Tales Told at Marites Canteen

By EJTrinidad22

252 27 0

We grew up reading or watching fairy tales where the prince saves the princess. Let me ask, can't the princes... More

Chapter 1 (newly written scenes)
Chapter 2 (newly written part)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3 (newly written scenes)

105 5 0
By EJTrinidad22

Joseph "Joe" Sase is sill oblivious to what's going on around him.

Had he paid any attention to the breaking news playing on the portable TV now, he would have notice that the attractive, wavy-haired, albeit chubby scientist was a familiar face despite her years and the professional look in spite the rugged and unflattering field clothing she now wear. That still expressive eyes addressing the millions watching the ABC -52 Breaking News Update is the same girl he'd known thirty years ago.

It would have been a poignant remainder of star-cross lovers that could only rival Shakespeare's own.

He would have asked what could have triggered her daughter's long distance phone call just minutes ago.

He put up his feet at the table, the old, and battered information table... smiled as a thought occurred to him when cool breeze sweeps by... smells like Yuletide already here..., gulp a few from a mug of steaming evening coffee. It is a matter of fact that it is just a few days that were ticked off the September calendar.

Joe stood up, stretched, lift his mug, and walked a bit from his station. Look around, at his left was the two-story neo-classical provincial secondary school's centuries-old building, the Sase's station is close to the building's library wing, one of the two single-level wings. He downed his still scalding-hot beverage, and as he did so, he got a glimpse of the library roof deck.

"I'm no kid, damn you!" he mouthed aloud to no one.

He started back, but a wee bit faster this time. The library top, an extension of the physics laboratory, gained notoriety, as it is the subject of strange tales. Kabayan Noli did feature these stories in his Halloween specials, not once, but actually twice!

Sase has no qualms looking in this direction, day or night, he has to live up to his image as the most feared guard of the school of this batch and countless before them, Taguro, as he was infamously called by most students and teachers as well, though not to his face. He wasn't offended, actually, amused, maybe.

The night sky is bejeweled by infinitely, far and countless blinking blips, the guard kidded himself, grabbed at some random distant sun of an unknown galaxy, cluster, or whatever, he enjoyed doing it with his friend back in the old day, in their kindergarten years.

He laughed quietly, here I am, retiring in less than a year, yet I'm thinking of my preschool buddies. "Hah".

The human mind works in a peculiar way. You see an old photo, of someone, or something, smell a faint odor, or felt a breeze and it will send you spiraling down memory lane. Reviewing your life helter-skelter then settling on one significant remembrance.

Like now.

Dymphna, the patron saint of memory, must have smiled on guard Joe. He felt his back pocket, took out his phone,

A brochure fell, he picked it up.

It was handed to him by what he thought to be a religious group that passed by the school gate that morning. Printed on it were:


He frowned at the photograph of the rather good-looking, well-built, bearded man with a speech balloon that said:


"Baloney," Sase said, louder than he intend to. He crumpled the glossy, expensive pamphlet and throw it in the nearest trash sack.

He turned his phone on and looked at his daughter's photograph displayed as his screen saver.

As a slight early evening breeze touches his rather large, round face. He smiled at the bitter-sweet memories triggered by the fragrant smell of blooming Kasuy tree adjacent to the guard house. Then all at once, flashbacks began flooding him instantaneously.

Flashback # 1

Around this time, thirty years ago. ... He was standing, along with the countless, tension-filled, helpless spectators in front of a burning single-story building. The suffocating acrid smell of burning rubber, wood and whatnot are still fresh, dreadful and all-too real. The acrid thick smoke along with the raging fire that was devouring the large Arcely Disco House was still too real for him. His unica hija was still inside as the fire fighters from City and the adjacent Municipalities are frantically trying to quell the inferno. He still hears the scream of those people trapped in the burning building as they slowly smother in the deadly smoke and fire.

He has this strong memory of reading her daughter's name in the fatality list flashed on screen during TV news report. Of hearing his then wife wail at the loss of their only girl, Aimee, a graduating high school student.

He still hears the arson investigator explanation on TV. "... Had they design the door to open outward, the casualty count couldn't been this many,.."

They were showing on the screen, albeit blurred, the charred remains of the victims of what could have been an easily preventable inferno.

Sase still harbors vivid memory of embracing her closed casket when in the truth of the matter she was one of the two who made it out alive of the said inferno. Thanks to one of her graduating classmates and barkada, the charismatic student leader and devout Richard De Lana.

Flash back # 2

Joe Sase took a deep breath. He considers himself a quintessential Filipino man, macho in the mold of 80's movie action heroes, though, he humorously admits to himself, he is more like those contrabida (villain) than that of the leading man type. He is large man, with a booming voice. A tough guy.

