute smile
Y/n : yahhh you were meant to show me around. You should have woken me up I was sleeping for 4 hours. Where's Yoongi tho ?
Jimin : he's waiting in the kitchen for Jin to make food
Y/n : Ok
She frowned
Y/n : wait but where's the kitchen?
Jimin : come on, I'll show you, my phone can charge in the meantime
Y/n burst out in laughter when she saw that the plug connected to the phone wasn't even switched on
Y/n : Oppaa yaa the plug isn't even on
She said Pointing at the plug, jimin looked over and ran to turn the plug on
They then left the room so Jimin show her the kitchen

Y/n : Yoongi!!!
Her face lit up and she ran to give him a hug with a wide gummy smile on her face
Jin saw her gummy smile and started laughing
Jin : you two really are almost the same
Jungkook was also in the room and he started laughing
Jk : hyung, they are even both rappers but have you heard y/n's singing voice it's very impressive, that's the only thing they don't have in common except their last names
Yoongi: yaaah jeon Jungkook are you saying my singing is bad?!
Y/n : I mean, come on oppa have you heard it
Everyone in the room started laughing at you savage comment
The rest of the members walked in to the kitchen, smiles on their faces (ok i forgot to mention that j-hope is in a different country //just pretend// for filming a new album or something)
Rm : y/n how was your grandparents
Y/n : they're good but grandma is still sad about her dead cat
Y/n had a pout on her face
Y/n : daisy was super cute and she was only five but...
V : yah tell ur grandma it's fine I will buy her all the cats in the world
He said with a boxy smile
Y/n and her grandma are very close and on her grandma's birthday 5 years ago she bought her grandma a small kitten named daisy. Unfortunately daisy died a month ago due to an unknown illness but y/n doesn't like seeing her grandma sad because it makes her sad too.
Y/n : wait but where's j-hope (she said with a confused frown)
V : oh ye he's in some place to film a new song
Rm : he's coming back in 3 weeks
Y/n : yaaah nvm but guys I brought presents for all of you!
V : ok good now show us, it better be good
Y/n : don't worry, it's good, Gucci boy. They're expensive aswell so don't lose them
The members that are there except y/n : y/niee show us then!
Y/n : yaaa I will show you in a bit, but first I want to play a game of overwatch wi-
She couldn't even finish her sentence as she was dragged into an illuminated gaming room with her gaming buddies (v, jk and Suga) inside!

Back in the kitchen

Jin : aren't they gonna eat their food
RM : you know that they won't, right
Jin : well then, more for us!
Jimin : I think it's a bit too much...
Jin : don't be ridiculous! This is definitely not too much
20 mins later ***
Jin had finished all of the food that was meant for the 7 of the members (remember j-hope be in a different country, dw this be the last time I'll remind u lol)
Jin : let's have some dessert now
Jimin : wth you just had all of that food now what are they gonna eat
Jin : it's fine they can make something
Rm : whatever I'm going to take a shower
Jimin : I'm going to see if my phones charged yet
A few minutes later //RM singing dna in the showers//
Jin : what a weirdo

Back in the gaming room

Y/n : wow, it's so beautiful in here
She immediately ran to a seat and logged into her gaming account
V : yaaaah y/n
Y/n : what
V : I didn't know you were in the top 3 players
Y/n pulled a wdym face when jk showed her the player ranks and saw her in the top three
Suga : see my little cousin is somehow better than even me, I taught her well
Y/n : but I didn't know this I only play with you guys anyway and last time we played was like a year ago
Jk : that must mean mo one has beaten your score since then
He had a bunny smile on his face
V : then I will beat you y/n
He had a boxy smile but he knew on the inside y/n was better than him and jk together, yoongi was really good at the game but y/n was better than him too!
Y/n : game on!
She said cracking her knuckles
One game turned into 5, then 10 and before they new it it was already 1 A.M
Jk : guys let's stop now I'm hungry
Y/n : me too
V : you do know that Jin probably ate our food, right
Y/n : oh ye, I forgot that he loves food
Everyone laughed except Suga, As y/n was sat next to yoongi, she wondered why he didn't say anything but found him sleeping peacefully.
Y/n : guys he's sleeping
V : aish hyung
Jk : I'm just gonna say now that I'm not waking him up
V and y/n : not me!
Jk : aish let's just leave him here
The thre left the room and went to the kitchen, when y/n heard a weird sound coming from upstairs
Y/n : what's that sound?
V : what sound?
Y/n : shut up and listen
Jk : oh that's just rm hyung singing
Y/n giggled
V : it happens every time he takes a shower
They were starving so they made themselves some sandwiches and went to the living room but found jimin there with phone still charging in his hand with him sleeping
Y/n : ya I think his phone is broken he's been waiting for it to charge for hours
After they finish their food they put plates back into the kitchen and went upstairs to go to sleep
Y/n went back to her room and sighed

