Rue | Klaus Mikaelson

By SprintingFox

229K 7.1K 2.7K

Despite knowing what she was in for, she made a choice to help the Crescent Wolf Pack, believing that it coul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Final Author's Note

Chapter 30

4.1K 155 81
By SprintingFox

Ibeth drew Klaus a bath.

"No offense," she said, holding her breath as she gestured to the prepared tub, "you stink."

"Well, thank you for that," he said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I'll bring you some blood bags and food," she said. "Anything else you want?"

"You needn't bring me anything, love. I can get those things myself when I'm clean."

"I want to bring them. You were stuck in a dungeon for almost six years, I think the least I can do is make sure you're comfortable. Relax, listen to some music, soak a little then rinse off. I'll have some clothes and food waiting for you when you're done."

He lingered in the bathtub for almost an hour, giving her enough time to cook for all the vampires under their roof. She brought a tray up for him with three blood bags on the side. She set out some pajamas for him, ducking into the bathroom briefly to leave them ready. He had his eyes closed, up to his neck in the bubbly water, perhaps asleep or just meditating.

He came downstairs as she was cleaning the kitchen, wearing the pajamas she'd given him. "Leave that, love," he said when she started trying to wash his dishes. "I'd like to speak with you, if that's alright."

"Okay. I'll do those in the morning, then." She turned off the kitchen lights and followed him to his room.

"Tell me about him," he asked as soon as the door was closed. "Tell me everything. The pregnancy, the delivery, each birthday."

She sat on one of the room's armchairs while he leaned against the window, staring out at the dark sky. "Well, the pregnancy was fine. Nick and Kurt were a big help, so was my grandmother. The worst thing was the body aches. My belly hung so low, my back was always hurting and my feet would swell. He was big on kicking, too. Like a damn soccer player just kicking away whenever Nick, Luna, or Angel talked to him. Angel would sometimes stay really late wanting to hug my belly and feel him moving around.

"The labor was painful. I wasn't too happy during it... it was painful and though I knew it couldn't kill me, I was a bit scared. Everyone thought he was probably breech because he wasn't coming out but he was just being stubborn. But I listened to the advice given to me, I breathed, I prayed. Vincent, Josh, and Cami were there. He came out and suddenly nothing else mattered. The placental delivery ached but I was able to shut that pain out much easier just by holding him.

"I cried a lot when he was born. I was surrounded by people but you were missing, Hayley was missing, Rebekah. Three people I was sure would be there when he was born. And none of you were able to be. Hayley was willing but it was too dangerous. And I knew Marcel would come. And he did. At my most vulnerable he showed up and told me he'd be there to help me if anything. I knew you must have heard us. And I knew what Marcel's words really meant. That he was going to be watching me closely."

Klaus winced. "I begged him to let me see you. I would have gone back to that dungeon willingly afterward. I just wanted to be there to hold you, to see our son. I used to dream of what he might look like when I had Papa Tunde's blade in me. Just to ease that suffering I'd drift into an imaginary scenario where I did get to witness his birth. I assumed if I ever didn't make it to see that, it would be because you didn't allow it. Not because of Marcel and this entire mess. Continue with what happened afterward... please."

Ibeth looked down at her hands. "He was a fussy baby the first few nights. Didn't want to sleep. Sucked too hard when he breastfed. A little menace. But he calmed down. Everyone loved him and he felt safe with those who held him. His eyes were grey at first, and I figured he might have brown eyes like me. By his first birthday it became apparent that he had your eyes. He got a lot of presents. Separate ones for Christmas. Josh and Vincent spoil him too much. Marcel would send some things, too. I would try to make each year special, took loads of pictures." She opened her photos app and showed him where all the pictures were saved. "I organized them by year... marked the days on them... preparing for when I'd finally get to show them to you."

He started to swipe through them, smiling as she kept talking. "The second year was much harder. He grew tired of being inside the house and seeing the same areas every day. I wanted so badly to take him to the park, to the docks, somewhere interesting, somewhere with less branches on the ground so he couldn't cut himself. But I couldn't go anywhere. I was always trapped there. And whenever vampires were sensed nearby, we had to go into a hideout he hated. He'd cry and cry and I would cry too, just so stressed... not knowing how to keep him happy.

"Once he started being able to understand things more it got easier. I obviously still hated being stuck in the same place but I began making it a game for him. Hiding from the bad guys like a superhero. He loved it. He's an outgoing kid, he loves being silly and making jokes. With each year he grows more. Josh has been kind enough to compel a doctor for me for annual check-ups. She predicts he's going to be pretty tall, probably around Kol and Finn's height. He's like a little gazelle, already running so fast. And because he knows he can't be injured, phew, he does all sorts of crazy things. It's worrisome, I fear he'll snap his neck falling out of a tree and trigger his vampire side. And I fear that he'll get too excited and coax the other kids into doing dangerous things and trigger his curse.

