Shadows and Shades (#4 Post-O...

De Wild_Karrde

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Crosshair and Iden take off on their first solo mission together for the rebellion, heading to Raxus to inves... Mais

Shadows and Shades - Part 1
Shadows and Shades - Part 2
Shadows and Shades - Part 3
Shadows and Shades - Part 4
Shadows and Shades - Part 5
Shadows and Shades - Part 6
Shadows and Shades - Part 7
Shadows and Shades - Part 8
Shadows and Shades - Part 9
Shadows and Shades - Part 10
Shadows and Shades - Part 11
Shadows and Shades - Part 12
Shadows and Shades - Part 13
Shadows and Shades - Part 14
Shadows and Shades - Part 15
Shadows and Shades - Part 16

Shadows and Shades - Part 17 (Final Part)

198 8 3
De Wild_Karrde

A/N: WELL, THIS IS IT! The last chapter! I fell in love with this fic and these characters more than I thought I would, and I have had the last page of this written for FOREVER. I am so very excited to share it now with you all! As always, I have to thank  Teletraan_1 (AO3) for being an absolutely phenomenal beta reader and friend. These fics don't happen without TJ, and she makes them so much better. SO THANK YOU, TJ! YOU ARE THE BEST, AND I ADORE YOU, DEAR FRIEND!

Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth

"Oi! Out of the way! Can't you see she's pregnant? Make room, ya nerf herders!"

Iden bit back the sigh that was threatening to erupt out of her as Wrecker shooed a group of young rebels from their seats at one of the tables in the mess hall. Only one of them dared toss a glare over their shoulder at the massive clone.

"Got somethin' to say?" Wrecker growled.

"Easy big guy," Iden teased, patting his arm. "I think they got the message." She inhaled deeply before heaving one leg over the bench to straddle it. The tables were frustratingly not accommodating for someone whose stomach was the size of an overinflated bolo-ball, but sitting down was something of a relief nonetheless. Wrecker hovered behind her as she lowered herself down, his hands ready to catch her at any moment, and for once, Iden allowed herself to grip his hand as she plopped onto the bench.

I'm really ready for this to be over.

Iden had never understood the 'beauty' of pregnancy, never being one to fall under the illusion that it was some magical experience where you just flitted about and then one day a baby for the entire galaxy to fawn over just appeared in your arms. However, even having a reasonable set of expectations hadn't prepared her for the way her body had stretched and changed to accommodate their child. The nausea she'd experienced the first few months seemed like a gracious reprieve compared to the back pain, swollen feet, weird cravings, and constant need to urinate.

Oh, and she was still nauseous regularly.

"I'll go get your food and be right back," Wrecker reassured her before jogging off. She allowed herself to lean one arm on the table, patting her belly with her other hand.

"I'm so tired of this. A few weeks to go still, but I think I've had enough."

She'd never really gotten used to the constant fussing and accommodations. Iden was used to being self-sufficient, almost to a detrimental point, but it had become quickly apparent she was going to have to get used to asking for help. She'd even briefly considered asking Crosshair to wait to tell everyone else she was pregnant until she was unable to hide it, if nothing else but to spare herself the hovering and worrying, but when she saw how excited he was the first night back on Yavin 4, she knew she couldn't possibly deprive him of that.

Hunter's mouth had fallen open in shock, Echo had grinned like a fiend, letting out a loud bark of a laugh, and Wrecker had practically started bawling on the spot. Even Tech had looked up from what he was tinkering with to offer congratulations, and then had immediately launched into a barrage of medical questions.

With the slew of varied reactions from his brothers, Omega had been Iden's favorite. She had walked in in the middle of everyone digesting the news, immediately understanding that she'd missed some piece of important information. Her eyes had glided over to Crosshair, and then to Iden, briefly flicking down to look at her belly before meeting her gaze. She stifled a smile.

Maker alive, she's picking up on things quickly, Iden had thought. Senna must be pleased.

