Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

146K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
12 - "Tick-Tock"
13 - "Lifeline"
14 - "Slip of The Tongue"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
17 - "Mental Breakdown"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
27 - "Catatonia"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

5 - "Someone I Know"

3.9K 254 1.2K
By UrbanQueen

"Hun, where'd you get that top?" Jessica, a coworker asked Lisa.

Jessica was from Venezuela and was shapely just like Lisa. She was pear-shaped and had big hips and a big butt to match. This was due to the BBL she got in Brazil three years ago.

Even though Lisa knew Jessica's body wasn't her natural body, they still bonded over the attention both positive and negative they received.


Jessica put a hand on her chest and tossed her head back. "The color is to die for!"

A lot of people complimented her on the silk blouse this morning. It was like a silver-ivory color.


"I have an appointment in the next five minutes. The man is smoking hot, okay? He's a stocky build like a football player, deep voice...just ugh. I know I said I would never date a client but for him? I would risk it all!"

Lisa and Jessica laughed at Jessica's comment. Lisa became curious. "What's his issue?" She asked. They were psychologists, the fine ones always had the most problems.

"He has severe anxiety. He hyperventilates, can't sleep well sometimes and can't maintain relationships he says. His family tries to help with treatments, but nothing seems to be helping. So they sent him here to see if therapy will help."

"Okay." Lisa said nodding her head. It wasn't as bad as the abandonment, trust and abuse issues she dealt with all the time.

The two women parted and went into their offices. Lisa had an hour of free time before her first appointment, so she was bored. She forgot to bring her book, because she could've definitely read up on the juicy drama in her novel to kill time.

She had a total of eight clients. So her week was usually very busy. She wanted to call Yana but knew she was probably busy as well. She opened her salon seven in the morning to do hair.

Lisa decided to check her job emails. She signed into her Google account and read through emails about upcoming meetings and job events when she stumbled across one that stuck out to her.

email: kennethmarshall87@gmail.com

subject: Rekindling

Hello Lisa, I am reaching out to you because over the years I have reflected over my decisions and I want to right my wrongs. I know I have done a lot and probably caused a lot of pain, but I want to meet with you in hopes of rekindling a relationship with you as my daughter. I know you may be angry and not want to see me, but I ask that you think about it and reach out to me. My number is attached in the email or you can just reply to this email. Your father, Kenneth.

Lisa exited out of the email so fast she almost broke the computer. "Get the fuck out of here!" She said to herself, her sister had told her he was planning to reach out, but that was over two years ago. She didn't know what made him finally gain the balls to do it.

Lisa pushed herself away from her computer, heated. He walked away from her over two decades ago and he needed to stay away. Knowing she had an upcoming appointment, she got up to go splash some water on her skin. The email had instantly ruined her mood and she wanted to have a clear head for her next client.

Lisa's heels clicked down the hallway. She was so in her own head, still on her deadbeat father, that she wasn't paying attention. She was startled when she bumped into a man and stumbled back.

She looked up at his face and instantly caught déjà vu.

Once Lisa got on the elevator she took it up to the fifth floor. The bell chimed and she stepped out, walking down the hall. A man turned and almost bumped into her.

There was a moment where their stares lingered on each other. He was tall and had a very handsome, chiseled face. He had creases on his forehead and his suit was broad on his body. Lisa never saw him here before, so she didn't think he worked here. He had a black briefcase in his hand and was walking briskly like he was trying to exit the building.He must've came from a business meeting, Randolph had a lot of those.

"Excuse me." Lisa said.

"No." The man's voice was deep and stern.

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" She could've literally moved around him, but his response caught her off guard.

He glanced at her, seeing the look on her face. He wasn't sure what was going on but he turned his head and pointed to the earpiece in his ear.

"O-oh." Lisa said, they stared at each other for a second longer but the man moved out of her way first.

She recognized him as he had been in this building before. He eyed her and by the look on his face he recognized her as well. He was tall, stocky even. The second thing noticeable was his cologne. The first was his brick of a body. Six feet and had a thick goatee that was neat and connected to a mustache. His waves were almost perfection and the strong features on his face made him grown and handsome.

"Jessica's client?" Lisa blurted out before she could stop herself. He fit the description. It looked like he was coming from the bathroom before his appointment.

The man eyed her suspiciously, but then nodded. He had a look of seriousness on his face. Stern. Lisa liked that in a man. Girl, talking about you like that, don't forget who you're about to marry. She chastised herself. She wouldn't be surprised if Lotus had eyes in the building. He knew lots of people in many different places.

Lisa realized she probably sounded weird and he wanted to know how she knew that. It would have to mean they were talking about him.

"Just a guess..." Lisa smiled nervously.

The man nodded his head, this time again much slower.

Lisa felt stupid and silly, his attitude clearly showed he didn't want to be bothered. What she didn't know was that the man found her really attractive and because his anxiety, he didn't want to risk talking and trigger his mild speech impediment. Stuttering. He usually tried not to speak unless he needed to.

"Um...okay. Well, bye." Lisa said. The man noticed her do some awkward thing with her hand where the fingers tried to brush something behind her ear but nothing was there.

Being someone who had a lot of nervous habits, he could usually seek out others nervous habits as well and that weird finger thing was one of them.

"...Vaughn." He surprised even himself, but one word answers were usually safe.

"Lisa." She smiled, sticking her hand out.

Vaughn thought she had really pretty hands. He liked her hair as well and her body was a plus. It kind of reminded him of his psychologist Jessica's body. Jessica's body was fake, but he couldn't tell with Lisa.

"Jessica is great, trust me. But you already know that because this isn't your first time with her. How long have you had her? Not that you have to tell me. Unless you want to. Do you think that's out of line that I'm asking you that? You know what, I think I'm talking too much. I-I'll go to my office, sorry."

Vaughn swallowed hard, her nerves would make his nerves start up and that wasn't good for him. He only gave a quick dip of his head and Lisa quickly scurried away. Vaughn watched her hips as she walked away, she sure was bad.

