
By Suugko

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(This story contains extremely sensitive topics) Around 20 years ago, an unknown virus plagued the Earth, one... More

Chapter 0: Part 1 - Move on
Chapter 0: Part 3 - My essence
Chapter 0: Part 4 - Oddities of Life
Chapter 0: Part 5 - Feels like nothing's changed
Chapter 0: Part 6 - Karma
Chapter 0: Part 7 - Healing
Chapter 0: Part 8 - A Pebble in a Rocky Ocean
Chapter 0: Part 9 - Only one way to go
Chapter 0: Part 10 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye
Chapter 1 - A Whole New Reality
Chapter 2 - Off The Map
Chapter 3: Part 1 - How the hell have you been?
Chapter 3: Part 2 - Is it really that important to you?
Chapter 4 - Apperton, The City of Craftsmanship
Chapter 5: Part 1 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 2 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 3 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 4 - Greater Issues
Chapter 6: Part 1 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 2 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 3 - Once old, born anew
Chapter 6: Part 4 - The past never forgets
Chapter 6: Part 5 - All we were looking for
Chapter 6: Part 6 - Murky waters
Chapter 7: Part 1 - Shadows Of a Lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 2 - Shadows of a lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 3 - Shadows of a Lifetime. Leave them be.
Chapter 7: Part 4 - Pressure
Chapter 8 - Precursors of Chaos
Chapter 9 - A trip to the past
Chapter 10 - Zamaton
Chapter 11 - Blades of Chaos
Chapter 12 - Blades of Chaos II
Chapter 13 - Blades of Chaos III
Chapter 14 - Part 1: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 2: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 3: Hope...
Chapter 14: Part 4 - Don't mention it
Chapter 15 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 15: Part 2 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 16 - Death is only the beginning

Chapter 0: Part 2 - That's in the distance, isn't it?

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By Suugko

All of the individuals present leave the office, each of them glancing at Kayden differently as they walk outside. Reyna's glare of disapproval hits the worst.

Kayden shuts the door behind her and approaches Rhys.

Rhys: "Yes, Kayden?" - His focus planted on the paperwork regarding the supplies he's been organizing for the mission, prior to their meeting.
Kayden: "You're sending us out there again, but what the hell's your plan this time?" - He slips out through a slight frown.
Rhys: "Were you really not listening? The plan is get in, grab samples, get out."
Kayden: "No shit, we've done that for the past 3 years Rhys. I mean with this team, out of all people, why'd you only choose us now?
Rhys: "You really weren't listening." - He sighs, turning to his desk and taking off his glasses, which he gently sets in front of them both. "Go on. Do it."
Kayden: "I'm not 12 anymore Rhys. Not gonna punch you."
Rhys: "Then drop that frown and tell me what you want."
Kayden: "Answers." - He plants himself on a wooden chair he pulls without looking.  "I want you to clarify why we were chosen only now. This ain't you being random."

Rhys: "Will you listen this time?"
Kayden: "Since I'm asking, yes."

Rhys deeply sighs.

Kayden's temper has always been short and uncertain ever since they met. The most random of things manage to piss him off despite being completely irrelevant to him or his tasks, yet it isn't surprising to see him sit down for a mature conversation.

He sighs again, letting himself drop down to his chair and lean back, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Rhys: "I'm tired Kayden. Sending inexperienced people to their deaths has caused me, and many others, more than simple grief. I've started having nightmares about the people I send out into the wild. I've been cursed at wherever I go, observed in our streets like I'm no different from all the creatures lurking outside of these walls. It's honestly become far more exhausting than anything else." - Kayden listens. "It must be because it's something I have no control over, and I suppose it has forced me into the decision I have made today. I've run out of options. These young souls can't keep dying like this. That is why I have chosen to send you guys, my closest friends."

Kayden: "This is the loss you're picking, huh?"
Rhys: "..."
Kayden: "Ya know, I wouldn't have been such a pain in the ass if you told me that from the get-go, in that letter you sent."
Rhys: "Like I'd cry to you about it." - He scoffs.
Kayden: "I guess some things never change." - He smirks. "But I get it. If the only way for us to help you is to be thrown under the bus, then so be it. To keep the peace in our home.

