Women's World. |BKDK OMEGAVER...

By luvkxgehinx

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Alternative Universe (AU) omegaverse. Alpha Bakugo, Omega Izuku. Katsuki Bakugo is an alpha in its bigger s... More

eleven. part one.
eleven. part two.
next story.


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By luvkxgehinx


"What'ya think of this one, shitty hair?"

"Mhh..." Does, making a face, watching through the glass. "For yours or mine?"

"Mine, you idiot, why would you get one with a green gem to Kaminari?"

"Right" And nods, fucking idiot. "Still... I don't know, it doesn't look very Midoriya's style".

"Oh yeah? And what's his style, you smarty fuck?"

"I mean, that's just a huge gem, dude. Midoriya doesn't like to be seen and to people taking credit for his own work, you know? People will say shit about it, and you know he hates comments like those".

I nod, making sense of it.

He's right, Deku hates when his work are devalued with stupid opinions. Especially when the word "alpha" is in there.

Yeah, better not.

So I keep searching, but in the middle of it, I look one that would look good for someone else.

"Hey, come're" I say, it's a good one. "How about this one for your flea?"

Kirishima comes over immediately, eyeing that promise ring I'm pointing at, inspecting it.

"Looks good" Nods, genuinely interested. "The gem's of a good size but discreet, I really like it. But..."

"But what, dipshit?"

"I don't know, I'm not convinced with the pink gem".

"Are you stupid? It's fucking gold".

"It's pink, dude".

"It's gold".

"It's damn pink, I'm fucking watching it right now!".

"It's fucking gold".

"It's rose gold" Says the female employee, chuckling. "The color view changes depending on the angle you're looking at it".

"Woah, for real?!" Kirishima says, like it's the most impressive thing in the entire world.

So he looks at the gem, and in that same hunched position takes a few steps towards me, then goes back, then comes back again.


I fucking laugh, he's such an idiot.

"Wait" Says, suddenly all frozen.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Gold and pink. Gold is.., like yellow, isn't it?"

I think of it, making a face. "Meh, if you wanna see it like that. But what, what's with it?"

"Dude, I just found the perfect ring".

"It was me who found it, bitch".

He chuckles, putting a hand on my shoulder as he nods. "I know, man, I owe you one. Ma'am, I'm taking this one!"

"What? No, hold on! Are you in a fucking hurry? Take it easy, bastard".

"Bro, really, this is the one".

I frown, looking at the ring. "I mean, it's a good one but.., why?"

"Ok, think about it. What I adore the most in my entire life is my omega's scent. What does he smell like?"

"Vanilla and strawberries?"

"Exactly. Yellow and pink. That fucking ring, it's him, bro".

And then, I think I make a face where I flatter for one of the few times what he said. It really.., makes sense, I guess.

The lady so explains the details of the ring, its price and gem. Shitty hair certainly doesn't give a damn about the first two, but with the gem thing pays a little more of attention, giving me time to see more rings so I can give it to my omega.

We've been dating for a very good couple of months now, tomorrow's the day of the final grade exam, and holidays will give us some fucking time to rest. However, my omega doesn't takes a break even when he poops. A couple of months ago he formed something like an omega's club, but then it grew to be something like an organization, where he has meetings from time to time to inform how many omegas join about his plans to implement collective rights for those of their gender, and gives them psychological, informational, emotional and mental help as well.

We left them at their meeting point a few minutes ago, they won't let us in because he says it's not right alphas get in there, cause there's omegas who don't feel safe in the presence of one of our kind. So our only duty is to be attentive to our phones, be there to protect them or be with them if they need us.

In the spare time, shitty hair and I came to take for granted what we've both been talking about for a while now: getting promise rings.

Both he and I are quite clear that an engagement ring is not what they want, much less what they'd accept. Both Kaminari and Deku have goals to follow, objectives, achievements, dreams. They don't want to be tied now, much less distracted. Kirishima and I do not want to attach them to us either, we simply want to give them the assurance that we will be there, that we'll support them, protect and love them until the day each one of us achieves our dream, cause that's what we're doing at school, we work hard at college, we work our asses off every day; we all know we'll someday have a bright future for us and for our future families.

That's why I have two things to promise today.

I will promise to be there for him, and will promise to tie my balls up to ask him to make this the right way: by being real mates.

