A Soul To Servitude (Fgo x Ma...

By RedSpiderWeb

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For as long as you can remember you have served under someone whether it be a king or queen general or captai... More

Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea
Part 3: The Trouble Ahead
Part 4: A Friend Long Ago
Part 5: The Sound Of Metal
Part 6: A Duel of Spirits
Part 7: The Future

Part 2: City In Ruins

2.7K 68 14
By RedSpiderWeb

{Before we begin I'm sorry if this chapter feels dialogue heavy Also this will be when you are introduced.}

Ritsuka P.O.V

The howling of wind the clang of metal as it clashes together. Opening my eyes I see my savior they wore skin tight armor mix with onyx and steel my gaze goes towards her hair it was lilac just like....

Ritsuka : "Mash?!"

As the woman's figure turns her head to me there was no mistake about it this was none other than Mash.

Mash: "I'll explain later but for now, please stay down."

I was flabbergasted at the situation getting attacked beans of light having Mash protect me with a shield bigger than herself.
As the sounds of clanging metals abruptly stopped all I could do was hold my gaze at the woman.

Mash placed the shield to her side before planting it into the ground causing a loud thud

Mash: "Seems like the enemies assault is over we should get moving"

Mash grabbed my forearm and pulled me up from the ground before.

Ritsuka: "Mash you have to explain to me what's going on?! Where are we what happened to Chaldea why are you wearing that?!"

Mash: "For me to ex-

A howl of a woman's voice stopped the conversation. Where could that have come from I felt the warm feeling of someone's hand intertwined with mine

Mash: "Master I can't explain right now but I promise you will get an answer soon but please follow me until then"


As the raging fire beats down on the open streets, a young woman with white hair begins to sprint She takes long strides, her feet pounding the concrete ground as she builds up her speed. This woman being Olga Marie other wise known the Director

Sweat drips down her forehead, but she doesn't let it slow her down. She pushes herself harder, feeling the burn in her muscles as she runs.

Her arms swing back and forth, helping her maintain her balance as she charges forward. She can feel the wind rushing through her hair

Finally, out of breath and drenched in sweat, Olga comes to a stop. She bends over, panting heavily as she catches her breath she heard the sound of the wind howling against an oncoming weapon. Turning around she narrowly dodged a sword ready to pierce through her.

The blade only managed to scrape against the skin of her face leaving a cut. Seeing no other options Olga concentrated a force of power directly in her hands before laying her index finger onto the skull of the enemy before unleashing what could only be a wave of magic instantly vaporizing the enemy.

Turning around She gazed at the skeleton enemies following her a group of twelve each with a sharp weapon ready to end her life. Olga knew she didn't have enough

Olga: "Dammit ! Stay back!"

She blasted a force of magic to lessen their numbers but it seems the skeletons have adapted by watching and now their changing up their movements and running away from the blasts of energy.

Olga: "Stay still Dammit"

The chattering of bones drew Olga attention to her back only to see a skeleton managed to get above her ready to slice done she had no time to prepare and she couldn't move frozen in fear she could only wait till the skeleton needed her life until a large sword impaled the monster making it fly into a nearby wall.

Someone saved her?

Not spending to much time on that detail Olga turns back to see the beast still coming closer that was until a shield plummeted into the skeletons It was none other than Mash?! Using her shield Madh effortlessly waved her weapon around as if it weighed nothing. Each monster swiftly went down.

Olga: "Mash?!"

Ritsuka: "Are you alright Director."

Coming from thin air Ritsuka appeared. Mash soon joined the two after finishing off the enemies Olga was confused.

Olga: "What the hell is going on?"

Mash: "This is singularity F. Fuyuki, 2004"

Ritsuka: "Wait we've gone back in time how?"

Olga pieces together all that has happened and how they got here.

Olga: "I presume you've become a Demi-Servant? I'd like to know how it succeeded."

Mash: "Well I'm sure you know Chaldea prepared a Servant beforehand. In order to resolve the
investigation of Singularity F. Right before I died, he offered me the contract and I'm exchange for giving me the abilities of a Heroic Spirit and Noble Phantasm, he wanted me to eliminate the cause of the Singularity. So I merged with the servant to become  a Demi-Servant."