I hate to admit it, but that's probably how everyone else feels too. The reason why they looked so determined. And why even Zach wanted to lead the team."

Rhys: "Correct. You cannot rely or act upon emotions in this mission, Kayden. Remember that."

Kayden: "Yeah. Still, you should've told me something. You claim I'm your right hand, yet decide to keep the burden all for yourself? Selfish prick." - He taps his shoulder with a closed fist. Rhys cackles.

Rhys: "I appreciate it." - They give each other a look. "I hate to admit it, but you're correct. It's time I stop doing things on my own when you're here to help me."
Kayden: "That's what I've been telling your dumb ass!"
Rhys: "Indeed." - He stands to stroll towards the window, arms locked behind his straight back, chin raised, to stare out of the window. "We've pretty much kept this place functional together, pretending we haven't would be unfair."

Kayden: "Geeeeez, thought you'd never say it!! My back hasn't suffered for nothing!!" - He smirks. "Count me in dude!! Soon as I'm back from the mission, we can look over things together and sort out those tasks you've been procrastinating, as well as the ones you've been dropping on my ass without any hint of remorse. It's too much work for one person!!" - He exclaims, sticking his tongue out.

Rhys: "Are you complaining? Might double the dose and still have you take care of Dolores' cat next time you're around."
Kayden: "Bleeergh!! Anything but THAT!!" - They chuckle.
Rhys: "Thank you Kayden.. Despite being unable to practice politeness and basic etiquette, I couldn't ask for a better friend to have by my side."
Kayden: "Gaaah shut up will ya!? I appreciate the flattering comment, but don't go suckin' up to me now. I'm still pissed off you got everyone else involved, especially Reyna."

Rhys: "She's very special. You shouldn't treat her like a baby."

Kayden: "Maybe so... But you understand why I'm being so cautious, don't you? We never know what'll happen out there. And I guess for that reason, I somewhat understand where you're coming from with this mission too."
Rhys: "I know. I wish it could be avoided, but to be honest, you have every right to be upset at me. Although you mustn't forget I am a leader above all else. And as such, I must make decisions that will benefit and fulfill the needs of our Colony, and its people.

Additionally..." - He turns to him. "Never again will I allow you to speak to me in formal meetings like you did today. It was the first and last time.

Kayden stands up after rolling his eyes, with a gnarly smirk on his face, and peers over his shoulder one last time before leaving the main office. 

Kayden: "I'll be seeing you soon then, partner."
Rhys: "Likewise, partner."


Stepping through the front door of the building, he sights Reyna chatting with Billy and Rory whilst waiting for him to leave. The young woman glances over her shoulder at him, yet quickly diverts it in discontent.

Rory and Billy approach him as he walks.
Kayden: "You guys waited..."
Rory: "'Course we did, how else are we supposed to invite you over?"
Kayden: "Huh? What for?"
Rory: "Duuumb question!!" -  He slaps the back of Kayden's neck.
Kayden: "AGHH!! YOU ASSHOLE!!" - He scratches it, checking for anything Rory might've slapped on without him knowing.

Reyna and Billy chuckle.

Billy: "I-I wasn't laughing, I was just clearing my throat." - He stammers, adjusting his glasses through a shy smirk.
Kayden: "Oh yeah!? Maybe you won't have such an easy time doing so with this finger down your throat!!" - He threatens.
Billy: "Ayo!?!? Maaaan that sounds a little fruity- H-HEY!!" - Kayden interrupts by getting him into a chokehold and scratching the nerd's skull with a closed fist.
Billy: "AAAAHH THIS IS UNFAIR!!!! YOU'RE TOO FREAKING STRONG!!! STOP!!!STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!! FUUUUUUUCK!!!" - He struggles to get himself loose, facing Kayden Moss's fist of death mano a mano.

