The Grim Reaper || ghost x re...

By HexBreakNotHere

180K 3.3K 5.4K

"They call her 'The Grim Reaper' she's a good soldier, she doesn't speak, due to her trauma in childhood. Doc... More

before i start the book
1.New Environments (rewrite)
2. Traning and Missions
3.A Week Off
4. Getting Back to Work and Camp Fires
5. The Mission
6. Safe House
7. Months Later
9. oppdraget gikk galt
10. Taken part 1
11. Taken part 2
12. Nightmares
13. Home
14. Recovery
15. Bad Memories
16. Lectures
im sorry

8.Two Weeks One Night

7.6K 146 566
By HexBreakNotHere

i was called to the office. i knocked on the door. "come in" was all price said. i opened the door and walked in ghost was in the room as well... was i in trouble? did i do something wrong? "ghost, reaper have a seat. we need to talk." i was a bit confused but sat down anyways. once we were sat price looked at the both of us. "you two will be going on a mission...but.." ghost narrowed his eyes at price "but what?" price sighed. "youll both be way out of your comfort zones." "well get on with it" he sighed for a moment. "ghost youll have to take the mask off" he looked at me "and reaper youll have to start talking to people you don't know to get information.on a kill that needs to be done." it was silence.

"...why us?" i spoke barely above a whisper. he looked at me "well because umm... for this mission a female is needed and a male without a Mohawk is needed." ghost looked at price "why not use gaz?" he looked down at his desk "well i kinda got him on another mission.. and soap wont be able to grow his hair out fast enough.. so i need you two to work with me. it will be one day....but, youll need to get used to speaking without a notepad and being looked at. your mission will start in a few weeks until then i will hold on to your mask, and your notepad. im sorry but this is something that needs to be done." he held out his hand like a father to a kid. i sighed a bit grumpy and gave him my notepad and pen. i had a bit of anxiety running threw me. "ghost.." he sat there frozen for few minuets. "its only for a few weeks and then the one day. then you can put it back on." price sighed "i wont ask of this by any of you again, you have my word." i nodded my head. ghost sighed and slowly brought his hands to his mask and slowly took it off. all eyes were on him right now.

he set his mask on the table he looked at price then at me. My cheeks went to a very light pink. He had short brown hair that complained his brown eyes. He looked at me, he didn't have a smile. I don't think he did that often... his eyes were tired and his face was stern. He had one small scar under his eye, it wouldn't be noticeable with the mask on, and another small scar on his upper lip on the left of his face....he was handsome. He looked at price. "When's the mission?" His voice was filled with dread. I kinda felt bad... I looked back at pirce to hear the answer to the question. "You two will have to learn to slow dance, this is almost like a ball. So you two will have to get used to almost holding hands.."

We both kinda shrunk in our seats. I couldn't do that... I can barely stand when soap pats my head. "AGAIN, I'm sorry for doing this, we need this information, for the kill. But you'll learn more details in the future when it gets closer to the missions date...also." I froze in my seat, what now? "Ghost you'll be wearing a tux, and Reaper you'll be wearing and red dress that is a tad bit revealing in the back. You'll be provided with a hair and makeup person to do all that girlie stuff. Is that understood?" I nodded my head. "Yes sir." He smiled at the both of us. "Youll start your dancing lessons in an hour. So go prepare yourselves outside of your rooms. Both of you. Dismissed." I went to the brake room luckily nobody was in there except for ghost he had followed behind me. I sat on the couch and he sat at the table.

[The picture above is what your dress is.. I'd smash]

I don't think I can do this...panick was all that went through my head at the moment. Then soap walked in. He looked and saw the panick on my face then looked at ghost. He was shocked. He sat across from ghost. "Why dose she look panicked.. and the mask?" Ghost looked at him. "Price put us on a mission together for a kill, but it's at a ball so now we have to dance together... and I can't wear my mask" he sounded agitated. Soap chuckled "it's not so bad, you get to dance with a bonnie" My face went red and I put my head into my knees. I grumbled. He laughed at me. "Hey it's not all bad for you either, you get to dance with a hot man like this. I'm startin' to get jealous."

I heard a grown from ghost. I got up and sat at the table next to soap. "You two should get to know each other better, without the notepad and the mask. It'll do you both some good." Then he got up and left. "lett for deg å si"{easy for you to say} I put my head down. He was somewhat out of the door "I heard that!" Then he left. Now it was just me and ghost again. We just looked at each other. I wanted to break the silence between us. "..hey..." he was quite for a moment "...what?" I took a bit of a breath in. "..What does my dad have in common with Nemo?" He looked at me for a moment, I was getting a bit nervous. "...what..?" I sighed. "...They both cant be found."

