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By xxoDimoxx

78 9 0

Hella O'Brien, A badass virgin. A hard cookie to crack. But, a Human. Everyone thinks that she is emotionle... More

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24 3 0
By xxoDimoxx

I knew this was coming.

I knew one day I would have to run immediately or I would be in such a state that will have no other option.

I knew there was more out there than I thought.


Hella's P.O.V

I Immediately ran towards my room and locked the door just to get myself some extra few minutes. I already had an escape bag ready for this specific type of situation. Thank God! The only problem my shithead has to face is that I forgot where I hid it. I knew I hid it somewhere it was surrounded by all the sides. Think, Think, THINK. Oh! In the cardboard box in my cupboard behind my clothes. Quickly checking I found it. Now the next thing in my Escape plan. Fixing myself and hearing the harsh pounding on my door I knew I didn't have much time. Pulling my hair back in a ponytail, wearing my secretly stashed leather boots, And throwing a heavy wind cloak on my shoulders which was again from my secret stash which my family didn't know about.

At the speed of a mile a minute, I ran towards my big window opposite my bed just at the moment for my bedroom door to be busted. 1,2,3, and GO! I jumped from my window landing in the backyard zooming straight towards the east where the dense forest lies. I could hear Azazel, Hendrix, Claudia screaming behind me for me to come back; which will never happen. Goodbye. Hope to never see you guys again. Mentally muttering to myself.

I knew it was the stupid, dangerous, and idiotic decision I ever made. Going to a place who knows what resides, many unknown creatures, and a place from where nobody came back after going further than twenty meters.

Due to the lack of exercise, I did in life as being a lazy ass, huffing, and puffing. I reached the tree line of the woods. It was a total of a two-hour distance. Thanks to the goddess that I remembered to wear a wind cloak, it's fucking cold out here. My legs are numbed because of this fucking underwear or as I should call the booty shorts I am wearing. My hands are frozen and I can't even feel my fingers when I touch my cheeks, even my face seems to be frozen as I am unable to scrunch my nose easily. Fuck!

Leaning on the nearby tree, I take deep breaths and try to calm myself down. Fuck, the amount of underline rush I am feeling I don't think I will be able to think and function properly. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4..., this trick always works. Within minutes I was feeling normal. Trying to extend the sleeves of the wind cloak to cover my palms and a little bit area of my fingers, sighing, I started walking forwards. Forest was bleeding a mysterious aura, a dark aura, an alluring aura. Like I couldn't even focus on any other thing while standing just there staring at the huge beautifully tangled-up wooden mess that lay before me. Stepping forward towards the heavenly scented forest, I make my way towards a place that even I don't know.

Sometimes in my life, I feel like I am alone. No one could or would help climb the dark pit that I fell into. A place where no one can hear my cries, my broken soul's sobs, A cold place where there is no ice to make it cold but my own emotions. And when I finally manage to grab onto some light, it also starts to slip away just like the hopes that I had, to live my life freely, That finally one day my family would stop being as harsh as they are, or as cruel they are; But only the survivors know the pain of losing hope that only thing that makes you look forward in your life, but mine? I let it slip away. HOPE is a big thing, and I vow to myself that if I could give someone that, even a little one, I will.

Imagining the heads of my family instead of the small rocks that I am kicking, I feel so fucking refreshed! Thick dark misty air that spread across the forest under the dusky sky with the sprinkles of some brightly twinkly stars and shining moon, with the soothing sound of the crickets in the background; I fell....Hmm, Everything that I thought I would never feel. Free, Happy, Burden free, and most of all, I feel content. I feel content because now I don't have to fear anyone or watch my back every two seconds.

I could hear the crunching of dry leaves under my foot, the rustling of leaves on the branches as they followed the winds in the direction they were traveling, I could hear the howling of wolves that felt like they were nearing me.

They are nearing me! FucK. I am tired and in no shape to run. DOUBLE FUCK!!