Olga: "Then I can only presume that this commoner has become your master"

Olga took Ritsukas right hand a raised it to eye level. Ritsuka saw a strange red mark with a faint glow implanted into her skin this had to be a command seal. Touching it with her other hand Ritsuka could feel a strange yet magical sensation from it.

Olga: "This command spell proves it. Your without a doubt a Master."

Ritsuka could only be hypnotized by the faint red glow of the command spell it was mysterious each brush of her hand touching it felt mystic. From the left collar of her sleeve she saw a faint blue blink roping her away from the command seal.

Pushing the cuff off  to her elbow the blinking revealed to be the watch on her wrist how did that get their? Pushing her index finger on the glass of the watch the flashing light disappeared as soon as if came but soon enough a new light appeared and it displayed the form of a man Ritsuka could recognize.

The orange fluffy hair tied into a ponytail the emerald green eyes this was Dr Romani.

Romani: "Hello can you hear me?"

Ritsuka: "Dr Romani?! I can't believe it your alive!"

Romani: "You guys really did get caught in the Rayshiff."

Olga grasped Ritsukas Fire arm before pulling it towards her.

Olga: "Why the hell are you contacting us from the main control room?! Where's Lev?!"

Romani was silent he didn't know what to say.... No he just didn't know how to put it into words

Dr Romani: "I uh... When the blast happened Lev was  right in the middle of the explosion. I can't see any hope in his survival."

Olga: "...."

Clenching her fist and gritting her teeth this loss was major to Olga but the task remains the same so she regains composure

Olga: "Then what about the Master potentials. What happened to the 47 people who were in coffins."

Dr Romani: "All of them are in critical condition at this rate...."

Olga: "Don't finish those words you need to transfer them to cryopreservation immediately. Our top priority is to ensure there survival."

Dr Romani: "I'll do it at once."

Olga: "As long as they don't die, this can be justified. I couldn't possibly carry the burden of 47 lives on my back"

Dr Romani: "We have a problem currently Chaldea has lost 80% of all functions. Once communications with the outside are restored I'll need to request supplies and start reconstructing Chaldea."

Olga: "I'm not happy about this situation but until we get back Romani your in charge of Chaldea."

Olga looked away towards the city in flames.

Olga: "Starting now Ritsukas and Mash we will begin the investigation on Singularity F"

Romani: "If an emergency happens come contact me"

And with that the communication with Romani was disconnected.  Olga placed her palm to her face and shook her head. There was no doubt in her mind that the association would hang her head.

Olga: "We can't go home empty handed. I'm sorry Mash and Ritsuka but I'll need your aid."

Mash & Ritsuka in unison said Roger no matter the danger they would be ready to face it.

Olga: "We aren't gonna find the singularity by just standing around let's get a move on."

1 hour later

The buildings are in ruins, with smoke still rising from some of the rubble. The air is thick with the smell of ash and the sound of crackling embers. The group of three move cautiously, scanning their surroundings.

Ritsuka: "Hey earlier I heard the name Holy grail any idea what that is?"

Olga: "Well in 2004 it's been confirmed that a special ritual called a "holy grail war" took place in this city. A holy grail is a magical vessel that contains the foundation of all forms of magic."

Mash stopped but she wasn't listening to the conversation instead she looked to the buildings to the sky in her mind she could only think something was strange.

Olga: "Mages in the city of Fuyuki competed in the Holy grail and summoned seven heroic spirit knights to activate it. The seven Masters battled it out, and in the end the survivor obtained the holy grail or so we think."

Ritsuka: "What do you mean?"

Olga: "Our records stop there we have no idea what the conclusion of the battle is. Did the ritual succeed? Did it fail? Whatever did happen the servants actions ended without anybody knowing about-"

Mash slammed her shrikes into the ground causing her group to turn there attention to her Mash's gaze was held to the building before she shouted "We need to leave! A servant is in the area!!"

Wasting no time the group dash away from the area continuing on there journey. Footsteps echoed over and over.