I chuckled to myself. He didn't break that stone cold gaze. I was determined to at least make him chuckle. "Good one.." I looked at him. "...Another?" He nodded his head. Good at least I was getting somewhere. "I have many jokes about unemployed people, sadly none of them work." I had a small smile on my face. "I have one.." I still had a small smile. "lets hear it" he hummed. "Why cant Michael Jackson go within 500 meters of a school?" I looked at him. "Why?" ".. Because hes dead." That had me chuckling "another? " he nodded his head. "I work with animals," the guy says to his Tinder date. "That's so sweet," she replies. "I like a man who loves animals. Where do you work?" She asked. "I'm a butcher," he says." I was laughing "thats a good one." He nodded his head.

Price came into the room "so how are you to getting along?" We looked at each other then back at him. I got a bit nervous because I knew what he was going to end up saying. "bra bare å fortelle dårlige vitser til hverandre." He looked confused "English Reaper" was all he said. "Sorry sir, I said. good, just telling bad jokes to each other." I had a bit of an awkward smile on my face. He nodded his head. "Ok I'm sure you two know what has to happen.. your hours up." We nodded our heads "Follow me" we got up and followed price to a music room I didn't know we had. It was a big room. "This is where you'll be practicing for two weeks. Get familiar with the room. I'll tell you more when need to know." He nodded his head and walked off leaving us in the room alone.

Music started to play and I turned around and saw ghost with his hand out.i was nervous more then ever. "I..I um... I don't know how to dance..." his eyes were a bit soft at the moment. "Then let me show you, follow my lead." I hesitantly took his hand, and he led the way like he'd done this a million times before. My face went a bit red. One hand held my left while the other put my right on his shoulder. His left hand held my right and his right hand was on my waist. We made eye contact for a moment "comfortable?" I looked away "as much as one can be" I stepped on his foot. "S-sorry" he hummed "it's fine... it's easier to look at our feet to get the pattern down." I nodded my head and looked at our feet trying to grasp the pattern falling a few times but I caught on pretty quick.

"I was shocked when I found out my toaster was not waterproof." A smile was brought to my face. I chuckled "that was a good one" he hummed and looked down at me. He was about 6'4 and I was 5'3. He was tall. "Another?" I nodded my head "yeah.." he took a moment to think "Why is there air conditioning in hospitals?" I look at him and tillted my head a bit.. "why?" "..To keep the vegetables cool and fresh." This had me laughing I put my face on his chest to hide my face. Once I calmed down a bit and realized what I did. my face went red and I pulled away from his chest "unnskyld.."{Pardon..}

He looked at me a bit confused but more of wonder was in his eyes "why do you speak Norwegian when you get nervous?" My face went a bit red. " its my mother's language.. she taught it to me when I was younger.... she said if I needed her to call for her in Norwegian.. she never came...but that was the only thing she really ever taught me.. at least she did one thing right In my life... she left me when I was really young and with a drunk father... I wasn't allowed to speak or cry....that's why I had the panick attack that one day.." he nodded his head and spined me around bringing me back to him when the spin was over. We were now a little closer then before. I placed my forhead on his chest, I couldn't really keep it in anymore a few tears ran off my face. We were still dancing well more like swaying. I don't think he knew what to do. "Are you ok...?" All I could manage was a head nod. He huffed and started to hum along with the music that was playing. More tears ran down my face, why was I crying now of all times.

" jeg beklager at jeg gråter...."{i'm sorry for crying.} I was mumbling. He didn't respond, he continued to hum. I was calming down more hearing him hum. "keep on your breathing..." I nodded and sniffled doing what he said. I don't know why I keep breaking down in front of him. I don't do it with anyone else just him. "hvorfor bryter jeg bare sammen rundt deg? Jeg forstår ikke...."{Why do I just break down around you? I do not understand....} he sighed and put one hand on my cheek wiping a tear away. "I can't understand you.." his voice was low and ruff, like if he spoke any louder he'd be afraid I'd brake more. I nodded my head and closed my eyes "Jeg vet.."{ I know..}

He sighed and we stopped swaying, now it was just me holding onto him. "Want to call it a day?" I shook my head and held on a bit tighter then I was before. He was quite I didn't know what was going threw his head but he just stood there letting me cling onto him as silent tears ran down my face... I had to be more in control around him, I have to block everything off. I can't keep doing this especially to him. He's probably uncomfortable with me always crying on him.

