Hybrid: The Awakening

By DuNdUnDUN2006

464 11 18

Nobody expects something supernatural to happen to them. Those kind of things only happened in comics. Fairy... More

Chapter 1-Tristen
Chapter 2-Tristen
Chapter 3-Diana
Chapter 4-Diana
Chapter 5-Asher
Chapter 6-Asher
Chapter 7-Asher
Chapter 8-Tesha
Chapter 9-Tesha
Chapter 10-Diana
Chapter 11-Tristen
Chapter 12-Tesha
Chapter 13-Asher
Chapter 14-Asher
Chapter 16-Diana
Chapter 17-Tristen
Chapter 18-Diana
Chapter 19-Asher
Chapter 20-Tesha
Chapter 21-Tristen
Chapter 22-Asher
Chapter 23-Tesha
Chapter 24-Diana
Chapter 25-Asher
Chapter 26-Tesha
Chapter 27-Diana
Chapter 28-Asher

Chapter 15-Tristen

11 0 0
By DuNdUnDUN2006

Date on Earth: Saturday, October 7

"Well?" Asher prompted. "Are you going to tell us what your plan is, or just gonna let us die of impatience?"

It had to have been at least five minutes since Diana said she had some amazing plan, but she hadn't continued. Instead, she walked off, supposedly searching for something.

Diana growled. "Every time you ask me that makes me more and more tempted to just not tell you altogether." She bent down to lift up another rock before stomping her foot in frustration.

"Have you guys seen a pink piece of paper anywhere?" Diana asked, annoyance seeping into her words.

Asher and I shook our heads while Tesha nodded. "I saw a pink paper earlier. Check behind that tree." She pointed.

"Great. Thanks." Diana rushed over to the tree and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper.

"This," she said, holding it up. "Is a little something I stole from the Axones."

"Why'd you steal paper?" I couldn't help but ask.

She sent me a withering glare. "I'm getting here. As I was trying to say, while I was held hostage by General Frosty, I was...threatened to do something." Diana shivered despite the warmer-than-normal temperature. "It wasn't anything too serious, surprisingly. The only thing he wanted me to do, in case their plan to capture you failed, was take you guys north and away from one specific place." She held up the map, pointing to a red dot. "I don't know what's there, but I'm guessing it's something that gives us an advantage over the Axones, and that's why the general was so insistent for us to not end up going there."

"So...you want us to go to that place?" I asked.

She nodded. "That's the plan."

"Using the Axone's threats against them?" Asher smirked, eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I like the sound of that."

My mind was focused on a different question. "What exactly did he threaten you with?" I asked her.

Diana's face paled. Her gaze shifted down and she swallowed. "My family."

I sucked in a breath. Asher straightened his back. "How did they even find them?" Asher asked, a rare shakiness heard in his voice.

Diana threw her hands up. "I literally have no idea. But somehow they managed to place a camera and a bomb in their house." Asher's face turned green, and fear flashed in his eyes.

"Will following your plan put them at risk?" Tesha pitched in quietly.

Diana bit her lip. "When isn't there a risk? There's the chance that the Axones will kill them as soon as they realize what we're doing," she choked up slightly, "but there's also the chance that they won't, so they can keep their leverage. And with the current circumstances....I think that's a risk I'm willing to take."

"You sure?" I asked. "If something were to happen to them..."

"I'm sure," she said with conviction.

Me, Asher, and Tesha stood there in silence, none of us quite sure what to say. It was so brave, what Diana was doing for us. Even knowing the risk, she was so strong. So dedicated. So-

Now is not the time to start swooning.

Asher's comment snapped me out of my mental ranting. "Well...does anyone know how to read maps? 'Cause I sure can't."

Diana mocked surprise. "Something you can't do? Who would've thought such a thing was possible?" Asher stuck his tongue out at her.

"Can one of you read the map?" I reinforced Asher's question, trying to ignore the prick of jealousy in my chest that had presumably come out of nowhere.

"I can," said Tesha. "Map-reading is an important subject on Nibura, and I took multiple courses on it."

"Of course you did," I heard Diana mumble under her breath. "Well, Wise One. Here." She handed her the map.

Tesha lifted it up, eyebrows pinched together. "In order to read this, I need to know where we are. And unfortunately, we are in the middle of nowhere. Do one of you know if there are any human towns nearby?"

"Brevard shouldn't be too far," I answered. "Unless we traveled really far from Davis High School."

"But we don't know if the direction we choose will take us to the town, or away from it," said Diana, sighing loudly as she sat down.

"Well..." Asher started. "No matter which way we go, we're bound to reach some kind of settlement eventually. So I say we choose a direction and stick with it."