When she made it to her office door she opened it and looked over her shoulder at him. Vaughn looked away until he heard the door close a few seconds after, then looked back. The hall was empty, so he went into Jessica's room.


Egypt stood in front of her school as kids bustled by, others jumping on the yellow bus as she waited for Keshawn. Sometimes if it wasn't Keshawn who picked her up it was her mother or Lotus. Even Bonnie sometimes, but mainly Keshawn.

Lotus had wanted to hire a team of men who would literally escort her to school in the morning then wait outside her building the moment she stepped out; but Lisa didn't want that. She claimed it was way too extra and freighting for a child. That she would be made fun of and ostracized, getting labeled as weird.

Lotus didn't argue it, so she continued to get picked up by Keshawn or one of them.

Maci approached Egypt from behind, the child's back pack bigger than her body. It honestly was laziness, she had a bunch of junk in her bag but was too lazy to clean it out so she let everything pile up.

"Hey E, wanna go to the store?"

Egypt turned to the side and smiled when she saw her friend. "Uh...I don't know Mace, honestly." She wasn't suppose to move from that spot, but she wanted some snacks to take home. Her mom hadn't gone to the supermarket yet so they had all the nasty snacks she didn't like.

"What do you mean no?" Maci quarreled. She couldn't believe the same Egypt who cussed, listened to dirty music and gave the teachers attitude was scared to go to the deli down the block. "It's two blocks away."

"If my driver comes and I'm not in the spot I'm suppose to be in, he might tell my mom and I'll get in trouble." Egypt said.

"Look...let's just go and come back. If we come back and he asks where you went, I'll tell him I asked you to walk with me because I was scared to go by myself. I'll tell them I begged you and started to cry."

Egypt thought the crying part was a little too dramatic and didn't know if Keshawn would buy that, but she really did want to go herself.

"I'll give you three bucks!" Maci coerced.

"Okay, deal!" Egypt giggled. The two girls took off, walking fast.

Maci also had to wait on her mom as well, but she was allowed to go to the deli so she didn't have to run there. So it was Egypt she was really rushing for. The two girls walked down the block, thinking about what they wanted beforehand so they didn't waste time.

When they got to the end of the block, they waited, surrounded by other school children going in the same direction. Egypt turned to her right, looking at her best friend. She had honestly missed hanging out with Maci. Ever since she met Gia she had kind of tossed Maci to the side.

She didn't mean to, but ever since the shooting at the park, Maci's mother didn't let her go anywhere. So it was kind of lame only getting to see her in school. With Gia they got to go out places, so it wasn't that she had ever stopped being friends with Maci, but Gia had just become more fun. Now that she had lost her relationship with Gia, her and Maci's friendship was getting strong again.

The crosswalk gave them the walking stick figure and the two kids trekked across the street. The deli was the first business on the corner. The two girls entered the store that was full of kids their age. It was loud, rowdy and lively. Egypt followed Maci down the chip aisle, recognizing some kids from her school. A lot of them were kids in higher grades she saw in the halls sometimes.

Egypt got two bags of bbq chips and a juice box from the freezer. She went to the front to meet Maci who was still searching for stuff. She wanted to yell at her to hurry up but didn't want to cause attention to herself. It's not like she would be heard over the racket any way.

Egypt would've went on her phone to keep busy but she didn't have one. So she placed her things on the counter asked the clerk the total to bind time.

Once the clerk told her it was $3 dollars exactly, she turned to look for Maci. She was holding up the line. Figuring she should get out the way before one of the kids cussed her out, she backed up into someone's chest and stepped on their sneaker.

Egypt turned, her heart dropping down to her chest. Her cinnamon brown eyes showed pure terror, "I'm so sorry!" She noticed it was one of the older boys. The older kids tended to be bullies. "I-I didn't-"

"You good." He said, calmly.

Egypt knew his face. He wasn't one of the most popular boys, but he was popular enough and had lots of friends. His hair was shaved at the sides but the middle a Mohawk style. He had red highlights in his hair which looked cool. He had on his white long sleeve button up shirt and black pants with Jordan sneakers. Both of his ears were pierced as well and he had a tiny birth mark at the side of his mouth but it looked cute.

Egypt apologized again but wanted to faint. She noticed he was with a group of other kids as well, some being girls. Egypt already saw the nasty looks she was getting.

Maci finally got up to the counter and pulled out her money while the clerk bagged everything. Egypt stepped out the way so she wasn't blocking the process, aware the boy's sneaker she stepped on was staring a hole through her face.

"I be seeing you in the halls and shit. What grade you in? You a freshman?" The boy asked.

Egypt looked at him and saw he was talking to her. "Y-yeah, six grade."

"Oh, I'm eighth." He said. "What's your name?"

"Egypt. Yours?" Her heart was doing somersaults.

He put a hand on his chest, he was slim but not skinny. He wasn't that tall but taller than her. "Felipé."

His friends busted out laughing, which meant he was probably lying. When Egypt saw the smirk on his face she figured he was.

"Nah I'm messin' with you. It's Jerome but I like Rome."

That sounded more realistic, so Egypt nodded. Again her eyes swept his friends and saw the guys not really paying attention but the girls staring her down and whispering.

"Egypt, we gotta go." Maci called, by the door.

"Um...okay. Bye. Again, sorry for your sneaker." Egypt said.

"You good baby don't worry about it." Rome brushed her off.

Now his guy friends started to snicker, nudging each other. The girls looks got nastier but Rome stepped up to the counter, not even looking at her after what he said trying to play it smooth.

Egypt blushed and walked out, her and Maci ran back to school the two blocks feeling they were late. When they got there, Maci's mother nor Keshawn was there yet. It's only been five minutes since dismissal.

"Girl you wanna...get beat up? You didn't see the...way those girls were looking at you?" Maci spoke, out of breath. She pulled her bag pack straps up her arms.

"I know but...it wasn't me...he started talking to me!" Egypt said, out of breath as well.