I looked at him my eyes were now red and puffy he wiped another tear away. "We should at least take a brake then" I nodded my head at the idea and let him go. I sat down on a chair that was laying around I was handed a water bottle. It was kinda weird seeing him without his mask I couldn't help but look at him.. he was beautiful.... "what time is it?" I didn't realize he had a watch on. "It's 2:17" I nodded "I hope that dress isn't to revealing. I got a few tattoos especially on my back...." ghost looked at me. "You have tattoos? Didn't think you were the type." I chuckled "Wanna see the one on my back?" He was quiet for a minuet. "Sure" that was all he said.

So I turned my back to him and basically took my shirt off just till my back was completely exposed.

It's was a broken skull with an arrow going threw the middle. With crows flying around it..

I also had some scars on my back from the abuse my dad gave me. I put my shirt back on and turned back around. He looked normal. "Looks cool right? " He nodded his head. I took a drink of water. Price walked in my eyes were somewhat red but it was only noticeable if you were up close. Though ghost's shirt was still kinda wet from me crying on him. Price clapped his hands together. "How's everything getting along? " "good, she's a bit off on her feet but it's getting better." I nodded my head in agreement. Price took notice to ghosts shirt. " are the two of you doing, think you'll be able to do the mission? " I was quiet. I knew this was going to be very hard for both me and ghost. I looked to the floor. He sighed "look I wouldn't ask this of you if this didn't need to be done." I sighed "Jeg vet..."{ I know..} I looked up at him, he nodded his head. "Ok you two, show me what you got." Price went to the cd player and restated the song. We both got up, ghost took my hand then we danced. This time me not braking down.

- two weeks later -

I was put into my dress. the girl said I was allowed to keep it, though I wouldn't know when else to where this. She did my make up and she put a red mask on my face. "Perfect." She handed me a weird pair of looking heals so she helped with that as well. She helped me stand. I was also told by price that I had to practice walking in heals. So I'm pretty good at it. "Here. Stand up and look in the mirror." I barely did that ever. I didn't like how I looked but when I saw myself I froze. "" She nodded her head. She had put body makeup over my tattoo on my back it wasn't seen at all. I looked at her "lets go show the others yeah?" I just nodded my head She grabbed my hand and took me to the brake room.

[you sexy af. I'd date you <3]

Everyone was talking to each other then almost eminently stopped when they saw me. Gaz was eating something, he turned around and started to cough. Soap was drinking water, his face went red. "So boys, how dose she look?" She had let go of my hand and stepped away. Ghost was in a tux my face went a bit red. "How lucky you are" was all saop said. "You look great kid" price gave me a thumbs up. Gaz was still dieing on his sandwich. "So how's she look ghost?" My face went red and panic set in. He didn't have to answer that. "Beautiful." That was all he said my face was redder then my dress. All eyes were still on me.

With in the past two weeks I had taught ghost a little bit of Norwegian, but he still had somewhat of a hard time understanding. "du ser veldig kjekk ut, jeg tror ikke jeg er i stand til å gjøre dette."{you look very handsome, I don't think I'm capable of doing this.} He sighed "du klarer deg"{you will manage} my face got redder, I was now wanting to take back teaching him Norwegian. I laughed nervously. "Ok you love birds. ill drive you where you need to be, then come get you half way through the party. Your going to have to kill a Russian Sargent. His name is lev, I don't care witch one of you kills him just do so and get out of there.... I'll grab food on the way back from the mission." I nodded my head. "ok" was all I said. "Follow me kids"

I got to the door. I was planning on how I would get across without getting my shoes and dress dirty. Then all of a sudden I was picked up I looked and saw ghost. "C-could have warned m-me" my face was red. He just shrugged and walked out the door. Price had the car door opened already and ghost set me in the car. "T-thank you" he nodded his head and got in on the other side. The doors shut, and price turned the car on and started to drive to our destination.

"You kids remember the plan?" We both nodded "good." It was an almost silent car ride. Besides the occasional small talk from piece. There was ringing in my ears ghost somewhat took notice to it. He didn't look at me. "You ok?" He'd been asking that alot lately. I nodded my head "yeah I'll be fine, skytsengel.." I haven't told him what that means, I don't think I ever will... skytsengel means guardian angel. I started calling him that after I almost died in a solo mission. He doesn't mind me calling him it, though he's asked what it means but I change the subject everytime, not giving him an answer.

"Ok, were here. Stick to the plan don't get caught, and we'll get food when you two are done. ill get you at 11. That gives you 3 hours. You guys grow up so fast." He wiped a fake tear away and we nodded our heads. some random guy opened my door and helped me out. Once I was out my dress was a little passed my ankles but that's what the heals were for. I quickly made my way over to ghost and whispered "what do you want me to call you to get your attention?" As I asked this I linked our arms together, he didn't seem to mind. "Call me tommy" I nodded my head. "Call me alice." He also nodded his head.

