Jaune's Multiverse Madness!

By RocknRoll7575

78.8K 677 377

You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Mu... More

Chapter 2: TRAITOR!
Chapter 4: A Proud Saiyan Prince...
Chapter 5: Arcus Mortis!
Chapter 6: Quarter Mile
Chapter 7: I Will Never Lose Again!
Chapter 8: Knighthood
Chapter 9: Fell Omen
Chapter 10: Demon Duo!
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: The Ones Who Live
Chapter 13: Last Day On Earth
Chapter 14: Sunshine

Chapter 1: For The Watch

7.7K 60 17
By RocknRoll7575

Source: Game of Thrones S5 Ep.10 "Mothers Mercy"

Yeah, I decided on Game Of Thrones Because I miss when the show was good. Also! Hey! Jaune Arc! Jon Snow! Eh!? EH!?





In a desolate theater, deep outside of the Multiverse like many others before and most likely after it, a portal opened, and out from it fell team RWBY and NPR and they safely landed in their seats.

"What's going on!?" Ruby screamed, "Where are we!? How in Oum's name did we get here!?"

Yang rubbed her butt due to landing on it. "I don't know sis, but something doesn't feel right," Yang replied.

Pyrrha looked around, "It looks like we're in some sort of theater?" Pyrrha said.

Ren nodded in agreement, "But the question is, how did we end up here?" he asked

"I can explain that," came a voice

They all turned their head to the screen only to see a floating orb that looked like glass.

"Who are you!?" Yang asked in anger, "Why are we here!?"

The orb chuckled, "Sorry about that, but I promise you I mean you know harm," came a voice "My name is... well just call me RR," the orb, or RR, told them.

"Yeah, nice to meet you but why are we here!?" Weiss cried.

RR floated down to her, "You're here to watch the many worlds about your friend, Jaune Arc,"

"Jaune?" Ruby asked with a raised brow,

"Other worlds!? Impossible!" Weiss cried

RR chuckled once again, "Nothing is impossible Ms. Schnee, for example, I am what you call, a guide for you when you see these worlds, I am here to make sure you're all safe and the worlds you see are explained enough for you to understand," RR told them, "Now, I admit that this is quite bizarre to you all, but please trust me when I say that this is all real,"

"Ok, if this is all real, then why don't you whip me up a whole plate of pancakes!" Nora cried with an accusing finger

RR glowed blue and then a stack of pancakes appeared in front of Nora and she quickly grabbed them.

Nora looked them over and then looked back at RR, "You forgot the syrup," she said

A bottle of syrup appeared over the stack of pancakes and poured down onto Nora's pancakes and then when there was enough the bottle disappeared.

Nora smiled and looked back at RR with a nod, "Alright, you're the real deal!" Nora said cheerfully.

RR did a quick bounce, which they took as a nod.

Yang shrugged, "Ok, Ok, your real, this is all real, but why VB? Why are there so many worlds about him?" she asked.

"Let's just say that to some of us, he's a bit of a fan favorite," RR said with a chuckle.

"Us?" Blake asked

RR did another nod, "There are many more like me," RR told them, "But I'll explain what I can in do time, For now, I'd like you all to watch a rather... harsh world,"

"How Harsh?" Pyrrha asked with a look of worry.

RR looked at Pyrrha, "Very, the world and Kingdom is called Westeros, in this world, there are no Grimm, no Dust, and no Aura, and as of now the Kingdom is in a state of turmoil as they had just finished with war and are still fighting amongst themselves, and I will tell you that only not many of your friends and family are alive in this world,"

All of them were shocked to hear this. To hear that most of the people they loved were most likely dead was a terrible thought, and they wondered how something like that could've happened.

"I am sorry, I know this is a lot to take in, but this world is a cruel place," RR said, "For now, Please watch," RR told them.

The screen lit up and the student's gaze turned to the screen as it began to play.

In a dimly lit office, Jaune was seen reading small rolled-up notes, his appearance was different, and his hair was very much the same, however, he had a small beard, and wore black leather clothing. After finishing reading the note, he set it aside and closed his eyes, looking tired.

Ruby was a bit confused about what was going on, "What is Jaune in this world?"

"He's the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, a group of men who come from different backgrounds, some not so good, who are tasked with protecting the Wall, which spans across the entire northern part of Westeros and its the 2nd tallest structure in the world,"

"How tall is it?" Weiss asked

"700 feet tall," RR replied

"What!?" Weiss cried in shock, "And that is going across the entire continent!?"

RR nodded, "Yes, it was made by a man called Brann the builder," RR told them.

"Jaune's king of the castle!?" Nora asked with a smile.

RR chuckled, "Not exactly, and truthfully, Jaune's life isn't all the good in here," RR said

Pyrrha looked a little worried, "Why?" She asked

"When you join the Knight's Watch, you take a vow to never marry nor to have children, and when you join, you join for life," RR replied to the Champion.

"That's terrible," Pyrrha said.

"What was worse was that Jaune also found love not too long ago, she was a part of a group of people that attacked the wall, however, during the said attack, she died," RR told them.

Pyrrha wondered who it was he fell in love with, "Who was she?" Pyrrha asked

RR looked at her, "I'll show you another time," the orb told her sadly.