Y/n pov

I went back to my room everyone else went to sleep but my insomnia didn't let me. After many failed attempts at sleeping I decided to unpack my stuff, I needed to do that anyway otherwise I'll be really disorganised. I guess I was making too much noise because rm heard it (but in my favour his room is only next door to mine) and asked me if anything was wrong. I just told him that I forgot to unpack so I was doing it now. I didn't tell him about my insomnia because I don't want anyone to worry, not even yoongi knows and he's like my best hour passed and I've finally unpacked I checked the clock to see that it's only 1:30 so i decided to watch some YouTube videos until about 5:00 (if I remember correctly) when I finally fall asleep with my phone still in my hand.

Jk pov

Its 7:00 we're all downstairs ready to eat except y/n, Jin hyung tells me to call her so I go to her room and open it to see her sleeping with her phone in her hand. I said her name a few times but she didn't wake up, so I went up to her to shake her a bit to wake her up. I look at her and her hair was in her face so I moved it, it was so soft and silky. It covered her ivory white skin but once I had moved it, I saw a faint scar on her lip. Her lips. They were pink and formed a little pout on her face. She looked so cute like this. I wanted to stare at her forever and never stop. But I snapped back to reality and woke her up, it must have startled her because she quickly formed a fist and was about to punch me but when she saw me she calmed down.

Author pov

Y/n : yaaah you scared me
Jk : sorry
He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck
Jk : ohyebreakfastisready
He quickly said and ran out of the room thinking, y/n, you're doing something unexplainable to me

Y/n quickly changed into a baggy T-shirt and jeans and ran downstairs, starving. She walked into the kitchen when she saw taehyung about to eat the pancake she brought. She immediately ran to him, shoved him away and ate the pancake
Y/n : yaahhh, I bought this all the way from daegu and you were about to eat it!
The rest of them laughed
V : hey! It's not my fault and it doesn't have your name on it!
Y/n then ran into V's room and grabbed a jumper and put it on and went back into the kitchen
V : that's my jumper!
Y/n : hey! It's not my fault and it doesn't have your name on it!
She mimicked taehyungs voice making everyone laugh even more
V : ok, fine we get your point but can you put that back now.
Y/n : no, it's ok I think I might keep it, it's nice and warm
After that she went to yoongi who was stood up, peeling a tangerine.
She hugged him and he hugged her back
Y/n : can I have a piece?
Suga, who just finished peeling it broke it in half and gave it to her
Then y/n took it and ate it until one of the pieces squirted in her eye.
Y/n : aish
Jk : what happened?
Y/n : it went in my eye
Y/n went to wash her eye with water. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. She was really tired and drowsy and she new it was because she only had 2 hours sleep. She decided to go to the gym room (she knew where it was because it was next to the game room). She went to the punching bag and started punching it vigorously, with rage.

Y/n pov

I hate it so much. Why me? Why me of all people had to get this stupid insomnia. I can never fall asleep at night, until it's almost morning, then everything goes in slow motion and ugh. I thought no one was around so I let the few tears in my eyes roll down my face.

Y/n : Now I'm here, trying to fulfill my dream but I can even sleep properly. I've forgotten what it's like to have a normal sleeping pattern. I was declared mentally I'll and I apparently had anxiety and it would pass, but I don't think they realise how sleepless nights can affect you, or how overthinking slowly kills you I don't think they know that it can turn your mind Ito thoughts you wish weren't yours.

Author pov

All while this was happening Jungkook was there. He didn't say anything, but he was there, y/n didn't know though. Jk could see the tears rolling down her cheeks while she was ranting about her illness.
Y/n was using all of her energy on punching the punching bag and about 10 minutes later she had sweat everywhere and tears running down her neck and cheeks. Y/n wasn't the type of person to cry in front of people, so people never thought she cried. I guess that means that people thought that she doesn't have feelings either.

