The Mirror Cards

By DaBlueTeddy

321 16 1

This is a rewritten version of "Let's Play" Kokichi, our protagonist in this story trapped in a building full... More

Act 1: The Beauty In Lies And Deception (Part 2)
Act 1: The Beauty In Lies And Deception (part 3)
Act 1: The Beauty In Lies And Deception (part 4)

Act 1: The Beauty In Lies And Deception (part 1)

62 2 0
By DaBlueTeddy

12: 00 p.m, on the street.

His phone rang interrupting the music in his earphones. Reluctantly, he answered the phone call with a frown. "Heyya, this is Kokichi speaking, what do you want?" asked Kokichi with a hint of annoyance. "Hey, Kokichi. Long time no see. How ya' doing, lil' bro?" the person on the other phone said. "Who is this?" asked Kokichi once again. "Kouichi Ouma, you don't recognize your brother anymore, Cookie?" Kokichi groaned. He suddenly remember that he has a brother, a twin brother who called him by that annoying nickname. "Didn't I tell you to STOP calling me that?" growled Kokichi who then received a laugh from his brother. "I remember that. I don't want to do It." said his brother with a smirk.

Kokichi groaned once again. "How do you get my number anyway?" asked Kokichi to which his brother replied, "Got them from a guy named Amami if I'm not mistaken? The dude thought I was cheating with Mister I-forgot-his-name. I told him that I'm married to the girl that was with me and he looked at me, shocketh. That was when he called me Kokichi. I realized that he thought YOU were cheating on somebody. I dropped the truth bomb, he apologized and that's how I got your number." Explained Kouichi. Kokichi stayed silent as he walked into the store. After a few minutes, Kokichi finally finished processing the information that was dropped to him.

"You're married?!" screamed Kokichi, grabbing the attention of shoppers near him. He immediately regretted yelling and apologized to the shoppers before talking back to his phone. "You're married?! And you didn't even bother to tell me? Your twin fucking brother?!" whispered Kokichi. He felt betrayed by his brother. "Hey, in my defense, you didn't answer your phone when I called you about the news," exclaimed Kouichi. "Can I know when you decided to call me?" asked Kokichi. He went to the fruit aisle where he grabbed two packs full of blueberries. "It was on March 2019, I think?" answered Kouichi.

Kokichi hummed as he grabbed the milk and put it in the basket. "Well, that explains why I didn't pick up your calls. I was in a killing game when it happened" replied Kokichi dryly. "Hold the fuck up. You are in a what now?!" Kokichi quickly hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. "I am not dealing with this now... I have groceries to deal with. I just text him to meet up after buying some shit."

1:17 p.m.

Kokichi bought all the groceries and went to his house to leave them there and grab his scarf. He locked the door before heading to a café where he and his brother meet up. As he waited for a bus to arrive, he can't help but feel as if he was being watched. He looked around and can't detect any suspicious activity around him. So, he shrugged thinking he was being paranoid over nothing. The bus finally arrived and Kokichi get in and sat next to an old lady. "Hello there, young man." Greeted the old woman. "Hi, granny." replied the purple head back. "You look the same age as my granddaughter," the old woman said as she opened her purse to show a picture of a young woman. She has green short hair with bangs. She has a cute small smile plastered on her face. What caught Kokichi's attention the most is her enchanting sea-green eyes. "Her eyes look so beautiful." The old woman smiled. "Ah, yes. She got her mother's eyes." She suddenly frowned which made Kokichi confused and uneasy. Did he say something offensive to the old lady without realizing it? Kokichi knew his words can be harsh sometimes but he try to be careful with his wording to not accidentally offend or hurt someone.

"Um...Did I say something wrong?" Kokichi asked the old woman. The old woman smiled, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong. "Where are you heading, my dear?" questioned the old woman. "A café. I'm meeting up with my brother." Replied Kokichi. "How about you, ma'am? Where are you going?" The woman looked down as she furrowed her brows. "I'm going to find my granddaughter. You see, my little Katsumi went missing just one week ago. So, I'm looking around to find my granddaughter since the police are busy looking for the other missing people." Answered the woman with a heavy heart. Kokichi looked at the woman sympathetically. As Kokichi opened his mouth to say something, the bus stopped and opened the door. Kokichi looked out the window to see the café he and his brother were supposed to meet up just across the road. He sighed and stood up. "Well, this is my stop. It is nice talking to you, ma'am. I will try to help find your granddaughter." The old woman smiled and handed the photo of her precious granddaughter to him. "Take this with you. My phone number is at the back of the photo. Thank you, young man. And please be safe out there. The abduction case has been increasing these past few weeks" spoke the old woman with a worried tone. "I will"

Kokichi got off the bus and walked into the café, he looked around and see his brother playing with his phone. "Hey, Kouichi." Greeted Kokichi as he sat across from his brother. "Hey, Cookie. I already ordered your favorite drink, iced chocolate milk with whipped cream." Kokichi just hummed in response. "Soooo, now that we meet each other again, let's talk about our life. Me first! So, are you single or taken?" asked Kouichi with a mischievous grin. "I'm taken, obviously," Kokichi answered bluntly. Kouichi and Kokichi looked at each other for a split second, before Kouichi yelled at Kokichi. "Well?! Who is it?" Kouichi jumped up and down in his seat, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "His name is Shuichi Saihara. He's a private detective and before you ask, no, we are not married yet." Kokichi drank the chocolate milk he had just ordered just now when he was talking to Kouichi. "So, who's the unfortunate girl you married?" Kokichi glanced at his heterochromia brother. "Miyuna Yuki, she works as a nurse but she is currently resting in our house because well, she's pregnant" Kokichi almost choked his drink. "She's pregnant? You're going to be a father?!" shouted Kokichi. "Yup, I can't wait to meet my little devil spawn. Just waiting for his time to get out of his mother's budussy." Babbled the man with a soft smile.

