Izuku midoriya the demon king

By redfuryninja

1.8K 40 16

when izuku midoriya developed his quirk and he was viewed as a demon. his life only got worse from there as h... More

2. Iwo Jima
3. Building an army

1. The making of a demon king (heavily revised)

1K 16 3
By redfuryninja

This chapter has been revised to make it better the beginning is relatively the same but the middle and end bit have been changed so I hope you enjoy this story and if you do hit favourite and follow my account for more stories
Not all men are created equal, this is the hard truth Izuku learned when he was 4 years old, this is my story not of how he became the greatest hero or the greatest villain this is the story about how he became a king. the king of his very own kingdom, makai.

A four-year-old Izuku was at the park with his friends and noticed that Bakugo had strayed off and was standing over a boy on the ground with explosions crackling from his palms "you shitty extra you think you're allowed on my territory I'm gonna teach you a lesson" he went to blast the boy's face when Izuku stepped in the way "stop Kacchan this isn't right it's not what a hero would do" " you think a shitty Deku like you can tell me what to do, you don't even have a quirk, so you think you better than me" "no Kacchan it's just that heroes don't beat up random people if you keep acting like a villain and hurting people I'll have to stop you" Izuku then raised his fists "that's it if you're so adamant on stopping me then I'll just beat you up instead" Izuku who had no quirk stood no chance against Bakugo who could wield explosions and was suffering from many punches and explosions "hahahaha you shitty Deku you're worthless you don't have a quirk and you think you can stop me you'll never be a hero you don't even deserve anything, where so you get off on saying I'm a villain I'll be the number one hero, no one can tell me what to do" Izuku was now in a ball taking all of Bakugo's attacks and letting the words sink in so what if he didn't have his quirk right now, he would unlock it and help people unlike Bakugo who just wanted to hurt people , all Izuku could think of was stopping Bakugo from hurting others like that boy and himself, this bubbled up into anger and rage, how dare Bakugo think that he could become a hero with an attitude like that just abusing his power and hurting others. This rage then manifested itself as a wave of energy burst out from him sending Bakugo flying back.

Izuku stood up and grew in size standing at a menacing 6 feet tall as black energy covered his body making a black suit with a cloak forming behind his back, 2 giant red black dragon wings spurted from his back and a 6-foot long devil tail came out from his tailbone and it had an arrowhead at the end, his once green eyes turned red and his pupils became slit and his hair turned to a darker shade of green and his ears became pointed as well as his teeth became sharp and pointed with two fangs being longer than the rest. his hands changed as he grew scales over them, and they became claws.

Bakugo looked up in fear when he suddenly couldn't breath and noticed he was being lifted up by his neck which had Izuku's tail wrapped around it "you think might makes right, just because you have a powerful quirk then that means I can beat the shit out of you with no consequences right, that's what you were doing to me, I should just stop a villain attacking people right, it's what all might and any other hero would do" he then punched Bakugo in the stomach and slammed him to the ground multiple times "how do you like that huh now you're the pathetic one, you're the extra, you are nothing when compared to me, let me give you a reminder that you are a pathetic nobody that can only feel important by hurting the innocent and those weaker just like a pathetic villain, remember this Bakugo you are nothing you are pathetic and act just like a villain" and with that Izuku raised Bakugo to eye level before easing his claws and slashing Bakugo's arms splattering his blood everywhere, he the slashed his chest leaving claw marks making an X shape, he the dropped Bakugo onto the floor as he was crying and screaming looking at Izuku hoping someone would save him, but no one came, the kid he beat up earlier was smirking at him, why wasn't he helping him he didn't deserve this, there were no adults as it was morning and it wasn't too far away so they didn't go with the kids and the others with them were knocked out lying on the floor, " we can't have you dying so let's fix that" Izuku blasted a red energy at Bakugo and he was healed but the scars remained as did the pain, " the pain should remain for 24 hours and I can't have anyone ratting on me" he then fired red energy at everyone in the park that made them forget this incident and pass out except for Bakugo. " Now no one will believe you no one will believe that a kid did this, even I won't remember so just grovel and feel pathetic as you suffer and can do nothing. Although I can't chance people believing you, so I'll leave you with this" he formed some energy and blasted Bakugo's throat with it. "There now every time you try to talk about this, you'll feel immense pain and be unable to talk."

Izuku then knocked Bakugo out and he walked further away from Bakugo to not look suspicious he then fell unconscious as he shrunk and was a four-year-old again, his wings were now small little stumps on his back, his horns were just slightly pointing out from his hair and his claws retracted forming a single green diamond on the back of his hands, his Tail also became shorter only being long enough to wrap around his waist, his eyes turned green but his pupils remained slit and his ears were still pointed. His hair stayed black, and his teeth stayed the same as well as his pointed ears. It seems that the transformation only happened because he awakened his quirk in a moment of stress and it wouldn't happen again as it was because all of the quirk unlocking and all the energy being unleashed his small body couldn't contain it so it caused him to grow and change but now that he has grown the energy was sealing itself away so he wouldn't be able to transform until he was much older and the changed would come over time such as his wings and horns growing.