Back on screen, the door to Jaune's office opened and he looked to see who entered it only to see a young boy looking at him.

"Lord Commander! It's one of the wildlings you brought back!" cried the boy, "Says he knows your Uncle Benjen, says he's still alive,"

Jaune quickly stood up and looked at the boy, "Are you sure he's talking about Benjen?" Jaune asked.

The boy nodded, "Says he was first Ranger, said he knows where to find him," the boy told Jaune.

Team RWBY looked a bit confused.

"Jaune has an Uncle?" Ruby asked

Pyrrha nodded, "Yes, but Jaune never says much about him," Pyrrha replied

Jaune rushes out of his room and out to the snowly courtyard of the fort known as Castle Black, once outside he was met with a familiar face, who was also dressed up like Jaune.

Nora squinted at the screen until the face came back to her, "Hey! Isn't that Merlot!?" Nora asked.

"Hey! It is!" Yang said, pointing at the screen.

Blake looked confused, "What is he doing here?" she asked.

Ren shook his head, "I don't know, but if he's like our Merlot, then he's up to no good," Ren said

Merlot looked at Jaune as they walked, "Man says he saw your uncle at Hardhome the last full moon," Merlot told Jaune.

"He could be lying," Jaune said as he looked at Merlot.

"Could be," Merlot replied, "There are ways to find out," He told Jaune.

"Where is he?" Jaune asked.

"Over there," Merlot replied as he looked over to a group of men.

Jaune saw a group of men gathered around a spot and he pushed past the other men, all holding torches, and when he pushed past all of them he saw no wildling, but a sign that had the words "TRAITOR" written on them.

Many were confused by the sign, which was clearly meant for Jaune.

Pyrrha looked to RR, "Why are they calling him a traitor?" She asked with a worried tone.

"Jaune let in the wildling, a group of people living beyond the wall and who have been warring with the Night's Watch for thousands of years, inside the wall," RR replied

"Why?" Ren asked.

RR looked at the ninja, "He saw something much worse than wildlings," the orb replied cryptically.

Jaune was confused and he turned around, however, once he did, Merlot stabs him in the gut!

All of the eyes of the student widened in shock, Pyrrha gasped and covered her mouth, while the others were frozen in shock.

"For the Watch," Merlot told Jaune as he pulled out the knife.

Merlot backed away only for another man to run up to Jaune and stabbed Jaune as well.

"For the Watch," They said.

Nora quickly looked away and Ren rubbed her back as he too looked away, but he took a quick glance at what was happening.

Pyrrha's eyes began to tear up as she saw her crush being stabbed ruthlessly, a pain shot through her heart.

"J-Jaune..." Ruby cried out, tears also forming in her eyes.

Yang's eyes turned red and her hands gripped the armrests. Weiss was too stunned to say anything, while she did find the blonde annoying, she never wanted to see him die, nor in such a brutal way. Blake was terrified by what these people were doing to Jaune, and while they weren't really friends, Jaune was a person who didn't deserve such a fate.

After the second one backed away, a third man stabbed Jaune.

"For the Watch"

A fourth. 

"For the Watch,"

A fifth.

"For the Watch,"

After the fifth stab, Jaune falls to his knees, struggling, but still alive, and eventually coming toward him was the young boy.

Jaune looked at the kid with a sad expression, "Olly..." Jaune croaked out.

The Young boy, now known as Olly, had a sad yet hateful expression on his face as he looked to Jaune, only to also plunge a knife into the blonde's chest. "For the Watch," Olly told Jaune.

Jon stays on his knees but then falls backward, and when he fell, the men who were a part of the treason began to walk away from him. The last shot on screen was Jaune laying on the snowy ground and looking up to the sky with a blank expression.

Nora looked up to see the last shot of her leader as tears streamed down her eyes, "No! No! he can't be dead!" Nora cried.

Ren began to comfort her only for Ruby to cry silently.

Yang slammed her fist down as her Semblance activated, as the end of her hair was on fire and her eyes were still red. "Those bastards!" Yang cried in a fury "That little bastard lured him out there and they all stabbed him in the back!"

"W-Why?" Pyrrha asked sadly.

RR looked at them all, "Jaune did what he thought was right, however, it wasn't right to those traitors, to them, the wildlings were the real enemy, but they didn't see what Jaune did beyond the wall," RR told them

"You keep mentioning that," Blake chimed in, "What did he see?" she asked the orb.

RR looked at her and stayed silent for a moment. "Maybe I'll show you another time when we return to this universe," RR told her, "For now, I'll give you time to process what you saw while I begin the next Universe,"

Ruby looked at RR with a worried expression. "What are we gonna see next?" Ruby asked with an anxious tone.

"You have nothing to worry about Ms. Rose," RR told her, "Most likely, we'll see a bit more of a tamed Universe," RR told them.

"Like what?" Pyrrha asked.

RR bounced twice which they took as a shrug, "There are plenty out there, I'm sure I can find one that's a little less violent," RR told her with a smile.





Yep... Had to give it a shot! A Jaune Multiverse story! I love those stories but was heavily debating on if I should write a story like this, but in the end, I caved.

What universe will be next? Well, I'll leave you with this single line(that has become a meme) from the Movie:


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