Chainsaw Man in Rwby

By Wussup3

31.4K 471 828

This is the first time that I do something like this so go easy on me but by all means give me some advice th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17


4.1K 51 58
By Wussup3

So as I stated in the description I'm new at this thing so I'm a bit clueless as what to do, and since I haven't really caught up with RWBY this is gonna take a little while to make, but luckily enough I have read every chapter of Chainsaw Man so yay.

So I think I covered pretty much everything at least I think so, but anyways I hope you enjoy reading this story(though I can't gurantee that it's going to be executed well but here we go). Also before I forget, manga spoilers for Chainsaw Man, so anime only viewers you have been warned. Okay very last thing Aki will still be alive and still be able to use the sword and the fox devil and Reze as well as Power are still alive too.

This is what can be seen sitting down watching what seemed to be a girl dancing while in a large panic because of what was behind her. It seemed that she was in a uniform that was for a fast food restaurant.

It seemed that the monster or even devil if you wished to call it that, was paying quite the close attention to the young girl who eventually got a perfect as her final score. Which would seem impossible to others, but those others weren't as in much possible danger as Kobeni was in. After a brief pause after completing the, oh so torturous dance with death, there soon to be a new voice from a much more mature being, that being was named Makima.

She had a army of men that seemed to connect to her with chains which must've meant that she controlled their every move.

She then says to the demonic being, "I've been killed by you about 26 times as of now, so why won't you eat me. Am I just not suitable for your tastes, or is it more than that?" Then she waited for the devil to answer which it only stared at her with almost no care for the woman's army nor to how she somehow floats in the air with the metal chains.

The girl, Kobeni started to repeat these same few words, "I have nothing to do with this, I have nothing to do with this..." until she was inturrepted by the woman in red hair, "But you have everything to do with this Kobeni" this shocked the girl when she heard this, then suddenly the devil with chainsaws was in one knee, Makima started to speak again, "Your fear of Chainsaw Man has decreased hasn't it." Then Makima started talking about how much she loved humans, comparing them as loyal lap dogs.

Then we see the tv's broadcasting the news and the newsman stating, "This just in, that the mysterious hero, Chainsaw Man who suddenly appeared in Japan has defeated the infamous Gun Devil." Everybody was cheering for the hero now known for the feat of defeating the gun devil by using signs that had the few letters of CSM crying tears of joy.

For those that wish to know how the gun devil looked like.

Going back to the three, Chainsaw man was still on the floor because of how everybody has lost their fear of him. Causing him to be weakend to a large extent. He even started bleeding all over his body because of the fear of the humans leaving them, and to only gain admiration for this devil.

Makima then said, "The fear from the devils is what gave you power. I have the humans eating through that power that you gained." Then Makima made a circle that looked like a intenstine, "You probably have enough strength to dodge this, but does she." She then attacked Kobeni with what seems to be a spear coming out of the intenstine aimed straight to Kobeni, but Chainsaw Man defended her by letting the attack hit him which in turn caused Chainsaw Man to start bleeding out of his mouth.


Later we see a woman with blonde hair and red horns on top of her head while another set can be seen protruding out of the sides of her head, with sharp teeth, and with a unique set of eyes. Her name being, "POWER, STOP RUNNING!" As a man yelled to her while another woman was following him.

This man being quite a lot taller than Power with a weird looking ponytail, and wearing a black suit and a tie. Though the most memorable thing about this man was that he was missing a arm.

The other woman was quite short with a collar on her neck, with a pretty set of green eyes that no other personn could ever match. With shoulder length hair, and the weirdest thing about the collar is that there was a pin that was mostly seen in grenades, though this small detail wouldn't be noticed by many with just one glance.

Then the now named Power kept running to the direction of what they thought Makima was in while saying,"NO AKI! NOT UNTIL WE GET TO DENJI!" The young man now known as Aki yells back saying, "WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF WE'LL FIND HIM RUNNING THIS WAY!" Power ignored this statement and trudged forward, then Aki turned asking the girl next to him, "Reze help me stop her, please." Still running behind Power. Reze then said, "Sorry, but I want to find Denji as much as her, so were not stopping just yet." Aki hated the way she said it in such a teasing tone. The running and carrying this stupid briefcase made catching up with Power even more difficult than it should've been, and to put insult to injury he only had one arm and they were both devils.