Despite being upset, Reyna finds it difficult to contain her laughter even more.


This is the catalyst for Reyna to finally break out in laughter, so loudly in fact that the three of them stop to watch her, even some bystanders turning their heads to observe the commotion, since they're very aware of who she is and how important her work is for the Colony. It's like this is the first time she's laughed like this in years.

Well, it is.

It brightens their days to see a person that takes her job so seriously, and with such dedication, finally relax and let loose enough to laugh this way.
The reports and documents she's had to oversee, review and organize regarding the safety of the Colony, as well as all the expeditions conducted over the years, are enough to fill every person in the Colony with a week's worth of work simultaneously. She claims her colleagues help reduce the load of work because they're efficient, but they say otherwise, emphasizing that it's practically impossible to match Reyna's speed and precision. It's like she enters a trance, a state of mind that makes her unable to focus on anything else besides her work, and only returns to normal when everything is finished for the day, sometimes even taking on her colleagues' paperwork to speed up the process. 

Then once she clocks out, she goes home, showers, eats, sleeps, and the cycle repeats itself the next day.

Luckily, Rhys decided to give her a month off prior to the date of the meeting. He's very appreciative of her work, but also understands she's still human despite her extreme ambition and skill, and for that reason wants her to get proper rest and spend time with the love of her life, Kayden. This also allows the other agents to improve their skills and workflow in her absence.

This thoughtful act finally allowed her to be herself once more.

Reyna: "You guys are so stupid!!" - She continues, holding onto her stomach to handle the cramps of laughter.
Billy: "Nothing like a good laugh when I'm being tortured huh, Reyna?" - He adjusts his glasses, clicking his tongue as he moves away from his assailant.
Reyna: "I'm sorry Bill but that was freaking hilarious!!"
Billy: "Yeahhh yeahh... It be like that sometimes." - He states, glancing at a grinning Kayden, ready for his next strike.

She takes a few more breaths, accompanied by the last few giggles before wiping the tear in the corner of her eye. "Goddd I haven't laughed like this in freaking eeeons!!"

Billy: "All cuz Kayden decides fisting me is part of his schedule!?"
Kayden: "Ew! Don't say it like that!"
Billy: "Then don't talk about shoving fingers in my throat!!" - Kayden holds his laughter back.

Billy: "Either way, you're both cruel creatures."

Reyna: "Hehehe.. I am his girlfriend, where do you think he got that mischievous side of him from?"
Kayden: "Definitely not you, lollipop!! " - He intervenes. "It's part of my sweet sweet mother's endearing personality."
Reyna: "Sweet? While being mischievous? Sure babe. In that case, I might as well say I was born in space."
Kayden: "You do look like a alien though. Long head, big eyes and shi-"

She slaps him across the head, scoffing afterwards

Kayden: "AHH!!!!
.... Billy's right... you are a cruel creature...." - He whimpers.
Reyna: "Save it. Still mad at you."

Kayden: "... Yeah... I don't blame you for that..." - He comments while rising from the floor. Reyna's eyes planted on him, not knowing what to think of his answer. It didn't feel hostile or condescending in any way..
Maybe he does understand his mistake this time.

Reyna: "Anyway, we're going over to Rory and Billy's later tonight for a party."
Kayden: "To celebrate what, Zone huntin'?."
Rory: "Don't be a dumbass! The point is obviously to celebrate us being together before marching into a Zone."
Billy: "That's right. Since we've survived for this long to tell stories about the dangers those places hold, we might as well start celebrating the fact we're all still alive!"
Kayden: "That sounds like a good idea, although I'm not really sure how to feel about it.. Ain't that kinda morbid...??" - He poker faces.
Reyna: "Morbid how?? We know what can happen if we're not careful. See this party as a way to make the most out of what remains of our lives." - She glances at him, where his gaze meets the floor. She approaches and wraps her arms around his neck. "Come on babe, it'll be great fun!! Plus.. it's a good way for you to redeem yourself of the sins you have committed towards me today." - Kayden scoffs.
Kayden: "Can't go without a pat on the back, can you? You little shit." He leans in for a passionate kiss, that Reyna slowly reciprocates, to savor every second of it. They smirk at each other upon pulling away.

