The Anti-Villain | Robin Love...

By Petparty123

51.5K 1.9K 329

Hypno-aka Y/n L/n-is a thief from Gotham who's making her way up the criminal ladder... well, sort of. The vi... More

Before You Read
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of his Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
The Apprentice Part 1
The Apprentice Part 2
Season 2
How Long is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Fear Itself
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Aftershock: Part 1
Aftershock: Part 2
Season 3
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven, or How to Make a Titananimal Disappear
Titans East: Part 1
Titans East: Part 2
Season 4
Don't Change that Dial
Employee of the Month
The Prophecy
The Quest
Mother Mae-Eye
The End
The End Part 2
The End Part 3
Season 5
Revved Up
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Snow Blind
Hide and Seek
Calling All Titans
Titans Together!
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
Tokyo Troopers
Wilting Cherry Blossoms
Picolo Special
Next, Next Book

Winner Take All

545 24 2
By Petparty123

"Fire beats Wood," Raven states as she tosses a card onto the pile in the center of the table.

Cyborg places a card on top of the half-demon's. "But Water beats Fire."

"Sun dries up Water," Beast Boy says.

"And Thunderstorm blocks out Sun," Robin says.

"Wind moves Thunderstorm," I say as I put down a card.

"I'm out," Raven says.

"Me too," Beast Boy adds.

"Hypno, you placed your final card down last round," Robin says with a smirk. I let out a huff and the card disappears off the pile, along with all the cards in my hand.

"I wish to... go the fish?" Starfire says with a big smile. Raven and Beast Boy peak over at the redhead's cards.

"Uh, you want to fold, Starfire," the shapeshifter says.

"Fold? That is good? I am victorious?" The two Titans shake their head and an embarrassed look appears on the redhead's face.

"Sorry, Star. I guess I'm just... invincible!" Robin says as he goes to gather all the cards.

"Ah-ah-ah," Cyborg says as he stops the Boy Wonder. "How can you be invincible if I've still got one card?" Robin narrows his eyes. "Come on, Robin. You know you want to play me for it. One last round, winner take all."

"You're on, Cyborg, and you're going down!" Robin picks up his last card while Cyborg waves his, tauntingly. The Boy Wonder slams down his card. "Tornado! Beat that!" The other three Titans "ooh" in awe.

"Well... okay. Boo-yah!" Cyborg slams down his last card and everyone's eyes widen in shock.


"The one-in-a-million wild card that beats all others!" Beast Boy says as he wipes a tear away. "Ohhh... it's too beautiful for words."

"Aw, yeah, baby! Who's invincible now?" Cyborg cheers. Robin grits his teeth as he glares at the robotic male.

"Be proud and cheerful, Robin. You competed well," Starfire says.

"Winning isn't everything," Raven says.

"Yeah," Robin says. "It's just the only thing that matters. I want a rematch!"

"That's my boy!" I exclaim as I wrap my arms around his.

"Um... I don't know how to tell you this, man, but... you're outta cards," Cyborg says.

"Beast Boy, gimme your cards," the Boy Wonder demands.

"Uh..." Beast Boy says as he holds up his empty hands. Suddenly, with a white flash, Robin and Beast Boy disappear.

"Huh?" Cyborg grunts. With a second white flash, he too disappears. Leaving Raven and Starfire alone.


The boys appear in a white and gold arena. With another flash, several other males appear, including Gizmo, Aqualad, and three strangers.

One looks to be made of lava, another has short red hair with a quiver of arrows on his back, the last is a large male in black with a wildebeest head.

"Welcome, champions all!" a deep male voice announces. Everyone looks up at the top of a black staircase to see a fuzzy gray man in a loincloth with golden armbands. "I am the Master of Games! And you are hereby invited to compete in the Tournament of Heroes!" (Small/large) hands suddenly cover Robin's eyes, causing the Boy Wonder to tense.

"Guess who," I purr as I lean towards his ear.

"Hypno?" Robin grabs my hands and whips around to face me; meeting my glowing (f/c) eyes. "How did you get here?"

"When you disappeared, I went with you. Probably because we were touching."

"Leave it to you to break the rules."

"Even if accidentally." The Boy Wonder flashes me a fond smile.