Cause I told him so: I don't want him to say yes just because I'm asking so. I want him to say yes because he's sure he wants to be with me.

And today, I'm one hundred percent sure of it.

These past few months there hasn't been nothing but support between us two. There hasn't been nothing else but learning, company, love, and tons of sex too.

I've been on three heats with Deku. He gives me more consent each time, more freedom and more ways to show him how in fucking love I am with him, in a way that I also feel I'm giving what I'm receiving.

This last heat, just one week ago, happened something that made me know I had to tie my balls now.

He doesn't remember, and if he does, never in life would admit it. But he.., he cried cause I still hadn't asked him to be mates.

I got some info too, and even tho I'm not proud of getting it that way, it really helps and calms me down to know cuz... cause now I know that... that he'd actually like me to mark him. He'd like to get married, to have babies, and he'd love for us to live together someday, even though he still can't get himself to say so out loud and in his right mind.

For now let's go one step at a time.

Or.., two, just for today.

"Also, if you wish, we can engrave something inside the ring".

"For real?" Kirishima asks, amazed.

"Mhm" Says her, nodding. "It'd only take a few minutes, to also adjust the size of the finger if needed. Is it something you'd like to write?"

"I.., well, I didn't have it in mind..." Murmurs, lowering his head to think for a second, looking for something to say to his mate on that ring.

I see him there, this bastard, who has been my best friend almost since the first minute he spoke to me and I hated him for that fucking energy he always had in everything he did.

The fact we, he and I are right here, right now, for literally the same purpose.., fills me with many, many feelings that I wouldn't say out loud, but to have them present in my head and accept that as alphas we do this for the one we love, bond us today in one more thing.

He's everything I want in my relationship with Deku. Even if I would never accept it, nor say it out loud, what he has with Kaminari, is my role model, my goal, my close view.

"My light". I say.


"My light" I repeat, looking straight at him. "You said it once. You said every time you saw your omega, it was like seeing an incandescent light, that it hurt cause it was too bright, but his beauty was worth even getting blind".

»"That's clearly bullshit, but I know he would like to hear that from you. Sober, of course, not like me who listened to it with you being all fucking drunk".

That bastard's smile gets big as hell, swearing that if that girl wasn't in the store he would kiss me like the pussy bitch he is. However, what he does is just look at her, smile even bigger, and say; "My light will be, then".

The girl smiles too, nodding and saying, "His ring will be ready soon".

Kirishima thanks her, then coming over to me, his sight going back through all the available options to help me out.

"What about you, bro? Any idea of ​​what you're looking for?"

"To be honest, I don't really know" I confess, searching. "I know what I love about him, but.., there's nothing that can represent him in a ring and for it to also likes him, you know? I mean.., it could be something like an emerald, cuz I love his eyes, but it's not like he loves that color. I mean, he has it in his hair, his eyes, his mom bought him almost everything in that color. I don't want to give him something else, I want.., something that stands out".

Kirishima then falls silent, looks at me for two seconds but then lowers his eyes, thinking seriously about it.

And he stays like that for a while, while I keep looking for something.

It doesn't last long tho. Because, in just a whisper, he says: "Red".

I frown, confused. "What's with the red?"

"He saw my roots once, I told him I wasn't a natural red haired. He said it liked it, you know, that I dyed it. He said he liked red".

"I'm not buying him a ring of the color of your fucking hair, Kirishima".

He laughs, shaking his head. "That's not the point. Joking, I said, so you like my eyes too? And he said.., no. No and yes. He likes red, but dark red. Crimson. Like your eyes".

"Of course he does, I have dreamy eyes".

He chuckles, rolling his eyes and shoving me by the shoulder. "The point is.., that he said he loved your eyes, the today's ones. Cause Kaminari said the first time Midoriya told him about you, he said every time he remembered you, every time he saw your eyes.., use to felt a curse falling on his back. Then.., Midoriya said he doesn't know exactly when those eyes changed. That they stopped being so dark, like... a dark ruby. Not blood crimson, but.., ruby-crimson. And that.., now, that color was his favorite color. He said that color made him feel.., calm, and safe. Because he saw you".

I look from one to the other of his eyes, silent, trying to believe it.

"You're a fucking fibber".

