The Avatar's Advisor (HIATUS)

De kxngmxrs

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"You love him, don't you? I see the way you look at him. It's like he's your whole world. I can't possibly bl... Mais

Book One: Water
The Boys In the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
Princes and Conversations
The Spirit World
Avatar Roku
The Waterbending Scroll
The Dam
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
The Fortune-Teller
The Deserter
The Northern Air Temple
The Waterbending Master
Lost and Found
The Siege of the North: Part 1
The Siege of the North: Part 2
Book Two: Earth
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return to Omashu
The Swamp

Bato of the Water Tribe

125 5 3
De kxngmxrs

The traveling group runs through a forest. Polu is watching birds fly overhead when he hears Aang call out, "A sword made out of a whale's tooth!"

"Let me see that!"

Polu follows the direction of the voices to find his friends examining a small sword. "That looks like a Water Tribe weapon," he muses.

Sokka nods. "It is. Help us look for anything else that might be nearby."

The prince heads farther downhill, hoping to find something out of the ordinary. After a few moments, Sokka calls the teen's name.

"It's burned," he mutters.

Polu's eyes lock on tree bark near his head. "There was a battle here."

"Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders." Sokka runs his hand along the markings in the wood. His gaze runs along the grass on the ground.

"The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them downhill."

Polu stares in astonishment as the group follows the tracks. He got all that from just a few details. Sokka is certainly brighter than he acts. He smiles fondly before chasing after his friends.

The prince comes to a stop in front of a large boat.

"Is this Dad's boat?" Katara asks.

Sokka admires the craftsmanship of the vessel. "No, but it's from his fleet. Dad was here."

Polu sighs sadly. Despite his relief for his friends potentially nearing their father, he can't help the grief for his own.

I wish I'd had a relationship like they seem to have. To have a father that genuinely cares for you and does everything in his power to protect you... I'm a little envious.

"Let's camp here for the night. If we're lucky, maybe someone nearby can help us find Dad."

Still, this would be really good for them. I hope he's out there somewhere.


"He has an incredibly... feminine appearance. He would be an honorable offering to the Fire Lord or even a prize for myself."

Zhao's conniving smirk stares down at a kneeling Polu. "Have you come to return yourself to the Fire Nation?"

The scene shifts to outside Avatar Roku's temple. Now, a bloody Zhao grins up at a panting Polu.

"You will always be property of the Fire Nation."

Polu's limbs scream in pain as they are yanked in four different directions. The prince hisses at the hot metal clamped on his hands and feet.

"You have no idea what I could do to you," Zhao hisses.

Polu retorts, "You're the one who almost died last time. I'm not too worried about what you could do."

"I have your little Avatar in custody. If I killed him, what would you do?"

Zhao's smirk etches itself into Polu's memory. "You will forever belong to the Fire Nation."

A fire whip lashes out at the prince, causing him to scream and jerk wildly in an attempt to escape the relentless heat.

"Polu! Polu, wake up!"

The Advisor's eyes shoot open, breath coming in short, painful spurts. When he realizes someone is pinning his arms to the ground, his breathing stops.

Holding him down is none other than Admiral Zhao in all his horrific glory. His wild eyes, his animalistic snarl, even the sheer anger rolling off him.

Polu knees his attacker in the groin, yanks his arms from Zhao's grip, and rolls. He slams the man's back to the ground right before he fades out of existence.

"Oh, Kyoshi..." Where Zhao had been sprawled on the ground now lays a groaning Sokka. "Oh shit, Sokka, I'm so sorry."

Polu quickly clambers off of his friend and bends water to heal him. All the while, Sokka quietly complains and Polu apologizes.

"What the hell?" The younger finally manages. "Why did you attack me?"

The prince huffs quietly, hoping not to wake the others. "Me? Why were you pinning me to the ground?"

Sokka's face turns bright red as he clears his throat. "You were thrashing around and screaming. I was trying to stop you from hurting yourself." He motions to the flames not even five feet from them. "I didn't really want you to catch on fire."

Polu's face slacks. "I was screaming?"

"Yeah," Sokka mumbles. "I'm actually surprised I'm the only one who woke up."

"Sorry," the prince mutters. "Didn't mean to wake anyone."

The shorter shrugs lightly. "It's okay. I wasn't sleeping well anyway. Do... do you wanna talk about it?"