Crosshair hadn't seemed to notice Omega's perceptiveness, striding over to her and resting his hands on her shoulders. "I have something to tell you, and I hope you'll be excited." Iden had to stifle a giggle at the way he suddenly got nervous. She knew that he loved the kid, even if he didn't show it in a conventional way. The two of them had a unique relationship, one that existed more in the quiet space and unspoken words when they were just sitting next to one another, but this moment was different for him. Omega smiled up expectantly, waiting for him to tell her what she'd already figured out.

"You're going to be an aunt, Omega. Iden's pregnant."

Iden had to give it to the kid, she played it perfectly, squealing with excitement and flinging her arms around Crosshair's waist. He hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, smiling to himself. Omega met Iden's eyes, and Iden had winked at her, mouthing a thank you.

The months had dragged on since then, and with every day, she found some new annoyance with how her body was changing. She'd been determined to not allow her body to lose its strength and endurance, going running daily until she'd been forced to switch to walking. Senna had accompanied her every day, dragging her out when she didn't want to mentally go. "This is important to you, and I can't help you in many ways, but I can do this. Let's at least go do a lap around the tarmac and we can come right back in," she'd urged on one of the days where Iden was feeling at her lowest and most frustrated. They'd done three laps before Iden had begged off to waddle to the refresher.

Everyone had been wonderful. Well, mostly everyone. Chuckles, the clone pilot that had picked them up, was still a bit distant. She'd seen him spending time with his two children, a teenage Twi'lek and a young Pantoran. Both of the younglings seemed to have adjusted well to their new surroundings, but Chuckles constantly seemed ready to bolt. Senna had quietly relayed their story on one of their walks, how Chuckles's inhibitor chip hadn't activated, how he'd managed to save the two younglings that had become his adopted family, and how they'd been running ever since.

"He's been doing nothing but looking over his shoulder for the last few years," Senna had said quietly. "I can understand his reluctance to relax. I just hope with time, he'll find a place here." She'd leaned over, nudging Iden's shoulder. "But I have to tell you, since he may not; he was very grateful that the two of you got Howzer out."

"They knew each other?"

"They were apparently best friends during the war. He'd assumed Howzer was dead or serving the Empire. When he showed up here... well, to put it mildly, Chuckles was beside himself. I'm not sure I've seen a more emotional reunion. When he found out we were going to rescue the two people that had busted his friend out, he was the first one to volunteer as a pilot."

Iden had smiled to herself. If nothing else, at least we did that much good. She'd been sad not to find the former clone captain at the base when they arrived. Hunter had told her that he hadn't stayed long. When he found out the Twi'lek general he'd served alongside during the war had escaped Ryloth with his family, Howzer had decided to go looking for them to carry on the fight. She sighed.

"Echo's brother certainly seemed to have no issue adjusting."

Senna had laughed at that. "Fives is a different story altogether."

Iden huffed a laugh. "That he is."

Fives had hovered awkwardly in the background when they returned, clearly not sure where he fit with these new people. He'd watched his twin interact with Crosshair, gripping his arm in greeting, and Iden had noticed a slight scowl on his face. But with time, Fives had gotten around to greeting both of them, and clumsily, he'd thanked Crosshair quietly for rescuing Echo.

"Without you and your squad, I wouldn't have gotten a second chance to razz him at any given opportunity," the former ARC trooper said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"He clearly didn't tell you what I said on the mission," Crosshair joked dryly.

"Oh, he did," Fives replied. "Says you can be a bit of a prick, but you're really sweet as a tooka. You just don't want people to think that."

Iden had burst out laughing at the way Crosshair's nose wrinkled with disgust.

Nisa's reception had been far more chilly. She was still unconscious when they arrived, and they'd carefully placed her on a gurney to be moved to one of the few small cells they kept on the base just in case. Every day for the first few weeks she was there, she was only taken out of her cell to be interrogated for hours on end. Hunter and Senna led most of the interrogations, grilling her sister about every tidbit of Imperial intelligence she could provide. Iden had been torn about whether or not to at least listen in, but Crosshair had offered to observe and relay anything important.

"We need to minimize the amount of duress you put yourself under," he'd insisted. "Let me worry about Nisa. You go make yourself useful elsewhere."