He laughs "No, bro! I swear he said that, it was.., not long ago, actually. When you went to that course camp again, to a western city for two days. I'm serious, Bakugo, I swear on my own mother Midoriya said it like that, with those words".

I frown, and my head falls to the ground. Not because I don't believe him, but because.., I'm actually super embarrassed now. I don't want him to see how all of it actually hit me.

Of course I know Deku likes my eyes, he has told me thousands of times I have beautiful ones, just.., I didn't know he felt that way, much less he thought as such.

"Sorry for.., interrupting or.., hearing something that doesn't concern me," Says the lady, a little embarrassed, making me see her immediately. "Just.., if I can help, I would be delighted, really. I.., well, we have this one here, it hasn't being sold for a long time" Says, walking to a side cabinet, looking for the ring as she keeps talking; "This stone was a pure ruby, when it was processed to be cut and inlaid into the ring, was a very rare complication, and it caused the ruby ​​to darken in the middle of its center. Nobody has wanted to take it because, in addition to the fact its price is a little higher due to its rarity, people do not want something that doesn't entirely shine".

So she finds the one she's talking about, opens the cabinet and takes out the little sponge that holds the ring. It is golden, simple, small and discreet, with that stone embedded in the middle, without protruding or shouting anything, as if.., that ruby ​​were the heart inside that golden ring.

Kirishima takes it, looking at the gem up close, then puts it to the side of my face, saying: "Bro, this shit is literally your eye".

I huff in amusement, rolling them. "Shut up and let me see".

He gives it to me, letting me take a closer look. It's true tho, the crystal shines, but it's impossible to deny that opaque section within, slightly darkening the ruby.

And I.., I feel like I'm looking at myself...

Because I shined among everyone, even when it wasn't in a good way. One day my omega came to me, and I had to change for him, to be worthy, to change the color of my eyes for that color that he now likes to see.

I'm not perfect, of course I'm not but.., in the eyes of the right person.., that someone's color can change. I'm not in the least interested in people liking me either, I am what I am, I changed for the better and, although many people doesn't like that, I know it was for the best, to not shine as much as people used to like.

I don't care about anything or anyone, who sees me or who doesn't. If my omega likes it, the brightness and approval of others is everything I don't care.

"I want this one" I say, nodding, giving it back to the girl.

Smiling, she nods, genuinely happy to be nosy this time. "Is it something you'd like to write in it?"

"It is" I say. "I want it to say one by one".

* * *

"Did we get in here earlier this time?" I ask, confused, looking at the door still closed.

"Nope" Shitty hair says, looking at the time. "I guess they just had more to talk about today. Can you hear anything?"

I shake my head "Not a thing".

"Yeah, me neither".

So we lay on my car, waiting for our omegas to finish their duties, chatting about banal things.

After a couple of time, the doors open, a very good number of omegas coming out of there, all smiling and giggling, with ours coming last.

As soon as my omega sees me, he raises his hand to greet me, I greet him back and adjust my senses to listen to him from the distance.

"How long have you been together?" Asks a girl he's talking to.

"A couple of months now, but we're still dating".

"Wait, what?!" Snaps, totally surprised. "But.., he treats you like a king!"

He chuckles, rolling his eyes, looking at me for a second. "Don't flatter him that much, he's surely listening".

She makes a sound in surprise, turning to look at me one second and back at him in the next. "He actually can?"

"Damn yes he can".

She giggles. "Is he that dominant?"

He nods again.

"Good God, what a luck. Someone dominant but who takes care of you as a priority is like a needle in a haystack".

He chuckles, shrugs. "Yeah, kinda. He's dominant cause that's how he was his whole life, but he used it for the better until we started dating".

She tilts her head, confused "Is that even possible?"

Deku laughs again, nodding "Impressive, but yes. That's exactly what I was talking about today, you know? That it's not easy to change people, much less when your goal is to make them be the way you want. Change doesn't depend on us, it depends on the person you decide to let in".

She looks confused, a lot. "So how you made him change for you?"

"I didn't do anything, it was he who decided to change".

"So.., finding someone willing to be what you want is.., pure luck?"

He shakes his head "No, I don't think so".

"So what was the key for you?"

He thinks about it for a second, even lowering his eyes to the ground to find an answer to it.

But he does. He finds it, and say it to her.

"The key was willing to let go".

