Possibility • Beck Oliver

By AngelicStilinski

446K 9.8K 1.4K

When Cynthia Valentine Sikowitz goes to Hollywood Arts with her sister, and her secret gets out, will people... More

cast list <3
1. Back Home
2. Sikowitz's Class
3. New School
4. Bird scene
5. Try Number Two
6. Broken Nose and Lies
7. Beck's Big Movie
8. Movie pt.2
9. Understudy/ Will you....
10. Robbys Blog
11. Dale squires/ Rex Dies
12. Rex Dies
13. Diddly bobs'
14. Cat's Boyfriend
15. Kick-Back
16. Sleepocer
17. Sleepover Pt.2
18. The woods
19. The Woods Pt.2
20. Ping- Pong Scam
21. Don't Be Mad
22. Jade's Play
23. Survival of the hottest
24. She Knows
26. Wi-fi In The Sky
27. Wifi In The Sky pt.2
28. Freak the freak out
29. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 2
30. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 3
31. Crush
32. Begging On Your Knees
33. Cynthia falls for Tori
Announcemt kinda 🧍‍♀️
34. Cynthia falls for Tori Pt.2
35. Ice Cream For Ke$ha
36. Ice Cream For Ke$ha Pt.2
37. Hospital again
38. Goodbye
39. I love you
40. Robbie's Car Parked In His Butt
41. The Play
42. Prom Wrecker
43. Prome Wrecker
44. Locked up! Part 1
45. Locked up ! Pt. 2
46. Locked up! Pt. 3
47. Locked up! Pt. 4
48. Locked up! Pt. 5
49. Locked up! Pt. 6
50. Helen is here
51. Re-audition
52. Bye Bye
53. Who Did It To Trina
54. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 2
55. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 3
56. Tori makes Sikowitz quit
57. Cynthia beats Tori's Ayas.
58. Andre Get's A Crush Or Two
59. Andre Has A Crush Or Two Pt. 2
60. Cupcake Terror
61. Cupcake Terror Pt.2
62. Cupcake Terror Pt. 3
6.3 Cupcake Terror Pt. 4
64. A Christmas Cynthia
65. Cynthia's song for Andre
66. I promise
67. Detention
68. Detention Pt. 2
69. Detention Pt. 3
70. The Gorilla Club
71. The Gorilla Club pt.2
72. The Worst Couple
73. The Worst Couple Pt. 2
74. Breakup
75. Andre's girlfriend
76. Dog Sitting
77. Kiss and make up doesn't mean we're dating
78. The Plan
Trying something out
79. What?
80. Sing A Sorry
81. Jade and Tori's date
82. Tori and Cynthia's duet
83. April Fools Bitches!
84. Bitches Fool April
85. C Batteries
86. Party Bus
87. How Did She Get In?
88. So Did She Ever Get In?
89. Platinum
90. Both of us?
91. The Twins
92. How Could You
93. How About You?
94. Crazy Ponnie
95. She's Crazy
96. Her names Linda?
97. Ponnie?/ The Blonde Squad
98. Blonde, blonde, blonde and blonde
99. Lucky She's Holding Me Back!
100. Trina's Secret
101. Wanko's Warehouse
102. So which one of us is the flattest?
103. The Triplet Twins
104. Hambone King
105. The Real Hambone King
106. The Hambone King! Queen!
107. We're just getting the fruity feel of these costumes
108. D-dont eat the clams
109. A slightly better screen
110 Tinkle-Aid & Feeferdoon
111. I wish i had popcorn
112. I really need some popcorn now
Thank you
113. A murder? Where?

25. Hospital

6K 135 49
By AngelicStilinski

Cat pov

Walking over to the RV i opened the door "Hi everyone" I said walking in.

Everyone screamed making me confused, everyone got up running towards me making me scream and get off.

Everyone ran out but I tilted my head not seeing Cynthia, I shrugged going back onto the RV and going and plopping onto her.

"Cyn" i said laughing.

"Cynthia" I said shaking her.

"Cyn" I said getting worried.

"Cynthia" I said shaking her more.

"Beck" i yelled feeling tears come to my eyes.

"yeah" he asked getting in the rv.

Beck pov

"Shes not waking up" Cat said making me pinch my eyebrows, getting up and going over to her.

"Cyn baby" I said shaking her.

"Cynthia" I said sitting her up.

"Cat go get Jade" I said as Cat looked at me.

"Now" I yelled making her get up and run off.

"Cat said you need me" Jade asked confused coming over.

I nodded "I need you to call 911" I said calmly trying not to freak out.

She froze "What do you mean" she asked looking around me and seeing Cyn.

She gulped as i saw tears come to her eyes "Now Jade" I said as she ran off going to get my phone and call an ambulance.

Cat pov

Hours later waiting in the hospital waiting room, with Beck, Jade, Tori, Robbie, Andre and Sikowitz.

