☆ NPC °•tokyo revengers×r...

By hidayahabcdefgh

101K 3.8K 5.1K

" but I'm your girlfriend not her ! " ....y/n ? in all stories we read y/n always the main character . but... More

check out !!!
°• prologue •°
°• chapter 1 •°
°• chapter 2 •°
°• chapter 3 •°
°• chapter 4 •°
°• chapter 5 •°
°• chapter 7 •°
°• chapter 8 •°
°• chapter 9 •°
°• chapter 10 •°
°• chapter 11 •°
°• chapter 12 •°
°• chapter 13 •°
°• chapter 14 •°
°• chapter 15 •°
°• chapter 16 •°
°• chapter 17 •°
°• chapter 18 •°
°• chapter 19 •°
°• chapter 20 •°
°• chapter 21 •°
confused ? read this !
°• chapter 22 •°
°• chapter 23 •°
°• chapter 24 •°
°• chapter 25 •°
°• chapter 26 •°
°• chapter 27 •°
°• chapter 28 •°
°• chapter 29 •°
☆ NPC - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 1 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 2 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 3 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 4 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 5 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 6 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 7 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 8 -act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 9 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 10 - act 2 ☆
☆ chapter 10 - act 2 ( ending ) ☆
☆ now what ? ☆

°• chapter 6 •°

4K 180 250
By hidayahabcdefgh

You can have it I don't want it .

Y/n pov .

Did mikey just do that  !?!!??!?!

Did he just call baji useless?!????

What ?!?!?!?!

Yes I am scared are they fighting.???

I look at  widen eyes

And he still holding my hand

Baji face still unchanged

Out of no where mikey hug me tight

But still he did nothing

Why is he not jealous?

Did he really hate me -

" mikey "

Baji ?


Mitsuya ?

Mitsuya pov

Watching the scene in front of me doesn't just make me hurt but make me want to unnalive myself

I walk to them and call y/n name before taking her back from mikey

" I take her home there's no need for you to worry "

I said holding her hand tight

Mikey only smile doesn't give a damn


He said smiling

I take her hand and pull her to my bike

" y/n are you ok ? "

She look up to me

" I'm ok "

" let me send you home ok "

" ok "

Yukari pov

What was that .

After the picnic me and baji decide to stay at my apartment

" so .... ? "

" what ? "

He look at me before playing with his phone again

I walk to him and seat beside him

" y/n ? "

He sigh before looking at me again

" stop talking about her when you with me ok  "

He said playing his phone again

I sigh before looking outside

" well if you coming to my apartment just to play your game then go home "

He stop playing his game and hug me from behind

" look I'm sorry ok I just get jealous earlier "

" about y/n ? "

" yeah .."

" well why "

I turn to him and hold his and

" you have me right ?!? Why are you jealous over her ?"

He smile before hugging me again

" I know I'm sorry "

I smile back

" baji do .. you think you should break up with her .."

I said softly

He pull out from the hug

" never but if she want to break up then    maybe I will "

" oh ok ..".

Next morning at school I go to all the class try to find y/n

And finally

" y/n can I talk with you privately.."

She look up to me before telling me to follow her

We get to the back of the school near the vending machine

She was buying a drink

" talk "

I look at her

" L-look  ! I know  you and baji in relationship b-but .."

She look to me and open her drink

Why are she always giving me this cold stare

I hate it !

" I see you like baji ? Well you not the first there are couple girl who likes him to -"

I stop her from continuing

" no ! I love him ! He love me too break up with him you do nothing but hurt him

Why are you so selfish you so over yourself ! "

I take the drink and throw it to her

" break up with him stop hurting him "

I started to cry

" please break up .."

Y/n pov


My drink is gone

I can't feel anything anymore ...

I look at her

She crying

I only look at her before realising


Did he come here to see me how am I?

He come running to us

" yukari are you ok  !?!? "

He said running to her and hold her

" break up with him y/n..."

He look at me still holding yukari

" what are you doing to her y/n ! "

Normally I would be apologise but this times



I cant feel anything

" ...what "

I look at him

" what's wrong ! With you !  I'm your girlfriend not her ?!! "

I'm wet and she crying

And he think I'm hurting her ?

Why did only she

What about me  ?!?!?!?

Baji look at me still holding yukari

" y/n we done "

I look at him

" ...."

" so that's how it done huh ?"

I look behind me

" what are you doing here ? Mitsuya? "

He walk to me

" let's go back to class y/n "

He smile before patting my head

Then he look at yukari and baji

" well you guys finally free huh ? Finally can kiss get married have kids !

Even die together  ! "

A/n : I don't love you anymore

Mitsuya watching mikey hold y/n hand be like

Yukari crying after attacking y/n

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