I frown, just as she does. "What do you mean?"

"Yeah" Nods, looking at me to tell that to her. "He wasn't the first person I wanted to change, however, he was the first one that made me stay".

She smiles, she looks like she understands now.

"You left with all of them, except the one who proved to be worth".

"Exactly" My omega replies. "And.., it's not a matter of searching, you know? Life gives you how many people have to go through in your life, cause you can always learn from everyone. The trick is that.., knowing that no matter how much you want a person to be for you, if you're not for them, they will never stay, and they will never change no matter how much you want so".

She sighs, as if she fully understands everything she's been told today. "First me, then me, and finally me. Now I understand what you told us today".

Deku smiles back at her, cupping one of her cheeks, nuzzling his thumb as he nods. "We must choose ourselves. The fact an alpha can come into your life doesn't mean you're choosing him above you; you choose your happiness while sharing it".

She smiles even bigger at him, she throws herself into a hug, and he receives it right away. "I wish I had known this before".

He chuckles, gives her a little kiss on the cheek and, pulling apart, ends with a; "Now you can let more know sooner, isn't it?"

She smiles, saying last it was a wonderful session today, and that she looks forward to meet them the next time. A couple of omegas say goodbye to other omegas, until there's no one left but ours there, saying goodbye to those who leave.

When we finally have them to ourselves, they both run over here, hugging us and giving us some of the fucking love I swear to God I've been needing all fucking day.

"How did it go?" I murmur, giving a couple of pecks to those lips I love.

"It was all good" He murmurs back, cupping my face, smiling with that beautiful face.

"Shall we go for something to eat?"

"Yes!" Kaminari replies, like a total nosy, hoping just whoever said that so he could ask: "Pizza!"

* * *

"Don't be back home too late!" Deku says, walking away from Denki and Kirishima, "Text me when you get there!"

"Yeah, same for you, K?!" Says the blonde too, "Have a sweet night! Love you!"

"Same for you two! I love you more!"

Kaminari ends up sending him a kiss, turning and going along with his alpha, heading for that surprise I know Kirishima has prepared for him.

Meanwhile, Deku and I walk the opposite way to, first, get that craving he's been having all day; and then, bring him back for a walk on the beach, so I can give that promise ring I got for him.

"Are you sure it's okay to go? Aren't you tired?" He asks me, taking my hand tightly, rubbing my arm with the other one available. "We can just go to sleep, it's no big deal".

I shake my head "No, Deku, I'm fine. Plus you've been craving that for days, I wanna please my omega once in a while, you know?"

He smiles, that divine smile. "You always please me with everything" Murmurs, leaving a little kiss on my bicep. "Besides, I.., I really don't know why I've been craving a boba that much either..."

"You love boba tea's. Wanna that one from last time, right? Taro was it?"

He nods, grinning hugely just at the mention "God, yes, it was delicious. I really want it..."

I let out a giggle, rubbing with my thumb the hand I have intertwined with mine "Could it be a craving of those?"

He laughs, rolling his eyes. "You wish".

"What? It may actually be, Deku. A lil fish could have escaped in your last heat".

"God, shut up, no!" Says, chuckling, shaking his head. "I have you well tied with me by now, I don't need a baby to keep you still".

I laugh too, making quite a bit of sense to it. "Can't say it's a lie".

He rolls his eyes, but still amused, getting back the gaze to the front as we continue walking. However, the silence doesn't last long, because, in a small, tiny whisper, he asks; "What if I.., was.., you know, that? You.., would you be okay?"

I huff in amusement, holding tighter his hand, pulling it up to place a kiss on his skin. "Good? God, Deku, I'd be amazed".

"But.., it would mean a lot of change, and.., and the pressure, the studies and.., God, our parents..."

"I know" I nod, giving him the reason. "It's a lot of weight and responsibility, I'm not saying it's not. But.., I'd make everything be the best for you. Even if it did happen and you decide not to have it, I'd be there for you too, in every second I'd had to. The decision is always yours, Deku, you're the one who bears with everything, I won't stick my nose in something where all I literally did was give you the seed. Just.., remember that whatever your decision it gets to be, I will support you, and if you want us to make a decision together then I will also support you. At the end of the day, it's you and me, and we're in this together".