And she had. With Echo and Wrecker's help, they'd completely audited every piece of weaponry and equipment on the base. She'd helped Tech repair everything from a squeaky bench in the mess to the Marauder's hyperdrive, which always seemed to be on the fritz. She'd asked Senna if she could observe Omega's training, wanting to ensure she could also be as helpful as her brothers if needed. She'd been astounded to watch Omega, the Twi'lek Arni, and the young Pantoran Nita train together. The three of them appeared to have grown attached to each other quickly, especially Omega and Arni, who seemed to have a particularly special bond. Where Arni was anxious and a perfectionist, Omega was encouraging and gentle. Nita on the other hand, was a force to be reckoned with, and Iden adored the spark that burned within her.

I hope my child has a fraction of her fire. That one's a monster slayer to be sure.

After a few months, Senna and Hunter had agreed to allow Nisa a few more freedoms. She was allowed outside of her room with supervision, and occasionally joined Senna and Iden for their walks. But just because Senna and Hunter had decided to trust her didn't mean that trust permeated the remainder of the base. She noted that Arni and Nita were frequently nowhere to be found on the days Nisa was allowed out, having been shuffled off somewhere by Chuckles with some mumbled excuse. Many of the rebels would glare in Nisa's general direction when she'd walk through the mess hall. Fives in particular had been the most upset at the decision to have Nisa on base, and while Iden could somewhat understand why after what had happened to him, his animosity towards her sister still annoyed her. At times, he was a downright bully.

Several months in, they'd been walking through the mess when Fives had approached, clearly pretending to be distracted by something else. He'd dropped his shoulder and rammed Nisa, sending her lunch tray lurching against her chest, spilling food down the front of her and onto the floor.


Nisa clenched her fists, glaring at him. Fives had returned the stare, seemingly bored with the entire exchange, but his anger and intention was clear. Iden was on him in a second. She'd charged forward, shoving him roughly.

"She didn't put you in that tube, you fucking mynock."

Fives stepped forward, glaring down at Iden, and at that point, Echo had reached the escalating situation, pushing his brother back as Crosshair had come sprinting across the mess with murder in his gaze.

"Enough Fives," Echo snarled.

"She shouldn't be here. And you kriffing know it," his twin bit back, his amber irises practically glowing. "She's one of them. And she went willingly." He turned to Nisa, his voice raising. "Our brothers didn't have a choice. You did." He bumped against Echo, who was trying to keep him at bay while also pressing a palm to Iden's shoulder to keep her back, shooting a pleading look at Crosshair, who seemed satisfied to let Iden go toe-to-toe with the former ARC trooper.

Senna appeared suddenly, stepping in front of Fives and placing her hands on his chest. Her blue eyes were alight and she was speaking to him in a quiet but angry tone. Iden couldn't hear what was being said, but it was enough to draw Fives's attention. He glared at her for a moment before his expression softened and Iden could see some of the tension leave his body. Senna said a few more things to him before patting him on the shoulder and glancing over at Echo, who took his cue, grabbing Fives by the arm and dragging him away.

Senna watched him go before stooping to help Crosshair and Iden clean up the mess on the floor. Nisa's fists were still clenched at her sides. She unleashed a shaky breath.

"You didn't deserve that," Iden muttered.

"It's going to take time," Crosshair rasped. "More so with some than others. Although that was underhanded."

"Fives has his reasons. They're not necessarily the right reasons, but he's still healing," Senna said quietly. "You're just an outlet for his anger right now."

"I'm an easy target," Nisa agreed. "I'm the closest thing to the Empire that he can take a swing at." She sighed. "I don't need him to like me. I just need him to tolerate me being here."

Senna gave her a half-hearted smirk. "He burns a little hotter than Echo does, but he'll come around. Eventually."

Nisa sighed again. "We'll see."

That all seemed so long ago as Iden readjusted again on the bench, trying to get comfortable on the stiff seating in the mess hall. At least then, I could bend at the waist. Now everything's an ungraceful squat or waddle.

Wrecker was making his way back towards her, and she tried to hide the frown of disappointment at the rations that she could see on the trays he was carrying. Fucking protein bars again and whatever that sour shit is. They were due for a new shipment of supplies and rations, and she internally made a note to make her way down to the store room as soon as it arrived to claim at least a few choice snacks for herself.