"I think I'm just stressed out of my mind," Polu admits.

Sokka rests his arms on his knees as he scoots closer to his friend. "Any reason in particular?" His voice is almost gentle.

"Mostly things to do with being Aang's Advisor." It's not a complete lie...

"Why's that?" Sokka raises an eyebrow. "Isn't it exciting? You sound so upset whenever someone brings it up."

There it is. Guilt crawls through the prince's stomach and into his throat. "Sure, I love being able to help Aang, but I never asked for this. For the power or the responsibilities that came with the title. I didn't ask to be born to parents who just wanted to sell me for their political reputations."

He takes a shuddering breath as he continues, "I didn't ask to be frozen for a century or to miss my baby brother's life. I didn't-"

Polu is cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around him. One hand secures his head on Sokka's shoulders, the other hand clinging to Polu's back.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve all that pressure. We're just kids, and you two are expected to end this war. That's a lot to ask of anyone. I'm sorry," Sokka hums.

The prince releases a shuddering, silent sob. He buries his face into Sokka's shoulder as he returns the hug.

"You don't have to do any of this alone, though," the younger continues. "You've got me and Katara now, and we're not gonna let anything happen to you. Either of you."

The teens sit in that position for minutes. One quietly cries while the other does his best to soothe his friend.

Eventually, Polu's breathing evens out.

"Feeling better?" Sokka asks softly.

No response.

"Polu?" The boy pulls his head back to find Polu peacefully sleeping on Sokka's shoulder. Oh. He must've been really tired.

He blushes fondly as he slowly lowers himself and his friend to the sand. When the two are laid out, Sokka stares up at the stars. Sokka's gaze is drawn to a curious gathering of stars that seem to form a dagger.

Peace and belonging wash over the teen as he takes a deep breath. Maybe this isn't so bad.

His eyes begin to droop closed, and his mind conjures up an old memory of his father preparing to leave the tribe.

A few minutes later, Sokka swears he hears footsteps. He eases Polu off of him and stands. He holds his gifted knife out in front of him. "Who's there?"

Sokka's eyes go wide as a familiar face is lit up by the fire.



The three others stir at the commotion.

"Who's who? What?" Polu rubs his eyes as he tries to wake.

Two blue blurs run past him. Polu groans as his three friends approach 'Bato'.

"-he and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now." Bato answers the siblings' questions.

Ba Sing Se... I wonder what it looks like now.

"This is no place for a reunion," Bato shivers. He smiles back at Polu and Aang and gestures for them to follow him before walking away with the siblings.

So he's not their father, but maybe this will still be good for them.


Polu glances at the nuns as the group passes them.

"Superior, these are Koda's children," Bato smiles. "They've been traveling with the Avatar and his Advisor. I found them by my boat."

Mother Superior bows respectfully. "Young Avatar, Young Advisor, it gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our abbey."

Polu and Aang bow in return.

"Thank you," Aang smiles. "It's truly an honor to be here."

While Sokka interrupts Aang, Polu takes in the courtyard. His eyes return to meet Mother Superior's.

Her eyes twinkle knowingly as she dips her head at Polu.

She knows. Polu's smile grows fondly as he bows again.


"Bato, it looks like home!"

Polu nods from the back of the group. It certainly reminds me of the Water Tribes. He glances at a particular animal pelt hanging on the nearest wall. I'll never understand their fascination with-

"Nothing's cozier than dead animal skins," Aang whispers to Polu.

The boy wraps an arm around his friend. "I was just thinking the same thing, kid. Just remember to be respectful."

Polu sniffs Aang's bowl of stewed sea prunes before he receives his own. He chuckles at Aang's face as he sips at the food. It's better than Arnook's, I'll give Bato that.

He sits next to the Avatar as he listens to his friends converse with the new man.

"Bato, is it true you and dad lassoed an arctic hippo?" Katara asks.

The man laughs. "It was your father's idea. He just dragged me along." He pauses. "Well, the hippo did the dragging."

"Hey, I ride animals, too!" Aang launches into a story only to be interrupted, once again, by Sokka.

The prince nudges his youngest friend gently. "This is their time, A. Why don't we just listen to their stories?"

After a few minutes, Polu reaches for his satchel. His eyes widen when he realizes it isn't by his side. "Spirits, you've got to be kidding me."