His beautiful and bright eyes smiles, almost wanting to burst from having heard those words that I'm sure he'd have wanted to hear so, so long before. His tiptoes pull him up, his lips come to mine and, with all the tender, he places a little kiss on my lips, snuggling even closer to my body as we continue on our way.

"I wish I was pregnant" He whispers. "But just for one day. No babies now".

I chuckle, loving my omega being so confident and happy with what we now have, together, side by side.

It doesn't take us long to get there, we order his boba and one more for me. One that of course he chose to change it with me whenever he wanted.

We then return at a calm pace, walking on the sand here in the beach, enjoying the silence while we go to my car and be able to return to campus to rest.

However, there's a big, big space in the middle of that way back home, cause it includes me giving one thing and asking for one more, so.., yes, I'm nervous. I'm nervous as fuck.

"You liked it?" He asks, drinking, referring to my own drink.

"Oh, I.., I don't know, I haven't tried it" I murmur, taking a sip. "Meh, it's good".

"Why you didn't try it before? You wanted to order something else?"

"No no, this is fine, just-"

"You didn't like it, right?"

I let out a nervous giggle, shaking my head. "It's good, Deku, I liked it, I just.., I didn't try it 'til now".

"Why you took so long then? Do you have something on your mind?"

"Huh? No, I.., I'm good. I'm super good".

So fucking fake.

"Did you know you're super bad at lying? Come on, tell me what's wrong".

"It's.., just not a big deal..,"

"Yes, it is a big deal, you're all spaced out, you haven't been as loud as usual the whole time we had dinner, and now you're so much more clingy than usual. What is wrong?"


Why am I so fucking bad at hiding things to him?

"Is it your rut? Are you close?"

"Huh? No, I.., no, two more months, I guess".


"It's nothing like.., you know, relevant".

"It doesn't matter if it's not relevant, Kacchan, just.., tell me what you have in your head..."

I sigh. I hate lying him, so I definitely won't do that. I know all I'd have to do is lengthen a topic, whatever it is, but.., I don't know. For some reason, I don't want one thing leading to another and so we end up not doing what I have to do.

So.., there's no other.

I must tie my balls, right here and right now.

"I.., I have something to.., you know, to tell you".

"If you cheated on me I swear I'll kill you".

I chuckle, shaking my head, anxiety getting out of my body a little bit just by letting out that laugh. "Who the fuck would be so stupid to cheat on you? You of all people, I mean, look at this hottie kitten".

I take his waist, going close to his neck to kiss him, tickle him once in a while, have something, anything from him cause I'm so needed of the comfort of my omega, I need this reality of knowing that he's here, with me and.., be able to ask him to be mine once and for all.

"You see?! You're begging for love, Kacchan, God!"

I let out one more chuckle, giving one last couple of kisses on his skin, before pulling apart give one more peck on his lips and, with me tying my balls, my dick, my willingness and my fucking nerves.., I say; "Can we go to the dock?"

"Will you tell me everything there?"

I nod. "Everything, I promise".

He smiles big, raises his hand for me to take it, I do and, like that, we walk together.

To say the fact he's walking in a fucking hurry isn't making me more damn nervous would be a complete and damn big lie. I wanna beg him to slow it down, I wanna ask to please don't speed up, to give me some more little time, but.., inside of me, my clean, sane and healthy head.., is yelling at me while laughing to don't be a fucking pussy.

We already live through the worst times, we healed everything that hurt, we fixed all the problems that at the time were the worst for both of us.

It's time to ask for more, give him more, promise him more.

He deserves it. He deserves this and so, so much more from me. Being sure of myself and my actions is the least I can give him right now.

That's why, as soon as we arrive and he stops at the end of the dock to look at the beach, the first and only thing I have to do is kneel for him.

"Oh my-, Kacchan, what are you doing?!"

"Tying my shoelaces?"

He giggles, but just to hide everything that's probably going on in his head right now. He's gonna cry, his eyes are about to burst in no time. "Kacchan, please, for the love of God.., I beg you not to ask me to marry you..."

And watching him there all scared just makes me wanna play more with him.

I put on a straight face, take a breath, and like that, reach for the box in my pocket.

"If you ask me to marry you I'll throw myself out of here, Kacchan, I swear to God!"

"I dare you" I say, taking out the small ring box without losing my sight of him.