The voice of the Master of Games brings our attention back to the announcement, and I disappear from view. "-Hot Spot. A human flamethrower with a fiery temper to match. Aqualad. A water-breathing telepath with mastery over surf and sea. Wildebeest. Four hundred ponds of primal heroic fury. Gizmo. The nasty little boy with the really big brain. And Speedy. The agile archer with an unstoppable arsenal of energy arrows. Eight brave and worthy champions, but only one shall win."

"So... does the winner get some kind of really cool prize, like... maybe... oh, I don't know... a moped?" Beast Boy asks.

"I have no moped, shape-shifter. But rest assured. When the Tournament is complete, there will be magnificent prizes. And, of course, the winner shall prove that he is the greatest young hero on Earth. However, any who do not wish to compete need only say the word and I shall return you home at once." All the males turn to look at each other and mutter in discussion.

"Looks like we're in. All of us," Robin says as he steps forward.

"The challenge is accepted. The Tournament begins! Prepare for competition!" With, yet another, white flash the Master of Games disappears.

"Aquadude! What's up?" Beast Boy greets as he high fives the Atlantean. "Ready to watch me claim all those prizes?"

"No," Aqualad snorts. "But after I win, I promise to let you have my autograph."

"Hey, what's he doing here?" Cyborg asks as he gestures to Gizmo. "He's no hero! I thought this was a Tournament of-"

"What's the matter, Robo-Wimp?" Gizmo interrupts. "Afraid I'll kick your stinking can?"

"Just try it!"

"What's that smell?" Hot Spot asks. He looks up to see Wildebeest standing next to him. "Oh." Robin and Speedy circle each other with a scrutinizing look. Both males are the same height and look remarkably similar to each other.

"Speedy," Robin greets as he holds out his hand for a handshake. "I've heard you're good. Real good."

"Robin. Likewise," the redhead replies. "Great to finally meet you."

"So, what are those arrows made of?"

"Polarized matrices of high-energy electrons."

"Right. Same technology packs the punch in my electric discs. How do you overcome the quantum-entanglement problem?" Cyborg and Beast Boy watch as the pair talk excitedly about their gadgets.

"Whoa, dude. Never knew Robin had a clone," the shapeshifter says.

"Maybe he's a long lost twin," I say, causing the two males to jump. They both turn and look over their shoulders, but see no one.


"Duh." I materialize in front of the pair with my hands on my hips. "Who else would it be?"

"Are you here to help Robin cheat?" Beast Boy asks with a suspicious look.

"No... unless he asks."

"Champions! Round One! Face your opponents!" The Master of Games announces and I disappear again. I grab onto Robin's arm just as all the boys disappear in a flash and reappear in their arenas. "Cyborg versus Gizmo! Beast Boy versus Wildebeest! Speedy versus Aqualad! Robin versus Hot Spot!"

The last two appear in a long purple tunnel. Robin shows off a bit and Hot Spot releases a little fire from his arms. "Let the contest begin!" Hot Spot fires a blast which Robin blocks, before retaliating with a kick. Hot Spot flies back a few feet, then shoots himself forward with a jet of fire. I barely miss being tackled by pressing myself against the rounded wall.

Robin pulls out his staff to block several spinning kicks from the fiery hero. Hot Spot creates a large ball of fire and Robin takes off as it's thrown. Hot Spot flies after the Boy Wonder before firing another large jet of flames. Just as Robin makes it to the end of the tunnel, a purple pillar pops up in front of him, forcing him to dodge. The flames hit the pillar and disperse as Robin continues to weave through the rest of the obstacles.

A pillar rises up underneath the black haired male and he uses it as a boost. The Boy Wonder flips upside down and throws a disk. When the disk hits it creates a little cloud of smoke, blinding the fiery hero. Robin throws a punch, causing Hot Spot to spin. The fiery hero gets back on his feet and is immediately met with a kick to the chest followed by several punches.

Robin finishes with an uppercut that sends Hot Spot flying back.

"Winner... Robin!" The Master of Games announces.

"Good job, Boy Wonder," I purr as I lock arms with the victorious male. With yet another flash we all disappear. Robin and I reappear with Cyborg, Speedy, and Wildebeest in the arena everyone started in.