Rory: "Fuck sake, get a room." - He pulls out a cigarette that Billy prompts him not to smoke.

Kayden: "Fine, I'm in. At what time is this party exactly?"
Rory: "Around 8 pm."
Kayden: "Are Mell and Amina coming?"
Reyna: "You know how they are. Mell surely doesn't wanna miss this, and Amina doesn't wanna miss her babes getting drunk.
Kayden: "Amina's obsessed with that girl.. I've never seen anything like it." - Reyna raises an eyebrow, causing Kayden to kiss her again. "Except for the girl in front of me." - He boops her nose.

Reyna: "Hm. Obsession aside, what surprises me is how gentle and introverted blondie can be, to then do a full 180 once the booze hits. That girl packs more of a punch than Mell herself.
Billy: "Not to mention how spicy she gets. I seriously can't watch that again." - He drags his voice, slumping his shoulders and scratching his head.
Rory: "Does it make you feel lonely, ma man?"
Billy: "Great Rory, thanks for embarrassing me right in front of the miracle couple, you idiot."

Rory: "Man, that girl's a problem! I can't count the amount of disasters we've had with those two before-- Brrr!!! Gives me chills just thinking about it!" - He jolts around to shake the chills off his arms and legs.

Billy: "Aaaand he ignores me. Fantastic." - Rory winks at him then wraps his arm over his shoulder. Billy smiles. "Anyway, when're you guys comin' around?"
Kayden: "Well, I got a few things I need to take care of, but I should be there between 8 and 10pm.

I definitely don't wanna miss out on 2 free days of rest. I'm glad you guys are preparing this, I haven't had the chance to relax in 2 freaking months!! This should be a blast!!

"What's gonna be a blast?" - Zach intrudes, causing everyone to turn to him in place.

Nobody can speak for a moment.

Kayden: "Nothing you need to worry about." - His demeanor immediately turns cold.
Zach: "That how you treat old friends Kayden? You must think I'm stupid." - He taunts.
Kayden: "We're not friends. None of us want you around."
Zach: "You guys are as stuck up as I remember. Did Rhys give his little sewer rat some more mundane tasks?"

Kayden: "You're one to talk." - He frowns. Zach pauses for a moment and smirks.
Zach: "Right, let's cut the bullshit. Why don't you count me in on this party? I'd appreciate having a drink with all of you again."
Kayden: "Doesn't fucking sound like it."

Rory and Billy step right up to Zach's face.

Rory: "I don't think your ears work Zachary. Leave. You're not welcome."
Zach: "Funny how you think I care about your opinion. Nobody was talking to you anyway, Rory, sit the fuck down."

Reyna: "It doesn't matter!!" - She intrudes. "You're wasting your time and our patience. Get out of here before I make you."

Zach smirks and approaches Reyna, who backs up into Kayden.
Kayden: "It's okay, I got you." - He whispers.

Zach: "Would you look at that! The little informative services bitch still has some backbone left. Guess I didn't break it enough at her late-night desk."

She powerfully frowns, ready to lunge forward only to be held in place by Kayden.

"Come one Reyna, what's the killing intent for?? You really need your puppy of a boyfriend to hold you back like that?? That's not what I remember you doing when shit got serious." - He grins. "Let's hang out at this party and have a good time again, just like we used to back in the day. Just me and you cuddling in bed, with the background noise of the TV, kissing each other till the night runs out-"

Billy powerfully punches him in the face, bringing him to the floor.

Billy: "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU PUNK!!" - He courageously demands. "The 'sewer rats' need your raggedy ass back in the damn underground holes you came from!!" - He kicks him in the stomach, causing him to cough and curl up into a ball.