"It's hard to keep all that energy contained. I don't know how to deal with it. Jackson, Oliver, and Aiden weren't like that. None of the kids I raised were like that. He's so alive and just such a happy kid. I need more help to keep him calm. And he's so smart... he spoke so quickly, already knows how to count to five hundred in ones, two's, fives, and tens... he can add, subtract, multiply, divide. He's reading at a sixth grade level when he's not even in kindergarten yet. He needs to go to a good school.

" I can't make that happen living in the Bayou. Which is why I really want us all to move away somewhere that Jayden and Hope can just be normal kids. Eventually go to college if they want. Freya can teach Hope magic, you and your brothers can teach both of them about their powers and how to be careful with them. I was eavesdropping unintentionally and I heard Kol and Rebekah might like to leave to travel on their own. It could work... you, me, Hayley, Elijah, and Freya... taking care of these kids and keeping them safe from all enemies. My wolves just weren't going to be able to do it anymore."

"You have my word," he said, stopping on a video of her and Jayden on his fifth birthday, "that I will protect you all and ensure my children can live normal lives." He clicked 'play' on the video.

'Who's turning five today?' asked Nick from behind the camera.

'Me,' giggled Jayden, holding up his hand. 'Mama, hold your hand out too.'

Ibeth did as told, and he gave her a high-five. 'What do you have to say to everyone who brought you presents?'

He turned very serious, and put his hand over his heart. 'Thank you, nice people.'

'Jay, how about a special thanks to the ones not here in the Bayou with us, hmm?'

'Uncle Vincent and Aunt Cami got me the cool remote control car!' said Jayden excitedly. 'And Uncle Josh got me more Ninja Turtles. And Grandma Mary gave me the bow and arrows! And...' he dragged out the end of the word and cartwheeled across the room for absolutely no reason, 'and my sister got me some painting stuff so we can be painters like our papa.' He whispered in his mother's ear. Ibeth nodded, and Jayden skipped over to get a piece of paper, turning it around to reveal he'd painted a grasshopper on a rock with surprising accuracy. 'Ta-da!'

'Nice job, buddy,' said Nick. 'You already paint as good as your dad.'

Jayden giggled, waving at the camera. 'Hi Papa! If you see this, look!' He shook the painting for him to see. 'Grasshoppers are my favorite animals.'

'That is technically an insect, buddy. Wolves are animals. Maybe you should paint a wolf instead.'

Jayden gasped dramatically, and tugged at Ibeth's hands. 'Mama can you pose for me? What color wolf is my papa? I can paint him, too!'

'I don't know, my little prince,' said Ibeth regretfully. 'I've never seen him as a wolf.'

'Welllllll,' said Jayden, pointing at the camera and narrowing his eyes. 'Whenever my papa can give me a birthday present, I want to see him as a wolf and I want him to take me on a ride in the Bayou.'

A tear slid down Klaus's cheek as the video ended. He turned away as he handed Ibeth her phone back.

"He's been wanting to meet you for so long," she whispered. "So has Hope. You've been their fairytale king, their superhero. You have some big expectations to meet tomorrow morning. Klaus..." she stood up, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's okay to cry."

"Forgive me," he whispered. "For everything. It was not only Marcel that kept me from knowing him sooner. I kept myself from it. I was a terrible husband. Set to be a terrible father. I cannot imagine you missed having me around very much."

"I did miss you," she admitted. "All the time. Despite everything you are my husband and I didn't feel complete. My soul is bound to yours. Our hearts are identical. We can't exist at peace unless we're together. Which is why... I have decided I want to be a hybrid. It's time. I'll be thirty-four in a month. I'll start to visibly age soon. And I want to be stronger, able to protect my son. It's another reason why I had to step down as Alpha. I can't lead them as a hybrid, as much as I might like to. I want to be turned. I want us to both be there for centuries as our son and daughter grow up. They will most likely activate their vampire sides. We can all be together for a long time."

"When do you wish to turn?" he inquired, making himself face her. "You'd lose your ability to have children. Do you wish for another one before then?"

She half-smiled. "Are you going to be there to help me raise the next one or are we going to be separated for another six years?"

"I will do everything in my power to be here. To stay here. If I must be on my best behavior, if I must abandon New Orleans... I don't care, I will do it, I know I can. I do not want to miss another second of my children's lives and I don't want to spent another second away from you." He placed his hand on her cheek, thumb brushing over her lips. "Have you been with another... since?"

"No," she said, gaze darting between his eyes and lips. "I couldn't exactly go anywhere, and I had to prioritize our son. And as always, I'm loyal to you. Drawn to you..."