Ritsukas turned her gaze back to her group. "I think we should turn bac-" But before Ritsuka could finish her sentence she was cutoff by her face colliding against a cold hard stone wall. Ritsuka falls to the ground causing a small thud to be heard.

Ritsuka: "Shit I should really look where I'm going."

Rubbing her head she turned back to her group to see what they had to say about her clumsiness. But her group didn't pay her any attention they were too busy looking at something above something that made them freeze in fear but the only thing above her would have to be the stone wall why would they be looking at that?

Turn her head back as quickly as she could Ritsuka was met with a sight that drained the color from her face.

A large amount of stone in the form of a human being there was multiple of them each of had a look of terror engraved on there face.

???: "A unknown Servant and unknown master."

The sound of clanging metal was heard from the sky and looking up Ritsuka could see chains coming straight at her. A hand firmly grasped Ritsukas forearm before pulling her back this was none other than Mash.

The chains retracted back and returned to presumably their owner.

Mysterious Woman: "How young and fresh.."

The voice was that of a woman she spoke in a sultry tone her figure was hidden by a black cloak most of her features the only clear thing that could be seen was her long flowing lilac hair and her glowing pale yellow eyes.

Mash: "A servant but where could the master be?!"

Olga: "With this damn world it wouldn't surprise me if this servant had no master at all"

Looking around the area Ritsuka couldn't help but gaze at the lifeless men and women stuck in stone those stones had to be former humans.

Olga : "Seems that the servant turned them into stone."

Ritsuka: "Why the hell would you do this?!?"

The figure scoffed at Ritsuka how dare this little girl even think she needed reasoning the figure thought.

Mysterious Woman: "You complain? Just like you they wandered into my hunting ground I'm free to treat you and any other however I please, am I not?"

Mysterious Woman: "And what I want is to add three new statues to my collection."

Mash: "Don't worry Olga and Ritsuka just stay behind me and we'll get through this"

Olga: "You sure you can take her?"

Mash: "I'll have no trouble fighting her

Mysterious Woman: "Oh how bold and fresh. I'm assuming this is your first time fighting as a servant."

Not seeing a point in lying Mash nods her heads the clocked woman's eyes flashed with delight.

Mysterious woman: "Well then as your elder I'll teach you"

She spoke with a sinister smile her teeth widened. The woman raised her hand to the sky before materializing a lance like sickle. She twirled it in the air before putting it in a acceptable position.

Mysterious Woman: "Be careful of what you say and do cause once the word fight leaves your lips-"

The woman's sentence stopped abruptly her smile dropped and her weapon lowered. Mash tried to keep her gaze on the woman prepared to stop the enemy once they moved in for an attack but it never arrived the woman stood still frozen.

Mash took a single moment to blink but that's what almost decided her fate opening her eyes mash could no longer see the enemy she disappeared only leaving dust on her place.

"It has already begun." Those were the last words Mash heard before the sound of banging metal filled her eardrums. The pole like sickle scraped and screamed as it went against mash's shield. Each strike was precise and powerful the enemy wouldn't let up."

There was no opening for a counter attack mash could only stand her ground and hold her defensive position.

Mysterious Woman: " Be careful not to falter for if my lance deals any wound it can never be healed. Even if a miracle happened and your entire body was healed the mark would still live for that is the power of the lance of immortal killing."

This time, the enemy feints to the left before swinging her lance in a wide arc, but Mash is ready and uses her shield to parry the attack. With the lance bouncing off the shield mash is ready for a counterattack and lifts her shield high and bashes the enemy spirit pushing her to the side causing her to fly backwards.

Mysterious Woman: "Great counter I'm almost impressed."

The enemy spirit charges forward with a series of swift slashes and strikes. Even though carrying the massive shield Mash dodged each strike with ease intact it was too easy the enemy spirit has to be going easy on Mash.

The enemy spirit charges once again but was quickly met with Mash sidestepping Mash used her shield and bashed into the woman causing her to stumble back Mash takes the advantage and strikes with her shield only to be met with a lance coming directly for her. Mash pushed back only narrowly dodging the weapon.