Now you may be asking why is the briefcase so important, well Aki had the idea that sometimes you have to become what you've hated to protect those you care about. Now for those that don't know he was one of the large group of victims that were affected by the Gun Devil, causing him to go in a war path to kill the Gun Devil. Using everything he could, like the sword on his back and the fox that he could summon by just saying a singular word and doing simple hand gesture. Although, the fox devil will eat a part of him as payment, like his flesh. In the other hand the sword was more of a last resort for it took away a large amount of his lifespan, if he ever wished to use it. The way it was used was if he ever stabbed the enemy with the nail-like sword he would say fire, and the curse devil will flick it's finger to drive the blade deeper in, now if the process is repeated three times then the Curse Devil will grab the target and bite the victem with it's two heads.

Now what was inside the case were what looked like bullets, but those who knew, these were fragments of the Gun Devil. There have been few cases where devils would consume the fragment to gain a large boost of power, so Aki thought if this worked with devils then possibly he could do the same by consuming them himself. Though this was still a gamble there has been zero cases of this ever happening in history, so he might die just consuming one of the fragments, but if it gave a chance for him to protect his new family then he's willing to take it.

Then after that the trio heard a loud demonic scream that could pierce through any ears that were too close. After hearing that they all started to run in break neck speeds hoping that they weren't too late to save Denji.

Back to the other three

After Chainsaw Man was stabbed by the spear he let out a loud scream that could be heard by those who were near, then to only lay down on the floor seemly dead.

So, out of curiousity, Makima checked if the ledgendary Hero of Hell died by her hands only for her to be hit by a comically large red hammer. Makima knew all to well to who this could be so she said, "Power, what do you think you're doing." Then she saw Power infront of Chainsaw Man in a defensive manner while saying, "BACK OFF MAKIMA, WE'RE NOT LETTING YOU HURT HIM ANY MORE!" Makima then asked, "Who's we?" Then right after that two other figures show up those two figures being Aki and Reze.

When they showed up she was purplex as to why Aki has a briefcase, then realizing that it was the same briefcase that held the gun devil fragments, but what would they do with them. So she asked, "Why do you have the gun devil fragments that we've collected Aki." Aki then answered, "Why should I even tell you, you monster." When Makima heard the last statement she was saddend, she thought she was doing everybody a favor by trying to use Chainsaw Man's power to make everybody forget the most dangerous things in the world. Oh well, she thought she didn't care enough about a single statement as the one he said.

She then thought that they didn't really matter and then ordered the zombie to attack by just saying, "Zombie, go fetch." The zombies started to stumble over in a fast manner considering that they're zombies. So Power and Reze started to fight back with Reze turning herself into her devil form the BOMB DEVIL.

Causing explosions to keep the hordes at bay while Power used the blood of the fallen zombies to create hordes of swords and knives to stall the apporach of the zombies. Then we go to Aki who we see trying to carry Chainsaw Man's body which was too heavy for one arm, so he thought that he would give some blood to him. He went into his picket to grab a small pocket knife that would have to do, but the problem was that he didn't have another arm that he could cut to give his friend Denji, and outta anger said, "GODDAMNIT, WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE ONE ARM!" Quickly he put the handle of the pocket knife between his teeth then put his only hand on top of the knife's blade and slash it as he quickly moves his hand fast enough to make a fairly decent size cut. With the fresh wound he brought his hand close to Chainsaw Man's mouth and let his blood flow to Chainsaw Man's mouth. After a few moments the chainsaws started to make a sound. The sound being quite menecing.


Chainsaw Man starts to get up after healing every injury that he has received. He then saw Makima, then the next second he was gone from Aki's side which surprised Aki with the sheer speed that Denji was going in.

After his revival Chainsaw Man went straight to Makima, but the horde of zombies were ordered to stop him which was to stall him as much as possible. He started to slash and hack through the horde in a vicious manner cutting those who stood in his path in half and cutting their heads off. Continuing his war path until he reached Makima.

Now that Aki saved Denji he was left behind with some of the horde running towards him while wielding different weapons. Now, back then Aki would've been strong enough to kill these zombies but he only had one arm, and if he uses the fox he would've been injuried because the fox eats small parts of him. The sword not only took away his lifespan it wasn't suited to fight hordes. Not only that his allies weren't exactly able to save him since they were busy dealing with the ones near them. So he finally decided to test his theory and sallowed 4 of the gun devil's fragments. At first he didn't feel any different, but after a few more seconds he grew his arm back to see that his arm that was still intact turn into a M16 rifle, and felt that his head turn, so using his normal arm he felt a barrels gun replace his eyes which he somehow still saw everything extremely well, and he had a gun's hammer replace his ponytail.