Aang glances up at his friend. "What's wrong?"

"I just forgot something down at the beach." The Advisor shakes his head as he stands. "I'll be back in a bit."

Polu quietly exits the room. He nods at Mother Superior before racing down to the washed-up boat.

He heaves a sigh of relief at the sight of his satchel on the sand. Polu reaches into his bag and moves its contents around in search of a specific item.

The airbender robes! With any luck, the bracelet should still be... Polu smiles broadly as he lifts the orange sash to reveal a bracelet of green and blue beads and a charm in the shape of a star.

Polu jumps when he hears a thud from above him. The teen directs his attention to the Avatar sitting on the bow of the ship.


"They want to leave us, Polu. I can't believe it!"

Polu stands and frowns. "I find that hard to believe, Aang. I don't think they would've come all this way just to abandon us now."

The younger doesn't meet Polu's gaze. "You didn't hear what I did. Bato is waiting for a map from their father. They're going to go with him."

"Oh..." Polu slides the bracelet onto his wrist and toys with the charm. "I was about to head back up to the abbey. Do you want me to stay here?"

Aang shakes his head. "I think I wanna be by myself for a bit. Thanks, Po."

The teen nods slowly. "Anytime, kid. You can talk to me about anything, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Aang offers a small smile to Polu.

"Alright. I'll see you back up there."

Polu eyes his friend warily before throwing his satchel onto his shoulder and walking away. As he treks back to the abbey, the boy yawns.

He's worrying me. Should I have stayed? What they said seemed to have really affected him.

He sighs as he steps into the room where Bato, Sokka, and Katara sit. He nods stiffly at them as he curls into a ball in the corner.

Then again, maybe giving him space was the right idea. Sokka was right. I can't always be there for him.

As Polu's eyes droop sleepily, he crawls into his parka. I'm sure nothing bad will come of this. He just needs some air is all.

He giggles quietly. An airbender that needs air. I'll have to tell him that one.


The next morning, the group of five heads down to the boat on the beach.

"This ship is sentimental to me," Bato hums. "It was built by my father."

Polu admires the ship in a new light. He redirects his attention when he hears whistling to his left.

Aang smiles innocently at his friend as he approaches the group.

Polu raises an eyebrow. Well, that's not suspicious at all. What did he do?

"Is this the boat he took you ice dodging in?" Sokka asks.

Bato smiles. "Yep, and it's got the scar to prove it."

Polu involuntarily reaches up to the scars on his cheek.

"How about you, Sokka? You must have some good stories from your first time ice dodging," the adult continues.

Sokka slumps sadly as he faces Bato.

"He never got to go," Katara utters. "Dad left before he was old enough."

Oh... How do you tell someone that you're not sorry they got to have a good relationship with their dad, but that you are sorry he left when they were still a kid? At least Milan was around.

Polu's face scrunches oddly. Since when do I call him by his name? It was always 'Father' or 'Your Majesty'.

He stares at Sokka's back as the group boards the ship. Huh. Well, I suppose Sokka was right. He never really was much of a father.

The prince helps move the boat into the water. When it's out far enough, Polu bends himself up onto the deck.

"Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, and trust," Bato recites. "In our village, it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs."

Sokka turns back to Bato. "How are we supposed to ice dodge without ice?"

Polu's eyes widen as he notices the objects piercing through the water.

"You'll be dodging..." Bato points to the ocean, "those."

The man steps forward and rests his hands on Sokka's shoulders. "Sokka, you steer and call the shots. Lead wisely."

Sokka nods and takes his place at the stern.

"Katara, you secure the mainsail. The winds can be brutal, so be brave."

Katara grins proudly as she does as she's asked.

Bato points to the Avatar. "Aang, you control the jib. Without your steady hand, we all go down." He smiles kindly. "Your position is about trust."

Aang stiffens. "I know that! Why wouldn't I know that?" His arms flail wildly as he speaks. "I'm the Avatar! I know about trust."

Polu narrows his eyes at his friend. Something happened between when I left the beach and whenever Aang returned to the abbey. What isn't he telling me?

"For this to be done right, I cannot help." Bato treads to the bow and sits.

"What about me?" Polu awkwardly raises a hand in the air. "What am I supposed to do?"

Bato pats the wood next to him. "This test has a limit of three people. I'm afraid you won't be allowed to participate."