We made our way inside, arms still linked. It was a very fancy place but we were stopped by a guard with a clipboard. "Ah, you two must be mr and miss. Stargate. So nice of you to join us. Please come in." My face went pink I said a small thank you and we both walked inside. once in there were people littered every where. i felt everyone was looking at me i held onto ghosts arm a bit tighter. he spoke low "you good?" i nodded my head "there's just a lot of people here, ill be fine when were gone." he nodded his head. we made our way to the ball room. we went to the middle and danced to the music, it was like a fairy tale. everyone's eyes were on us. even the enemy's. we spoke lowly to each other " do you want to kill him or should i?" he took a glance around. "ill do it you just have to distract some people." i nodded my head, he was then tapped on the shoulder. we stopped dancing. "may i have a dance with this beautiful woman?" the guy didn't even look at me. ghost looked at me i nodded my head. "yeh.. shes all yours" the man smiled he looked a bit younger then ghost. "so, you single?"

i hadn't even been here an hour and i already wanted to kill people. i shook my head. "no...tommys my boyfriend." i had to lie, he move his hand lower down my waist. i moved his hand back up. he tilted his head. " your an odd one, most girls would be falling for me, because of who i am." i chuckled and looked him in the eyes. " and who are you? i don't even know your name." i hated talking to people i didn't know. he smirked " well ill have you know, my father. hes the host of the party.. and im sure i could treat you much better then your boyfriend timmy." i rolled my eyes "his name is tommy." was all i said before he dipped me and the music stopped. he brought me back up let me go and i walked off to the snack bar in hopes ghost would come back... he didn't and the flirt i danced with wouldn't stop talking with me.

- two hours later -

" come on baby~" he was drunk i rolled my eyes " go find someone else to flirt with. im taken" he smirked " you can be taken upstairs with me in a few minuets~" his attempts to flirt with me were not working. i had been sat here with this bozo for 2 hour, him still trying to get in my pants. ghost finally showed up, i knew he had killed lev. he had that look in his eyes. my face lit up and i walked over to him, hugging him. "what the fuck took you so long?" i whispered to him. "you have family emergencies back at home you need to cry, ive already called price. hes outside." i made my eyes go big and a tear run down my face. a random lady took notice to this she put a hand on my shoulder "oh dear, are you alright?" i shook my head. "m-my big brothers in the hospital, he was j-just in a car accident-t" i faked braking down in sobs walking fast out of the building, tears running down my face. ghost had put his coat on me to make the lie more believable.

price was outside with the car, i quickly walked into it. he looked concerned. he shut the door and ghost got in on the other side. price started the car i stopped fake crying, he drove away. "what was that on about?" he huffed "well i had to make an excuse to get out of there... my older brothers in the hospital." ghost chuckled. goal accomplished make ghost chuckle. i smile to myself. " can we get some food please? the food they had was shit." price laughed "yeah sure thing kid, here" price had tossed ghost's mask into the back, he caught it and put it back on. im gonna be honest i will miss looking at his face, but at least i could see his eyes. price spoke up. we were at McDonalds "what do ya kids want." my eyes lit up i was never allowed to McDonalds when i kid. " do they have nuggets?" he nodded his head. "ghost?" he huffed "ill have a sandwich" he nodded. "let me get 3 40 piece McNuggets, two cheese burgers, and two McChicken's. and 5 large fries with five waters."

"ok sir everything comes out to $35.95. please pay at the first window, your food will be at the second window" he nodded his head "thank you ma'am have a nice night" then we drove up to the first window he paid then we got our food at the second window. i was handed a water along with my McNuggets and a large frie. ghost was handed both a water and large frie along with two sandwiches. "thank you price." he nodded his head "thank you sir" he smiled " no problem, how'd the mission go?" i huffed and suck a little in my seat. "that bad?" i nodded my head " i kept getting flirted with by a drunk kid...he was trying to get me to go up stairs for whatever reason...ghost left me alone for two hours" price laughed. "how was it for you ghost?" he sighed " i was also getting flirted with, but i ignored them and killed lev. it was somewhat easy." price nodded his head again. i finished my food so did ghost. the car stopped and parked. we were back at base.

price got out with the food and trash, he walked inside. ghost got out of the car, went to my side and picked me up, so i didn't mess up the dress or shoes. he closed the door with his foot, and walked inside. once we were inside he put me down " thank you" i gave him a small smile, he just nodded his head and walked to his room. i made my way to my room. i shut my door, took off the dress, mask, and heals. i was now in my undergarments. i put everything away. grabbed some pjs, and went to take a shower. after i was done i got changed and went to bed hopefully i could get some sleep....i ended up sleeping on the couch in the brake room that night.

- this is your tattoo my guy owo -

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