"Speedy! All right, you won!" Robin cheers.

"But Beast Boy didn't," Cyborg states. With a white flash The Master of Games appears at the top of the black staircase.

"Well played, young champions. You have survived Round One," he says.

"Survived? What happened to the losers?" Robin asks.

"Yeah, where's our friend?" Cyborg adds.

"Peace, heroes. 'Survived' is merely an expression," The Master of Games says. "Beast Boy and the other losers have been returned home safely. But think not of the vanquished, my champions. Now you must rest, for tomorrow you face... Round Two!"

With a flash everyone disappears.


Robin and I stand in a plain gray room under the arena, pulling off uncomfortable parts of our costume for bed.

"Wonder who you'll be up against tomorrow," I say as I set down my (accessory) on the plain dresser. Robin folds up his cape and sets it down beside my stuff.

"Don't know, but I can't wait to see."

"Either way, I know you'll win... but if for some reason-"

"You're not helping me cheat."

I let out a disappointed huff and cross my arms. "Fine." Robin places a sweet kiss on my cheek and lays down on the twin sized bed. I follow and curl up as close to the Boy Wonder as possible.


"Yo, Robin! Wake up! It's me!" Cyborg calls as he knocks on the door. Robin sluggishly rolls out of bed and pulls on his cape, gloves and boots before pulling open the door and letting out a yawn.

"Cyborg?" he questions. "It's late. And I don't think we're supposed to be out of our-"

"Can't sleep. I tried calling home to make sure Beast Boy's okay... but I can't get a signal through." I get out of bed and drape my arms over the Boy Wonder as I tiredly blink at the robotic male.

"We're in an alternate dimension, kind of outside your calling plan. I'm sure he's fine. The Master said all the losers were sent home, safe and sound."

"Yeah, I know. But I've just got a bad feeling. There's something weird about this game."

"I guess it couldn't hurt to have a look around." Robin straightens out his hair and steps into the gray hallway. "Hold on. I know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You're trying to trick me again, like you did in the card game."

"I am?"

"Sure. We'll go 'investigate', and be up all night, and find nothing. Then you'll recharge your batteries in fifteen minutes while I get no sleep."

"Say what?!"

"When Round Two starts, I'll be fighting fatigue, and you'll be that much closer to winning the prize."

"No, man, for real! I'm just worried about BB. Come on. Winning isn't-"

"Riiiiight." Robin backs into his room with a smirk.

"Sorry, Cyborg," I say as the Boy Wonder closes the door.


"Good luck today," Speedy says as he steps into the arena while the other two males warm up. "May the best man win." Wildebeest grunts and turns away. "Sorry. May the best... champion win."

"Right back at you, Speedy," Robin says and the two shake hands. "Where's Cyborg? It's not like him to be late."

"Cyborg will not be joining us," The Master says from the top of the black staircase. "Your friend has been disqualified for attempting to sabotage his fellow champions."

"He shoulda played fair."

"And with only three champions remaining, we shall proceed directly to the final round! Speedy versus Wildebeest versus Robin, in a three-man fight to the finish." I grab onto Robin's arm as the three boys disappear in a flash of yellow, before reappearing on a large, floating rock platform. I stay invisible and sneak off to the side to stay out of the way... for now. Robin charges right in and jumps for a kick to Wildebeest's head.

Unfortunately, the large, hairy male grabs the Boy Wonder's leg and throws him away. Speedy fires an arrow which Wildebeest blocks with his arms. The redhead jumps away as the animalistic male charges, and he lands right next to Robin. The two exchange a look and rush in together, Speedy shooting arrows and Robin throwing explosive disks. Wildebeest dodges both attacks and attempts to punch Robin but the Boy Wonder jumps over him.

Speedy fires three arrows simultaneously, but they do nothing when they hit. Robin uses the redhead's bow as a boost and jumps up. He grabs the large male by his head and brings him to the ground.

"Thanks, Robin," Speedy says.

"Don't thank me yet," Robin says. The redhead looks down at his feet and sees one of Robin's disks. The disk breaks and covers the ground in ice, causing Speedy to fall on his butt. "We are playing to win, aren't we?" Wildebeest comes up behind the Boy Wonder grabs him in his arms.

