Treasured Memories Y/N & 8 Pi...

By kpopluvin

2.8K 80 14

Y/N doesn't remember her childhood or her life before coming to this bustling port City and being married off... More

1 (short but yea)
2 So She Made It
5 ( a bit long but enjoy)
10 (another long one)


170 5 0
By kpopluvin

I jerked awake. I quickly recognized that I was in the Captain's quarters, there was a gentle sway to the ship, so I knew we were out at sea again. I swung my legs over the bed and placed my head in my hands. Was that just a dream or were those my memories? I thought back over all the conversations I have had with everyone. With how they treated me and how easily they accepted me, especially after Jongho saw my locket. That's right, Jongho would have a matching locket, they knew who I was. They were probably hoping I would remember on my own, but it must have been so painful to know who I was but not be remembered.

I stood and strode to the door, opening it and letting my eyes adjust to the sunlight. I frowned, how long had I been out? I made eye contact with Hongjoong, before wandering over to stand next to him. "How long was I out for?"

"About 20hrs, you should go down to the kitchen and get some food. We need to all be on top of our game in order to get home safely," he replied, carefully watching me. I nodded, looking past him to watch Seonghwa come towards us. I smiled and gave a small wave before turning and moving across the deck. I looked up in the crow's nest to see Yeosang looking down at me, I waved happily up at him before running across the rest of the deck to head down to get food.

"Wooyoung you around?" I called out when entering the kitchen only to see him jump up and run to me. "You're here!"

He scooped me up and swung me around, before settling me down on one of the counters. I swung my legs from where I sat as he scurried around warming up some food, as dinner had just happened an hour ago. Wooyoung continued to chatter while reheating up the food, and I replied back whenever required. As I watched him, more memories came to the forefront of my mind.

I opened my eyes from my nap to see Hongjoong crouched in front of me scowling. I snuggled more firmly into Wooyoung's chest, which made a fantastic pillow for my head. The sun was shining, and I could hear the waves crashing gently onto the beach. I glanced back up at Hongjoong and smiled at him, causing him to smile back at me before ruffling my hair. Hongjoong glanced behind me surprised when suddenly I grunted out as San laid himself on Wooyoung and me. I started to laugh and so did Wooyoung. Hongjoong fell back onto his butt as more people gathered around. Seonghwa sat next to Hongjoong and so did Mingi, Yunho and Jongho. Yeosang decided to drape himself on top of San. I laughed out louder, getting squished. Jongho just shook his head as he watched his sister get squished before grabbing my hands, trying to yank me out.

A chuckle slipped out bringing me back to my senses and seeing Wooyoung standing in front of me with food now placed beside me. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, just a thought popped into my head." I stated as I picked up the food and began to eat. He looked at me skeptically, before glancing around me as San came bounding into the kitchen.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed as he practically shoved Wooyoung to the side. He stood in between my legs and hugged me. I quickly moved my food out of the way and hugged him close, as he nestled his face into the crook of my neck before pulling back and giving me a quick peck on the cheek before winking at me and running out of the kitchen. I shook my head at his shenanigans and thought he has not changed at all. He used to always give me small pecks on the cheeks, forehead, hands and it drove the rest of the guys crazy, especially Hongjoong. Wooyoung used to do the same thing but maybe he grew out of it. I looked at Wooyoung, and just shrugged like it is what it is. He squinted at me before taking the spot San had just been.

"Why were you not surprised by that?" he asked, and I just blinked at him a couple times unsure what to say. It is something that I would expect from San, I had known him and most of the guys since we were babies, until I was taken. All the memories were there, swirling around as I stared into Wooyoung's eyes and smiled down at him before shaking my head and pushing him away a bit. "In due time bestie, all in due time."

I saw the emotions flicker across his face, surprise being one of them because I had called him bestie for the first time since we were children, I quickly turned my attention back to my food. I pretended like I hadn't done anything and finished eating. I hopped off the counter, cleaned my dish and put my dish in the drying rack. I patted Wooyoung's shoulder and left to go help out with the rest of the crew, leaving Wooyoung standing in the middle of the kitchen frozen.

I went down a couple levels checking things out and found Mingi and Yunho making sure things were accounted for and that everything was tied down in case we hit a storm.

"The wind has been in our favor since we left port, if it keeps up, we will be home tomorrow instead of in two days," I overheard Yunho state.

"For reals?" I asked, as I grabbed a couple ropes and chains to help tie crates down.

I dropped everything when I reached some crates that needed tying down, bending to tie down some crates before someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me up, "Y/N you're awake!" Mingi's voice boomed out in the compartment. I laughed, "Goodness you guys are all acting so surprised that I have awoken, was I supposed to sleep forever?"

"Noooo," both Yunho and Mingi echoed each other. "You just slept so long and Jongho said it might be because you have been through too many things back-to-back with no real break and that you might sleep way longer..." Yunho trailed off, staring at us as we stared back at him, with me dangling from Mingi's arms. Yunho remembered back to when he would find Mingi carrying Y/N like this after Mingi went through an early growth spurt. Yunho sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. What was he going to do with the two of them if she ever remembered them?

"Yunhooooooooo..." I whined and I wiggled about trying to release myself from Mingi.

"Let her go Mingi, we have work to do as there is potential for a storm to come in."

"A storm?" I murmured out, before sighing as I was released from Mingi's grasp.

I knelt down and began ensuring things were tied down as I listened to Mingi and Yunho mutter back and forth to each other. I don't do well in storms. I recalled the memory that had played while I was conked out. When we were kids all of them would do their best to calm and distract me when storms happened. Though my husband left me alone even though he knew I didn't do well with thunderstorms. I usually climbed into the closet, curled up and covered my ears.

I shook my head to stop thinking about it. Can I forget that time in my life and remember everything from my childhood? We finished tying everything down on all levels after a few hours. I went back into the kitchen to find Wooyoung preparing a midnight snack. I sliced up some dried meats and laid out some crackers and cheeses that could be stacked upon each other. The rest of the guys came in and we sat around chit chatting and discussing who would stay up for the rest of the night and who would nap before everyone would switch. I volunteered to stay up since I had just woken up not too long ago. They protested because they didn't want me to push myself, but I waved them off.

"I'm fine guys, no need to be so protective," I chuckled out at their nonsense, but remembered that I had only come back into their lives. I frowned.

"We will always be protective of you just like we are of each other," Yeosang said from next to me. I leaned against him causing him to wrap an arm around my waist holding me close. I shoved another snack into my mouth as I thought back to how close I had been to them so long ago and how some of them were reverting right back to how we used to be. I saw Hongjoong watching me carefully, as Wooyoung whispered something into his ear. I tilted my head concerned but instead announced I would stay up again and for Yeosang to get sleep since he appeared to be one of the more exhausted ones. I unattached myself from Yeosang heading towards the main deck. We couldn't leave it unattended for too long while out at sea.

I was going to have to be more careful, between not acting surprised when San gave me a peck, calling Wooyoung bestie and allowing so much skin ship after nearly being taken by Eric and crew... Eric and crew? I sighed out; I do not need to remember those guys. I held my locket, and looked up at the sky, completely amazed by the stars glittering in the black abyss that was the night sky. 

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