Take some deep breaths Hella. In, Out, In, Out. Ok, now what? Oh yeah! run. Securing my backpack straps on my shoulders I sprinted. I am a fast runner and I am proud of it despite being a lazy ass, But I have a practice of fast walking to complete my daily chores in that hell hole. I could hear them zeroing on me. Zigzagging through the trees, diving under the fallen trunks of the long wooden beings, Jumping on the branches; I could now hear their distant howls for their prey, BUT I finally managed to lose them. My arms and especially my legs are so bruised, shit!

I have scratches around my neck, a nasty long gash on my upper arms, and a few scattered scratches throughout my legs. I got some bruises on my back, I think? It must have happened when I banged into a tree while running. No worries, I got some ointments for it. Yup, that's me!! Turning around to find where I am, OH I get the second surprise of my life, I am standing at a place which whoever see would call Heaven.

A river flowing filled with the clear water that would reflect your soul if you looked at it. Right now it was reflecting the soul of the dusky, starry sky that lies above it. Its babbling sounds so refreshing and energizing. I could see the fishes swimming and enjoying their time while they could, well until I caught a few of them. Hehe.

Making sure that I have lost wolves behind me, I start rounding the perimeter of the area I would be spending my night at. The field was clean with beautiful bushes scattered around and the comforting buzz of the insects around. I don't even want to think about the fabulous smell surrounding me. Oh, God! Are you there?

Collecting some dry branches and cut up pieces of the trunks, I begin to start the fire. Now, this is some another level shit. Working half my life in the kitchen, I don't even know how to start a fire!? Fucking hell. Oh, I heard somewhere that by rubbing some rocks you can start a fire. Let's try the technique. Finding two medium-size rocks that were butting each other, We are supposed to take medium size right? Whatever! I started rubbing them hesitantly at first but did not see any sparks, I started rubbing them faster, and then ladies and gentlemen did the magic happen. SPARKS! Ohh Yeah!!!!

Within the next few minutes, I had a fire started and now it was time to catch some fishes. Oh God, I just love the babbling sound of the water. It will make an incredible lullaby for me that will let me have one of the awesome sleep I ever had, I am sure of it. Now another level of the shitty problem comes how to catch fish without anything. Humph!

Idea!! Quickly I searched for the medium to large-sized leaves. I managed to find four of them and then tied them together in a bowl-like thing; sitting on my knees at the side of the river I dipped my bowl in the water with its face on the opposite side where fishes were going. The speed of the water was good and the fishes were also feeling like moving around so I managed to catch three of them. Just my dinner.

Sitting beside the fire I started roasting fishes on the stick after poking their eyes out. The buzzing sound of the insects, the babbling sound of the river, the cold yet warm and comfortable winds are starting to make me drowsy while I look at the starry sky above me. Quickly eating my dinner while yawning and making sure not to fall asleep while eating and then choking myself to death I completed my dinner and started to make a makeshift bed for the night. My 'so-called bed' was a heap of leaves and surrounded by four wooden logs to make it comfortable and of course, it included my backpack as a pillow.

Putting out fire, Doing the final checking of the surroundings I slept like a baby and woke up with the first ray of sunshine.

That night I dreamt of a girl, I could see everything but not the face of the girl or anybody for the matter. The scene seemed to be a banquet, With crystal chandeliers that were emitting a comforting golden glow. Maids were running here and there, People were laughing and dancing and eating looking like they were having the time of their life.

Suddenly the scene changes and the girl I saw previously was standing there, In front of a man, who was by the way half-naked posing sexily. The girl was standing calmly having a conversation with him. The girl must have asked something before. So, he replied.

"I came to see you before your crowing ceremony starts."

The girl stood there fighting before a beautiful bush started to spread through her neck, sensually reaching her cheeks, nose, and then finally her the peak of her ears and beyond her hairline. She looked to be just a few years older than me, maybe just two years older.

Two more figures also started to come into view from the tree lines as they were standing near the treeline of the forest that surrounded the banquet or should I call it a banquet in a castle. WOAH!

Those three figures were of men that also have naked.

"Hello, Princess."

"Hi, Kitten."