An hour later the parents of the kids came to check on them as they hadn't returned but what they found horrified them, all were unconscious, and the park was ruined as there was blood splattered all around Bakugo, Mitsuki rushed over to him to see what was wrong and was relieved to find no injuries on him but the scars are what terrified her so she picked him up and rushed him towards the hospital.

Izuku was also brought to the hospital as he did not wake up around the same time as the others and his mother also noticed his new look and was concerned, Izuku woke up on the way to the hospital and asked his mum what was going on however she didn't answer him and just kept driving. At the check-up, the doctor was quite impressed at the boy's quirk it gave him increased strength, speed, stamina, durability, and regeneration he also took note of the fact that Izuku said that he felt something flowing threw him indicating some sort of energy manipulation he also saw that Izuku had seven hearts after Izuku mentioned a weird feeling in his chest. With the new features and the demon-like quality of all of it he came up with the name for it, demon lord. "well Midoriya's I've got to say young Izuku has quite the impressive quirk, he basically has a superhuman everything and with his demon-like qualities a theorize he should be able to be stronger in the dark on top of the boosts he has and see in it honestly you could become quite the amazing hero young man although your powers are weaker now since you recently unlocked them they'll grow to be quite strong in the future " Izuku was beaming the last doctor who said he was quirkless was so mean and said he couldn't become a hero this one was so nice although he looked at his mother and frowned a little, she had a dark look in her eyes like she disapproved of him, it was similar to but even worse than the look she and his dad first gave him when he was diagnosed quirkless.

Inko thanked the doctor as they left, leading Izuku by the hand gripping his arm a little tight enough to cause him pain, he didn't realize it at the time but with his new durability that would take some effort, so she was really trying to hurt him. on the way out they saw Bakugo's mother Mitsuki "oh hey Mitsuki how's Katsuki doing" the woman's face fell at this "not good, he woke up recently and he's just screaming in pain and whenever anyone tries to ask what happened when he goes to speak he just grabs his throat and screams in pain, I can't believe someone could do that to him she then started to break down crying "they have him on as many pain killers as they can give him but he's still hurting so much but at least he's not screaming anymore" Inko decided to visit the boy as they walked in Bakugo's eyes widened when he saw Izuku however instead of feeling fear he felt anger, Bakugo was a mass of pride even at this early age, so being humiliated and hurt instead of making him scared made him angry and he didn't see Izuku as that scary grown up form, that would have scared him, in his current small form Bakugo did not fear him, so despite his body being racked with pain tried to get up and leapt at Izuku to punch him "DEKU" however his body collapsed as it was not in a good condition. Mitsuki rushed to her child's side as she held him "Oh my baby don't push yourself I know you're happy to see your friends okay" However in her current state she failed to recognize that Bakugo's feeling of hatred towards Izuku and took it as excitement not rage. "I think it's best if you two leave for now Katsuki needs some rest" Inko nodded before grabbing Izuku and taking him home.

little did Izuku know that this would be one of the better days of his life in the next few years.

when Izuku got home he saw his father Hisashi Midoriya a man in his late twenties, he had brown shaggy hair and diamond-shaped freckles on his cheeks he was smiling at Inko until he looked at Izuku and saw his demonic appearance and his look darkened when he saw Izuku smile at him and he saw the sharp teeth "Inko what is that" "not now Hiashi later" Inko didn't want to talk about that thing at the moment she really wasn't in the mood to talk about it right now". Izuku wasn't able to sleep that night because his parents were shouting at each other so loud at each other that he couldn't sleep, he wasn't able to make out all of it but he heard key parts that made him cry it was things like, that demonic bastard, and you demon birthing bitch, it continued like that both insulting and shouting at each other but the central point was that they kept insulting him, he was the focal point they were fighting because of him they hated him, all he could do that night was cry and when he went into the living room the next day he saw Inko with a black eye and empty beer bottles and a clearly drunk Inko, when she saw him she glared at him "YOU FUCKING LITTLE BASTARDS IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT" she then proceeded to slap him which hurt her more than him this enraged her even more "YOU LITTLE SHIT I'LL FUCKING SHOW YOU, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT HE LEFT ITS YOUR FAULT I HAVE THIS EYE YOU FUCKING DEMON" she then proceeded to beat him until he was unconscious.