He was right—we all knew it. But at the same time, there was a feeling of false security in staying in one place. Hiding away from everything, hoping that someone other than the Axones would find us. We knew that doing so wasn't an option though. Every second we stayed in one place made it easier for the aliens to find us, and it was already known what would happen if they did.

"I agree," Tesha said to Asher's statement. "But what direction should we go?"

"We could just...close our eyes and spin?" I suggested.

"Oh, I'll do it!" Asher moved to the middle of us. "Just tell me when to stop spinning."

He held his hand out in front of him and spun in circles. Me, Diana, and Tesha watched until Diana yelled, "Stop!"

Asher opened his eyes, seeing which direction his finger pointed at. It was between me and Tesha.

"Guess we're going then," I said, pushing away the uneasiness that had crept inside of me. This was for the best. Not doing anything would be giving up. And no matter how tempting that was, it wasn't an option.

"Lead the way, Unicorn Boy," said Diana. I grumbled at the nickname but walked forward, starting our journey to the only place we could hide from the bloodthirsty Axones.


Time dragged slowly as we trekked through the forest. The scenery never changed. Just trees, trees, and guess what?

More trees.

Because of years of basketball, I was pretty fit when it came to exercise. But even my legs started to ache as we walked hour after hour.

I noticed Asher falling behind. He slowed down, leaning fully on his walking stick. His face was an ashy white, and he panted heavily. Running to his side, I held my arm out for support. Asher shoved it away.

"Don't worry, I'm okay," he said in between breaths. "I can do it."

"You sure?" I asked skeptically.

"He's not sure," Diana called from up ahead. She also seemed slightly out of breath. "He wants to be a big 'tough guy', but his appearance doesn't really sell it."

"Hey, I'm tougher than I look!" Asher tried straightening up, grimacing in the process.

"We know," I said. "But still, you look really tired."

He rolled his eyes. "A little tiredness never killed nobody."

"The best leaders accept help from others so that they can reach their full potential," Tesha stated.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not a leader then."

"Ugh, enough of this." Diana stalked over and pulled Asher's stick from underneath him, causing him to crumble to the ground.

"Hey!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Hey yourself," Diana retorted. "If you want any chance of keeping up with us, then I suggest you take Tristen's offer."

Asher made an unfriendly gesture before reaching for my hand. I pulled him off the ground and put his arms around my shoulders. "I'll get you back for that later," Asher threatened.

"How? By scaring me to death with your 'manly' voice cracks?"

"Let's not fight," Tesha said as Asher attempted to wiggle out of my grasp. "We still have a long way ahead of us, and we cannot afford to waste energy on unnecessary things like this."

"I wouldn't call this unnecessary," said Asher. "But fine. I'll let Whiny Girl enjoy herself before I get revenge."

Diana snorted. "I'd like to see you try, Whiny Guy."

"What did I just say?" Tesha scolded. "If I hear you two fight one more time, I'll be getting revenge on both of you, understood?"

"Yes mom," Diana muttered, and I winced at the statement, looking to see Tesha's reaction. But she showed no emotion as she marched forward, leading the way. Willing my legs to move, I followed after her, Asher's arm around my shoulders.

We walked for a little while longer. Before we knew it, the sun started to set once again, casting the sky in pink and orange.

"Wow, the sky looks nice," Asher said. "Hey, that rhymed! So did that time!"

"Asher, please shut up," Diana told him.

He just smirked and continued. "We're following a map. It may or may not be a trap. But hey, we're fine with that! At least there's no rats."

"You rhyme again, and I'll drop you," I threatened.

"No you won't," he responded. "You're too nice for that." I growled. He was right of course, but still.

"I kind of like it," Tesha said softly. "It has a nice rhythm."

"I'll let that slide since you don't know Earthen music," I told her.

Asher continued once again. "I wanna take a nap. But I can't. So I'll just annoy Diana with this rap."

"Your rap is crap," Diana retorted.

"Come on! You can't expect me to end it with-" We stopped, staring in front of us.


A few feet ahead stood three carved stones, the one in the middle being the largest. Dead flowers laid at the base of each stone.

Diana bent down in front of them, reading the text on the middle one. "'In loving memory of Michael White, 1994-2006,'" she quoted. "A grave."

"A graveyard," I corrected as I looked past the stone. More graves were scattered ahead, each one unique in design.

"What is a graveyard?" Tesha asked, studying the designs of the three carved stones.

"It's where people's bodies are buried when they die," Asher explained in a saddened tone. "They're placed under the ground, and a stone is placed above them, symbolizing who lost their life."