The two of them greeted her simultaneously. She started to blush so hard that I think that any moment she will combust. " Awww, look at our baby girl. She is blushing so hard. Do you like what you see?hmm?" The third guy teased.

Before she could answer, A loud booming sound came from within the castle.


" I have to go." The girl said.

But why does it feel like I have heard that voice somewhere?

The scene changed again, This time I saw a dark room, that gave me chills even though it is a dream. Unexpectedly a bulb was switched on. From the little light that it was emitting, I was able to see the disgusting place, straight contrast to the castle I just saw. Wall was covered in dry blood, Torture devices were lined up on the table that was on the brink of breaking apart.

Suddenly a man came into the view, His upper body hidden in the shadows. From the way he walked and the tattered shoes he was wearing I could guess that he was poor and an old hag.

He was standing in the same position, He was facing me. Staring at me. How could he know where I was standing? It was just a dream, right?

After a few moments of tense silence, He spoke not to me but someone else. Another bulb was switched on, which was hanging directly upon a chair that was in the same position as the table, A girl was tied to it. Unconscious.

To her, the mysterious men said,

" Hello. Hella."


Gasping I jerked up. What was that? I don't think that it was just a dream. Panicked I looked around myself, Finding myself in the same place I closed my eyes to sleep. Taking in a breath of relief, I got up Stretched, and yawned. A smile made its way on my lips. Birds were chirping, the babbling sound of the water, clear and fresh air with just the perfect chill waking me up. Oh! God. Tying my hair, I walked towards the river with the towel that I had in my escape bag, I stripped and placed my neatly folded clothes on the ground along with the towel. The river seemed to be safe enough to bathe.

I decided to straight away jump in the river even though it was not deep. The moment my feet came in contact with water, I wished I didn't jump like that. The water is FREEZING!!

I don't know how fishes could survive that but shit dude!

Well if you want to survive you got to do anything it requires, That being for me is using the same bowl-like thing I made from leaves and used for catching them. I used it to bathe gently pouring little water to clean myself while trying not to get killed by this ungodly temperature water. I am sure the fishes were feeling happy after seeing me catching and eating their friends and family.

Quickly tidying up and ready to go, I had one last fish that was left from the last night. This reminded me of the breakfast I used to have in that so-called house of mine. Consisting of the leftovers from the previous night. It was so bad that they intentionally used to eat all the food and even if a little amount was left they used to 'accidentally' throw it on the ground for me to it. Well, I do not have to deal with them anymore.

Dumping some dry leaves where I had a bonfire to hide all the traces of myself, Scattering the leaves and the wooden blocks I used to make my bed; I started my journey to nowhere. A place even I didn't know.


In the same routine, I spend the next few days in this foreboding forest. I learned something new every day, For example, If you want to kill someone just kill and dump their body in this forest. No one comes here. I have seen so far only little to a little no friendly animals but that's it. No harm, I don't know what anyone was not able to cross more than twenty meters when I am in more than that.

I also found some beautiful flowers that I am sure can only be found here. For example, there was this one with vibrant blue color. It looked like a Lilly but as if it was dyed. Then there were other flowers, They looked somewhat like a Milkmaid but yellow dyed. They looked beautiful to stay away from but I refrained myself, I did not know whether they were safe or dangerous. And I didn't even know their names!! I came across many other flowers and animals tha were so beautiful but not a single creature in this forest that people talk about. People call it a Dark forest. And after many generations of just referring it with this name, Everyone got so used to it that they unofficially named the forest the dark forest. But;

So far, so good.


I guess I said that too early. After five days that I counted from the sunrise and the nightfall, I met someone... Or should I call a creature trying to disguise itself? Either way, I kept my distance just for the precaution but to my surprise! The creature sniffed the air and snapped his face towards me. If I was to do this I will surely get a whiplash. It didn't make any move to attack

Instead, it just tilted its head to the side like a confused puppy.

I was just about to make a run for it but

"Hello." The creature talks!

I gasped at the sudden sound of someone speaking after spending my days alone and in peace. If I asked who is it? Will it be offensive?

"H...hi" I tried sounding not so scared or freaked out.

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