In Between (Fanfic of the Sch...

By blueheartkiss

44K 1.8K 212

Y/N and Aurellia Castillon, sisters from the same father, was dragged to the School for Good and Evil due to... More

Chapter 1: Troublemakers of Ellanor
Chapter 2: The School for Good and Evil
Chapter 3: Teacher of Music
Chapter 4: Caught Red Handed
Chapter 5: Don't Change it!
Chapter 6: Dance of Death
Chapter 7: Not Purely Cruel
Chapter 8: A Stupid Attempt
Chapter 9: Stop the Teasing!
Chapter 11: Prank Gone Wrong
Chapter 12: Dirty Little Ever
Chapter 13: Misunderstanding
Chapter 14: Avoid the Redhead
Chapter 15: Be Honest Now
Chapter 16: I'm Still Sore!
Chapter 17: Rafal
Chapter 18: The Reveal
Chapter 19: Confession
Chapter 20: Why He Needs You
Chapter 21: Desperate For Each Other
Chapter 22: Lost Control
Chapter 23: Headmaster's Decision
Chapter 24: Love Does Not Care
Chapter 25: Escape
Chapter 26: Is This the End
Chapter 27: Where We Belong
Chapter 28: Finally Together
Chapter 29: Planning a Party
I changed the summary

Chapter 10: 10 Minutes

1.3K 61 5
By blueheartkiss

Aurellia's POV:

Babiii! Can you please hold my bag for me? As I fluttered my eyes, pouting towards this sweet guy, how come he's a villain?? He's the most f*cking sweet person I have ever met.... And y/n of course. But my Lord, he's just so goofy and weirdly cute. He makes me comfortable while making me die of laughter because of his stupid jokes.

Though he gets obsessive, but hell! I do not mind. He's the only one for me

Anything for you my queen. As he reached for my bag while we strode in the halls, walking towards the room where they teach Uglification. After this we get a 30 minute break, then it's Y/N class.

Thank you babi and kissed him on the cheek, just a peck, and that earned me a flustered hort, gullibly walking and skipping. Oh my Lord he's adorable.

Hey girl! Evil of you to leave us and get all touchy with each other. A girl hung her arms on my shoulder. She is Anadil, one of my amazing dorm mates!

Why don't you two just get a room? The tall one on my right asked, she is Hester.

Come on guys don't bother her, but seriously? When's the baby? Said Dot. They laughed at their own f*cking jokes, I just sniggered and rolled my eyes at them.

Oh don't worry, after this semester, Hort's going to introduce me to his father! Am I right Babi? He nodded enthusiastically, while holding my hand

Father will be wickedly delighted! He said he'd threw a feast for us and the crew, catching mermaids and grilling them into perfection!
The four of them laughed excitedly as the mention of something sinister seems to tickle their bones.

Oh my Lord, àtleast not Infront me they won't! I hate the thought of pain!
That is true though! Unlike my wh*re of a sister, I dislike the feeling of pain and discomfort!

Evil is not scared of pain Aurellia, how are you a villain if that is your case?? Dot asked, the three intrigued on what I will answer. I grinned ever so slightly, and pulled out a black vial from my pocket. I got this- no wait scratch that, I most likey have stolen this from Y/N, not like it matters to her, she has tons of these weird ass liquid.

And everytime I see her drink this, in secret, especially if I'm around, and in an instant, her face becomes flustered, panting like b*tch in heat, her pupils were dilated and she starts acting a little weird, like she can't f*cking concentrate.

Then after that she tells me that she will be back by midnight or so so

So according to my careful and amazing observation, this black disgusting liquid, can turn even the most self composed princesses and prince into a m*therf*cking mad man!

I looked at them with a wicked grin.

I can be evil in my own way. I slowly let them observe the vial I have in hand

What is it? Asked Hester as she grins like a madman.

Is it poison? Anadil asked, sniffing it, hoping it would give a clue

Dot excitedly claps as she turned her pen into chocolate and brought it closer to me.

If it is poison, mix it with my chocolate!! And let someone eat it! She giggled sinisterly at the thought, as she bounced on the spot.

Or mix it in the drinking fountain! Hort said

It is some kind of poison, but not fatal my dear despicable friends and love. This will brought nothing more but discomfort to weak bodied and minded pieces of sh*t. Aka. the Evers. Wouldn't be so entertaining to see them lose their mind?!
They all smiled ear to ear, and giggled with anticipation as the words slipped right of my f*cking mouth.

We continued to go inside the classroom, waiting for our teacher to come. Hester turned around to face me and asked
How are you getting that into their food?

Oh me and Babi recently found  a shortcut to their kitchen, it was fairly close and easy to enter. F*cking idiots.


I groaned in an irritated tone as I felt something poking my shoulder in a persistent pattern. Whoever this is, and doesn't stop this annoying constant action, they're gonna have it! Nobody interrupts my sleep.