He covers his mouth at the same second the purest sound of surprise in the world came out of it, trying with all his might not to burst into tears right now. He stops looking at me, or more specifically, he doesn't want to see the box I took out, shaking his head, over and over and over again.

And just when I swear he'll jump the hell out, I blurt out "No, I'm kidding!"

Ok, now he wanna cry even more.

"Just kidding, come'on, come're" I say, between nervous giggles, standing up, taking his hand, making him come back. "I was just kidding, kitten, okay? I'm not proposing, okay? Can you.., calm down and listen to a few words?"

It takes him a second, trying to breathe. One or two tears come out, a huge pout and his eyes stay looking at the stars. "I mean.., don't you wanna marry me?"

I frown. It takes me a second, but in the end, when I process what he just fucking said, I end up letting out a damn laugh.

"Don't laugh! I was about to say yes and now you've ruined everything!"

I laugh even harder. He's such a damn pain in the ass, I swear.

"Are you making fun of me?! This is not a game, Ka-"

He doesn't even end tho. I don't let him, of course I don't because I don't want him to say one more thing that could change my mind. I kiss him hard, I know that's what he needs when he fights to want to get away from me. However, after he realizes all and every one of my intentions through this kiss, of course he gives up, and even leans more to me, to my body, to hug me.

"I'm not asking you to marry me today" I whisper, against his lips, reaching his hands to take both of them. "But I do am promising you that I will".

With that said, I break away to look for his eyes, smiling, trying to calm down that racing and teary heart of his.

I raise his hands, I give each of them a kiss and, thus, let them go, to instead open the black box in my hands, showing that ring I chose for him.

"Listen, I know that.., I'm not that good to know what it takes to have a good relationship, I don't know how to be the perfect boyfriend and.., and I clearly have no experience in that kind of thing. I just know that.., that you like me the way I am. You like I'm not the best at being a cheesy and hopeless romantic man, you just.., like the way I try so. I like being like that with you too, you know? I like having you with me, I like to take care of you, tell nasty things and also tell how much I love all of you".

»"I bought this ring today for you as a sign of promise. I want that by having this in your hands you can be sure that one day I will replace it with a real engagement ring. I want it to be your assurance that I'll to do my best, that I'll take care of you and that I will stay here until the day I put a third ring right there on our wedding day".

»"I want you to be my omega, I want to be your alpha too. I promise that I will be here for you, I will take care of you and be sure every day to be everything you need, cuz no matter what situation we're in, I will be right here, just for you".

»"I want us to make this real. I want you to be my omega, my mate, my boyfriend. You.., want to?"

Those tears and that huge smile answer absolutely everything for me, but the fact he still throws himself into my arms, kisses me and shouts his answer to the world, makes my heart swell until it completely bursts.

"Yes! Yes Yes Yes!"

I let out a laugh, I reach for his waist, I hug him and without further ado, I kiss him.

I kiss him as much as the first time, with the same desire, the same intention, the same alpha in love of the one he always knew was his omega.

However, what makes me and my alpha different is that now we're both completely worthy of the one we always claimed. Today we're worthy enough to know for sure that we achieved it. He's ours now, he's our omega, we're totally his.

I pull away, but certainly not as quickly as I clearly can't do. I need to do it little by little, giving one kiss after another one to not resent the wonder of his lips leaving mine so suddenly.

When I'm ready enough, I open the box again, taking that ring with slightly nervous hands, placing it in that trembling hand ready for me.

When it is in the perfect place, a huge cry burst from the bottom of my omega's heart, trying to cover that face that I already have memorized with each tear he sheds.

"Why are you crying, huh, kitt?"

"I'm just.., I'm so happy..."

"If I hug you would you be happier?"

He nods, a wave of sobs exploding as soon as I take him into my arms, letting him vent as much as he wants and can, loving the fact those tears are one more of pure happiness for me, for my actions, for what I do for and because of him.

"Can you forgive me for scaring you about the marrying thing?" I whisper, rubbing his waist, squeezing him.

He lets out a lil giggle filled with more sobs, nodding. "Just this once, okay? Next time I want it to be for real".

I chuckle, loving this man more each day. "Would you really have said yes if it was of marriage?"

And in the midst of another bomb of sobs and tears, he tries to say "To be honest.., no..."