Maci pulled Egypt's stuff out the plastic bag and gave it to her.


"No problem bestie!" Maci cheesed. Just then the two kids heard a honk and saw Keshawn pulling up.

Egypt hugged her friend but when she tried to pull away, she felt Maci's grip tighten on her arm. "Did that boy call you baby?"

Egypt giggled, the realization that he really did call her that when someone else mentioned it, hitting her. It made her giddy. Maci let her go and watched her friend run over to the car.

Egypt couldn't stop thinking about Rome calling her baby. And he had done it in front of everyone. Like a real boyfriend would.


Bonnie and Yana pulled up at Gobble and as usual it was crowded. They had called ahead so they had a seat waiting already. It was not a fancy restaurant, but the food was really good with decent portions. It was a nice and cozy environment.

They were friends with benefits, but some feelings had come into play. At least for Yana. All they did was rough sex. It didn't bother her, but their actions of doing things like this-eating, going to see movies and even sleeping overnight at each other's crib after sex, she kind of did develop something for him.

Her tough girl persona wouldn't allow her to say it, though. She knew Bonnie wasn't interested in settling down and she wouldn't even embarrass herself by trying to confess. She knew two years was too long to be someone's booty call, but she was content with it so that's all that mattered.

The hostess seated them and gave them menus. The two read through the pages quickly. They came here enough times to be familiar with what type of food items were on the menu.

"What are you in the mood for?" Yana asked, knowing he would probably get some type of breakfast. She noticed Bonnie was weird like that. He loved breakfast foods at night when eating out.

"Imma probably do the waffles with sausage and eggs."

Yana smirked to herself knowing she was right about his choice.

"What?" Bonnie asked, noticing.

"Nothing." She said. "I'll probably do a burger and fries."

The two had come from Yana's house. After having sex all day they chose to come out and get something to eat. There was nothing in the house. The plan after dinner was to head right back to Yana's apartment to start round four.

Sweet cherry perfume wafted the air as Brandy approached. Bonnie glanced up at her and so did Yana before looking right back down at the menu.

"Hey Brandy, I'll have a cheeseburger and fries. The burger well done, please. For a drink a Diet Coke."

Brandy nodded and wrote it down.

"Waffles with sausage and scrambled eggs. Orange juice with the pulp." Bonnie said.

Brandy wrote it down and nodded, her face was warm and smiling as she looked back and forth between the two. "How have you two been?"

"I've been good, yourself?" Yana returned the question.

"Living, doing better these days." She replied. Then she looked at Bonnie.

"I'm alright, thanks." He said, barely looking at her.

"Let me get your order set up and I'll be back with your drinks." Brandy said walking off.

Yana sighed, putting her chin in her hand. She looked across the table at Bonnie who she noticed was eyeing the older woman. Brandy was beautiful and had a really nice body for her age, Yana couldn't even crack jokes about her. She wasn't ugly or crazy looking by a long shot. But she still found it odd Bonnie stared at a woman so much older than him. The look wasn't sexual, but maybe he was trying to hide it. Why else would he be staring like that?

"She's really sweet," Yana said, "she never gets catty or ignores me. Waitresses do that a lot when they see a guy that's attractive with a woman. A waitress who thinks I'm your woman and isn't a rude bitch. Good for her."

"What makes you think she thinks that?" Bonnie quizzed.

"I mean, well we don't see her often. But she's seen me here what? Three, four times with you already? She has to think I'm your girl."

Bonnie didn't say a word. The once goofy, childish Bonnie had been erased by the death of his mother. He still cracked jokes and smiled like his old self, but not as often as before. Now he often had a serious side.

Food came in twenty minutes and the two ate in silence. Once the bill was placed on the table, Bonnie paid it and left an average tip.

Once again Yana noticed his prolonged stare on the waitress who didn't seem to notice at all.

"Why you looking at her like that?"

Bonnie looked at Yana putting on her jacket.

"Like what?" He questioned.

"Nothing." Yana said.

Bonnie looked at his watch and saw it was 9:30PM. He looked back at Yana, deciding if he wanted to drop her back home or make her take an Über or something. He figured to kill time, he'd do her the favor.

"I just realize I have something to do, so imma drop you back to your crib and keep it pushing."

"Oh...okay." Yana said. She kind of wanted to cuddle. It's not like he cuddled or anything on purpose. Just usually after sex if he fell asleep she would snuggle up to him.

Yana grabbed her take home bag and they walked out.


By 10:21PM Bonnie entered the Electra Housing Complex. It was real quiet, not the best but it wasn't the worst neighborhood either.

He took the stairs up to apartment 4-H and knocked firmly. He waited for a moment and then the door opened, revealing Brandy. She had a terry cloth bathrobe on, the scent of Dove body wash exposing that she just got out the shower.

She sidestepped so Bonnie could come in. Closing the door and the latch Bonnie walked into her place and took his shoes off by the door.

Brandy turned to look at him over her shoulder. She knew it was wrong she was with Bonnie. Or at least it felt wrong. She was the same one that use to think he was too young for her. She still thought that way. But after ten years in prison, working nonstop for two years and trying to get her life on track, she got desperate for male attention and Bonnie was the only one who was giving it to her. He would come to her diner to eat sometimes and flirt as usual. At first she wouldn't pay him any mind, but after a year he started to wear her down.

Especially when after a year he hit her back with her own reasoning. That now she was able to date him because his brain wasn't developing anymore. Since he was twenty-five at the time, she couldn't call him a child anymore.

"You threw my rolling paper out?" Bonnie questioned. Looking for the paper he rolled his weed with.

Brandy approached, "You looked tensed at the restaurant today. Everything okay?"

Brandy was told by Bonnie that Yana was his step-sister. He said she was very nosey when it came to his love life so for that reason he wanted Brandy to act like a typical waitress. That was why she acted like a lady just doing her job. To keep his sister out his personal business.

Brandy had no idea he was sleeping with both her and Yana. He wanted Yana to think Brandy was just a random waitress and he wanted Brandy to think the girl she sometimes saw him with was not associated with him in a sexual manner.