As Sokka takes the lead, Bato turns to Polu. "Besides, I believe that you've already had your test of bravery."

"I suppose." The prince ducks his head.

"Sokka tells me you were born over a hundred years ago?"

Polu stares ahead at his friend. "That's true." Why was Sokka talking about me?

Bato hums deeply. "And yet you don't seem to hold the same kind of prejudice that older benders do."

"I, uh..." The teen shifts uncomfortably. His voice reminds me so much of Arnook. "I grew up around nonbenders, so I've never considered them incapable of handling themselves. Honestly, they're better fighters than some earthbenders I've met."

"I see," Bato nods.

Polu subconsciously slides away from Bato. Underneath his mother's necklace, his frostbitten skin burns as though it is newly damaged.

Bato stands suddenly. "Sokka, you've already proven yourself. Maybe we should-"

Polu reaches out to airborne water molecules to find what the others are talking about. Those are too close together for comfort.

The prince watches as his friends bend their respective elements, per Sokka's instructions. Polu wobbles uneasily when the boat lurches upward.

The ship passes over the rock formations and slowly sinks back to the normal sea level.

Polu makes eye contact with Sokka and smiles wearily but proudly.


Polu stands just behind Bato. He smiles fondly as he watches the adult present each of his friends with a mark.

"The Spirits of Water bear witness to these marks," Bato begins. "For Sokka, the mark of the wise."

The man paints the appropriate mark on Sokka's forehead. "The same mark your father received. For Katara, the mark of the brave."

Bato repeats his actions with the younger teen. "Your courage inspires us."

Polu nods in agreement.

"And for Aang, the mark of the trusted."

Polu's eyes narrow as Aang's widen. Something definitely happened last night. What did he do?

"You are now an honorary Water Tribe member." Bato grins at the airbender.

"I can't," Aang confesses.

Yangchen, give me patience.

"No, you can't trust me." Aang backs away from the group.

Polu nervously glances to the teen standing to his right. This has something to do with what Sokka said last night. What was it they were waiting on? A map to their father?

The prince's eyes nearly pop out of his skull at the wadded up paper in the Avatar's hand.

Katara scans the paper.

"You have to understand," Aang murmurs. "I was afraid you wouldn't-"

"This is the map to our father!" Unadulterated rage blazes through Sokka's veins. "You had it the whole time?"

Aang's face falls with shame.

"How could you?" Loathing joins the party as Sokka whips to stare up at Polu. "Did you know about this?"

Polu shakes his head. "I didn't. I returned to the abbey before Aang received it, apparently."

Sokka rolls his eyes and jabs a finger in Polu's face. His self-restraint leaves his body as he jeers, "It's no wonder you were meant to be sold to the Fire Nation. You're just a scum bag like the rest of them."

Strike one.

Polu's eye twitches. He's vaguely aware of the earth trembling beneath his feet and the water rolling to the beach in treacherous waves. "What did you say?" His voice rests at a disturbingly calm level.

Sokka takes a daring step forward.

Strike two.

You're being irrational. It's unfair to blame him. Sokka ignores the voice in his head in favor of a louder one.

He'd protect Aang, even if he killed someone. How can you trust what he says? Let your anger run free.

"I said it's no wonder you were sold off to the Fire Lord," Sokka sneers. "You're just a heartless liar like the rest of them. You tried to earn my trust with your sob story, and now look where we are!"

Strike three.

Game over.

Polu takes a fistful of Sokka's collar, steps behind his feet, and slams him to the ground. The earth cracks around them, causing the others to back up warily.

"Listen closely, dickhead." Polu ignores the sputtering coming from Sokka's breathlessness. "I don't know what I've ever done to you to make you distrust me so much, but if you ever again say that I deserved to be bought and abused?"

A dry laugh escapes the prince. His knee digs deeper into the younger boy's gut, causing Sokka to hiss in pain. "Well, Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, I will personally make sure that you regret it for the rest of your pathetic fucking life. Have I made myself clear?"

Sokka glares up at Polu through his tears. "Just get off me, traitor."

Polu digs his knee deeper, ignoring the protests of Katara behind him. He lifts a sharp blade of rock to Sokka's throat for extra measure. "You aren't in a position to be making demands, asshole. I asked if I made myself clear."

