My Brother's Ex Bestfriend

By AllyStone23

141K 3K 270

Isabel Wood. She has been in love with her brother's best friend since childhood. She never expected him to a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

5.6K 137 11
By AllyStone23


{Isabel Wood}

"I want to ask you something," I say, suddenly pulling away from Theo.

He reaches out for me to pull me back on his chest, "can't you ask while cuddling?"

I shake my head before continuing, "the day after tomorrow is the day you leave."

"I don't wanna talk about that," he frowns.

"Listen. I want our last day together to be different," I grab his hand.

He tilts his head, "different?"

I nod, "since you are always taking me out, I think it's my turn. Before you go to university, I mean."

"You wanna take me out?" he smiles, trying to hide his laugh.

"I'm serious," I huff. "Will you go on a date with me?"

He now has a full-blown grin, "baby, I can take you out. Wherever you want."

I let out a groan, "no! I want to take you out. I will pick you up and drive us to wherever and pay and everything."

He bursts out laughing, sitting up from his bed and pulling me onto his lap.

When he finally gets a hold of himself his eyes meet with mine, "I mean if you insist."

"Yay! Okay. This will be the best date you ever go on," I promise.

He places a kiss on my cheek, "I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh my god! Can I take your car? Cause I have to pick up my date in a nice car and you have a nice car," I ask.

His eyes widen, "I don't think that's... a good idea."

I narrow my eyes at him, "why not? I won't crash. I'll be very careful, I promise."

He sighs, "baby, I don't think you should-"

I cut him off by placing my lips on his, slowly kissing him.

"Please," I mumble against his lips. "You will leave after."

He groans into my mouth, "fuck, fine."

I pull away with a grin, "I love you!"

"I love you too," he murmurs, "can we go back to sleep now?"

I nod happily and he pulls me down on his chest.

Soon, I fall asleep. I know exactly what I'm going to do!


{Theodore Miller}

When I woke up the next morning, I look down to see Isabel not there.

That bothers me. This is one of the last mornings with her until months later and she isn't here.

I sigh and notice a small note on her side: I'm going to pick you up at 6. Be ready.

I smile at the piece of paper in my hand, wondering what she has in mind.

Six o'clock rolls around and I hear a honk outside of my house.

I walk out and see Bell with flowers in her hand.

She opens the passenger door for me to get in but instead, I close it and push her against it.

"You look beautiful," I let my eyes wander down her body.

Her dress clings to every curve, she looks perfect. As always.

She smiles and hands me the flowers, "there are for you."

I take them and place my lips on hers, "thank you. But just because you're taking me on a date doesn't mean I'm not a gentleman. You don't have to open the door for me."

She laughs, pushing me away, "everyone deserves princess treatment once in a while. Also, you are supposed to keep the kiss for the end of the date, to make it special."

"Every moment I spend with you is special," I inform.

Her face heats up and she pushes me back, "go in. I have a surprise."

Once she starts driving, I notice the route she is taking.

"No fucking way!" I gasp when we reach.

She looks at me and nods eagerly.

"But it was closed," I stare at the park in shock.

"It was. But I wanted to see what they did with it after they closed it and I saw that they reopened it a few months ago," she smiles.

I continue looking at the park we used to go to as kids. I had told Isabel that it was my comfort place and I was really sad when they closed it. I never came to this area again, knowing it will ruin my mood to see it closed.

"Your tree is still there," she mumbles.

"Really," I gasp.

My favorite tree. I would climb it every day when we came here. they would be playing and I would spend some time on the tree.

"Let's go," she says, getting out of the car.

I follow her and we go straight to my tree, I see a picnic under it.

I tilt my head and go closer to see all my favorite foods on it.

Turning to Isabel, I pull her closer before smashing my lips onto hers, "you're fucking perfect."

She smiles against my lips, "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it! Thank you, Bell," I look down at her lovingly.

She pulls me onto the blanket with the food and we start eating and talking.

Once we are done, I decide to climb the tree.

"Are you crazy? It's old and you are old too, you can fall," she gasps.

I tilt my head at her, "I am not old."

She mumbles something under her breath and looks up at the tree, "just be careful okay?"

I nod and start climbing the tree. This is easier than I remember.

"Babe come up here," I motion to Isabel.

She looks at me with a worried expression, "no thank you. I'm not a huge fan of getting hurt."

I laugh at her serious tone, "come on, I promise I won't let you get hurt."

She hesitates before walking closer and slowly starts climbing.

I go down behind her to make sure nothing happens.