Usually Bonnie was straight up with the women he dealt with. He was single so he didn't have to lie about who he was sleeping with. But the fib only came into play when he started sleeping with Brandy.

Honestly, out of all the women he slept with she had the best pussy. And according to her even though they were both single, she was scared of STD's. Back in her time HIV/AIDS were rampant. It was incurable and caused so much death and destruction. So even though now there was medication and people were more informed about the disease, sexually transmitted diseases scared her. So she asked Bonnie that he not have multiple partners.

Because he wasn't trying to lose pussy that good, he lied and told Brandy she was the only one he was sleeping with. Yana probably wouldn't have cared but Brandy would, so he made up the lie about Yana being his step-sister so he wouldn't lose the gold between the older woman's legs.

"Yeah I'm straight." Bonnie replied. His mother's three year death anniversary was coming up so he was a little antsy these days. "My rolling paper?"

Brandy didn't know what he was talking about. But she remembered cleaning out her dresser and throwing away some odd looking thing she wasn't familiar with. "I think so, there was this weird thing in my draw and I didn't know what it was so I tossed it."

Bonnie wasn't even mad, he just nodded and shut the draw. He turned his attention on Brandy, licking his lips. She was close enough for him to pull her toward him.

"Your lips looking real good." Bonnie complimented.

Brandy blushed. She had to admit, despite the age difference she liked their sex. He was rough and he said it was the only sex he liked. She figured it was young kid stuff, trying to seem tough and dominant. An older man would have no problem switching up and making love to a woman. But he was still young and the sex was good so she didn't mind.

Another reason Brandy liked having sex with Bonnie was because she sweated. A lot of other men would find it a turn-off. She herself kind of got embarrassed by it, but Bonnie didn't care. To him it just showed she was putting in work.

Bonnie was the same man at one point she assumed was fishing for information on her sons. And here she was sleeping with him. But her sons hated her, none of them wanted anything to do with her and the only one who kept it decent and cordial was Keshawn. So after twelve years, was she still suppose to deprive herself of a man's touch over men who would never give her a chance?

"If my lips look so good come kiss them." Brandy urged.

Bonnie gave her a boyish smirk. "I don't kiss, you know that."

Brandy never knew how men could let a woman see their penis, put it inside her body, but not kiss. She would never know how the act of sex wasn't too intimate for them but a kiss was.

"Uh-huh." She replied.

Bonnie instead allowed his lips to latch on to her neck. He sucked on it, making her close her eyes. Bonnie undid her robe, her skin still moist from coming out the shower. She smelled so good.

Bonnie's hand dipped low and he rubbed them back and forth over her thick lips. Brandy's love box was juicy. As vulgar as it sounded, she had what most men called a "fat pussy." Perfect for face sitting. Bonnie was never against giving a woman oral sex but he didn't do it with everyone. Out of the seven women he fucked right now, only three got his tongue. Brandy included.

Brandy moaned, clutching his shirt. Brandy was his first older woman and he didn't mind. There was no difference between forty-three year old Brandy and the rest of the twenty-something year olds he dealt with. Brandy was pretty like them, had a nice body like them and was well put together.

When his fingers gathered enough wetness he slid them in and pumped softly at first, but his speed started to pick up. He continued sucking on her neck until she was soaked.

Bonnie easily picked her up and took her to the bedroom.

It was a tiny one bedroom apartment. The bed was a twin size because if it was any bigger she would have no space to move around. Bonnie dropped her on the bed and she got on her hands and knees.

Another plus about fucking Brandy verses the other women was that she was past her prime for having kids. So he could nut in her if he wanted. But he still used condoms like she wanted also.

Brandy was moaning as her ass clapped against Bonnie's torso. One hand was wrapped in her hair, smacking her ass.

"Yes..." Brandy moaned.

Bonnie let go of her hair and grabbed her hips instead, meeting her thrust for thrust. Brandy groaned but didn't back down. She was too mature to be running from dick. That was little girl shit. She wasn't a runner but Bonnie was very thick. He had average length but his girth was just ridiculous.

The condom glistened with her juices, sure her neighbors were hearing. She didn't have the thickest walls in her apartment. The two fucked like rabbits, the room becoming hot.

Brandy's skin started picking up beads of sweat. They switched positions, going from doggy to 69, against the wall, on the floor, Brandy bending over and touching her toes. Anything they could think of, was happening.

Soon they found themselves back on the bed. Her two legs over his shoulder as he fucked her.

"I'm cumming! I'm-"

When Brandy came, Bonnie followed and he collapsed on top of her as the two laid there, out of breath.

He pulled his condom off and stood to go get rid of it. Brandy then got off the bed to go pee. When she returned, she crawled into bed and put some distance between them. Bonnie wasn't the cuddly type. It only happened if they fell asleep right after and happened to be cuddling.

"Why are you so afraid to just tell your sister to butt out sometimes?" Brandy asked, suddenly. "You're grown, you don't have to tell her anything you don't want."

"Just makes things easier to keep it hush. Even though she's nosey she's really sweet. So telling her to mind her business is a little hard for me. You feel me?"

Brandy just nodded, she had an older coworker like that. Diane. She was the sweetest woman ever but her negative trait was she could talk for hours. It was so annoying but you didn't know how to tell her to shut up.

"I know someone like that," Brandy divulged, "so I get it."

"Yeah." Bonnie said. He cleared his throat and got ready to get up. He liked to sleep in his own place if he could. "I got some moves to make."

Brandy nodded and sat up on one elbow, watching him. He had such a nice body. Hard and fit but she could tell he didn't do the gym. It was natural. She watched her young stud dress quietly and leave without looking back.


"New York will be hit with severe thunderstorms over the weekend with intense rain showers throughout. Walk with rain boots and umbrellas as the thunderstorm is expected to start around nine o' clock tonight..."

Cilia listened with the bathroom door open to the newscaster, whose voice was blaring from the tv playing in the bedroom.