The nonbender grunts as his eyes dart between Polu and the blade. "Yes, all right, whatever. Now get off me already."

"Fine," Polu spits. As he stands, the rocky blade drags along Sokka's palm, effectively cutting it open.

"Oops, my hand slipped. I guess I figured you'd need a reminder." Polu pulls a bundle of bandages from his satchel and wraps it around Sokka's hand as tight as he dares.

"What the hell was that for? Why didn't you just heal me?" Sokka sits up and glares at the boy, all but yelling at him.

Polu snorts humorlessly. "I just told you, didn't I? To remind you never to say that shit to me again."

The prince stands and begins to walk away. He stops to find the four behind him staring, slack-jawed. "Oh, please, you'll be fine. Give it a few minutes and you'll stop bleeding. I'm not a heartless killer like firebenders."

As the teen continues his trek back up to the abbey, his words cut deeply into Sokka's heart.

I've royally fucked up. Spirits, what the hell did I just do?


Polu breaks away from Mother Superior to approach Katara. He adjusts his satchel before opening his arms. "I'm sorry Aang hid it from you."

The girl smiles sadly as she accepts the hug. "I'm sorry Sokka said all that."

Polu watches as she walks over to Aang. Upon a prickling sensation shivering through his body, the teen turns to find Sokka staring at him.

Polu takes a few steps toward the shorter boy. He bares his teeth in a snarl. "What was it you said a few weeks ago? Something about having my back, Sokka?"

The nonbender crosses his arms with a huff. "I know I fucked up. You don't have to remind me."

Polu scoffs and takes a few more steps. "Good." He leans down, ignoring the irritated tint on Sokka's face. "For the record, I decide when to stop reminding you, not the other way around."

The prince holds his glare for a second before stalking away to Appa.

As Sokka and Katara follow Bato, the former is oddly quiet. Shit. I've ruined everything. I've pissed him off beyond belief.

Polu boosts himself onto the bison's saddle as Mother Superior steps up to the group.

"Guess we should be leaving now," Aang hums.

The woman nods. "That would be best."

The bison turns to leave. Polu sends a courteous nod toward the nun once more before turning his attention ahead.

"I'm an idiot, Momo."

Polu frowns sadly. "No, you're not. You made a decision out of fear. That doesn't mean you're an idiot."

Aang huffs. "But I hurt them."

"That happens," the older reassures. "All we can do is try to move on. I'm sure there will come a time when you can apologize."

The friends allow themselves to be captivated by their internal conflicts as Appa guides them toward the beach.

Polu fiddles with Hino's gifted charm while Aang shares his thoughts aloud.

"Avatar! Advisor! You must leave."

The prince frowns as he sits upright. That's not Aang's voice.

"Okay, I get it," Aang huffs. "Everybody wants us gone."

Polu leans over the saddle and stares down at Mother Superior. "What's going on, Superior?"

"A group of people came to the abbey looking for you." The woman grimaces.

Aang glances at Polu before turning back to the nun. "Who?"

Superior clasps her hands. "A fierce-looking woman with a horrible monster and a young man with a scar."

The Avatar's face falls into a frown. "Zuko."

"Superior, what did the monster look like?" The Advisor mentally runs through different 'monstrous' creatures.

"It was very tall and lanky. Its nose is misshapen as if it is designed to smell more than it should."


The earthbender's frightened eyes meet Aang's. "She has a shirshu."

Superior nods. "The shirshu was using two necklaces to follow you."

"Necklaces?" Aang raises an eyebrow.

"Mine and Katara's!" Polu's heart sinks. "Katara and Sokka!"


"It's just going in a circle!"

Polu clings tighter to Aang as they soar toward the ground. As the airbender zips past the shirshu, Polu drops to the earth.

As the shirshu falls backward to follow Aang's scent, Polu sends a water whip at the woman on top of the animal.

She shrieks as she falls off the saddle. "Up!"

The woman quickly climbs back onto her steed.

"I'll deal with her. You handle the hairless wonder." Polu steps in front of the shirshu and smirks. "Let's dance, lady."

Before either can do anything, Appa lunges at the shirshu.

"Appa! I had her!" The prince pouts as he walks over. He narrows his eyes as Iroh taps the woman awake.

"Come on, get up!" The rider jumps to alertness and whips the shirshu.

"What, no quality time with me? You're no fun, man."

