Too Much Of Anything Is Too M...

By bobisnotinteresting

1.7K 38 11

Dan Howell and Amelia Lester's relationship did not start the way they had wanted it to. Amelia's abusive ex... More

Chapter 1 - Reach Out & Take My Hand
Chapter 2 - Party Time
Chapter 3 - Wash The Kisses Off My Neck
Chapter 4 - The Way I'm Feeling I Just Don't Care
Chapter 5 - Can We Forgive & Forget
Chapter 6 - Forgiven?
Chapter 7 - Back Together
Chapter 8 - Morning Sickness
Chapter 9 - Sibling Time
Chapter 10 - Serious Decision
Chapter 11 - Drunken Confessions
Chapter 12 - Say Something
Chapter 13 - Just One Yesterday

Chapter 14 - Back To Reality

130 3 2
By bobisnotinteresting

It had been a couple of weeks since I woke up from my coma. Dan and Phil both stayed by side. To be fair, they never left. Dan never wanted to leave my side, he'd always ask if I needed anything.

"Tell me what you were dreaming about babe." Dan took my hand.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked. He nodded. "Well..." I gulped as he sat closer to me, "PJ had invited us over to his for a party. I found you in bed with the nurse that helped me. Her name was Pandora. We broke up and I moved in with Peej." He gulped as I paused. He never once let go of my hand. "A couple of months passed and Peej decided to throw a party to celebrate my birthday. You came and explained that you were spiked. I forgave you and we got back together. I started to feel sick in the mornings so me and PJ went to get a pregnancy test. When I went to tell you, you had this idea in your head that PJ and I were seeing each other behind your back. You broke it off with me before I even told you I was pregnant."

He looked at me, "I'd never do anything like that to hurt you."

"I know. Anyway, Phil told you about the pregnancy and you were convinced that the twins weren't yours." I gulped wiping the tears which were falling from my eyes. "You came to your senses although you were drunk." I sighed. "We went to the gender scan and after the scan... I remember you saying that you were the happiest man alive and then a c-car came out of no where and knocked you down." I heard him take a sharp intake of breath. "We got you to the hospital where the doctors told us you were in a coma."

"Is that when you woke up?" He asked rubbing my hand. I shook my head.

"I heard your voice." I looked at him, "Telling me to wake up."

"You heard me?" He rubbed my hand before kissing my belly. I smiled at him.

"Tell me about the pregnancy then"

He smiled more, "Well... we're having twins babe. A boy and a girl." He smiled watching my hands rub my swollen stomach. "The doctors think that you're due soon." He smiled looking at me.

"Already?!" I asked starting to panic, "Dan... this has happened so quickly for me." My wide eyes looking at his face, "What if I'm not ready to be a mum?" I asked him getting tears in my eyes. "I don't think I'm ready. Oh God. What if I'm a terrible mum?"

 "Hey." He kissed my lips in a soft and gentle way, "You will be amazing." He started to laugh, "Phil will be an amazing uncle. Even if he wants to kill me for getting his little sister pregnant."

"I still want to kill you." Phil smiled walking into the room, "But I'm just glad that it's Dan and not that dick."

"What happened to Kyle?" I asked looking at my brother, "Tell me he's been arrested again."

"Don't worry about him." Phil took my other hand. "Peej knocked him out and waited for the police to come. He explained what he had done to me and what he had done to you too." He started to rub my hand. What is it with these boys and rubbing my hands? "Don't worry, he's going away for a long time."

I gasped slightly putting both of my hands on my stomach. "Amelia? What is it?" Dan asked.

"I-i'm not sure." I bit my lip holding back a scream. "Is it the twins?" I asked getting tears in my eyes. "Oh God..." I looked down at my legs, "T-they're coming!"

"What?!" Dan shot up pressing the red emergency button that was on the wall behind me. "Oh my... Okay this isn't a good time to be having an exsitental crisis."

I started to breathe hard, this hurt like a bitch. "Oh God, I hate you!" Phil brought my parents into the room.

"Shh, calm down Mia." Dan held onto my hand.

"I'm in labour so no I will not fucking calm down!"


*3 weeks later*

"Ella, baby give it a rest." I bounced our three week old baby girl. "Do you want to see Uncle Phil is that what you want?"

"I don't know about that babe..." Dan said holding our son, "Phil's currently in the middle of his live show."

"But everyone will hear her anyway." I looked at my boyfriend.

"Okay." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before heading into the lounge where Phil was.

"Look whose here... with a special guest." Phil said into his macbook. "It's Amelia and my baby niece Ella." He smiled looking at us both.

"Hey guys." I waved with my free hand, "This little one wanted to spend time with her amazing uncle." I smiled sitting next to Phil seeing the chat explode with questions for me. "Okay guys I will answer one question at a time because you all type too fast for my eyes." I laughed. "Lucy said 'Aww the baby is so cute congrats!' Thank you Lucy you should see her twin." Phil laughed, "Megan asked 'Where's Dan?' Dan is currently in our bedroom with Taylor." I smiled, "Kristen wants to know the twins full names. Okay, well this little monkey who is with her uncle is Ella Amelia Howell and her brother is Taylor Daniel Howell." I smiled looking at Ella and Phil.

"Amelia? Can you come in here for a second?" I heard Dan shout from the bedroom.

"I gotta go guys..." I looked at Phil, "I see she's fallen asleep can you keep an eye on her?"

"Sure, go and see what Dan wants sis." He smiled before turning back to his live show. I left the lounge area, walking back to the bedroom that we were in before. "Dan?" He wasn't in the bedroom. "Where are you?" I asked leaving the bedroom seeing Taylor asleep.

"I'm outside on the balcony babe." I heard the smile in his voice. What was he doing out on the balcony?

"What are you doing out here?" I gasped seeing the whole balcony littered with candles and fairy lights.

"I have been thinking about this for ages and I've never really had the time to do it until now." I brought my hands to my mouth gasping. He couldn't be doing this could he? I watched as Dan bent down on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box out of his pocket. "Ever since the day you came into the flat in Manchester, I knew you were the one. I just never had the guts to ask you out. So when you agreed to go on that first date when you moved to London, I was over the moon. You are the missing piece to the puzzle that is my life." I started to get tears in my eyes as he opened the velvet box. "I think what I'm trying to say is... Amelia Louise Lester... will you marry me?"

I wiped my eyes as the tears began to fall. Never in my life had I expected myself to get to where I was now. I had thought that Kyle would have ended my life and I would never receive my happily ever after. Well here it is. "Yes... I will marry you."

The End 

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