She sucked her teeth about the weather report while she got ready. Her outfit was not for the weather that was just described. Still, she was going to wear it. If she got wet, she got wet.

Cilia smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror. She pulled her phone out to send Lisa a picture of the outfit she was wearing in different angles to Jamie Foxx's event tonight.

Once she was done she slipped her phone in her purse and walked out. Her eyes landed across the room where she watched Allele attempting to do something to his hair.

He picked the long and straight mane up and tried tying it up in what seemed to be a bun. It stayed for ten seconds before unraveling back down. Cilia smirked, he was like a big kid. He couldn't even do his own hair if she didn't.

Cilia bit her bottom lip able to tell he was getting frustrated. He didn't like his hair straight any way. He preferred braids. He only wore his hair straight down for very rare occasions. He felt it made him look like a girl and that it caused too much attention.

Cilia saw him try to fix his hair one more time before it fell down once again and he left it, giving up. Cilia's couldn't help but giggle, he was so cute. She walked over to him and started to do his hair.

She gave him one braid to give him a classy masculine look. His tailored suit and 2-karat diamond earrings made him look like the heir to some billion dollar company. Just shy of six feet, Allele was extremely handsome. His dark brown eyes complimented his cinnamon toned skin. His smile was dangerously gorgeous and his voice was velvet smooth. His lips were juicy but not that plump and his jawline was to die for. With no facial hair he looked ageless. The spritz of Tom Ford Oud Wood cologne on his neck just added to his sex appeal.

Allele turned to meet her lips with a tender kiss. "Thank you, baby." He mumbled. He did a double take then pulled back to fully assess her from head to toe. He frowned at her outfit. "I'm gonna assume you're not finished dressing?"

Cilia thought he was joking at first so she smiled wider, until she realized he wasn't. "Uh...yeah I am. Why'd you say it like that?"

"Cilia you can't be serious. You have no bra or panties on."

"That's how you wear the outfit."

Allele shook his head from side to side. "Well you're not wearing that outfit."

Cilia pulled her head back, she never had a problem with Allele telling her how to dress before so she was taken aback.

"Allele this is what I want to wear. And this is what I'm going to wear. You're not my father, you can't tell me to go change my clothes like I'm fourteen."

"No but I'm your husband and I can tell you I don't want my wife's body on display for the whole party to see. You act like I have a track record of policing your clothes and having a problem with what you wear. This one time I have an issue with what you have on-as if I'm wrong and you're making a big deal, because I'm asking if you can change it? I can see right through the dress. It barely has fabric. This is something you wear at the house for me, not the other fifty niggas that's going to be there."

A moment of silence went through the room. He didn't say anything and neither did she. The silence and lack of moving on Cilia's part made Allele look over his shoulder as he was fixing his tie.

"I'm asking you nicely to change your outfit."

Cilia didn't want to, maybe she was dressed a little sexy but who cared. She would be standing next to him the whole time any way. She liked her outfit and this is what she wanted to wear.

"And I'm telling you nicely that's not happening."

Allele nodded. There was no anger on his face or attitude. Nothing else was said.

He walked off and went into the walk-in closet to put on the finishing touches to his attire. Cilia did the same, going into the bathroom to adjust her makeup so it was a little more natural.

She could hear Allele moving about the room and five minutes later, there was silence.

She didn't think anything of it and came out a few moments later. The tv was off and the faint scent of his Oud Wood cologne lingered in the room. Cilia clutched the ankle strapped heels she was going to wear in her hands and walked down the staircase.

Ophelia sat on the living room with the children. She was reading them a book, all of them cuddled up around her.

"Mommy pity!" Casi squealed, attempting to say pretty.

Cilia smirked, walking over to her. She picked her up and pretended to grunt like she was heavy, raining kisses down on her. "Thank you big girl."

"Mommy are you going out too?" Jaxon asked.

"Yes." She put Casi back down on the couch.

"Why didn't you go with daddy?" He continued.

"I am, daddy's out front in the car."

"No, daddy left!" Phenix said, standing up on the couch to look at her.

"Babe no standing in the couch. And daddy didn't leave baby, he's out-"

"Actually Cilia the kids are correct, he did leave. I would say around five minutes ago." Ophelia spoke, looking over at her. Cilia saw her old ass eyeing her outfit but she didn't say anything.

Cilia didn't want to make it obvious she had gotten left behind. So she smiled and waved it off as if it was no big deal.

"He did say he had to leave early to stop somewhere first." She said, trying to save face.

"Mommy, where's your clothes?" Jaxon blurted, seeing her bare legs from the sides and the cuts and crosses all over her dress.

"Are you naked?" Alix asked.

"I have on clothes and no I'm not naked." Cilia spoke, trying not to get irritated.

Jaxon frowned. "Mommy you can't go outside like that! You're naked!"

"Boy stop hollering, and come give me a kiss I gotta go."

Casi stayed on Ophelia's lap wanting to get on with the story, but the boys went running over. Cilia bent down so she was their height.

"You guys take care of your sister and be nice to her—Jaxon. I'm talking to you."

"Okay." He smiled, sheepishly.

"Okay mommy loves you guys." Cilia waved, swishing toward the door.

She was agitated that Allele actually left her home. But she wouldn't sulk about it because she was about to be right behind him.


Cilia took a taxi to the event. She knew her name was on the list, so she'd be able to get in without Allele.

The driver was paid through credit card already. So once she arrived, she stepped out, her heels clicking against the pavement as she made her way to the door.

The air had a heavy chill and the skies had turned a blackish-gray. Indicating big rain showers might start soon.

The house was extravagant, the lights out front so bright, she could see dozens of people from where she was hundreds of feet away.

Her cellphone buzzed and she reached for it in her clutch. Her hair that spiraled down to her shoulders in medium curls, tickled the edge of her left shoulder as she bent her head in search for her phone. She pulled it out to see it was a text from Lisa.

Lisa: Okay! Girl you looking sexy. Allele let you come out like that??