He kissed her, and she let him, holding the back of his head and moaning as he sat in the armchair, bringing her to sit on his lap. "God, we shouldn't do this," she said as he began to kiss her neck hungrily. "Bad choice... too fast..."

"We can stop if you'd like," he said, though he was already gripping her behind, grinding his hips furiously into hers. "Though I may need you to step out of the room to get some relief."

"All I've wanted for five years is to have this kind of pleasure again," she admitted mid-whimper, closing her eyes when he removed her shirt so he could kiss her breasts. "And all my inner wolf has wanted is you. Even though we shouldn't. This doesn't mean I forgive you, you know, it just means I really, really need you to fuck me."

"Fine by me," said Klaus, reaching down to remove his pants. "I need you, love."

"You're pulling out this time," she squeaked as he picked her up and carried her to the bed. "Got it?"

"I'll do whatever you want me to, love. You make the rules tonight."

She almost felt bad for the vampires in the house who had absolutely no warning beforehand. Then, she realized she didn't care. Just as she hadn't allowed herself to care that this was perhaps the worst choice she could be making. It stopped mattering to her. All she could think about was him and the blessed relief only Klaus knew how to bring her.

"That was much needed," he panted as he rolled off of her and laid by her side, chest rising and falling rapidly. "My wolf was practically yelling for me to pounce on you."

"Trust me, so was mine," she admitted breathlessly. "It'd been way too long. Can we just like... friends-with-benefits this whole thing?"

"You realize we're married, don't you?"

"Yes, but like... can we just fuck whenever we feel like it but overall just try to co-parent normally? Without mistreating each other?"

"I promise you, love— I will never raise a hand to you again. I will never raise my voice to you again. I will never allow myself to treat you so poorly. The man I was five years ago... is not a man I wish to be again. Every time Papa Tunde's blade was inside of me I was reminded of the awful things I did to you. Everything that contributed to where I ended up. If I'd been a better husband... none of it would have happened. I am... I am..." he forced out, "I am sorry. I don't want to repeat those actions. I want to be a good friend and husband. A better father."

She nodded. "Okay. Just remember now Jayden is able to witness whatever you do. So if you mean that... you will work on good behavior every day. Any problems, we talk in a civilized way where the kids can't see us. Got it?"

"Got it."

He was still beside her the following morning when her first alarm went off. He groaned and turned away as she got out of bed, covering his head with the blanket to keep the sun from bothering him.

"Go get breakfast," she urged once she'd bathed. "Hayley and I are going to wake the kids soon and get them ready to meet you."

She could hear the Mikaelsons talking outside as she carried Jayden downstairs, following behind Hayley and Hope.

"What's the holdup?" Kol was inquiring outside. "All right, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger, why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez?" There was the sound of a paper being ripped, "You can catch up on the last six years when we're on our way— I can assure you haven't missed much."

"Circumstances have changed," said Elijah. "We will leave here soon enough."

"We have our niece and nephew to consider," Rebekah noted.

"Kol has a point," said Freya. "We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible."

"We're not going anywhere today," said Klaus. "I want one day of peace with my children. Before we uproot them."

"Any delay is a risk."

"One day," said Klaus. "We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked. We weren't followed, and I'm not asking!"

"Everybody," said Hayley, exiting just as he finished raising his voice. "Look who's awake."

Hope looked around shyly. "Hello," she said timidly.

Klaus came forward. "Hello."

Hope tugged at Hayley's arm. "Mom, can I go play in the garden?"

"Yeah, sure," said Hayley, knowing she was overwhelmed. Hope quickly ran off.

Ibeth came out next, setting Jayden down. He covered his ears and looked around at the vampires. "Are they still gonna talk loud?" he whispered, staring at his mother.

"No, they won't," said Ibeth, raising a brow at Klaus, who gulped.

Jayden slowly uncovered his ears and looked around. "Mama," he said playfully, eyes drifting between his two uncles and Klaus as a mischievous smile grew on his face. "Which one is my dad?"

"Oh, Jayden!" said Ibeth, embarrassed, as Rebekah and Freya burst out laughing. "I've shown you pictures!"

"I know," he teased, pointing at Klaus. "This one. He has curly hair like me."

"And he has eyes like yours," said Ibeth, motioning for Klaus to kneel down and get closer to his level. "This is your Papa, Jayden."

"Hello," said Klaus gently, extending his hand.

Jayden hummed, comparing the size of his hand and Klaus's before he shook it. He released him to touch his hair. "Soft," he noticed. "No gel like Uncle Kurt. Okay. Now carry me on your shoulders."

"Jayden," scolded Ibeth, "you have to say 'please' first."

"Please carry me on your shoulders, Papa."

