❤︎ My Revenge ❤︎

By Eroticlove_5

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Leonie Waldorf and Ian James hate each other. Not dislike. not barley tolerate. Hate. When he's needs a tutor... More

𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒
Chapter 1: what the fuck am I going to do?
Chapter 2: Because he's my enemy!
Chapter 3: I'm starting to think you like me
Chapter 4: I can't believe I loved him
Chapter 5: I want revenge
chapter six: Everyones looking at us
Chapter 7: It's ours
Chapter 8: What the fuck did we just do? |part one|
Chapter 9: what tge fuck did we just do? |part two|
Chapter 10: I feel at peace
Chapter 11: prove it
Chapter 12: Mines
Chapter 13: I'm yours
Chapter 14: Happy
Chapter 15: My girl
Chapter 16: Only yours
Chapter 17: Someone I Trust
Chapter 18: forced
Chapter 19: center of attention
Chapter 20: falling into place
Chapter 22: Girls Night
Chapter 23: Girls night pt.2
Chapter 24: Together
Chapter 25: I'm not wearing any
Chapter 26: Oblivion
Chapter 27: My Revenge
Chapter 28: Sweet Revenge
Chapter 29: Twisted Prince
Chapter 30: Rowan James
Chapter 31: Christmas dinner
Chapter 32: The Big B
Chapter 33: You Called
Chapter 34: The Party

Chapter 21: My dad

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By Eroticlove_5

CHAPTER 21: My dad


My series of finding an agent so far has been a disaster.

That Thursday I drove to Five different locations where my future agent would make my dreams come true. Each conversation I had with a different agent I knew Lara was right. It's almost impossible for me to land an agent.

I realized I didn't have much to offer. Sure, making it to the second round of the competition was great, and landing a fashion internship was impressive. It still wasn't enough.

The people they represent have so much more experience and huge platforms than me. Dating a star hockey player did get me a buzz but it only lasted so long. People are interested in people like Ian's life, not mine.

I mean I can't blame them. I don't post on my Instagram like ever. Too scared I'm letting see into my life just to hurt and judge me.

I've done that way too many times before and nor do I intend to do it again.

My fashion wasn't what got me so much in the media which bothers me.

Ian and I relationship got everyone's attention on me. This is great and all but I don't want this to be because of him. It should be because of me. My designs, my determination, my long hours of sewing until my fingers bleed. Not Ian.

That's why I'm doing this on my own.

Finding an agent would've been a breeze with Ian's connections. But I don't need Ian. I can and will do this on my own. I'm confident in myself.

I stroll into V.C style ready to meet my next potential agent. I quickly speak to the receptionist who informs me he's ready for me on the sixth floor.

The Elevator ride is filled with the sound of my heart pounding fast. When the doors open I take a deep breath easing my nerves.

With A soft knock on the door I'm welcomed in. "Ms.Waldorf it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine Mr.cooper." We greet each other with a handshake before settling in our seats. "Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."

"You were pretty persistent about getting a meeting. I look for that in a future client ." Miles Cooper smiles. "Now I'm very short on time so I took the liberty to look you over."

I straighten in my seat as Mr.cooper pulls about a piece of paper I assume has all my information on.

"I've looked at your designs and I'm quite impressed. You also made it to the second round of the competition." Cooper continues to look over the paper. "You do have buzz in the media but not so much because of your work. I want to fix that."

Cooper settles the paper and claps his hand together. "You have major potential, you just need a little push."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"For starters you need to be more active, engage with your fans."

Got it! be more active, don't pull away. "I assume you want the BoHo Co. deal?"

"How did you-"

"I've gotten many requests lately because of this deal. But you Ms.Waldorf stood out the most." Cooper lifts from his seat. "This industry is cut throat. The weak don't survive. That's why I choose you to have this meeting with. I know you won't cry whenever you get rejected, you'll try even harder."

Cooper takes a seat and my heart begins to pound loud enough for him to hear. "With that being said I want to be your agent."

I sigh of relief and jump up shaking Cooper's hand eagerly and fast. Thank you so much." Cooper nods to the rapid shake of his hand and I quickly let go.

I mouth a Sorry and Cooper speaks again. "Only on one condition. I want to see progress from you in a month. Build your platform and land this deal. If you mess up I will drop you."

I swallow hard and nod.

"Guaranteed me I'm not making a mistake Ms.Waldorf."

"I will."


Stepping out of the building onto the hectic street I smile In joy. I just landed my first agent. I have to celebrate! I have to call-

"Hiding from me?" A deep husky voice says from behind me. I turn to find Ian leaning against his car in a black fitted short-sleeve shirt and black pants. Seriously, does he wake up looking hot?

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to see if your phone broke or you'd gone through some sort of cirrus preventing you from answering your phone." Ian has been calling and texting me nonstop over the days. Once I establish my plan I'd plan to call him back. It looks like he beat me to the punch on that one.

"How did you even find me? Sniff me out from the crowd?"

"I stalked you." Ian says without a hint of emotion.

"You know I can send you to jail for that right?"

"Will you send me a meal? Preferably you."