Jk pov

I feel really bad. I didn't know that y/n has insomnia but it's paining me to think about the restless nights she must have. I was there in the corner of the room, by the door when I suddenly saw y/n drop to the ground. I was in a few seconds of shock but then I ran over to her to see her breathing rapidly, but unconscious on the floor. I panicked and I didn't know what to do so I ran to everyone in the kitchen and told them everything that happened really quickly.
Suga : what did you just say??
Rm : slow down Jungkook we don't understand what your saying
Yoongi's eyes widened and he ran faster than anything I've ever seen straight to the gym and up to y/n
I couldn't think of anything else to do so I picked y/n up in bridal style she was so light in my arms but I could still feel her breathing heavily.
I ran to the front door. The ambulance was outside and we all ran into it panicking, not knowing why it happened.

Y/n pov

I woke up to find myself in a luxury hospital room, with Jungkook holding my hand, sleeping with I head buried in my neck and dried tears on his face. I checked the clock. It was 5 A.M and everyone else was there sleeping but every single one of them had clearly been crying. I turned my head or the left and saw Yoongi on my other side with his knees on the floor and him clinging on to my arm. When I caught site of the calendar my heart almost stopped. It has been 3 days. 3 whole days. 1 day is enough but three? I tried sitting up but my right arm was hurting so much. I tried to keep quiet but I let out a quiet groan as it felt like no pain I've ever felt before. As soon as I made a sound Jungkook shot straight up. That's when I saw his red eyes. They looked so red that they hurt to open but then he saw me and he smiled and cried at the same time. He was about to say something to me but a doctor came into the room.
Dr : y/n, I see you are awake now
That's when the rest of them woke up except for Taehyung who was sat in a recliner chair, and he was still asleep
Rm : dr, why did this happen to y/n
Dr : y/n has had hyperventilation, which has caused the unconsciousness. But, the reason of her hyperventilation is unclear. Y/n, can you please tell us if you know anything?
(hyperventilation means when someone has excessive breathing)
I don't know what I should say. I was trying to think of something to say when the doctor said if I would like to tell him privately then I can. Obviously I said yes because otherwise I'd have to tell them about my insomnia.
Dr : ok, you can just talk to me, but one member must at least stay
I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to tell anyone about my insomnia but one way or another, someone will have to find out now
Y/n : ok, I choose Yoongi
I didn't want to pick anyone but Yoongi is my cousin, my best friend and almost like my older brother, I would tell him if I had to, in other words. Everyone left the room except Yoongi and the doctor, v was still sleeping so Yoongi reclined the chair forwards so he fell of, then he left too.
Dr : ok y/n, I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them completely honestly, remember that this is for your health and nothing else.
Y/n : ok
Dr : what time did you fall asleep the night befor you fainted?
Y/n : 5 AM
Dr : ok and what time did you wake up?
Y/n : 7AM
I could see yoongi's shocked face through the corner of my eye
Dr : y/n what were you doing before you fainted?
Y/n : I was punching the punching bag
Dr : I think that must have caused the hyperventilation but y/n have you been feeling dizzy when you wake up in the mornings?
Y/n : yes.
Dr : this is because of lack of sleep
No sh*t sherlock, what else it gonna be? I thought
Yoongi : y/n, why didn't you sleep enough?
Oh no, this is the time isn't it, when I'll have to tell them
Y/n : because i couldn't
Dr : y/n do you have insomnia?
Y/n : well what does it look like? I can't sleep at night but I'm tired in the day, but what hurts is that no one ever did anything to help.
There were tears in my eyes but I made sure not to let a single one fall, I don't cry in-front of people, no matter what has happened.
Yoongi: y/n, why didn't you tell me?
Y/n : I've not told anyone, only my parents and eunwoo know, you know me, I tell you everything
He came to hug me and I was about to hug him back but my arm was killing me (I just wanna be clear not literally, it's just an expression for it's hurting a lot) I winced in pain, that didn't go without notice.
Dr : is you arm hurting?
Y/n : yes I can't move it
Dr : let's get the X-ray, something might've gotten damaged
The doctor went out of the room and a few minutes later brought a handheld X-ray. She clicked it on and held it above my right arm. That's when I saw it. My arm was broken.
Dr : y/n, I'm afraid that your arm is broken
Yoongi: when will it heal?
Dr : it could take about 6-8 weeks to fully heal, but she will not be able to do things well with her right arm, meaning everything will be dependent on her left arm until her right one is healed
Yoongi: doctor, y/n will be revealed as a member in 2 weeks at our concert, will she still be able to do that?
Dr : She will be able to do that, but we are going to need to keep her in hospital for 2 days while we do some scans and put her cast on
Yoongi : thank you doctor
Yes, I'm going home in 2 days, I thought

Two days later when she comes home (author pov)