I keep a hand around her waist and the other one on the tree to keep my balance.

Once we reach the top, she plops herself closer to the tree trunk, holding it tightly.

I sit beside her, keeping an arm around her waist, "it's okay, baby. Hold onto me."

She slowly lets go of the trunk and holds me tightly.

I point toward the sky and we both look at the stars and moon in comfortable silence.

After a while, I notice that she isn't as stiff and I pull her even closer to me, "thank you again."

She looks up at me and smiles softly before leaning up and kissing me, "I like seeing you happy."

My heart explodes. What did I do to deserve her?

We pull away and I place my head on top of hers.


"I'll miss you," my girl pouts.

"I'll miss you too Bell," I frown. I don't wanna leave.

"Who will tutor me in math?" she starts to tear up.

I pull her closer to me, "don't cry, baby. I'll just be a few hours away. You can come to me at any time."

She shakes her head, "I wanna see you every day. I can't drive six hours there and back every day."

"I promise I will visit a lot," I assure her.

"Really?" she looks up at me, her eyes glossed with tears.

I nod, "yeah. I left you my favorite hoodies and also the bear that you like."

She saw this bear in my closet that I liked as a kid. I was going to take it with me for memories but I would rather her have it.

She goes back to hugging me, "thank you."

I kiss the top of her head and my little brother comes down with a necklace.

"Here," he says, handing it to me.

I look at it for a moment, "isn't this mine?"

He nods, "I liked it, so I borrowed it."

"That's not borrowing, you ass," I laugh.

"Yeah whatever, I gave it back so it IS borrowing," he shrugs.

I shake my head and hand it back to him, "you can keep it."

"You don't want it?" he tilts his head.

"Nah, I don't wear necklaces much anymore," I assure.

He eyes the necklace on me.

"It's her ring," I point at my sad girlfriend who is clinging to me.

She always wears this ring but she gave it to me because I gave her my ring.

She wears it on a necklace because it doesn't fit her and I used to wear hers on my pinky but it started to hurt so I moved it to a necklace that I always wear.

"Cool," he nods.

Isabel pulls away from me and I pull Anthony in a hug, "don't get in trouble."

"I can't promise anything," he half laughs.

I pull away from him and ruffle his hair, "be good. Don't annoy mom."

"I never do. That's why I'm the favorite," he points out.

I let out a laugh, "right..."

He rolls his eyes, "be safe."

With that, he runs upstairs. Something doesn't seem right.

I turn to Isabel and give her a confused look.

"Go talk to him," she points to the stairs.

I head upstairs and into his room, "Anthony."

He turns to me, "yeah?"

"What's wrong?" I ask, placing myself beside him on the bed.

He shakes his head, "nothing."

I raise my brow and he huffs.

"You have to go to university for four years," he informs.

"Yeah. So?" I ask.

"Izzy will come to you in a year and I will be all alone," he looks down.

Oh. "You won't be alone buddy."

He sighs, "I'm finally at an age where I can talk to you. I wanted to be closer to you and now you are leaving."

I frown, "you can talk to me at any age. You will always be my little brother Tony, you can come to me for anything."

He shakes his head, "I was childish before, I mean I am still a kid but I'm starting to grow up. I want my big brother with me."

"I am here. If you want advice or someone to talk to, call me. I will always answer," I assure him.

"It's not the same," his eyes go to his window. "What if you are with your university friends?"

"I'll still be there. I'm your brother Anthony, you know I'm there for you kid," I flick his head.

"You promise?" he finally looks at me.

I smile, "of course, dumbass."

He jumps on me, hugging me, "I hate to admit it but I will miss you. Visit a lot okay?"

I nod, "I will. Bell will kill me if I don't. Also, come with her when she comes to see me."

"No, I don't want to third wheel," he laughs.

I roll my eyes, "your call."

He pulls away from me, "go, you have a long drive ahead of you."

I nod, "call me if you need anything."

He nods and I go back downstairs.

I see Isabel at the bottom of the stairs.

Walking up to her, I pull her back to me, holding her close.

"Is he okay?" she mumbles.

I nod, breathing in her scent.

My mom comes inside, "you have to go, it'll be dark."

I nod and lean down to give Isabel a longing kiss before pulling away and hugging my mom.

Bell and I walk outside and I settle in the car.

I look up at her, standing at the door with a soft smile, "good luck," she mouths.

I smile back, "I love you."

Once I see her mouth it back to me, I start backing out of the driveway.

I'll miss her a lot. 

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