Everyone's reaction is the same. Billy the bookworm just beat the biggest guy in Zamaton Colony. Feared and spited, considered by many to be the most physically gifted individual they've ever come in contact with, and the leader of the most powerful Goliaths team responsible for protecting the Colony from humanity's biggest threat. Slapped by a bookworm.

Billy: "..."

Zach quickly stands up and grabs Billy by the shirt, smirking while digging his fist into the bookworm's face.
Rory: "BILLY!!"

Zach: "You really thought you did something there nerd!? I fight FUCKING MONSTERS on the DAILY!!!" - He states, cackling while choking Billy by tightly pulling the collar of his shirt. "Nothing you can do with your weak ass punches and kicks can put a dent in me!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? If you really wanna act tough then I DARE YOU to punch me again you fucking weakling!! Show me you have something to back it!"
Reyna: "Okay, that does it!!" - She attempts pulling away from Kayden, but the latter steps forth himself.

As Zach is about to land a second punch on Billy, Kayden jumps on his back and Rory trips him to faceplant the floor, which throws him off guard.
Billy gets knocked back towards Reyna, who rushes to him.


He attempts turning around to get up, but Kayden pins him down with his own body weight and delivers punch, after punch, after punch, after punch as a first course meal, until the blood profusely oozing from Zach's face mixes with his own. Yet somehow, the Goliath still manages to strongly stun-slap Kayden across the head, knocking him back enough for him to recover.

Rory fortunately catches the team's captain, who takes a deep breath as he regains his balance.

Kayden: "I dare your bitchass to make another comment about Reyna OR lay a hand on any of my friends like that again!! I'll show you just what I do to people that really piss me off!!" - He snarls.

Zach: "Go on then Kayden, what exactly is that!?" - He purposely taunts while looking at Reyna.

Kayden: "You have some nerve to look at her after what I just said, you stupid fuck!! I promise I'll kill you in this lifetime, and the next one, and the one after that!!"
Zach: "HEH!! Just you try it Kayden!!! You can't kill me if your ass is dead first!! COME ON THEN!! ALL OF YOU!! I'll kill you all right here!!! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!"

Rhys: "Stop."

He demands upon taking a single step outside of his office, proceeding to walk in a straight line through all of the participants and coming to a stop right between Kayden and Zach.

Rhys: "Zachary. Remember what I emphasized about unjustified violence?"

Zach: "Y-Yes sir."

Rhys: "Kayden." - He jolts. "Remember what I said about reacting emotionally?"
Kayden: "..."
Rhys: "Yes. Or. No."

Kayden: "... Yes.. sir.."

Rhys: "Then you both know what to do. And if for some reason you decide to continue this unruly dispute after I step away, then it will leave me no choice but to call the Confinement Agency to apprehend all of you." - He turns his head to look at Reyna and Rory, who are tending to Billy behind him. "Leave now, before I change my mind."

As he resumes his march, they can do nothing but stare at him as he walks away, then lock their focus back on each other.

Unfortunately for everyone, death seems to be the only thing that can put a stop to this turmoil.

One hour later.

Now in Kayden's house, Reyna tends to Billy's face, whose skin luckily doesn't hide any broken glass underneath. Somehow, Zach's punch was so flat that his glasses didn't even have a scratch on them, the same cannot be said about his nose though.

Rory: "Talk about lucky. That dude is unbelievable." - He states, bringing a glass of water and some ice for his friend to put on his nose.
Billy: "No kidding.. I'm more intrigued at how Kay reacted." - He pauses. "Thanks for the ice."
Rory: "So it isn't just me..."
Reyna: "Well, it's only natural. No one can piss him off as much as Zachary."

She powerfully frowns.

Billy: "Seems like you got a bone to pick with him too..."
Reyna: "..."
Rory: "What we mean is the fact he didn't lash out immediately, like he did with Rhys."
Billy: "Precisely. He actually analyzed the situation before acting."
Reyna: "Why'd you think Rhys picked him over Zach!? Again, it's only natural. Kayden is simply temperamental, not stupid."
Billy: "True. I just hope this doesn't cancel out the party."
Rory: "No way José. These two are tough as nails Billy, they just need some time chill out and straighten their thoughts. We should do the same." - He stands up and grabs his jacket from the rack. "Come on, we got stuff to prepare."