She grunted in frustration as she shifted again, the back pain that she'd been noticing all morning intensifying again, and she gripped the table a little tighter for a moment, exhaling sharply. Wrecker set the tray down in front of her before sliding into the seat across from her.

"Sorry. Couldn't find the chocolate thing you like so much."

She gave him a pained smile as the pain finally abated a bit. "S'alright, Wreck. I appreciate the effort."

"You alright? You look like you're sweating a bit."

"Yeah, was just a cramp."

Omega entered the hall with Arni in tow, the two of them chattering excitedly to one another. The young clone spotted Iden and her brother, and her eyes lit up. She bid a hurried goodbye to her Twi'lek friend before making her way over, plopping down next to Wrecker.

"How's the baby?"

"On my last nerve," Iden grunted, shifting again as the muscles in her back seemed to rebel again.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just a back spasm."

"She had one a few minutes ago too," Wrecker commented. "Seems like they've been happening all morning."

Omega's eyes widened. "Iden... have they been happening at regular intervals?"

"No. Well, I don't know. My back's just hurting non-stop, but if I could just get shifted here-" Iden rocked against the bench again, trying to find a position that was more comfortable. "I had it a second ago, and now... kriff." She sat back and sighed in frustration. "I'm so ready for this to be done."

Omega's brows were furrowed as she watched Iden carefully. She punched something on the comm on her wrist.

"What did you just do?" Iden asked, raising an eyebrow.


"You're a shit liar, kid."

Wrecker nudged Omega, and the young clone ducked her head slightly. "I... I'm timing your back spasms. You're far along enough to where... well, they might not be spasms Iden."

Iden stared at her for a moment before her exhaustion-addled brain pieced together what Omega was implying. "You... you think I'm in labor?"

"It's possible."

Iden shifted again, grimacing as another spasm gripped her. Omega punched a button on her wrist. Iden rocked around again, trying to find a way to get the pain to stop, suddenly gripped with a bit of panic. "Th-the droid said I had another week or two to go."

"I thought you wanted this to be over."

"Yes, well the thing standing between me and this pregnancy being over happens to be childbirth, and I hadn't exactly worked my way up to being ready for that." The pain relented, and she relaxed. "See, just gotta find the right spot. It's just a spasm."

Omega clearly wasn't convinced. "Maybe I should comm Crosshair."

"No, don't bother him," Iden replied, beginning to become more annoyed. "He didn't take his comm with him this morning anyway. Wanted Tech to fix something on it that had been giving him trouble."

"All the more reason to go and find him then, don't you think?" Omega tried again, growing more insistent. "Wrecker can go and I could stay with you."

Iden bit off a piece of the ration bar, trying to keep her annoyance in check. Don't snap at the kid. Don't snap at the kid. She chewed quickly, swallowing just as another wave of pain hit her, and she fought the urge to vomit the foul-tasting ration right back up. "No! No, it's fine." The pitch and volume of her voice was rising quickly, starting to draw attention from the few others in the hall. The spasm passed, and Iden struggled to push herself to her feet. Wrecker stood to help her, but she hastily waved him off.

"Iden, they're coming every two minutes," Omega said quietly. "Like clockwork. You should at least go down to the medbay and get looked at."

"I'm FINE." Iden finally snapped. "I-I just need to go lie down."

To her absolute horror, Iden felt a gush of warmth between her legs and looked down in time to see the front of her trousers quickly becoming soaked. The rush of fluid continued for what felt like an eternity, and when it was done, Iden was standing in her own personal puddle, mortified. She looked up to see a look of pure terror on Wrecker's face. Omega was already standing and frantically waving Arni over.

"It's alright, your water just broke," she assured Iden. "We'll find him. Wrecker, get her to the medbay. Carry her if you have to."

Iden looked down as another contraction hit, nearly bringing her to her knees.



Crosshair shouldn't have been surprised by the sheer amount of chaos in the medbay, and yet, somehow he was. A med droid went wheeling past him quickly followed by a metal tray that he just managed to duck as he stepped into the tiny room Omega had led him to. The tray crashed against the wall outside, and the droid tried to utter some sort of what he assumed was an apology, but it was drowned out by shouting coming from inside the room. Wrecker was notably absent, and Crosshair assumed he'd already fled. Iden, on the other hand, was sitting up in the bed in a medical gown that was falling off one shoulder, hair stuck to her sweaty forehead, swearing loudly.