Mash: "Too close almost lost an eye

It's back where they started both in a position waiting for another to make a move

Mysterious Woman: "You have a little fight don't you girl? Let's see how you handle this."

The woman wraps her fingers around her long hair and makes it flow above her neck. The purple hair moved with the wind going up and down almost hypnotically. Mash's gaze followed the hair back and forth she so oblivious to the fact that the hair was beginning to form heads of a snake.

Olga: "Mash move!!"

But she couldn't listen her mind was elsewhere dazed by the performance of the woman's hair she couldn't even see the snakes slowly slithering out of her hair and falling to the ground as they make their approach to Mash.

Ritsuka ran forward ready to protect her friend only for chains to sprout from the ground and block her off.

The snakes slithered up Mash's ankles to her legs up her waist above her chest and settled on her neck before wrapping around her throat.

(Okay I got tired of calling her mysterious woman I'll just be calling her lancer for now)

The lancer walked down with a slow stride her victim was unable to do anything but stare blankly. "This will be a beautiful statue" the lancer said with a grin so sinister. Finally closing the distance there she was Mash unmoving frozen almost the perfect statue all it needs was one *slash*




Head after head fell down making a plop sound. The snakes restraining mash died within a instant.

???: "Not to be rude but you need to learn new tricks old friend."

The snarky remark came from a voice loud and booming with pride and confidence. The lancer groaned this was a person she was quite familiar with.

Lancer: "Saber..."

As if saying his title gave him life the so called saber materialized out of thin air. It was a knight unlike any other.

{~This is obviously you~}

A man wearing rusted metal and iron his weapon and armor have suffered from the elements of battle. Traces of a once shiny armor now covered in layers upon layers of reddish-brown rust giving it a dull aged appearance.

The helmet still covered by a tattered coat someone could still see it could still see the polished and adorned helmet with decorative elements but now are lost to time covered by dirt and rust.

The knights chainmail which could be assumed once bright and flexible is know stiff and clumped together in places one would think this would slow down movements.

The knights weapons also showed signs of neglect and rust the blades edges were dull and their surfaces pitted and corroded it would easily break under intense pressure. Despite this rusted knights aged appearance the intense aura of pride and duty rages on.

Lancer: "Your siding with these strangers."

Saber: "Of course it's my duty to defend those in distress."

Lancer: "And they say chivalry is dead."

Within a second the lancer rushes the knight. With a swift swing of the sword the lancer spins to the side dodging the blade before thrusting only to narrowly miss the Knight.

The knights at a disadvantage here while deadly his sword isn't nearly long enough to have to the range of a lancer and as the fight goes on the knight continues to attack but the lancer keeps her distance and only jabs at the saber.

The knight charges once again but this time feints to the left and swings his sword to the right catching the lancer off guard and making her switch to a defensive position. Seizing the opportunity and not wanting the lancer to regain composure the saber takes advantage of the opening and slashes once again only for his strike to be parried by the enemy the lancer then thrusts her lance forward aiming for the sabers chest.

—-Ritsuka P.O.V

The fight between servant and servant raged on it was an amazing sight to see two fighters experienced in the art of combat they moved like dancers who've tangoed countless times.

While the battle seems fair for both sides the lancer has an edge in this battle and if the knight doesn't change his strategy the battle will end in him losing . And as if he heard me the Knight jumps back away from the enemy and lands close to my group.

Saber: "I know I have no right to ask but for now I need you to trust me and know that I'm on your side"

Olga: "What are you doing?!"

Saber: "I'm sorry but may I borrow your servant, young lass?"

The saber turned his attention to me the eyehole slit of his helmet was aimed directly at me almost staring into my soul. I could only say one word.

Ritsuka: "Yes."

Without hesitation I said yes I had no doubt in my mind that this was the man who saved Mash from being turned to stone. After speaking those words the saber turned his head to Mash

Saber: "Well young lady it's time we get into position. I'll be letting your master devise the plan."

I stared silently stuck I my thoughts, me make a plan? how the hell can I do that I'm just a rookie I barely have been in a fight much less make a plan it wasn't until I felt cold steel rest on my shoulder. Looking down I saw his hand on my should and him looking down at me.

