Mens Mentis et Sensus

By a_33week_jack

273 1 6

Mens Mentis et Sensus means "Thoughts and Feelings" in Latin language. This part is a compilation of poems ab... More

Between Doubts and Fears
Random Nights

Lean On Me

116 1 4
By a_33week_jack

Once there was this girl I met through a common friend, though some people may have some issues about her personality or attitude, I feel at ease having her around. We had some sharing, exchange of thoughts, had a drink together and stuffs.

After some time she asks me if I could be her best friend. I replied a nod and said;

“Of course, it would be a pleasure. But are you sure to treat me as your best friend even if we just new each other?”

I blushed when she answers me;

“I like you and I feel so safe every time when I’m with you, and the best part is I know Ill learn a lot of things from you.”

So I told her she can call me her best friend but I can’t promise to treat her the same way she treats me, and i won’t always be there at her side. But I promised her a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a tongue that is brave enough to hurt her just so she’ll hear the truth.

Before our conversation ends, she asks me two things; to sing a song for her (so I sang Lean On Me..) and to write her something. Like something that will describe her, of what I think of her and this is what my hand wrote:

Pitied by herself, maybe envied by others.

Absolutely loved by someone and definitely has cried for another.

She sees herself the way she does, maybe it’s different from what i think she was.

Maybe once or twice I heard her thoughts,

Thoughts that made me think what kind of battle she has fought.

Still fighting, still struggling or maybe looking for something,

Too much face for a few masks,

Would you trust this or that?

The difference between her lips and her eyes

Her frowning face while in a smiley mask

What is lie and what is not, I hope I know what else she got

One thing I knew…

She’s not all that

After that semester her an I has lost our communication but a year ago, it still feels like we’re always there for each other without catching up to do.

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