when he went to school on Monday it wasn't any better, Inko had not fed him much and only fed him scraps that she didn't eat so he was starving and had to walk himself to school something which he hadn't done before so he was late to class where he was berated by his teacher for being late, on the playground wasn't any better, the kids were scared of his appearance and those that weren't still didn't want to go near him as Bakugo had gone around telling people that he was an evil demon, people didn't believe him but when they saw him they started to. suddenly people came over to him and Izuku thought they were coming to play when he saw Bakugo "Hey Kaachan want to play" "LIKE I'D EVER WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU DEKU YOUR JUST A DEMONIC PIECE OF SHIT" he then had his lackeys pin Izuku down as he started to beat him with explosions and all Izuku could only lay there and take it as he was extremely weakened so all of his superhuman abilities were extremely weakened as he had no energy and was still recovering from Inko's beatings over the weekend he just cried and asked himself why it had to happen was it all because of his quirk that couldn't be it why would people treat him differently all because of his quirk. he couldn't summon any power to fight back, he was so tired, so hungry, he just couldn't do anything except take it.

Izuku's life became a living hell that day this cycle would repeat on a loop for years, beatings at home they weren't so bad in the beginning only punched here and there and only when she was really drunk or angry did she properly beat him but as the years went on she drank more and more and she had even changed the spare bedroom into a room for Izuku but not any room, a torture room. It wasn't much at first, only a place to tie him up and leave him to starve or make him an easy target for beatings but over the years it slowly evolved and changed becoming even more horrific for the boy. And since the night gave him strength but Inko made sure to keep in in a room with bright lights shining on him as he was chained in order to keep him weak, she couldn't have her punching bag gaining any bright ideas after all. It all got even worse for him shortly after his eighth birthday, the anniversary of when he unlocked his quirk, Inko was very drunk more so than she had ever been before and decided that just punching and kicking him was not enough, so she got her sharpest knife from the kitchen and brought it to the torture room after she hid tied him up.

fear was evident in his eyes as he looked at the knife in fear as he tried to struggle, Inko had been beating him a lot recently, so he was quite weak. Soon she sent it flying with it embedding into his shoulder, and she kept stabbing him repeatedly until her arms were tired, he wouldn't die though, she knew that as long as he had 1 heart his regeneration would keep him alive no matter the wound even if he lost his head, the downside being that he could always feel the pain of the wound. As she stared at him bleeding out while chained to the wall blood splattered everywhere such as the chains and walls, even a bit was dripping from the ceiling, during this whole time Izuku was crying and pleading with her to stop to show him the tiniest mercy and just to stop "Please mommy just stop I promise I'll be a good boy I won't be in Your way anymore, I'll be a good boy I promise just please stop please make it stop" however this just enraged Inko "you little demon bastard you think crying will change anything and you dare to order me around, me I'll make sure you suffer you demonic bastard, you're the reason my husband left you're the reason my little boy is gone you dammed demon." She started stabbing him anew and even cut open his stomach letting his gets leak out causing him to cry more and beg for forgiveness. This became the standard for beatings in the future for Inko to relive her stress and stay in good shape as she got all sorts of different objects to torture Izuku with and as they all got soaked in blood and as time passed, they all became rusty making him suffer even more. Throughout these beatings Izuku learnt multiple things and it was the same with Bakugo as well, 1. Don't cry it makes them feel superior and beat you more, 2. Don't talk back no matter what they say as the punishment for not responding is always better than the punishment for talking no matter what is said 3. never be late or make them wait for anything, making them wait just means they have more time to think what they'll do to you and finally 4. Always do what is asked even if it is at risk to himself because the pain of doing the task will always be better than the punishment delivered if not. These four things would shape Izuku's personality into what he would eventually become.

At times he would attempt to avoid beatings by trying to sneak around so his mother didn't beat him, and the same with Bakugo but they would always find him and beat him even when he tried to tell the police about it they just kicked him to the ground and threatened to arrest him, even when they saw him being beaten they just told the kids that they shouldn't use their quirks in public, even the local heroes did nothing when he told them they just glared at him and told them to leave him alone, doing odd jobs for people who took sympathy on him rather than fear him for his appearance so he could make money to buy food to get what little energy he needed to recover and gave energy to keep moving in life, these beatings this hell that he was forced to suffer through would change him, make him more cynical and cruel would truly change him into someone else, someone far greater. it was the makings of a demon king.


hope you all enjoyed this and prefer it to the original first chapter for those who got to read it. I think it's better this way and things with Inko escalated to quickly with her stabbing him on the first day and frequently beating him, so I changed to occasional fist beatings to more frequent torture sessions over the years.

if you enjoyed make sure to favourite, follow, and check out my other stories I should also be releasing the first chapters for other chapters in the near future, so I hope you enjoy.

have a good day and I'll see you in the next one.

ja ne

2800 words

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