"Darn" he looked up, here he go again, he sniff and involuntarily wipes his eyes with the sleeves of his denim jacket. The remembrance of De Lana unfailingly made him very emotional.

In his mind's eye Joseph Sase was transported to the day he started this Nueva Escalante High School security job.

He was standing at the pedestrian gate just besides the 'no ID, no entry' sign when Aimee came in one early-June noon time.

"Hi! Dad" she gestured at the other two students, a girl and a boy "I want you to meet my friends, my classmates from III – Mangga" it was decades before it come to called Grade 9.

"Dad this is Richard De Lana" it was Aimee. The slightly build guy, wearing a loose black T-shirt, his around sixteen, slightly bowed his head in greetings as he extend his hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir," he said. Sase smile, and clasp the kid's hand. He was a bit surprised at his firm grip and the look of intense sincerity in his eyes.

"And this is Elise Fransisco" continues Aimee.

"Hello sir!" the girl also shook Joe's hand. She was attractive, He felt the war, and honesty in her expressive eyes. She got a lovely smile on her slightly round face, her hair was wavy, typical of the trend of the day.

Both his hija and Elise are wearing the school uniform, a white navy collared blouse and golden yellow knee-length skirt.

Joe learned from Aimee that the pair was just close friends at that moment.

Joseph Sase has just started his job at then when he met this pair of young sweethearts, both are graduating students through his hija, Aimee. Richard De Lana and Elise Francisco and his only kid are from IV-Rizal,

The two were perfect for each other and quite inseparable.

Flashback # 3

Richard or Rick to friends, admirers, or few detractors alike, was a student leader. It was an early evening in July of that same year. Thousands of students are yet in the school excitedly waiting for the result of the election held that day. The candidates and their supporters are scattered in groups in and around the front of the old two-story heritage building.

"De Lana, ..., De Lana, ... De Lana" was the louder and most dominant chant.

The students were singing the popular song of the day, some are cheering and the others were just enjoying the moment. While at the same time the election committee was counting the votes cast. The lesson in the democratic process of choosing the school representation was charged, but in an amicable way, a reaction that was unprecedented up to that time, almost all of the learners got out and voted.

The night was for the book. Indeed, when the chairperson of the electoral board came out and walked towards the center of the stage of the centuries-old building all the bantering, cheering, and singing ceased.

Joe Sase was on duty that night, he still imagine himself standing in front of his guard post. He swear he could hear a pin drop from the stage. That was how involved students got in that SSG election.

The rather shy, student election char announced "... with 4493 votes to 1216, our new SSG President is... Richard ... DE LANA"

The spectator erupted in a seemingly endless applause.

"De Lana, ..., De Lana, ... De Lana"

Both Rick and his rival climbed up the stage. More cheering ensured when the losing candidate raised Rick's hand and shook his hand.

"De Lana, ..., De Lana, ... De Lana"

There was an spontaneous rain of paper made confetti

"De Lana, ..., De Lana, ... De Lana"

The scene was repeated a year after.

And Rick was the back-to-back Supreme Student Council President, a fete never been repeated since. This Altar boy was liked by almost all that he was elected to the top position when he was just a third year and got re-elected the following year.

Old timers at the school often referred to as the new generation's Ramon Magsaysay, referring to the country's undisputedly most popular President. Like the Guy, Rick was down to earth, sincere and truly a true leader that positively influenced his peer.

Sase still looking at the early stars, smiled. De Lana actually had an influence on people way older than him. Teachers and staff are generally fond of him and some even prophesized that they wouldn't be surprised to see him run for and win Malacanan Palace some days.

Those years that he is here are considered by many as better ones. Religious commitments and Civic voluntarism involvement of students seen its height. Rick had the charisma that many emulate positive behavior, of particular note were those he led back to God, to put it simply. He had enormous respect for everyone, whether they belong to the downtrodden or from the elite or religious affinity.

Sase is looking around the familiar centuries-old edifice. He crossed his arm in reminiscing.

The security chief remembered reading from a local newspaper documenting those formative four years. They interviewed a Parish Priest, a Pastor, and even the Imam and they all had lavish praises for De Lana and wished for more student leaders like him. The Guidance Office is quiet and practically has no problem and the cantankerous counsellor was all smile. The teachers are even happier since their students back in those days are studious and even active at various clubs and extra-curricular activities.

Nowadays he couldn't just randomly told this story to any student. Sase shook his head and whispered "they wouldn't believe there was such a 'perfect' student, to borrow Mr. Isagani Hussein's not-so-readily given compliment that he made during one 'inuman' session.

Jimmy is starting to forget the incident, when the lady shrieked at the back of receeding Barangay mobile "....Jefeeeee".

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