Saber: "Steel yourself young master I have faith in you."

Faith... He had faith in me someone else was putting their trust and life in me even though being a complete stranger I should be even more scared to do this but I didn't I felt reassured I felt pride someone believed in me so much that they would lend me their life. Mash and the saber both are putting their lives in my hands I can't chicken out now.

Looking at the Saber, Lancer and Mash I felt a spark connect to brain I knew the perfect plan.

Ritsuka: "Okay listen carefully."


3rd Person

The plan was set and all pieces were placed now all that's left is for the Lancer to take the bait. Both the saber and Mash stood their ground with weapons ready both waiting for the lancer to strike. But the Lancer didn't budge an inch she knew she'd have a much more difficult task trying to handle both at once.

Lancer: "Oh wow a two on one how unfair Saber wouldn't you please go easy on me and fight me one on one."

The lancer spoke with a mocking attitude of fear but on the inside she was anxious and anticipating anything from them. It's not like the saber will actually honor those fake words but-

Saber: "As you wish but I'll still pummel you to the ground and make you beg for mercy."

Are you serious he can't be?! The saber listened to the Lancers words fully knowing he can lose this battle yet he still is agreeing to the terms. The saber looked at Mash before saying "Stand down"

Saber: "Alright Lancer let's begin-!"

Before he could finish his sentence the lancer disappeared leaving only a gust of wind the knight didn't make a move he stood still waiting for the right moment he then moved to to the left dodging a lance striking into the ground.

Saber: "Gonna have to be faster then that."

The lancer pulled her weapon out of the and swings with insane speed only for the saber to duck down roll away from the attack but before he could regain his footing chains shot out from the ground aiming to pierce his head but the saber pushes his legs back causing him to dodge the chains but also fall to the ground and hit his head.

The saber recovers and pulls himself up to his knees only to sense an oncoming attack he moves to a defensive position and blocks what ever was coming at him with his sword. The clang of metal rang in his ears safe to say he blocked the Lancer once again.

The Lancer wouldn't stop she went on the offensive trying to push the Saber into a corner more and more and surprisingly it was working the Saver couldn't fight back he was stuck defending himself one slash from his sword could end her but he didn't have an openings.

Lancer: "What!! No snarky remarks like usual do you finally realize your situation!! Oh come on Saber respond!!"

Saber: "Remember when I agreed to a fair one on one?"

Without being able to give an answer a heavy shield being thrown at the Lancer cuts the conversation short.

Saber: "I lied"

All according to Ritsukas plan.


Ritusuka: "Alright listen closely... Saber you'll be the bait to draw the Lancers attention and while she's trained on you Mash will be waiting when she's most vulnerable and strike and when she's knocked down Saber will pounce and give the death blow."

Saber: "Excellent Idea young master."

Mash: "I knew you could do it."

*Flashback Over*

The Lancer tumbled to the ground and drops her weapon leaving her defenseless. The Saber readies his weapon jumping at the chance to seize the moment and deal with her. The Saber rushes forward ready to end her.

The lancer crawls to her weapon she can make it she can fight back she can win her weapon is just in reach... her head falls off. A loud shriek of pain fills the skies and a fountain of blood erupts from her missing hand.

Blood slowly drops down from the Sabers weapon as he drags is across the ground and makes his way to the Lancer rolling into the ground she looked so pathetic and weak he almost didn't want to kill a person he once called comrade

Saber: "Goodbye."


The sword falls and pierces through the servant heart quickly killing her. Slowly but surely the servant dematerializes and fades with the wind. Turning his gaze back to the other he could see them sigh in relief.

The saber walks over to Mash before grasping her hand suddenly and shaking it up and down.

Saber: "You showed great courage today it was an honor to fight alongside you"

Mash could only look up at him with surprise on her face she wasn't expecting him to hold her hand not thank her so formally. The saber let's go and move onward to the woman with orange hair she noticed his stride to her immediately she opened her palm expecting the same treatment as mash and while he did hold her hand he immediately bowed down.

Saber: "My name is (Y/n) marshal please let's form a contract."

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