Cilia knew Lisa meant no harm but she still rolled her eyes. She didn't want to see his name right now. Cilia put her phone back in her clutch and went up to the doorman.

"Name ma'am."

"Cilia Hunter."

The man searched the list and when he found her name, he smiled and stepped to the side.

Allele was in the backyard, networking. There were so many celebrities he didn't even know knew him. He kept getting approached by famous and non-famous people. His gym had built a great reputation for him.

He even saw Breeze and Hope. Breeze did say he was coming. Hope was rocking a warm fudge brown sleeveless dress. It was tight, falling just below her knees. Her hair was in an updo style and she wore big hanging crystal earrings.

"You look stunning." Allele said, kissing her cheek. Despite her and Cilia's beef, they had no issues.

"Thank you, you as well." Hope smiled.

"He look aight." Breeze said making all three of them laugh.

The two brothers spoke a little while longer before they parted, having a lot of people they needed to go speak to. When they parted they went into two different directions.

Allele even ran into Jamie Foxx. They took some pictures and exchanged some words and a handshake before both men were stolen away.

Women had their eyes on him all night and their men eyed him with annoyance because of it.

Trying to maneuver his way around the crowd, Allele heard his name. He turned and was met with an older man with a head full of whitish-gray hair. He was big, overweight. The type of overweight that came from eating good. From being rich to eat good.

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?"

"No, but I've heard a lot about you. The name's Thomas Patterson, but people call me Tom." He said extending his hand. "I actually wanted to talk business with your brother and sister-in-law, but they're very hard to get in touch with. I was wondering if you would be able to plug me."

He and the Hunter siblings didn't even talk, so Allele knew that was dead. Before he could speak, the man continued.

"Of course there will be something in it for you as well. If you secure this meeting, I'll give you three million."

Allele was skeptical, compared to what he had in his account that wasn't anything, but it was still three million and there was nothing wrong with making his family even more secure. He could take a million each and throw it in the boys college funds. They were older than Casi and would hit college before her.

"Three million just to make a meeting happen? Why?" Allele said. The price was high for nothing really.

"Well because I have it."

"Why three million? Even if the deal doesn't go through?"

"That wouldn't be your problem. As long as you get the meeting set up you did your part."

Allele knew of rich people who wasted money. But this was just ridiculous. He understood ten grand maybe, but three million? This was someone who clearly had money and was use to throwing it away. Then again, he really had to be important to have that type of bread to waste.

"Does it have to be both siblings? What if I can get you one of them?" He questioned, thinking of Locus. It would be easier for Allele to talk to her. Him and Lotus were a different story.

"Yes, that will work too."

"I'll think about it, is that good enough for you?" Allele asked.

Thomas was stunned for a second, like he hadn't expected someone to want to think about getting three million for something so simple. "S-sure."

Allele nodded and walked off, looking for a bathroom. Once he made it inside the house and was directed, he used the bathroom, fixed himself up and came back out.

Half an hour later the temperature had dropped to forty-seven degrees. He could tell it was about to rain, lightening was flashing through the skies.

The atmosphere was different as well. Before everyone was laughing and talking and now the vibe had become more classy and sophisticated. Piano music played as people were out on the dance floor slow dancing or talking quietly amongst themselves.

Allele found Breeze and Hope again. This time the trio found a corner to stand in as they talked amongst themselves. Breeze and Hope had a drink in their hand. Allele's hands in his pockets.

"Yo' I talked to so many people the shit is ridiculous." Breeze said, shaking his head.

"Forreal." Allele cosigned. "You ever heard of a nigga named—"

"Look who I bumped into."

The group turned and saw a well known actor. He knew both Breeze and Allele from going to Breeze's club to party back in the day and from using Allele's gym to get physically fit for some of his movie roles.

On his arm was Cilia, in the exact same outfit Allele had asked her not to wear. Still with no bra or panties. He could see her nipples right now thanks to the cold air and practically make out the shape of her breasts because the material wasn't thick. The two long ass, unnecessary splits that came up the sides of her stomach basically showed off her nakedness. If the wind blew a little too hard she would be exposed.

The man's hand on the small of Cilia's back wasn't making Allele any less calm. But he kept his cool. Hope looked away, not liking her ass. Breeze didn't even realize he was staring. His eyes took in every inch of her.

Her long slim legs showed her bare hips held no underwear. The dress clung to her flat stomach that gave her an hourglass shape and her small plump breasts looked full through the dress, her nipples hard. She was very sexy and looked like one of the many beautiful women here.

Catching himself he looked at his brother wondering if he got caught staring at his wife. But he saw Allele staring at Cilia who was looking at the man while he spoke. Maybe it was in Breeze's imagination, but it looked like Allele was pissed. He was staring a hole in Cilia's face but it seemed as if she was purposefully keeping her eyes on the man.

"I just saw her walking and she looked lost. So I went up to her and she remembered me. I was like 'you looking for your husband? I just saw him.' She laughed and said yes and gave me that beautiful smile. So here," the man said gently pushing Cilia forward. "Just delivering your beautiful queen to you."

Allele gave him a tiny smirk and gave a slight head nod. "Thank you." He smoothly pulled Cilia into his side and reached out to shake the man's hand.

Cilia could feel how tense Allele's body was but she didn't care. The air got awkward because the two women didn't talk. Neither did Breeze and Cilia really either.

"Babe let's go get another drink." Hope spoke, just wanting to be away from the miserable bitch.

Breeze agreed and the two walked off.

Allele couldn't chew into her because they were still surrounded by hundreds of people. He turned toward her just as she tiptoed and put her hands around his neck.

He bent down by her ear. "You disrespectful as fucking hell. Take your ass home, now."

"Then take me home, I didn't take one of the cars. I was dropped here in a taxi."

Allele's jaws were taunt at the sides of his face. Cilia unlocked her arms from around him the same time he firmly pushed her back by her hips. He eyed her skimpy outfit in disgust.

"You look gross."