Crosshair glanced at Omega, who was right behind him. She had a hand clapped over her mouth, clearly trying to stifle a giggle. Iden was panting, but her expression softened as he stepped into the room.

"I see things are going well in here then," he stated evenly.

"I just don't want to have one more cold, metallic instrument shoved up inside me or poking me," Iden grunted. "And if I hear one more time what 'isn't advisable', I'm going to break its arm off and beat it with it."

"Perhaps it's worthwhile to listen to the droid engineered to provide medical care."

Iden glared at him. "I'm not choosy about whose arm I rip off at this point, dear. Are you sure you want to run that risk?" She readjusted, her knuckles tightening on the sides of the bed as her face contorted in pain. Crosshair stepped to the side of the bed, trying to figure out how to help her, but she waved him off, swearing loudly. His heart clenched at seeing her in so much pain.

"Did the droid give you meds?"

"No," she snarled. "Turns out, that's something coming on the new shipment. We are currently fresh out, so I'm just going to have to feel this."

"Alright, what else can I do?"

"Make sure that kriffing droid brings your brother back in here."


"No, Hunter. He and his karking bandana will be so useful right now. OF COURSE, TECH."

He raised his hands in surrender, looking back at Omega with a silent plea. She nodded, taking the hint. "I'll go find him." With that, she slipped out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

Crosshair pulled up a stool from the corner of the room to sit by the bed. "Did the droid at least tell you how much longer you have to go?"

Iden sighed. "I suppose that's the one bit of good news. I apparently have been laboring for a while and didn't want to face reality. It sounds like it won't be much longer." Something in her voice gave him pause, he couldn't pinpoint exactly what. He leaned forward, slipping his fingers into hers.

"What is it?" he asked, and when she finally met his eyes, he saw what was bothering her: Iden was afraid. There were so few times Iden had ever been truly vulnerable around him. This was the woman that had faced down an entire Imperial army and threatened to kill Saw Gerrera in her own living room. But now, he could see it, but he knew naming it would shame her, so he took a different tack.

"You know you can do this, right?"

Iden huffed. "I have spent so much of my life struggling to stay in control, and now, I have to let go and allow my body to do what eons of evolution has prepared it to do, but... it's still... unnerving."

He grinned, kissing her knuckles. "You've gone toe-to-toe with an AT-AT and just about every authority figure we've run into. This will be a walk in the park for you. And you're not going to do it alone."

She raised an eyebrow. "I don't see your body having a complete cramp every few minutes, or were you saving all your strength for the push?" She laughed dryly. "No, no dear, I think this one is on me."

"You know what I mean."

"Of course I do, but sarcasm is how I'm coping at the moment." Just then, another contraction wracked Iden, and she swore loudly as its intensity grew. Crosshair bit the inside of his cheek as she clamped onto his hand. The joints in his knuckles creaked, and he fought back a smile despite the pain.

"What... what the hell is so funny?" Iden gasped.

"I was just remembering the last time you were breaking my fingers," he said quietly. "In the back of that speeder as we escaped Theed. Echo was trying to set your leg after a blaster had blown clear through your knee. I was quite honestly shocked you were still conscious."

"I've been known to have a high tolerance," Iden replied, some of the pain clearly starting to abate. He could see her body relax, no longer bracing against the contraction.

Crosshair placed his palm on her sweaty forehead, brushing some of her hair out of her eyes. "I was amazed at your strength then, Iden. I think that's where things started to turn for me."

Her eyes glittered teasingly. "What, it wasn't the fact that you were holding a beautiful woman in your arms?"

Crosshair chuckled. "That didn't hurt either." Leaning forward, he captured her lips with his before pressing his forehead against hers. "You're going to make an incredible mother."

She cupped his cheek, a tear leaking from the inner corner of her eye and tracing down her nose. "And you're going to be a wonderful father."