The doctor came over making everyone stand up.

"I need to speak to her parent or guardian" he said making Sikowitz come over to him, as they walked a little away earning in none of us hearing what they were talking about.

About 30 minutes later he came back over looking stressed "What happened" I asked getting up and going over to him.

"she overheated, her insulin ran out, and she hasnt ate nor drank in hours so that didn't help" he said making me bite my lip knowing if i would of not stopped to talk to those guys she wouldn't be in here right now.

"i don't think they know" I said looking over to her boyfriend and friends.

He sighed pinching his nose "It just happened, she's probably not ready" he said making me nod.

"Is she, uh, going to be okay" I asked playing with my fingers.

He grabbed my hand bringing me into a hug "They say she's lucky she found out when she did and they did enough things to try and make it stop, and to see if they can find a match" he said.

I sighed looking over seeing Beck nervously bouncing his leg, Jade chewing on her nails, Andre was pacing back and forth as Robbie was looking into space, as Tori sat there picking at her fingers.

I smiled sadly turning back to Sikowitz.

"She's going to be okay, she's the strongest girl i know" He said grabbing my hand smiling as he let go, going to talk to the doctors.

Cynthia pov

I sighed looking around the hospital room, I bit my lip trying not to cry knowing i'd have to tell everyone what's wrong.

I played with my fingers, I cant bare the thought of leaving any of them.

My first love.

My twin sister.

And my best friends.

I smiled seeing everyone walk into the room, they came either sitting on the bed or standing around the bed.

Beck came over sitting next to me giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"what happened cyn" Beck asked grabbing my hand squeezing it making me bit my lip.

"Uh a few weeks ago, i passed out and other stuff, when we went to the doctors they found out that I have a heart problem" I said feeling tears come to my eyes.

3rd pov

Everyone's heart feel to their feet, Cat and Jade were crying while everyone else besides Beck had tears in their eyes.

Beck was full on sobbing grabbing onto Cyn's hand tighter, Cynthia looked at Beck smiling sadly while feeling the tears fall down on her face onto the blanket.

"Is it um, can you-" Jade couldn't finish as she started sobbing while holding onto Andre who was letting the tears silently fall.

Cynthia nodded letting out a cry "yes, im uh on a list to get surgery, but it can take months maybe even years" Cynthia spoke holding onto Beck both crying.

"do they know how long you have until-" Robbie asked worriedly not wanting to see the one of the three girls who actually care for him no longer be here.

She nodded letting out another sob " a month to three months" Cynthia said as Beck felt his heart stop and his breathing come to a halt.

"But um they say that it's good i found out when i did, and that if i keep doing what I'm supposed to be doing that ill be okay, and hopefully soon ill have the surgery and boom ill be okay" Cynthia said trying to cheer up everyone.

Everyone was more than heartbroken, Cat wasn't her giggly self, Jade wasn't trying to hide her emotions', Andre wasn't making jokes, Rex wasn't hitting on anyone, Robbie wasn't rambling, and Beck wasn't the same after he heard that.

Cat knew if she lost Cynthia, she would lose her other half, the only one that continuously helps her, the only one thats believed in her since birth, the only one that help her from her brother, the only one that lets her be her normal self and never judge.

Andre knew if he lost Cynthia, he was going to lose his singing buddy, he was going to lose the girl that always made everyone laugh, the only girl who did what she believed was right, the girl to stand up for any of them when someones being rude, the only one to make a joke out of something life dangering.

Jade knew if she lost Cynthia, shed never be able to talk to someone again, Cynthia was the first girl besides Cat to like Jade and not judge her for anything she's done, the only girl to tell her over and over everything she needs to hear, she knew she'd be losing her best friend, and she wouldn't be okay ever again.

Tori knew if she lost Cynthia nothing would be the same, even though they have their ups and downs you can tell they love each other dearly, even when Tori broke her nose she still came to help them clean up, even when she didnt wanna forgive her for kissing Cats boyfriend she did, neither of them would ever admit but they need each other and they do love each other even though they fight.

Robbie knew if he lost Cynthia he'd never wanna trust anyone again, Cynthia was one of the three people to ever not judge him for having Rex, she may joke about it but she doesn't mean it, she's always making sure he's okay, even though they don't hang out all the time they still have a connection that no one else will understand.

Sikowitz knew if he lost Cynthia, he would lose his daughter adopted or not, he loves her more than anything in the world, ever since he took her in they have been stuck together always and the do everything together, he was more than over the moon to find out she was coming back, and she was going to HA.

Beck knew that if he lost Cynthia, he wasn't going to be okay, she was his first love, the only girl he's ever thought of marrying, the only girl he's ever looked at promise rings for, the only girl he'd want his parents to call daughter, he knew he'd never be able to date another girl, never be able to look at another girl the way he looks at her, their relationship was never about lust, or doing it or anything, they only have love for one another and you could see it from a mile away,.

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