It did stop so I mistakenly thought it was just a solemn dream.

Don't you have class to teach Y/N?
Still layed silent, waiting for the nagging voice to go away... This must be my one of the times where your conscious starts talking due to exhaustion.
Didn't I gave you a fair warning that I do not tolerate such unpunctual behaviour in my school? My school? Since when did I own a school? I'm hallucinating am I, this is why I hate being too tired.

My eyes forcibly widen in shock as I felt myself being harshly thrown to a wall. Too much force that the crack on my back cannot go unnoticed. I was hoisted then àtleast more than 5ft àbove then mercilessly dropped on the ground with a loud and harsh thud, my face flattened on the unforgiving floor.

I can't hardly breath due to shock and pain from the fall. The slow paced of the clicking heels and cane got my attention as I struggled to lift my head to face the offender.

Unpleasant morning to you little ever. She snarled as if annoyed.
I was supposed to say a snarky remark, but figured why not make this day a little bit more joyful, right? Even though my day started with me being thrown half across the room and having my back almost permanently disabled.

I carefully tried to stand up, trying to perceive if I have more broken bones or a bruise that might become a problem later. Fortunately, only the back got injured.

And to you too Lady Lesso. I replied with a monotone voice.

She simply stared at me for a while, like seriously, are you thinking of throwing me again to a wall? Or yet out of the window?

Pull yourself together darling, I'll accompany you to your soon-to-be classroom. I'll give you exactly 10 minutes, if you're not done by that time, I ll drag you across the halls. With that said I stumbled across the floor trying and rushing to fix myself with little time I have! I checked at the time, only to found out it's 8 am. My blood boils a little due to the fact that I could've been sleeping a little longer!

I think there's a misunderstanding Lady Lesso. I turned around to face her, she rose an eyebrow at my remark while crossing her arms, letting her cane dangle on one hand.

Enlighten me.

My class starts at 10 am... It's ... 8 in the morning..? I said cautiously, who knows what will happen if I somehow say the wrong thing... I mean there's nothing wrong about what I said, but don't you just feel dandy when you're being intimidated by the person Infront of you... Or rather behind you.

She smiled wickedly... Ohh, I get it. She knows what she's doing. This wasn't a mistake.

Do you now? She turned her back at me, walking towards the door.
5 minutes. I mentally sh*t myself.

I was looking for some decent clothes, turns out, decent and evil does not go together quiet easily, so most of the clothes that I just found are downright hideous!

Oh my God wait what if I'm still naked and the time's done?! Àtleast give me more time! I shouted for her to hear me since I m in the bathroom. I've never showered this fast in my whole life.

What an experience.

Wouldn't that be delightful? She chuckled darkly. God this woman is going to be the end of me! After the shower I continued to search for more clothes, I don't even know if they are, or just sacks and rugs that sewed together to make a pathetic excuse of a cloth. My eyes caught a piece of dress that at first glance looked proper and decent. Until I pulled it out of the dresser...  that is too revealing...

2 minutes, Tik tok little ever.

Guess I don't have a choice. I put the dress on and looked at myself on the mirror... What am I even? A teacher or a sl*t? I can't really describe the dress, but let's just say... My cleavage is showing more than necessary, àtleast there's  sleeves. It's ankle long, and has slit on both sides revealing my thighs and legs... Can I just like... Appreciate myself today? God I look hot! POINTS FOR Y/N!

Oh shit my love scars, gotta hide the--

The bathroom door slammed wide open, but just in time for me to put on the shabby shawl I got.

Time's up little ever. She looked at me head to toe, hah! Thought you could be sneaky and see me naked! I am speed!!

Hmm, it's a shame you dressed up quickly. Now follow me, it will be my utmost displeasure to give you a quick and agonizing tour of my School. She then walked away, her pace wasn't really adjusting with mine, so I kinda walk-run since my legs are shorter.

I have a habit, when I feel a little awkward or just plain bored while walking, I tend to look on the ground, you know, just deep in thoughts.

You don't need to give me one if you're so against it, Im pretty sure I can handle it my...self... Lady Lesso? Goddamn it! I don't know how I lost her, But I did, sue me. I looked at my surrounding, searching for the intimidating redhead.

Can you now? I jumped out of my skin when I felt a hot breathed whisper on my nape. I almost b*tch slapped her, but she caught my wrist right before it hit her cheeks, her face amused at my startled state

With a satisfied smirk, she let go of my wrist
Perhaps you getting out of my magic is much more pleasant than being a boring mindless pet. I blushed at her words. How dare her ridicule me... Hot though. She started walking again, and I refrained from wandering my eyes.

If you ever do that again, I don't know what I'll do to you! She laughed at my panic state.

Charming.her comment to my threat... I don't even think she felt threatened, maybe she thought of me as bunny baring it's non existent fangs!  I just can't understand her to be honest.

A/N: there will be smut chapters the next update. Banzai! Though it may become a little bit too long... Mehh

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