With this new found power he starts to fire at everything he saw causing loads of destruction in the bullets wake practically causing each zombie to exploded out of the sheer power behind each bullet. He was surprised saying," Woah, I knew that the gun devil was powerful, but to think as a fiend it's still this strong." As he said this he thought that if devils gained strength by just consuming these he should tell the rest to consume them.

To Power and Reze and also Kobeni

It seems that Kobeni stood behind Power and Reze so that she wouldn't die under the army of undead that were running towards them. Though after awhile of this onslaught of death both devils were starting to get tired. They were devils but they weren't gods with unlimited stamina Kobeni reacted to the following like this, "N-No way you two are already tired, I-I mean you're both devils s-so keep going c-cause I dont wanna die today." In a very teary face while sweating gallons that was inhumanely impossible. Power and Reze saying in response, "SHUT UP WE'RE DOING OUR BEST HERE WHILE YOU AREN'T DOING JACKSHIT!" In which turn made Kobeni start crying more then ever. Then they hear footsteps coming from behind them to which they were surprised by the sight they saw a devil with a gun head and a arm of a gun.

Chainsaw Man

After cutting down every foe that was in his path he finally made it to his main goal, Makima. He stopped infront of the woman with red hair and said, "Vrrkivrrma."(Makima in case your wondering) Makima responding with, " Chainsaw Man. It seems like you've finally gotten here in one piece. It's such a shame that I'll have to kill you, I am a big fan of yours after all." She calmly stated to the devil while the devil said nothing in return. "Well, I gues you weren't here just for a small chat or am I wrong." She stated to the battle ready devil. So the next move was made from Makima sending her "lap dogs" to fight her war. So in return the devil attacked back with his spinning saws tearing and ripping through the flesh of his enemies with ease. After awhile of doing this the other three joined the fight but this time stronger then ever before.

With the last gun devil fragment left to be consumed, the rest planned to give Denji the last one to give him a cutting edge to defeat Makima, and with there help they should be able to win with their newly found power, literally Power became a whole different being with sharp claws on each limb also having 4 arms instead of two, and as well a whole new face to boot.

So they arrived right before the big fight between the Control devil and Chainsaw Man, so the first to actually attack was Power making blades appear on her hands to stab the Control Devil which in a surprising manner Makima let land, and started to bleed a large amount of blood which the only word she said was, "Bang" which blew a hole right through the blood devil, but what surprised Makima the most was that she didn't flinch she just stood there healing the injury in a second.

Then another attack was landed, this time by Reze punching Makima in which she caused her hand to explode on impact. Then both Reze and Power move outta the way for Aki to then fire both the guns causing two large holes to appear on her stomach. Chainsaw Man was next to attack, but before he could Makima said, "Bang, bang, bang." causing three large holes to appear on him causing him to fall to the floor bleeding, but in Aki's hand was the last gun devil fragment in which he put in Denji's mouth which he sallowed.

After this you see his chainsaws grow in length, and his body growing thicker armor, and healing the three large holes in his body. In inhuman speeds Denji started to attack her without any restraint cutting her into pieces only for her to regenerate back, but he kept hacking without a stop. You think Makima had already lost but even in her final moments she had the last laugh she secretly had one more devil that she could command any time she wanted, and so there was a giant portal under four in which she said, "Good bye, division 4." In which they fell.

Then we see Denji back to his normal human form with his unusal sharp looking teeth and blonde hair.

All of them woke up to see Denji back to normal again which they hugged him happy to see him again, and not only was he back to normal it turns out that all of them can turn themselves to their humaniod selves again. But when they take in their surroundings they see that they're in a forest in which they hear growling behind them seeing red glowing eyes.


After a large amount of time writing this, I finished the chapter with over 2900 words which honesly surprised me cause I didn't think I would have this much fun with it.

Next chapter will be more on checking their abilites then pushing the story first so that you can understand how they use their powers and how the bullet fragments boosted their powers and such, but yeah I hope that y'all will enjoy this just as I enjoyed writing this.

Also tell me what I should fix in this chapter so that y'all can understand the story if I messed it up in any way or shape, but anyway bye.

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