Reyna: "Hold on." - She scurries to the bathroom, coming back a few seconds later with a bottle of pills she hands to Billy. "Take these painkillers. They ought to alleviate your pain for the next few days. Make sure you only take 2 today, one now and another 8 hours from now."

Billy: "Thank you Reyna, you're a life saver!" - He hugs her, bowing out of respect after.
Reyna: "So... We're still invited to come over later, right?"
Rory: "Don't start asking stupid questions like Kayden does! You seriously think that mammoth's comments are enough to shake our plans? Bitch please." - He scoffs. "Just swing by when your backs cool off."

Billy stands in the doorway, ready to leave. As Rory steps outside, he stops.

Rory: "You know... Even though I understand Billy's reaction, I still don't know how Kayden held back through that. Knowing him the way we do, that seems like maturity if I've ever seen it." - He turns to Reyna, who's leaning against the door. "Just know I would've snapped his jaw if he kept talking. You're not even my girl and it was driving me nuts."
Reyna: "True, but you are one of my bestfriends, so it still makes sense that you got upset."
Rory: "Don't get cocky." - He smirks. "Take care of yourselves 'till later, will ya?"
Reyna: "Same with you. See you guys later."

Billy: "Say bye to Kay for us!!" He waves.

She waves back at them and waits by the door, observing them pick at each other the entire way, like they usually do, until she can't see them anymore. Even after they're gone, she still stands at the door, feeling the breeze of dusk rubbing against her skin. She presses her fingers against her lips as she recalls what Kayden did for her today. It's time to check on him. She takes a deep breath and turns into the house, shutting the door behind her.

He's in their room, reflecting. What he did today definitely stirred things up in Zach's mind, and he fears that might put everyone in danger during the expedition. He knows he's easy to annoy himself, but Zachary's existence seems to revolve around nothing but that. How can he say he'd be a better leader than Kayden then do shit like this to his 'supposed' team? What a load of crap! He can't even control his damn fists without laying them in someone's face first.
The chance he pulls a smart one like that while they're out in the wild is far too high to run any risks. If he wants to, he can try to act upon whatever urges come to him, and the only choice they'll have is to either run away or incapacitate him. Killing him is the worst case scenario.

He tries scoffing it off to rest, but his mind keep being picked at by his insecurities, little pockets of memories about the events experienced through his last expedition.
It's the fuel he's been using to reflect on what he's done with his life ever since his return to the Colony. The fuel he's been using to spark changes in his behaviour. But is it all enough to rectify his mistakes from 2 years ago?

It still feels like something's missing though. And that Zach actually isn't the biggest of his worries. This virus... And the way the world has turned out... That's what he should be worried about.
Kayden had forgotten what he wishes for, something that used to motivate him to become the best Scout he can possibly be. Something that surpasses any of them. That wish requires experience and knowledge, something that Rhys is aware of and providing for Kayden on a silver platter. He never told his bestfriend what that dream is, that unshakeable wish that made him move mountains, but the man in the suit trusts him and his ambition.

He has lost those qualities over the past 2 years. Slowly letting them drift into the back of his mind as fear and doubt overwhelmed him... Until now.
He's finally been tasked with facing his biggest fear once again, a fresh Contamination Zone. Glimpses of his old self returned today, when he kept a leveled head while handling Zachary. But if these situations with him keep happening, it might send that dream down the drain, along with any sense of self-respect Kayden has left.

If that happens... It might as well cost him his life too.

Even with the good times spent in his current job, it doesn't alleviate the burden he carries.

The gruesome job of cleaning up underground after the Goliaths kill off dozens of infected that attempt infiltrating the Colony, smelling their eviscerated bodies and their tainted blood through his thick glass mask, hearing the cries and curses from families, who wish to have seen their son one last time, once he resurfaces, tanking the toll it takes on him to be hunched over while cleaning remnants of people he once knew, feeling the screams of panic from the Goliaths that get taken down by protecting their home. It's infuriating. His inability to jump down there with them. The fear that keeps holding him back.