The woman leaps into the air. Before she can land on her creature, Polu wraps a belt of earth around her and yanks her toward him.

The teen teases, "We were just about to spar! Don't tell me you're forfeiting already?"

The adult sneers and cracks her whip. "I was giving you a chance to run away."

"Right, of course," Polu jests. "How courteous of you!" He shifts his foot and causes his opponent to fall to the ground.

"I really hate earthbenders," she scoffs.

Polu grins calmly. "Oh, did you want a fair fight? Sorry, I didn't know we made rules."

The fighters ignore their animal companions as they begin to circle each other.

The woman cracks her whip and directs it at the teen.

Polu bends the ground to jump into the air.

The whipper redirects her weapon to hit the prince in midair.

The bender creates a water whip. He sweeps it at the leather whip and allows the water to encase it and freeze.


The boy smirks as he lands in front of the woman. "What's your name?"

The adult scowls and narrows her eyes. "June. What about you, Buzzcut?"

"Polu," he laughs. "Why are you working with Prince Attitude?"

June snaps her whip to break it free of the ice. "He paid well."

The prince leaps onto the abbey's roof to avoid the incoming whip. "Glad I don't have much money, then. I'm rather enjoying this fight."

The whipper rolls her eyes and uses her weapon to pull herself onto the roof. "I'd like to wrap it up." She lashes out at the boy again.

"Shame." Polu backflips back into the courtyard while flinging tiles at June. "I don't often get to fight such a worthy opponent."

June sneers again. "Cocky little bastard, aren't you?"

Polu bends a nearby liquid up at the woman. "No, I'm just stronger than other benders." He ducks as the whip zips toward his face. "Nonbenders, though. They're always better fighters."

"You've got that right," June scoffs.

"So, you're a bounty hunter?" Polu dips under the earth and resurfaces behind June. He grabs her arms and pins them to her back.

His opponent huffs loudly. "You know, there's usually not this much talking in fights."

"Well, I've never had one last so long," Polu admits. "It feels weird when it's just silent."

"Damn kids. You never stop rambling, do you?"

Polu gives her a cheeky grin. "Nope!"

June snaps her wrist back. Her whip manages to nick the back of Polu's head.

The boy stumbles and releases her arms. "Hey! No fair!"

"I thought there were no rules," June smirks.

Polu's mouth falls open, pride shining in his eyes. "You are my favorite person right now."

The boy jumps to avoid the whip flying at him, keeping a chunk of rock attached to his feet. As June watches, he kicks the stone toward her head.

The whipper ducks. When she stands, she glares at Polu. "Do you often try to kill your favorite people?"

Polu lands and does a back handspring to return to a stand. "No, but we're fighting." His stance falters at the sudden mass of liquid in the air.

June grins and lashes Polu's arm.

The boy cries out and covers his wound.

"Sorry, Buzzcut. Looks like I've won this time." The woman saunters closer and grins. "Maybe we can have a rematch if someone puts a price on your head."

June runs over to the shirshu in an attempt to control its outlash.

Polu snorts when the whipper gets paralyzed by her own creature. He watches, a mix of glee and sadness in his eyes, as the shirshu escapes the abbey. After he heals his wound, he approaches June.

"Based on my calculations, you're down for the count and I'm still standing. I think that makes me the winner, June." The prince crosses his arms and smirks down at his opponent. "Maybe we can have a rematch if you come after me, though."


As the nuns go about cleaning their abbey, Aang hands a yellow-and-green necklace to Sokka. "Would you mind giving this to Polu? I think he'd like it to come from you."

Sokka takes the fabric but furrows his brow in confusion. "I don't think we're on speaking terms. Besides, you made it; shouldn't it come from you?"

"I've gotta get Appa situated," Aang laughs. "You've got spare time, though. I think he's with Superior!" The boy walks toward his bison, leaving a nervous Sokka behind.

The teen sighs as he makes his way to Polu.

"Are you sure we can't help patch things up?" Polu rubs his arms, shame coursing through him. "I'd feel bad for leaving it as it is."

Mother Superior smiles warmly and shakes her head. "You and your friends need to make your way to find a waterbending master. There's no time for you to stay here."

She reaches into her robe and pulls out a bottle. "Take this." Superior hands it to Polu, who accepts it gratefully with confusion clearly written on his face.

"What is it?" He holds it up to his face to inspect it.