"Can't believe I'm going to be an uncle soon." Kouichi nodded as he took a sip from his cup. "So, tell me how you met your man, Cookie." Kokichi laughed nervously. "How to say this...? We met each other in a complicated way." Kouichi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Kokichi averted his eyes from his brother's and looked at the window. "I----"Kokichi's eyes widened as he made eye contact with a person wearing a Monokuma mask. "Kokichi? Are you okay?" Kokichi glanced at his brother before he turned back to the window. The person he made eye contact with is no longer there. Is Kokichi's mind playing tricks on him? Kokichi can't ignore the possibility of being stalked. But he chose to shrug it off for now. He will talk to Shuichi on the phone on his way home. Kokichi continued to talk with his brother while keeping an eye out the window. Kouichi noticed his twin brother looking out of the window every once in a while and his body language screamed wary and uneasiness. Kokichi's phone rang in the middle of the conversation. Kokichi took out his phone and excused himself, walking to the bathroom.

"Hello, my beloved! You don't usually call me during your work hour so, what is it? Do you miss me?" asked Kokichi as he leaned on the door. "My boss told me to take a day off because I work even on holiday. I want to spend my time with you but you aren't here." Shuichi explained as he took out a box of blueberries from the plastic bag and put it in the fridge. "Where are you?" Kokichi started playing with his scarf. "I am catching things up with my brother. It's been years since we talked so we have lots to catch up on." Kokichi then smirked. "But you still haven't answered my question. Did you miss me, Saihara-Chan? ~" flirted the purple head. He heard a sigh coming from the other side of the phone. "Of course, I do, Kokichi. You normally welcome me by tackling me in a hug." Confessed the man with a hat. A slight blush formed on Kokichi's pale cheeks. Kokichi cleared his throat as he tried to calm his now-increasing heartbeat. "Wow, Shuichi~ I didn't know you missed me that much. Don't worry, my beloved detective. I'll be back shortly after I talk to my brother. Maybe I could even introduce you to him." Kokichi rambled out. "I would love to meet him soon. Kokichi, I have to go now. There are still a lot of things I have to do. Please be safe, Kokichi." Kokichi smiled. "Will do. Bye."

5:30 p.m.

"You're going now?" pouted the heterochromia man as he look at his twin brother. Kokichi nodded and hugged the male. "Aw, I'm going to miss you, Cookie." Kouichi broke the hug and ruffled Kokichi's hair. "I want to meet this Shuichi Saihara someday. If he's planning to propose to you, he should get my blessing first." Kokichi rolled his eyes and nodded. Maybe Kokichi along with his brother should pull a prank on Shuichi. Yeah, that will be fun. Kokichi smirked at his thought of Shuichi's reaction. "Bye, Cookie!" Kouichi yelled and waved as Kokichi get on the bus. Kokichi waved back at his brother. Kokichi puts on his earphones and started to listen to music. He hummed the tune as he looked around the bus. He looked out the window as the rain started pouring heavily. Kokichi's face formed a smile but quickly disappeared and was replaced with fear as Kokichi looked at his reflection in the mirror. Across the seat behind him, was the same person who watched him at the café.

He tried to stay calm and not show any body language that indicates that he is nervous and scared. The bus pulled up at the bus stop. Kokichi walked hurriedly as soon as the bus door opened. He looked at the reflection of a shop window and confirmed that he was being followed by the man with the mask. Kokichi took a deep breath, mentally prepared for anything after this. He made a sharp turn to the left and ran. His heartbeat increased as the adrenaline started to kick in. He bumped into people a couple of times. He saw a dark alleyway, ran into it, and hid behind the trashcans. He covered his mouth as he heard loud splashes and footsteps coming dangerously near the alleyway. "Fuck! I lost him! Where is that motherfucker?" Kokichi couldn't hear the footsteps or the voice of the masked person because of the rain. Kokichi let out a sigh of relief. To make sure he was indeed alone, He grabbed a broken shard of a mirror as a weapon and slowly peeked his eyes out if the man was still there. He lets go of the broken mirror and stood up.

He pulled up his hoodie and walked away, still shaken by what happened just now. He decided to use a taxi because it is the safest option right now. He raised his hand as the taxi pulled up to let Kokichi in. "Where are we going, sir?" asked the taxi driver. "Midori's apartment." The driver nodded and started driving. Kokichi shivered in the cold. His adrenaline started to fade as he was slowly consumed by the darkness. He tried to fight off the tiredness but eventually, gave up and fell asleep.

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