"Looks that way." Speedy pulls out a new arrow, this one has a boxing glove on the tip. Robin jumps out of Wildebeest's hold, just as Speedy releases the arrow. When the animalistic male hits the ground, it cracks. In a flash of lightning, he's gone. "May the best man win."

"I intend to." The platform beneath us crumbles, causing us all to plummet towards the cratered ground below. I land on a chunk of platform off to the side as Speedy uses a rope attached to an arrow to pull himself onto a different chunk. Robin jumps across the debri and goes to kick the redhead, but Speedy jumps back. He fires several arrows, which forces Robin back and over the edge of the boulder.

Speedy nocks another arrow and aims it at the Titan clinging to the side of the rock. Each arrow hits where Robin's hand was, just seconds before he moves it. The Boy Wonder slides down the side of the rock but fires his grappling hook, which wraps around Speedy's arm. The two fall off the rock and fight in midair. The redhead hits Robin with his bow, sending the latter flying at another boulder.

The Boy Wonder swings around the rock to land on top. He looks down when he hears a boom and sees the rocks hitting the ground below. Speedy pulls himself onto a different boulder just before both boys hit the ground. The rocks kick up a cloud of dust and as it dissipates, the boys stand in a ready position. Robin charges and blocks Speedy's arrow with his staff.

The redhead quickly tries to nock another arrow but Robin swings at him with his staff. With a battle cry, the Boy Wonder jabs his staff at Speedy, who catches it with his bow. The two push against each other and Robin slides a few millimeters.

"Just a friendly competition, huh?" Speedy says.

"Yeah. Should be fun," Robin replies.

"Right. 'Cause winning isn't everything."

"It's just the only thing that matters." The two push away from each other and Speedy leaps up, firing arrows. Robin rolls out of the way and throws a disk, just as Speedy fires an arrow. The two projectiles collide and explode. The two smirk at each other and charge.

They run in a circle around the crater, Speedy firing arrows and Robin dodging. The redhead fires three arrows and Robin jumps out of the way. Instead of the arrows hitting the ground, they fly up and back towards the Boy Wonder. "Heat-seekers!" One of the arrows breaks off from the rest and flies straight at me.

I turn the arrow invisible and wait. Just before it can hit, I roll out of the way and the arrow hits the wall of the crater behind me. When I look back up, I see Robin has shaken the other heat seeking arrows and is running along the wall of the crater opposite me. Speedy fires an arrow which lands right behind the Boy Wonder. The black haired male smirks and throws three disks which explode at Speedy's feet.

The archer attempts to shoot through the smoke, but starts coughing. Robin jumps into the smoke and Speedy fires another arrow. The arrow opens up and releases a blue net. Robin throws a disk right before the net catches him. As he hits the ground the disk breaks and freezes Speedy's feet to the ground.

Robin pulls out a birdarang to cut open the net and Speedy pulls out an arrow and jabs it into the ice, causing it to explode. Both boys escape and face off. Robin throws the birdarang and Speedy dodges it, allowing it to fly past. The birdarang comes flying back along with an arrow from Speedy. The two projectiles explode when they crash together, creating another cloud of smoke.

Robin lands on his feet outside the cloud. The Boy Wonder charges and pulls out his staff as Speedy fires an arrow. Robin leaps up and swings his staff down on the archer's bow, kicking up a little dirt. Robin swings several more times, forcing Speedy to block. Robin jumps up again and kicks the redhead in the face, also managing to break his bow.

Speedy hits the ground and rolls into a crouch as a few loose arrow fall beside him.

"My bow!" the redhead exclaims.

"You lose," Robin says with a triumphant smirk.

"But was it really worth it?" The question causes the Boy Wonder to give a questioning look as Speedy disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"That was amazing. Who knew you could be so ruthless," I purr as I hug the black haired male from behind. Robin and I appear back inside the arena in a flash of lightning.

"Well done, Champion of Champions. Victory is yours," The Master cheers.

"Guess I'm supposed to get some sorta prizes now?" Robin asks.

"I did say there would be prizes, young champion. I did not say they were for you." The Master steps down from his staircase and stands before the black haired Titan.

"What are you talking about?"