I laugh. It would hurt if only I didn't know my omega from head to toe. "You weren't ready, right?"

He shakes his head, trying to calm down to answer without that many tears choking him. "I wasn't..." Whispers, squeezing me hard. "And I.., that's just what I was thinking, you know? The fact that.., you know me so much to ask me for things when I really want you to ask for them. I.., I'd have gone crazy if you proposed today and.., and knowing it was instead the symbol of the loyalty to your promises.., felt just so, so good..."

»"You always know what to give me and when to give it to me, you know me so well that I.., I'm so, so happy it was you the one..."

I smile, but.., his words stay in my head, making me frown.

"I was the one?"

He nods, holding on, hugging tight. "The one my omega wanted since the very beginning. Ever since.., you asked me to try.., my omega wanted it to be you and.., and now I understand so much why..."

I smile. So, so big I think I'm floating right now. "Oh yeah?"

"Mhm" Nods, pulling apart a little, looking for my face, looking straight at me with those shiny eyes. "My omega always wanted you, and even though I wasn't sure.., I'm so glad he chose you before".

"Now you know your omega is never wrong, huh?"

He lets out a giggle, lowering his little eyes, playing with his hands in an usual move for him. However, to see that now he doesn't play with his fingers and instead plays with that ring, makes me feel a happiness that I never thought, in all my life, I could feel.

"You liked it?"

"Yeah, it's pretty and- oh! It has a gem!"

I chuckle, nodding, watching him intently as he raises his hand for a closer look.

And when I see him raise his face to see my eyes, and see that there's the biggest smile in the world, I swear I could explode of pure love.

"It's like your eyes!" Snaps, giggling, looking at the gem, then at my eyes, then at the gem again. "It's beautiful! It's like having your eyes here, I love it!"

I let out a stupid giggle, delighted because it's the most genuine happy smile that can exist in the entire universe.

"It has something written on it too" I inform, pointing at it.

His smile grows bigger, even if I could think it was impossible. He takes it off to search inside, reading and tilting his head, confused. "One by one?"

I nod, cupping his cheek, touching a couple of freckles there with my thumb. "Until I've counted them all, even if it takes my whole life".

He lets out a lil giggle, his eyes shine again, ready to burst into tears. "Is that a till death do us apart? Or more like a death sentence?"

I chuckle, I left him one more kiss. "Meh, if you wanna see it like that" I shrug. "I was just making clear that I'm not leaving your side as long as I can keep counting".

"Well then..," Whispers, putting the ring back on his finger, he kisses the metal and, looking straight at me, murmurs; "Sounds like a double promise to me that you must keep".

»" 'Til my freckles do us part, huh?"

The smile on my fucking face couldn't be bigger, I feel like the loveliest dumb on the planet.

"Come here" I murmur, without giving him time to resist or fight, hugging him, getting close to give him small hard kisses on the preciousness of his lips. "God, I really like you, you know? I'm so, so in love with you".

He smiles, big, cupping my cheeks, giving those tender little kisses that I like so much. "Yeah well, this ring is enough proof to confirm that".

I chuckle, squeezing him, opening my mouth to say something else, but...

But I shut up.

I shut up, there's nothing else I can do.

Because I hear him say the three most beautiful, amazing and stinging words in my heart. Words that, even if I die today I would still remember them in my next life, I could hear them, right here, at that moment, right now, in this precise place.

"I love you..."

And.., my heart just hurts so much I don't wanna do anything but cry, shout to God, thank the world, the universe, everything and everyone for giving me the joy of letting me hear this.

His big, shiny and beautiful eyes smile, his lips do the same while watching my cheeks get wet. His hand go up, cleaning that salty path left by those only two tears he could get to see.

"I love you too" I whisper, my voice broken, so damn broken by the fucking position he put me in by saying that to me first. "I love you with all my fucking might, I swear I do".

His little eyes get wet again, and this time tears fall without him hiding them, kissing my lips, nodding small, in a way to tell me he knows perfectly well that: how much I like him, how much I adore him, how much I love him.

And even if he knows it perfectly well, I'll let him know anyway.

Every day of my life, until the day I die.

I make that promise to you today, Izuku. With that ring on your finger, I promise you I'll give you absolutely everything, until the day I pass away this life and can find you in the next.


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