Another contraction shattered the moment, and Iden braced herself again. "It feels like it's time. Where the fuck are they?" She groaned, reaching for him again, and he gave her his hand, trying to keep his face neutral as he felt the joint in at least one finger pop.

"Focus on your breathing, Iden. Just a little longer, I'm sure."

She muttered something he didn't quite catch, but he assumed she was cursing someone, probably him. "Are you excited to tell them her name?" he asked, trying to distract her.

They'd known the sex of the baby for a while, but had decided to keep it to themselves along with the name they'd chosen. Iden opened one eye to look at him, nodding. "I hope it's a good one for our little monster slayer."

He smiled. "If she's anything like her namesake, it'll be perfect."

Footsteps in the hallway drew Crosshair's attention, and he turned in time to see Omega sprinting back into the room with Tech close on her heels. "I really must stress that a medical droid has more expertise in this area than I-"

"Do you know how to deliver a baby, Tech?" Iden interrupted, any semblance of patience clearly having left her.

"In principle, yes, however, seeing as the majority of my experience was in combat on specialized missions, I didn't exactly-"

"I don't care. Get down there and let's do this."

Tech looked at Crosshair, who shrugged. His brother sighed, adjusting his goggles and walking over to the supply cabinet to gather some items.

"Very well."

In a matter of minutes and only a few pushes, it was over, and Tech was holding their daughter, rubbing her down with a towel and clipping her umbilical cord. He glanced up from beneath Iden's knees, smiling wide. "It's a girl," he breathed. "Congratulations." The little girl in his hands began squalling, and he quickly moved to clean her off a bit more before placing her on Iden's chest. "I will need to scan her to be thorough, but based on a preliminary glance she seems healthy." As he turned away, Iden gripped his arm. Tech turned back to her, a confused expression crossing his face as he looked back and forth between her and Crosshair, who was smiling with glistening eyes.

"What is it?" he asked.

Iden's face was covered in sweat and tears, but she smiled up at him, panting. "I'm glad you were the first one to meet her, Tech. I'd like to introduce you to your niece, Kestra. It's not an exact match on the name, but we plan to call her Kes for short."

Tech's throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, his eyes misting behind his goggles. There was no doubt who they had named their daughter after, the former queen of Naboo that had died defending her world, the woman that they all had fought for and been inspired by. The woman that Tech had loved. "That... that's a perfect name. She's perfect," Tech said quietly. Leaning over, he took a blanket from where he'd laid out the supplies, gently draping it over Kestra. "Th-thank you," he stuttered out, "for allowing me to be here and meet her."

Iden reached out, clasping his hand and giving it a squeeze. He squeezed back before moving over to begin calibrating the medical scanner.

Crosshair leaned over Iden's shoulder, taking in his daughter's face. She had a full head of hair, chubby cheeks, and was smacking her lips in between breaths. Reaching forward, he gently took one of her tiny hands in between his fingers, and her eyes snapped open, looking directly at him. Iden's breath caught in her throat.

"She has your eyes. I'd know that eye color anywhere," she whispered.

Crosshair stared at his daughter. "She has so much of both of us." He realized his cheeks were wet with tears, but he couldn't be bothered to care. "Tech's right. She's perfect." He turned, kissing Iden, and she reached up to cup his face.

"Thank you," he breathed.

Iden rested her forehead against his. "For what?"

"For loving me. For her. For all of it."

It didn't take long for word to travel around the base, and after a few hours, Iden was finally feeling up to having visitors. Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, and Omega had been hovering in the hall, and when Tech finally opened the door to allow them in, they all stepped inside cautiously.

"She won't break by you being here," Iden teased. "Come on in."

Crosshair sat in a chair next to the bed with his shirt open, cradling his daughter in his arms against his bare chest. Tech had coached him through how to properly hold an infant, and after only a few scowls and muttered comments, the sniper had mastered it. Iden had watched the two of them quietly, her heart feeling as though it could burst. She was still sore despite Tech doing his best to make her comfortable, and she felt as though she could sleep for three rotations, but in this moment, everything was perfect.

I never could have imagined what this would be like. Never in my wildest dreams. I'm so terrified, but so overwhelmed with happiness.