That hurt her feelings, she felt 'gross' was too strong of a word. "You're calling me gross over a dress? Most of the women here are dressed way crazier than I am."

"I don't care how other women are dressed. They don't concern me, you do. I asked you nicely not to come outside dressed like this and you still do. I'm not about to go to jail 'cause you bored and looking for some excitement. Go home." He said through clenched teeth.

Cilia didn't say anything, not wanting them to get loud and cause a scene. She honestly didn't think it was that deep, but it clearly was for him. The only thing she regretted was not walking with a sweater. The air was a little chilly.

Cilia folded her arms. "You're being insecure."

Allele yanked one of her arms causing her hands to fall from across her chest. His large hand enveloped her skinny arm as he pulled her toward the entrance to get inside the house to leave out the front. He would call a taxi, wait with her and put her inside.

Cilia was genuinely enjoying herself. Both men and women had been complimenting her outfit while Allele was wearing his new heart out over it.

Allele couldn't concentrate on the night after Cilia's arrival. The dance floor was flooded so it made it hard to navigate through the throngs of people.

Cilia wrenched her arm away from him, looking at him like he was crazy. She was massaging the spot on her arm with her other hand.

"What is the matter with you? You're hurting me. Stop it, I'm not going anywhere." She said.

Her and Allele stared at each other, his nostrils flaring and his fists opening and closing. He knew he couldn't make her leave, especially not in front of a crowd of people. He would be forced to leave her alone.

Due to Allele's pent up anger, he was ready to explode when he felt someone accidentally bump him. When he looked over, he saw it was Thomas who looked a little tipsy now.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, just had a little too much to drink. I love this song." He said.

"I hear you." Allele replied, holding back the anger in his voice.

He felt Cilia loop her arm around his and snuggle up to his side. He figured it was part of the act to make them look perfectly fine in case the man overheard them arguing.

"You don't dance?" Tom questioned.

"No." Allele said.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you."

"You're not." Allele said, his tone was dry.

Cilia couldn't feel her heartbeat. Her grip on Allele's arm got tighter as her mouth got dry. She could smell her own fear but feel the fury rising in her body at the same time. She would never forget the face of the man standing in front of her.

The man who stole her innocence. The man who was part of the precedence to her hardships in life. Her rapist.


"Who's this beauty with you?" Tom asked, looking at Cilia.

Cilia felt her throat tighten. Her arms did as well as she held onto Allele tighter. She damn near started to hide behind him. Cilia saw the strange way Tom was looking at her. With lust and almost with recognition. He saw the rings on both of their hands so he put two and two together.

"No disrespect young blood, but would you mind if I danced with your wife?" Thomas asked.

He was still as creepy as ever. Talking about her as if she was an object and Allele was the owner he needed permission from.

Allele looked at Cilia and it caught him off guard for a second. He he saw panic in her eyes. She was uncomfortable. She didn't want to dance with him. He had no idea it was because this was the man who use to rape her. He assumed it was because now she was conscious of the piece of trash she had on as an outfit and she was uncomfortable with the touch from another man.

Usually he would never subject her to this, but she blatantly disrespected him by still showing up looking the way she did. Why would he then save her when she landed in an uncomfortable situation?

Allele didn't give a fuck, it was a lesson learned. Next time she'd think twice before doing some stupid shit like this again. He smiled and motioned toward Cilia.

"Not at all. Dance as long as you'd like."

Cilia's heart sank, Can't he see my face? She thought to herself. She knew he knew she was pleading for help. Of course she knew he didn't realize this was Tom. But it was the fact he could tell she didn't want to go with him and still offered her up because he was mad about her outfit.

Thomas took her hand and Cilia felt like worms were crawling on her skin. She watched Allele walk away into the crowd, not even bothering to stand close and watch them. She had never felt betrayal like that in her life.

Thomas put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her lower back. She was stiff and barely moving. She wasn't even looking at him, instead opting to look over his shoulder at Allele's retreating back.

Say something! Try and get away from him. Cilia scolded herself. She was frozen with fear.

"You look familiar, do I know you?" Tom asked, curiously.

Cilia didn't answer, pretending not to hear. Her eyes were still stuck on the spot she saw Allele, which was now crowded with other slow dancers.

"I said you look familiar, strikingly familiar." Tom said louder, assuming she didn't hear. "Have we met before? You look like someone I know."

'Someone I know.' That's what he had reduced her to. After raping her for more than a year. Traumatizing her head and victimizing her for sixteen years. Breaking her in ways that could never be repaired. Doing things to her a child her age should have never known about. That was what she was to him.

Just someone he knew.

He more than knew her. Knew her in ways a grown man should never know a little girl. And he didn't even remember.

Cilia's head slowly turned to him, but she said nothing. He had certainly gotten fatter but the face still remained the same. The man's eyes swept low, eyeing her nipples as they met her face again. Cilia wanted to throw up.

"You're gorgeous." He said noticing the woman had yet to answer his question or say a word, much less.

Cilia couldn't believe it. This moment felt unreal. Her anger started to outweigh her fear of being in this man's presence. After all these years, after all the robbing, stealing and killing they did; sometimes to innocent people-Tom was still here, living and breathing. Enjoying the good life.

Cilia felt him try to turn her chin and without thinking she smacked his hand down. Her reaction and the fire in her eyes made his eyebrows raise to his hairline.

He stared at her not knowing what to say, but then he narrowed his eyes. "...Did I offend you at some point during the night?"

"Don't fucking touch me." Cilia said, her voice cracking. She didn't know where she found the courage from all of a sudden, but she was glad she did.

Tom smiled, she was feisty. He liked that. "Don't touch me, ooo...you're one of those women. It's obvious your husband doesn't put you in your place with one of these," He said raising his thick, meaty hand. "lucky you're not one of my girls. They answer yes sir, no sir."

Across the yard Breeze was watching the whole thing. Earlier it looked like Cilia didn't want to be anywhere near the man. But now he saw he wasn't just imagining it.

"Where the hell are you going?" Hope asked pulling his arm.