Y/n was teaching V some tricks in overwatch, when RM came into the room
V : and we will carry on playing
RM : NO YOU WONT. Jhope is here
Y/n : really? Or is this some prank to stop us from playing?
Rm : no, jhopes album finished early so he came back a week earlier
They both got up from their seats and ran to the front door to see jhope, who was walking in at that moment
Jhope : annyeong
V : ok y/n, jhope is here, can you show us our presents now
Y/n rolled her eyes
Y/n : fine
She went upstairs to get them while everyone else were waiting in the living room impatiently
Five minutes later she came back down because she couldn't reach the shelf where all the presents were because of her arm so she asked Jungkook to help her get the chair to her room

Y/n pov

I couldn't reach the presents that I bought them so I asked jk to help me bring the chair but I would still get it down because I didn't want him to see, but I stood on the chair and got the presents down but suddenly, my foot slipped and I fell backwards. I closed my eyes ready to fall but I felt arms catching me. It was obviously Jungkook because he was the only person there but then he let me down and we went downstairs to show the presents

Jk pov

I brought the chair into y/n's room but once she had grabbed the presents, her foot slipped and she was about to fall backwards, but I caught her. That feeling, it felt like the time when I woke her up, and saw the scar on her lip. When I caught her I saw her beautiful brown eyes. I snapped back to reality and let her down, then we went to the living room where everyone was waiting for their presents.

Author pov

Y/n opened a box that had small boxes in and she gifted one to each of the members. Inside each of the boxes was a graffiti diamonds hallucination watch, which is a very expensive brand.
Y/n : do you guys like them?
V: y/n wow, I love it but it's a very expensive brand isn't it?
Y/n : ye it's hella expensive but it's fine, you deserve it
They all gave a group hug and then put them on.
Y/n : you better not lose these now
10 mins later
Rm : guys has anyone seen my uh umm my watch
Y/n glared at him but held it up
Y/n : looking for this?
Rm : uh hehe
Jimin : guys I'm bored let's watch a movie
Jungkook: ye let's watch endgame
Y/n : yaaah they came out like 6 years ago
Jungkook: it's still a good movie
Jin : ok let's watch horror
Suga, y/n and v : NO!
Jimin : it's better than watching endgame for the 12th time
Jhope had gone to the bathroom and the movie had just started when jhope came into the room he screamed
Jhope: aahhh wth is that
Suga : a movie
Then a scary part came on and y/n was sat next to jk so she quickly hugged him tightly and closed her eyes

Jk pov

I was watching the movie when I felt someon grab my waist and put their head on my chest. It was y/n. Her warmth made my heart beat faster than ever but I tried to remain calm. That weird feeling was there again, the one I only feel when I'm with her.

Y/n pov

I was so scared, there was some ghost thing hunting people and I couldn't think of what to do so I quickly hugged jk and buried my head In his chest. He was so warm and cozy, I wanted to stay like that forever. For the first time, I felt a feeling. Something that I can't explain but its the most beautiful thing I've ever felt.

After about an hour and a half the movie ended and we were all meant to go to sleep, Yoongi hadn't told anyone about my insomnia and he said he would hang out with me in my room, but he was sleeping on the sofa and I didn't want to wake him up so I just went upstairs and went into my room. I had changed into my night clothes and I couldn't think of anything to do. I was sat on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. It was Jungkook.

Author pov

Jungkook: y/n, I know about your insomnia, but don't worry I haven't told anyone
Y/n, knowing that her cousin wouldn't tell him was wondering how he knew
Y/n : how do you know?
Jungkook: because I was there when you were ranting about it, I didn't want to scare you so I just waited for you to finish but then you fainted.
Y/n : ok, do you wanna come in
Jungkook nodded his head and y/n let him come inside
Y/n : I can fall asleep but only when it's very close to morning
Jungkook : I have insomnia as well
Y/n was shocked
Y/n : really?!
Jungkook : ye, I've not had it all my life or anything, it's just something that comes and goes
Y/n and Jungkook were talking for hours, quietly so no one could wake up, when they were feeling tired they lay down, y/n hugging Jungkook in her sleep.

Jungkook pov

She was sleeping while I slowly caressed her hair. It was soft, like the first time I felt it. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep too.

Jimin pov

I was going to wake up jk, v and y/n so we could play some video games. But when I went to Jungkook's room he wasn't there. He must be in the bathroom, I thought. So I went to V's room and woke him up. Then we both went to y/n's room but what we saw shocked us both. it was Jungkook in y/n's bed and y/n hugging him!! I took a few pictures before waking them both up so we could play games. But what I heard next shocked me. Y/n had insomnia!? I had no clue but we forgot about it and went to play games downstairs.


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