"Ointment," the nun chuckles. "That flesh wound won't need it, but even with a hundred years of healing, it's important to keep scars on one's chest free of infection."

Polu's eyes widen. "What? No, no, you must have me confused with someone else." He holds his hands up as if to show his innocence. "I don't have any-"

"Nonsense, child." The woman interrupts sharply despite her kind tone. "I was a healer for years before I became a sister here. I know how to recognize the faintest of recovery signs."

The prince relaxes a bit. "A-and you're not-"

"Upset? No, dear boy. I am in no place to put judgment on other people for how they express themselves and live their lives." She grasps one of his hands gently and squeezes. Her eyes shine with fondness. "I just ask that you trust your friends with who you are."

Polu finally smiles and nods. "I can't promise I'll be able to do it today, but one day. I can promise they'll know one day."

Mother Superior smiles and bows her head. "Until next time, Your Highness." She glances up to find Polu's face dropping in surprise before he giggles and returns her bow.

"Until next time, Mother Superior."

As the woman walks away, Sokka finally approaches his friend.

Polu senses the approaching boy. He carefully sets the ointment bottle on the ground and turns to face Sokka.

The earthbender's jaw drops at the object in his friend's tanned hand. "My necklace! Sokka, where did you find it?"

The smile on Polu's face and the tears in his eyes make Sokka glad he was the one to deliver it. Just as soon as the joy warms Sokka's heart, guilt replaces it. I don't deserve that smile.

Still, the younger holds onto the moment, grateful that he'd been able to bring some form of relief to his friend. "Oh, you know. Some angry prince asked me to safely get it to you."

The Advisor throws his arms around Sokka's neck, sending the pair tumbling to the ground.

Sokka shrieks as he falls, then groans in pain when his back slams into the stone floor.

"Thank you! Thank you, Sokka!"

The nonbender feels his cheeks heat up as he wraps his arms around the boy lying on top of him. Sokka feels the elder's tears dampen his shirt as he replies, "You're welcome, Polu."

After a moment, Polu stands. Once he bends the dirt off his clothes, he offers a hand to Sokka.

The younger takes it.

The two lock eyes and hold their gaze for just a second too long. Polu coughs and holds up the necklace. "Do you mind...?"

At first, Sokka isn't sure what the prince means. When the realization dawns on him, he flushes in embarrassment. He grabs the necklace.

Once Polu has removed his blue necklace, Sokka carefully clasps the pastel one around Polu's neck.

When it's secured, Polu grasps the hanging charm and smiles softly as he turns to face Sokka. "Thank you," he whispers.

Sokka swears his heart stops then and there. How can one person fluster me so much? And how is he flustering me to begin with? I don't like guys. I like girls.

The dying heat on the teen's face returns with a passion when he realizes Polu is staring at him. "O-oh. Yeah, no problem."

Polu's smile drops quickly as he remembers what transpired earlier that day. "This doesn't make up for the things you said to me, you know," he mumbles.

The younger boy's gaze drops to the ground and he shrinks in on himself. "I know. Spirits, Polu, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking-"

"You weren't," Polu interrupts.

"Right. No, you're right. I wasn't thinking and I just... I felt betrayed that you picked Aang over us- n-not that it makes any of what I said any better! And I understand why you chose him; he's family, and you're really all the other has left. I'm so sorry, Polu."

The taller narrows his eyes. "I want to forgive you, but a simple apology isn't going to make this all better. I hope you realize that, Sokka."

The boy nods.

"What I threatened still stands: if you say something like that again, you will regret it."

Sokka gulps nervously and nods again. "Yeah, I understand."

Polu sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "That being said, I want to give you another chance. Just... give me some time to calm down, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course." Sokka offers a small, ashamed smile. "Take as much time as you need. I'm just appreciative that you don't want to kill me."

Polu frowns. "I never wanted to kill you. I never want to feel the way I did with Zhao- but I did hate you. I don't think that feeling still stands, but it was certainly not murderous."

Guilt consumes the blue-eyed boy. "Oh. I, uh... I'm sorry for assuming that, then. I'm grateful you're giving me a chance at all. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Polu huffs. "Just do me a favor and think before you speak next time you're upset."

Sokka nods.

"Great. Let's go, then. I think Aang and Katara are waiting for us."

Continue lendo

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