Tesha studied her feet. "On Nibura, when an Axone would die, their body would be liquified. The liquid would either be kept in a jar by the Axone's family, or added to the Xyriel Tumara–River of Souls, if the Axone was worthy. I always thought my mother would be chosen to join the River, but she wasn't given that chance."

"Wait, your mom died?" Diana said, and I flinched again at the bluntness of the statement.

"Yes," said Tesha. "She was killed not too long ago."

"Oh. Sorry for bringing it up."

Tesha waved her hand. "It's fine. Talking about her helps to keep her in my thoughts." She put her hands to the names carved into the stones.

"These three graves have the same symbols," Tesha said, pointing to the last names. "Are they family?"

"Looks like it." Asher leaned forward, still clinging to my shoulders. "My guess is the two outer graves are the parents and the one in the middle is their kid."

"Are graves usually placed with their family?" Tesha asked.

"If their relationship is close, then most of the time they are," I answered. "I know I'd want to be put next to my Ma."

"I guess when the time comes, I'd like to be buried next to my family too. They're pretty cool." A rare softness came into her voice, making my heart flutter.

"Asher?" Tesha asked. "What about you?"

The boy felt weak in my arms as he responded. "Well, I-uh, don't know."

I smiled sadly. "Bad relationship?"

He let out a small bitter laugh. "No relationship, actually. I don't know anything about them except that they left their crippled newborn child next to a highway. I'd much rather be buried next to my foster guardian than them."

It took awhile for the story to settle in. We stood there in silence, not quite sure what to say. Rage pooled inside of me. What monsters could abandon their child like that? An injured one, on top of it? I may not have been the bravest of people, but if I were to ever meet the people cruel enough to do such a horrible thing, they would definitely regret it.

"Welp, let's continue forward, shall we?" Asher pulled me past the three gravestones and all four of us made our way through the graveyard.

Occasionally, I would sneak a glance at Asher. He seemed distant, consciously avoiding eye contact. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it. Saying sorry wouldn't mean anything in this situation.

Suddenly Diana gasped. We all turned our head to look her way to see her grinning. "Guys, I just realized...we're walking through a graveyard, right?"

"Pretty sure we already knew that," Asher pointed out.

She rolled her eyes. "I am aware of that, but usually people visit graveyards, correct?"

Realization struck me. "A town must be nearby!"

"Glad you could figure that one out," Diana said sarcastically.

I sighed in relief. After hours of treacherous walking, there was finally hope.

The graveyard was large, stretching all the way to the top of the hill ahead. The gravestones around us started to look newer; some of them even had fresh flowers. After a long day, walking up the hill seemed impossible. But we pushed through it, focusing on each step.

And when we got to the top, it was all worth it.

Asher cheered as we gazed ahead. A small church stood at the base of the hill, and behind it were all sorts of buildings, banks, and restaurants. People walked along sidewalks and cars zoomed by with bright lights.

A feeling of safety swept across me. This was what I was familiar with. This was normal. And despite everything that was strange and different in the world right then, there was a moment of blissfulness.

"Meet you guys at the bottom!" Diana called out before sprinting down the hill. Tesha looked at me and Asher, shrugged, and ran as well.

"Come on Tristen, we can't let them beat us!" Asher said as he moved forward, pulling me with him. Me and him hobbled down the hill, tripping on something halfway to the bottom. We rolled down until bumping into a large grave.


My back smashed against the stone and I groaned. Slowly, I got onto my feet, helping Asher stand up. The gravestone had been shifted by my weight and I quickly moved it back to its original position, hoping no one could tell.

When I looked up, Diana was bent over in a fit of giggles, and Tesha stood next to her, chuckling softly.

"That. Was. Amazing," Diana said in between snorts. Asher started laughing as well.

I felt the tips of my mouth turn up slightly as I rubbed my back from the tumble.

"Are you two okay?" Tesha asked, finally calming down.

"Sure," I said as Asher did a thumbs up.

Quietly, we walked around the church, making sure nobody would see us. A car drove by and we pinned our backs to the side of the building.

After about a minute, Diana sighed and stepped into the clear, exposing our spot.

"What are you doing?" I whispered quietly.

She rolled her eyes. "The only thing that will draw attention to us is sneaking around like this. Might as well act normal."

"Won't my uniform draw attention?" Tesha asked, gesturing to her outfit. It did seem like it would stick out.

"We could always say you're cosplaying a person from space," Asher told her.

"But I am a person from space."

"It'll be fine," he assured her, linking his arm with hers. "It's Halloween month anyways. Hey Diana, can I have my stick back please? I can walk on my own now."

Diana huffed. "Fine." She threw the makeshift cane at him and he caught it, letting go of me.