"You may be the winner..." The Master holds up the gem hanging from his neck. Several voices are screaming from it, "but the losers are mine to keep." Wildebeest's horns grow out of his head as his arm changes to that of a green gorilla's. "And with all their powers at my command no one will ever defeat The Master of Games." His other arm changes to Cyborg's cannon and Gizmo's spider legs pop out of his back. His eyes glow and his head changes to look like it's made of lava. "I am invincible!"

"How can you be invincible if you don't have me, the Champion of Champions?" Robin asks with a taunting smirk.

"You are quite skilled."

"Then maybe the game isn't over."

"The game is never over."

"One last round. Winner takes all?"

"Robin versus The Master of Games! Let the contest begin!" The Master fires white lasers out of his eyes and Robin takes off. The Master fires three arrows from his gorilla hand and Robin jumps over them. The Boy Wonder runs around the edge of the arena with arrows landing and exploding right behind him.

He fires his grappling hook which embeds in the wall behind the fuzzy gray man. As Robin goes flying forward, he kicks The Master in the chest, causing him to hit the wall. The Master cracks his jaw and shoots water from his mouth, up at the Boy Wonder attached to the wall. Robin jumps out of the way and re-fires his grappling hook, this time wrapping around one of the spider legs. Unfortunately, as Robin rolls along the floor, the rope snaps and he crashes into the opposite wall.

The Master fires Cyborg's cannon which knocks Robin back into the wall. The Boy Wonder lets out a grunt as he falls to his knees and looks up at the Master. Robin wraps his cape around himself as the Master spits a jet of fire. "I win! I always win!"

Robin blows out the surrounding fire with his cape and stands up. "Not today." I appear beside The Master of Games and kick him hard in the side.

"Finally I can get a piece of the action," I say as the fuzzy gray man gets back to his feet. A second me jumps up from behind The Master, and as he turns to face her, she kicks him across the jaw. Robin leaps forward and kicks The Master in the chest, cracking the green gem around his neck. Speedy and Cyborg come flying out and land beside the black haired male and I.

"Nice work," the redhead says. "Uh, who are you?"

"Hypno," I state as I hold out my hand for a handshake.


"Told you there was something weird about this game!" Cyborg shouts.

"Victory shall be mine!" The Master shouts. Cyborg warms up his cannon while Speedy nocks an arrow.

"Winning isn't everything," Robin says. The Master roars and spits fire as he charges at the four of us. Robin jumps out of the way of the flames as Cyborg fires his cannon. Each blast of the cannon angers The Master more but also gives Speedy a clearer shot of the gem. With one last blast the gem flies up into the air and Speedy releases the arrow.

The arrow embeds in the gem and with one flying kick from Robin, completely goes through. A bright yellow light shoots up from The Master's body as wind whips around. With one bright flash, The Master sits on his knees with no more stolen modifications and all the losers surrounding him.

"I lose," he says. In a small explosion, the Master disappears, leaving behind the gem.


"As far as I'm concerned, you're all honorary Titans," Robin says as he hands out communicators.

"Cool!" Gizmo hums as he opens the yellow and black device.

"Yo, gimme that!" Cyborg shouts as he takes back the communicator from the HIVE member. "You're not a good guy, remember?"

"Scrum-buffing toe-jamming gunk-eater! Neither is she!" The bald tech-genius points at me and I give him a smug look.

"Sorry I've pretty much acted like a jerk," Robin says as he and Speedy shake hands with large grins.

"We both did. Besides, in the end, it was your drive to win that saved us," Speedy says.

"Actually, when I faced the Master, I wasn't fighting to win. I was fighting for my friends."

"Well, dudes..." Beast Boy says as he tosses the gem to Robin.

"It's been fun," Cyborg adds.

"And if you ever need us, you know how to reach us," Robin says.

"Right back at you," Speedy says. The gem glows white and everyone disappears in flashes of lightning.

"Hey!" I shout as I'm left standing in the arena alone. Another flash of lightning and Terra, Starfire, Raven, and several other females appear beside me.

"Welcome, champions all!" The Master of Games announces from the top of his staircase. "You are hereby invited to compete in the Tournament of Heroines!"

"Oh no you don't!"

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