Crosshair stood, bouncing his daughter slightly as he stepped towards his brothers, pulling the blanket back from her face. She yawned sleepily before opening her eyes to stare wide-eyed at her uncles and aunt.

"This is Kestra," Crosshair said quietly. "My... my daughter."

Hunter placed his hand on his brother's shoulder as he leaned over the little girl. "Congratulations to you both."

"Would you like to hold her?"

Hunter looked at him for a moment before smiling and nodding. Crosshair carefully wrapped the blanket around Kestra in a swaddle and shifted her into Hunter's arms. The sergeant smiled down at her as she stared up at him. "Her eyes. They're.. they're ours."

"Yeah. Yeah they are."

Kestra met each of her uncles and Omega in turn. Echo was nervous cradling her with his cybernetic, insisting on wrapping his metal limb in a blanket so that he wouldn't pinch her with a joint inadvertently. Omega held her next, speaking quietly to her and smiling down at her. Wrecker was last.

"Don't think I should," he said quietly. "She's so little. I-I-I don't want to... to hurt her."

"You won't," Omega reassured him.

Wrecker's brow furrowed deeper, and he recoiled slightly as Omega approached him. Crosshair took his daughter from Omega, holding her out to Wrecker. "You hold explosive equipment all the time that is far more risky to drop than she is."

"I don't want to hurt-"

"You won't. Now, sit down if you're nervous." Iden scooted over in her bed, patting the mattress next to her. Wrecker ducked his head sheepishly before sitting down next to her. He reached over, taking her hand.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been better, but not the worst shape I've been in," Iden joked, squeezing his hand. "Sorry I gave you a fright earlier. Appreciate you getting me here. Even if I was swearing the entire way."

Wrecker grinned for a moment before Crosshair stood in front of him. "Hold out your hands."

The large clone did as he was told, and Crosshair gently placed Kestra into his massive palms, making minor adjustments to support her where needed. Then he stepped back. "There. See. Not so bad."

Wrecker was staring down at the tiny life form in his hands, and Kestra watched him with equal intensity before gurgling and smiling at him. "She... she's not afraid of me," he said quietly. "Thought the scar and the eye might put 'er off, but she doesn't seem to care."

"Technically, newborns can only see a distance of up to-" Echo interrupted Tech's lecture with a shoulder nudge, shaking his head as his brother glared at him, readjusting his goggles.

A soft knock at the door drew their attention, and Iden turned to find Senna standing in the door.

"May we come in?"

Iden nodded, and the Jedi stepped inside followed by a hesitant Nisa. Her sister was fidgeting with something in her hands and chewing her lip as she approached the bed. Senna was already leaning over the infant in Wrecker's arms, stroking her cheeks with a finger.

"She's beautiful, you two."

Wrecker carefully started to hand her to Senna, but the Jedi backed away, reaching back to motion Nisa closer. "Come meet your niece." Iden could see her sister's hesitation as her eyes scanned the room, taking in all the faces around her. She extended her hand.

"Come on, family's meeting her first. And that's you."

Nisa bobbed her head, stepping forward. Wrecker held Kestra out to her, and she took her, gently cradling her. Wrecker moved out of the way so that Nisa could take his place on the bed next to Iden, and she sat gingerly down next to her sister. The room was quiet aside from Kestra's gurgles and coos as Nisa studied her carefully.

"She's got so much hair," she commented after a few moments.

"You had that much too when you came," Iden said quietly. "Mom always told me I came in bald as a barren moon, but you had a full head of hair."

Nisa nodded, her eyes glistening. Readjusting Kestra, she produced the item she'd been fidgeting with, letting it fall from her fingers. The silver leaf pendant dangled just above the baby, and Kestra watched it swing back and forth with apparent interest.

"I think she should have this," Nisa said. "If that's alright with you. Not right now of course. I hear babies put everything in their mouths. But when she's older."

Iden's eyes shone as she reached for the necklace. "I think that's a wonderful idea."

Nisa nodded, smiling at her sister. "It belongs in your family. This family."

Iden reached forward, gripping her sister's hand tightly.

"Our family, Anisia."

Her sister looked around the room, and to her surprise found warm smiles and nods. She huffed a quiet laugh.

"I'd like that, I think. To have a family again."