"Well? Let's travel forward, young lads!" Asher said in a mocked British accent. He walked ahead, leading us to the road.

We must've looked even worse than we thought, because everywhere we walked, gazes followed. A few people even went out of their way to avoid us, ducking into shops and taking different routes.

I studied our group. Tesha walked with her arms wrapped around herself, showing how uncomfortable she was. Her hair was messy, but not nearly as much as Asher's. His hair stood out all over the place, and while it didn't look awful, having it along with dark circles under his eyes and limping on his cane definitely drew attention. Meanwhile, Diana looked pale and exhausted, but that still didn't take away the beauty in her features.

Which wasn't what I should've been focusing on.

"Hey, look what I found," Diana said. She bent over and picked it off the ground, showing it to us.

"Wow, a twenty-dollar bill?" Asher exclaimed. "No way!"

"Is that human money?" Tesha asked, tilting her head to examine it.

"Sure is," I said. "You see anyone drop it?"

"Nope, just found it on the floor," Diana answered. "Which means it's ours now."

"Ooh, please tell me this means we can buy some good food," Asher begged. "I've been picturing a nice hamburger with a side of fries..."

"Drowned in ketchup..." I added, also taking part in the imaginary meal.

"I don't know," said Tesha. "We don't want to be here for very long-"

"Of course we're staying to eat!" Diana interrupted. "What, you think we found a twenty-dollar bill for nothing? I say we stop by the nearest fast-food place and stuff ourselves until we can't move."


"Thought I saw a fast food sign up ahead," I pitched in. "We could eat there."

Asher whooped. "Finally! I'm so hungry."

"I still think this is a bad idea," Tesha said quietly. Asher wrapped his arm around her.

"Relax! We all deserve a break. And don't you want a chance to try some real human food?"

"I guess..."

"Great, it's settled," said Diana. "Now let's get some food before my stomach implodes."

We walked down the sidewalk until we reached the fast-food restaurant. The smell filled my nostrils, and I took a deep breath, stomach growling.

Diana opened the door and we followed in.

"So, what do you guys want?" Diana asked, rolling up the money in her hand.

"I'll have that hamburger, thank you very much," Asher answered immediately. "With a side of fries, of course."

"I will try the same thing," Tesha said, glancing at Asher.

I read the menu, about to ask for the same thing when my mind flashed back to the dead rabbit from before, causing my insides to curl up.

"I'll have the vegan burger," I said, deciding on something that didn't include meat.

"Wow, you're actually serious about that vegan thing?" Asher asked me. "I thought you were joking." I felt my face heat up as he shrugged. "Welp, you do you I guess."
"Okay so, three hamburgers and one vegan burger, got it," Diana stated.

"You guys can go find a seat," I told the group. "I'll pay for it." Diana sighed but said nothing as she handed me the dollar bill.

Standing in line, I could faintly hear the music that played from the speakers. It had a relaxing beat, and I felt my anxiety start to calm down. It also reminded me of the headphones I had lost, and I found myself wishing that I had them with me again. So I could be whisked to another world that didn't include eight foot tall aliens.

When it was my turn to order, I walked up to the cashier, who smiled. After telling her my order, I handed the twenty dollar bill to her.

I waited on the side while they made the food and took it to our table when they were done, making sure to grab some ketchup on the way. Sliding next to Tesha, I handed out the food before digging into my own meal.

Asher sighed as he took a bite. "Ah, I needed this."

"How are you liking that vegan burger?" Diana asked me, a smirk on her face.

I took another bite, finding myself enjoying it. "It's pretty good. Tastes just like real meat."

"Wow, Tesha. You must really like it," Asher stated, chuckling. She had already finished her hamburger and was starting on her fries.

"It is much better than Niburan food," Tesha said, mouth full. We laughed.

"Don't choke," Diana told her as she put another fry in her mouth.

Smiling, I focused on my own food. I picked up another packet of ketchup and doused the burger with it.

"Okay, I think that's enough," Diana said as I reached for another packet.

Asher snorted. "Tristen is a man of culture. He knows there can never be too much-" He suddenly stopped mid sentence, clutching his head.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Diana asked him as he shoved his food away, eyes glazed over.

"We're in trouble," he said, blinking frequently. Diana growled loudly.

"Is it the Axones?" said Tesha, looking around urgently. He shook his head.

"I-I don't know. It's not very specific."

I studied our surroundings, trying to see what could put us in danger. Then I spotted it.

"Guys, I know what the danger is," I said nervously, pointing to a TV in the corner of the room.

On it were three pictures of me, Diana, and Asher, with "Missing" as the heading.

And outside the resturant were four parked cop cars, sirens flashing.

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