Lightening lit up the dark sky for a half a second. A moment later thunder boomed, but it didn't seem to startle or affect any of the partygoers.

Hope noticed Breeze watching his sister-in-law the whole time. Even Hope saw Cilia didn't want to dance with the old man. But she didn't see why Breeze was running to her rescue. The way she saw it, that rude bitch deserved this right now.

"To get her away from him." Breeze spoke.

"She doesn't even like you! The same broad who's always rude to you. For what Dion? Mind your business."

He ignored her and pushed through the crowd. Allele was busy mingling, unaware of what was going on, on the dance floor.

Cilia felt so violated even having this man touching her right now. His cologne stunk to her even though it was probably something expensive.

Breeze walked over to them and saw Cilia with angry watery eyes. He could tell that it wasn't because she was scared or wanted to cry, it was from anger. He tapped the man on the shoulder and Tom looked at him.

Breeze gave him a cute boyish smile. "Excuse me, I'm sorry but I have to ask you if I could cut into this dance. I need to steal my sister-in-law from you. Family matters." He made sure his dimples were on full display. It came off very charming and friendly.

Tom immediately let go of her. Cilia couldn't control her own body as she flew into Breeze's arms. She never in her life thought she would be so happy to see him. She was shocked that he could tell she was in trouble. Even more, that he came through for her. She would expect him to leave her and let her deal with it on her own.

Thomas looked at Cilia one last time and smiled although she returned his smile with a scowl. She latched onto Breeze, watching Tom to make sure he went far away.

Breeze watched the man walk away as well before he looked down at Cilia. "Alright, let's get you to Allele."

Cilia gripped him tighter, burying her face in his chest. Signaling she wanted to stay right here. That was the last person she wanted to see right now.

Breeze felt a warmth travel down his spine. He didn't want make it apparent to other people something was wrong. So he hesitantly put his arms around her and they continued the dance to look normal. She fit into his body so perfectly. She was so close he could feel her soft nipples on his chest. It caused a deep shiver to run through him.

This is your brother's wife. Just be there for her as a brother-in-law. Any thoughts about her from this day forward is pure and strictly family oriented. Ya'll are done Dion and you have Hope. She's enough for you, He told himself.

As they slow danced, it wasn't even awkward for Cilia in this moment. She would rather be around Breeze than Tom any day.

"You know him?"

Cilia shook her head up and down, but she wasn't gonna tell him anymore than that. In that moment she had made up her mind. Tom was going to die by her hand and she would make sure it would be worse than any other death she had ever given anyone.

Breeze didn't want to get into their business, but he could tell that Allele knew she didn't want to dance with the man. With the protective way he behaved over her usually, this was way out of character and the most pettiest thing he had ever seen his brother do.

"You okay?" Breeze questioned.

She wanted to ask him where his girlfriend was but she didn't want to give him the idea to go look for her and leave her alone. She didn't want to be alone right now. Cilia was aware she could have declined the dance with Tom. But it might've been her shock and fear at first that made her stay quiet.

"Yes I'm fine." She replied, blinking a few times. "...Thank you."

Breeze tried not to stare, even mad she was still pretty. There was nothing wrong with acknowledging his sister-in-law was pretty, so that was okay to think.

"You wanna get a drink?" Breeze suggested. It was only to lighten her mood.

"Um..." Cilia started, tilting her body to look at the bar area. It wasn't that crowded surprisingly. And the drink was sure to ease her nerves. "Sure."

Breeze thought she would've went back to her snappish ways and walked away from him. So he was surprised she was being decent right now.

They went over to the bar and Hope was there. Cilia noticed her as well but quickly averted her eyes. Hope was livid. She couldn't stand Cilia and the fact Breeze was chasing behind this bitch was burning her up.

She was giving him a look so he could drop Cilia, but Breeze pretended like he didn't notice. "Bartender!" He said wrapping his fist against the counter.

Hope walked off, arms folded.

Cilia and Breeze spent time just standing and drinking, not really saying much to each other. Breeze knew she mad right now so he didn't talk too much to come off annoying.

After twenty minutes or so Breeze decided to text Allele.

Breeze: Where are you?

Allele responded right away like his phone was already in his hand.

Allele: Trying to leave but can't find Cilia.

Breeze noticed his text didn't suggest they were fighting. Allele had always been private. So he wasn't surprised he didn't say something slick about her in his text message.

Breeze: She's with me we're by the bar area.

Allele: Cool can you bring her for me? I'm out front where the cars are.

Breeze: On the way out now.

"Aight we really gotta go. Allele's waiting on you."

"I don't-I...oh, okay." Her voice was so small.

Breeze was pretty sure she was about to say she didn't want to go with him; but she caught herself not wanting him to know they were fighting. But it was pretty obvious they were.

Cilia sulked but followed behind Breeze, arms crossed. When they made it outside the property, it seemed they were the only ones in the cool night air. There were so many cars parked on the property.

Allele's back was against the trunk of the car as he watched his brother and Cilia approaching. Breeze scratched his neck awkwardly, he could feel the tension between them suffocating him.

Allele didn't even look at Cilia. Instead he clicked his car alarm, opening the car doors. Cilia scurried past and got into the car but in the backseat.

"Good looking." Allele said dapping his brother for keeping tabs on Cilia.

Breeze couldn't explain the irritation he felt for Allele in the moment. He could never do that to Cilia if she were his. He didn't want to, but he had to say something.

"That dude you had her dancing with, she didn't look like she wanted to dance with him. I had to go over there and get her. She looked like she wanted to cry." Breeze informed.

Rain poured from the dark gray skies with no warning, drenching the asphalt driveway and cars. Other people who were heading toward their cars or getting out to get to the house started to run.

"Oh, really? Damn I didn't know." Allele said, blankly. "Thanks though, for looking out."

Allele didn't give a damn how she felt in that moment. It was the exact reason he handed her ass over. If she was so worried about being uncomfortable, next time she'd put some clothes on and wouldn't be the verge of tears because of embarrassment.

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