Iden's voice broke as she replied.

"Me too."

Crosshair sat next to Iden's bed in the medical suite that she'd been in since delivering Kestra a few rotations ago. It was the most at peace he'd seen her in a while, and he leaned forward to gently brush some of the hair out of her face. Her nose wrinkled at the slight tickle, but she did not wake. He stood and stretched, his limbs popping as he interlaced his fingers and reached upward. He'd been sleeping on a cot on the floor of the medical suite, waking to feed, change, and comfort Kestra as much as he could to give Iden a reprieve, but he hoped that their sleeping arrangements would change soon. Senna and Hunter had told him that they'd found a small store room to convert into a tiny one-room dwelling for the three of them for when Iden was medically cleared.

"Figured you would want some privacy," Hunter had said quietly, "while you adjust to being parents."

"And so that the crying baby won't keep everyone else up," Crosshair joked.

"You know damn well we'll all be clamoring to take turns helping out," Senna replied, jabbing him in the shoulder. "All you have to do is ask, and we'll be there. You don't have to do this alone if you don't want to."

He had nodded gratefully. "That was never in the cards, I don't think."

Now, as he relaxed his shoulders, he turned to glance over at the chrono, noting it was almost dawn, and a thought occurred to him. Turning to the makeshift crib Omega had put together, he watched his daughter stir before opening her amber eyes and staring up at him with wide-eyed wonder.

"What do you say you and I go see your first sunrise, little star?"

Kestra gurgled in response, and he huffed a quiet laugh before carefully lifting her out of the crib and tucking her against his shoulder. With one hand, he typed out a quick note to Iden on the datapad on her bedside table to tell her where they'd gone before he quietly slipped out the door and trudged down the hall.

The base was completely silent, no one even beginning to stir in any of the common areas or the mess hall, and Crosshair was secretly glad. It was a relief to finally leave the tiny room, and he couldn't explain why, but he wanted this moment with his daughter for himself. Punching the unlock code for the main hangar door, he stepped out into the dim early morning haze. The air was a little cool, and he hugged Kestra closer to his chest, but the infant seemed unphased in her warm swaddling of blankets, cooing away and dribbling into the fabric of his shirt. He smirked.

"Quite the drooler, aren't you?"

Kestra appeared to agree, giggling at him, and he smiled down at her. Crosshair made his way to the edge of the tarmac before carefully sitting down, cradling his daughter gently in his hands. He knew this wasn't a moment that she'd ever remember, but it was one he'd never forget.

The sun gently crested the horizon, the golden rays sparkling in Kestra's locks that were poking out of the blanket she was wrapped in. He still couldn't believe she'd been born with a full head of hair, and he carefully ran his fingers through the delicate curls. The little girl turned her face towards the sunlight, smiling widely before turning back to stare at her father.

Crosshair stared back at her, committing her face to memory. He knew she'd grow at a normal human rate, Tech had confirmed it, but it would still be too fast, and before long, the baby girl that was staring up at him with wonder and curiosity would be lost to time. His eyes prickled at the thought, and he blinked rapidly, trying to clear the mist.

And thanks to Tech's treatment, I'll get to see all of it. A full life of watching her grow. Of watching the person she'll become. My little monster slayer.

Kestra wriggled one of her tiny arms loose from her blanket and before he could re-swaddle her, she wrapped her hand around his thumb, gripping tightly. A lump rose in his throat as he looked down at her, staring into the eyes they shared. He'd never really cared much for children, but this little girl was his, and he knew that he'd cut his heart from his own chest if it meant hers would keep beating. He loved her more than he'd ever loved another person or thing, even his Firepuncher, which he was certain Iden would tease him about relentlessly, but in this moment, he couldn't care less.

"All of this is for you, you know," he said quietly. "The rebellion. This fight. I never really saw the reason for it, always thinking it was a waste of time and effort to stand up to the Empire, but now, I know who it's really for. It's for you, Kestra. So that you can grow up in a better galaxy than your mother and I did." His voice cracked as he tipped his face down, pressing a gentle kiss to his daughter's forehead before resting his against hers. "It's all for you, my little star. So that you can have the life you deserve. I'll do anything to give you that."

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