"May I hug you first?" asked Klaus.

Jayden looked up at Ibeth and smirked. "Carry me and we'll see."

"All these years talking about meeting your papa," said Ibeth, shaking her head. "And this is how you behave?"

"What?" said Jayden innocently. "I'm kidding." He hugged Klaus, giggling and trying to tickle him. "Now can you carry me pretty please?"

Klaus smiled and placed him effortlessly on his shoulders. Jayden clapped his hands triumphantly. "Hi," he said, waving at his aunts and uncles. "Who are you people?"

"Jayden," said Ibeth, covering her face. "I've shown you pictures of them, too."

He giggled and pointed. "Auntie Freya, Auntie Bekah, Uncle Kol, Uncle 'Lijah. She does magic, she's a vampire, he's a vampire, and he's a musician."

"I am also a vampire," said Elijah, a small smile tugging at his lips. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Jayden."

"Prince Jayden of New Orleans," he said, putting his fists on his hips. "Named after my mama's brothers Jackson and Aiden. And my grandpa Nathaniel. But," he fake-whispered, "Mama only uses that when I do something bad."

"And do you do bad things often?" asked Kol.

Jayden smirked. "Maybe. My Uncle Nick says I have to keep Mama 'on her toes.'"

"That's not the nicest thing," noted Ibeth.

"But it's fun!" He patted Klaus's head. "Can I have ice cream?"

"Sure," said Klaus, who didn't think he should deny him something he wanted.

Jayden cast Ibeth puppy eyes, figuring this was a suitable answer. "Jayden," said Ibeth, "you haven't even had breakfast yet. And ice cream is not breakfast."

"It could be if it's a special occasion," said Jayden. "And today is special. Papa said I could have ice cream. Ooh, ooh—" he patted Klaus's head more frantically. "Put me down, I want to show you I can paint!"

Klaus lowered him to the ground, and Jayden tugged him to where Hope had gone to sit and paint in the garden. "HOPE!" Jayden screamed, forcing Klaus to run with him.

"Oh, god," said Ibeth, looking sheepishly at Hayley. "Is she—?"

"She'll be okay," said Hayley, seeing that while Hope was narrowing her eyes at Jayden, she was already holding up a small paper to show Klaus what she'd made. "I think it just overwhelmed her seeing everyone at once."

Ibeth ate her breakfast while seated on the porch railing, watching as Jayden and Hope had a painting and cartwheeling competition for Klaus. Jayden kept trying (and failing) to do a handstand to impress him, and continued to demand he sit on his shoulders so he wouldn't have to walk very much. At one point, Jayden had sprinted over to her, panting heavily.

"Mama," he said, accepting the water she offered and almost spilling the entire cup. "Hope and I want a sister."

"You do?" inquired Ibeth, glancing over at Klaus, who was listening as he guided Hope in a painting. "What brought that on?"

"Well, we already have Henry, and he's like a brother, and I have a sister, and Hope wants a sister, and— and— and—" he gulped down the water, "and I like having a sister so I want another one."

"We'll see, buddy," she said. From across the lawn, Klaus winked at her, causing her cheeks to turn red. "Are you having fun with your papa and your sister?"

"Yeah!" said Jayden. "Where are we going tomorrow? What's a Saint Trip?"

"Saint-Tropez, it's a place. I'm not sure where we're going but we'll move somewhere nice soon so you and your sister can go to school together. Would you like that?"

"Can I be in Hope's grade?"

"I don't know about that, you'd have to take a test to get there. I think it might be good to stay with other kids your age so you can mature just like them."

"Hmm. Okay. Can you bring Mama Hayley so we can walk around the forest?"

Ibeth smiled. "Mama Hayley? I like the sound of that."

"Yeah! She's Hope's mama so she's kinda like my mama too. I want to go for a walk pleaseeee."

"I'll go tell her. Be right back."

Klaus couldn't carry both children on his shoulders, as much as he might have liked to. Hope got the honor this time because Jayden had already been on his shoulders many times that day. He pouted until Ibeth lifted him onto hers instead.

"Mom," said Hope, leaning down against Klaus's head, "I'm happy."

"Are you?" asked Hayley. "That's good to hear. What's making you happy?"

"Being with my brother and my dad and my Mama Ibeth. Can we do this forever?"

"If you'd like," said Klaus, tilting his head up to smile at her. "Now, who wants to hear a story?"

"Me!" squealed Jayden. "Hope, put your hand up."

"He can't see if I do that so I can just tell him I want to hear a story. Tell us a story, Dad."

"Very well. This is the story of a king, and his two little wolves who he loves very much..."

Ibeth and Hayley shared a look, the two smiling as the children eagerly leaned forward to listen.

Maybe this can really work.

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