When Love Lasts

By tcsxkierra

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when love comes around the corner .. can you control it ? More

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𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏..
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πŸπŸ‘...
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πŸπŸ’..
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𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πŸπŸ—..
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎..
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏..
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐..
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πŸπŸ‘..
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𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 πŸπŸ–..

308 20 18
By tcsxkierra

[ 2 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 ...
𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘪𝘵 𝘔𝘪 ,
𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ]

         It was two years later and i had moved on from my Relationship with Sebastian.. i had our beautiful baby girl "Kheumaní Avery Greys"

After Sebastian got out the hospital everything was great in our relationship. He was excited for me to have his child .

But after a while during my Pregnancy Nia kept doing things towards me and Sebastian didn't really do anything to protect me . He just didn't care .

I was fed up with all of their drama so i decided to leave for the better ...

"Mommy im ready to go see Aunt Jack and Aunt Doe ." Kheumaní whined pulling on my Jacket as i looked in the mirror fixing my hair .

"Okay let's go missy ." I grabbed my purse & kheumaní's sleeping bag, I held on to Kheumaní's  hand as we walked out the front door .

I quickly unlocked the car and sat Kheumaní down in her carseat . she grabbed her dolls she had sitting in the back seat .

Once she was buckled in i hopped in and drove away to Jacky's .

A few minutes after listening to Aretha in the car . I parked in front of Jacky's house and got mani out her car seat .

Jacky and Dorinda came out the front door with big smiles "Is that my Auntie Baby!" Rinda yelled , Mani ran up to both of them hugging their legs .

I smiled as i grabbed her bag out of the backseat, Jacky picked her up and went inside "Hurry yo ass up Karen !" Dorinda yelled walking into the house .

Once we all got in Jacky sat on the couch playing with mani and her dolls "Sisterrr" Dorinda smiles and hugged me tightly .

"Hellooo sisterrr" i replied in a baby tone "How have you been ? i know we talk like everyday but how have you been since everything ?" Dorinda asked .

"I've been okay just trying to be the best i can be for Kheumaní . i know she's confused about her dad though ." I spoke

"I understand .. and soon she will too but i'm proud of you for doing everything for her without her dad's help ." Dorinda said

"Thank you .. i don't know what i would do without y'all Twinkie and Leo have also been great helpers , they take her whenever they can and i really appreciate that ." I felt a tear drop from my eye .

"Don't cry karen it's okay we got you ." Jacky spoke

I look over at Jacky to see a sleeping mani on her chest "Well damn she went to sleep fast" Dorinda chuckled .

"I know right , i'm gonna put this little one in the bed and we'll finish talking ." Jacky ran to her room with mani in her arms .

Dorinda pulled out some chicken, mac and cheese , and vegetables .

"Not chicken again Dorinda ." i said smacking my hand against my head .

"What ! i know you aren't complaining about good ole chicken ! you better praise god." she began to shout while speaking in tongues .

I giggled watching her be so silly , Jacky came into the kitchen and looked at Dorinda .

"Dorinda .. you want me to cook chicken again ?" Jacky spoke putting on her apron .

Dorinda rolled her eyes and i laughed .

Jacky began getting everything ready for her to cook "So Karen , have you atleast talk to Sebastian." Jacky cleared her throat .

"He facetimes me to see mani but we don't talk for long .. unless it's about her , he's to busy with Nia" i said

"Lord i cant believe he got back with her ! i don't understand why he would do that and that baby isn't his ." Dorinda spoke

"The baby ?" i say with a confused look "Remember the baby Nia said was his ?." Dorinda spoke .

"How do you know it's not his ?" i asked "Girl you know i recently started messing with Don and he tells me everything , that baby is actually Santana's ." Dorinda said looking over Jacky's shoulder .

Jacky smacked her hand as Dorinda tried to grab a chicken from the plate .

"Dorinda when did you find this out ?" me and jacky ask "I found out yesterday.. that's why Don hasn't been talking to Sebastian because he also feels like he did you wrong and because Don tried to tell him, but Sebastian wanna continue to take care of Santanas child ." Dorinda replied

I shook my head and laughed , everytime i heard Sebastian's nonsense all i could do was laugh .

"Well He need to be taking care of his real child , you know the one he left for a girl in Atlanta ." Jacky said

"He doesn't have to take care of my child if he doesn't want to he's on child support for a reason . Mani didn't ask to be here .. and i never expected he would act like this after me technically having his first child ." I said

"I know that's right ." Dorinda yelled with her finger up

"I definitely understand Karen , but that girl needs her dad in her life . you have been doing a great job as a mother and i'm so proud of you .. but she needs a father figure ." Jacky said

"You're right .. but i cant force him to do anything ."I replied "But i can." Dorinda said showing her gun in her pants .

"DORINDA" me and Jacky yelled in sync

"What ? you have to be ready to scare a nigga in Detroit ." Dorinda said giggling .

After a few minutes of helping Jacky cook i hear small little foot steps coming from Jacky's hallway .

"Mommy" Mani whines wiping the crust from her eyes "Hey little lady" I gently picked her up and sat her down on the counter . she smiled as she watched her Auntie cook .

There was a knock on the door . "I'll get it ." Dorinda said .

Mama Dianna , Cece , Sebastian's Step dad and Dorinda's Daughter Nikkita walked in the front door greeting everyone .

       "I said stop fucking throwing shit at me Nia !" i yelled blocking the shoes she kept throwing from across the room .

  " No ! why do you keep calling and texting this bitch Karen ? i thought you came back here to restart with me and your daughter Sebastian." She yelled

   "Nia what the fuck are you talking about yo ? you know i have a daughter with her too .. i have to keep in contact with her in order to keep in touch with my child ." I yell back .

She dropped the shoes out of her hand and walked out the room , i quickly grabbed Brooklyn and kissed her forehead .

"It's okay ma-ma yo mommy just upset about some things ." I said holding her

" I understand daddy ." Brooklyn replied , Brooklyn was so smart. Seeing her being so out-spoken at 4 years old made me proud , i wished i could see Kheumaní grow .

Nia walked back in the room and turned on the tv , she sat next to me and kissed my lips .

"I'm sorry .. i just get jealous because i feel like one day you'll leave me again ." Nia spoke with her head down .

I didn't know if me getting back with Nia was a good idea .. but i didn't have any choice Karen was fed up and left me , so i knew it was no going back with her .

I nod my head as Nia spoke , the whole time all i could think about was karen .

Nia grabbed Brooklyn and took her to her room , i grabbed my phone off the charger and texted don .

"I'm coming back to Detroit ."

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