Then there's Reyna's increasing complaints about her back due to the amount of paperwork she takes care of. Then Zach's constant efforts to interfere with their daily lives for some reason, making it a fucking point to annoy them any chance he gets. His disgusting attempts to try and get with Reyna everytime Kayden looks away, having the audacity to hurt Billy today and many others before because he can't control his impulses, and the fact it led him to killing those 3 people doesn't help. Not to mention his numerous attempts to try and persuade Rhys into thinking his best fucking friend is a piece of garbage unable to do anything by his own accord.

What the fuck!! Maybe he is Kayden's main problem. He even has to deal with the damn mammoth during his working hours.

This just might be too much for one man alone to handle.

At the peak of his epiphany, Reyna opens the door and steps into the room, her boyfriend facing the wall. He hears her approaching footsteps disappear as she lies down and hugs him from behind, resting her head on his back. She begins slowly kissing his neck.

Reyna: "What you did today wasn't wrong, you know. He's had it coming for a while."
Kayden: "Didn't you see the look on his face? He'll try killing me next time he gets the chance to."
Reyna: "You know he won't. We'll fight back."
Kayden: "Like that'll change anything." - Sigh. "Are the guys still here?"
Reyna: "They left to prepare stuff for later."


Reyna: "You know..." - She pulls herself into him further, her warm chest pressing against his back, mouth right next to his ear. "You're Kayden Moss... You've done much more than face off against a rebel before, haven't you? You've faced death and won." - Her hand slides over to his chest. "What's stopping you from doing the same here? So what if he's the Goliath leader? That has never been a problem before.."
Kayden: "Maybe not until he stepped up for the job. He's unpredictable, Reyna. He was calm when punched Billy and said all those things to you right in front of us." He grits his teeth. "You can't imagine how he's like when things get serious.. You haven't seen what he does underground.. To those infected.. Even to the people that he's supposedly protecting.. I know you two were together at some point, and I bet you saw parts of him I didn't. But I've also seen a side of him you haven't.

He wanted to lead us into the Zone, and not even 10 minutes after, decided to attempt hurting all of you guys right in front of my damn face!!" - His frown intensifies. "I swear if this keeps on, I'm gonna kill him."

Reyna pulls him on his back and sits on top of him, pressing herself against his body.

Reyna: "Shhhh." - She places her index finger on his lips. "Pay attention to me now, will you~?" She seductively smirks, lowering her lips closer to his. Whispering. "It doesn't matter what he says, or thinks, or does. Me and you are in this together, so your problems are my problems." - She runs her fingers across his chest and down to his abs, smiling as her lips inch closer to his. "So if he touches you. I kill him. And if he touches me. You kill him. Just like we would kill a roach... Squash him underneath our feet." - She smirks and teases Kayden by sliding her hand in his pants. "If you're sad. I'm sad. If you're happy. I'm happy."

Kayden: "H-Hey Reyna.. That's overkill. Seriously..." - She lays her head on his chest, staring at him to caress his face.
Reyna: "Hmmmm, so what if it is? Sounds good to me."
Kayden: "You do understand we'd be no different from him if we started acting on impulse too! Besides, everyone in the Colony including the Goliaths, look up to him. As much as we all hate to admit it, it's a fact that he's keeping our last line of defense intact, and it's doing a really good job of protecting the Colony. 

And finally, that whole 'my problem is your problem' thing, isn't healthy at all."

Reyna chuckles.
"So you lied. You wouldn't actually kill him.. Would you?" - Kayden rolls his eyes. "You still have such a soft heart Kayden. I'm proud of you, there's few people like you in the world."
Kayden: "You're the same, aren't you?"

She hums.

With a sincere gaze, she leans in for a kiss, and he complies.
Door locked, they touch one another, engaging in each other's warmth.
Looks like his plans for the afternoon have changed.

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