I roll my eyes. "It's rude to follow me around. I need me time."

"You've had enough me time." Ian says emblazoning the word me. "Now it's time for us to get back together."

"You can't just demand my time, you have to earn it."

Ian leans in, his lips grazing my ear. "If you insist, I have many ways I can earn it with you on a table, wall, couch, and whatever position you'd like."

I put my hand on his chest pushing him away. "You can't use sex to win this argument."

Ian's hand lands on my waist and he pulls me closer to him. "Argument? No Dutch? yes. Though either is fine by me you're hot when you're mad."

"I'm glad you find amusement in my anger." Ian obviously is ignoring me as he takes in my figure slowly before landing back on my eyes.

I know what that look means. "No"

"I could change your mind."

"This is your consequence for stalking me." I folded my arms. "You're not getting any."

Not even a kiss.

"I have someplace I want to take you."


"Get in." Ian opens his passenger side door without answering my questions.

"I can't leave my car." I protest.

"I can come back and pick it up. Now get it." I don't argue and hop inside the passenger seat. I haven't been answering him lately and I really miss him.

Ian jumps in the car and soon we're off. Five minutes into the drive Ian sets his hand on my thigh gently massaging me.

The only time his hand leaves my thigh is to change the song currently playing. "Hope you don't mind me changing the music."

"Bed Rock by young money begins to play" I try to contain my laugh. I know what he's trying to do. Make me give in but I won't.

His hand rested on my thigh again with a soft smile on his face.

"Mr.J!" The market owner said with a huge smile when he saw Ian. "Great to see you again! And with a pretty lady on your arm." He winked at me. "You're the girlfriend?"

"Nah he paid me to pose as his girlfriend. I'm only here for the fruit." Ian pulls me closer to him growling into my ear. "Careful."

The market owner laughed while my fake boyfriend released a sigh. "That must be the only explanation for you to end up with an ogre like him."

"He needs a little work In the beauty department." I pat Ian's shoulder. "But he has other great qualities I'm sure."

"Leonie met Joe. A long-time friend of the family and wannabe comedian." He picks up a piece of fruit. "I don't know why I put up with your old ass."

"Old? I'll have you know I'm only sixty."

Taking in the fruit Ian's hold. It's a beautiful and otherworldly-looking fruit. The fruit is about the size of a grapefruit, oval-shaped, and a shade of green. Its skin is very scaly, resembling an artichoke.

"I've never seen this type of fruit before."

"It's a cherimoya. Native to the Andes in Central America. It's one rare fruit to most."

I nod before taking in the market. It's filled with delicious fruit I've never seen. Not a single grape insight.

"Did you grow all of these?"

"Indeed. My late husband and I traveled the world tasting different kinds of rare fruit. I decided to share that with the world by growing all the fruits we tried together. Sharing a part of him with the world." Joe smiles shyly remembering his late husband.

"That's beautiful." I picked up another fruit. "You're a great husband Joe."

"I appreciate that." Joe smiles even more. "There's a sitting area in the back and it has a wonderful view of the sunset. I can cut some of my best fruit for you to try while you enjoy the view."

"I would love that! Thank you Joe."

"It's no problem! I enjoy Ian's visit and I want to treat his lovely girlfriend."

"How long have you known Joe?" I ask Ian taking a bite of the cherimoya. The flavor of sweet but creamy takes fills my mouth. It's sweet like candy with a mix of banana, pineapple, and a few strawberries thrown in.

I'll have to Joe to take some fruit home.

The sitting area is beautiful. A wall with green plants draped onto it closes off the view for outsiders. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe grew these flowers too. They're beautiful.

"Since I was five years old. He's a very old family friend." I raise my eyebrows telling Ian to continue. I love hearing about Ian's past. It's like reading a book but the next chapter is blank and you wonder what's next.

"My mother ate this one specific fruit all the time. One day the market near us stopped selling the fruit so she came here. She and Joe bonded quickly and soon Joe came to thanksgiving dinners, vacations, and holiday parties. He became a part of the family."

"What was the fruit?"

"A cherimoya." Ian's nods to my plate.

I beam and Ian notices. "I'd like to think the story is very touching to you but it isn't."

I gasp and slap Ian on the arm. "Hey, it's a very touching story. I love to hear about your past."


"He reminds me of someone I used to know." I settle my fork down. "My dad."

Ian noticed my expression and quickly intertwined our fingers. "You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, love. One step at a time."

I try to force a smile. "You've told me about some of your past but I've told you nothing. Sometimes you can be an open book while I can't give you one piece of information."

I squeeze Ian's hand so hard I think I might break it. "I trust you Ian." I give him a small nod.

" My dad was a lot like Joe. Very caring, sweet, and gentle. When he wasn't on crack anyways." The last words don't make Ian finch like they did Ethan. Instead, Ian pulls me down onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder. "He wasn't a great father but when he was a good one he was very good."

"He'd watch movies with me, braid my hair, help me with my homework. I forgot about the addiction in those little moments being in the moment as long as I could. I knew it wouldn't last long. My sister never did those things with him though. She was tough and strong while I was weak, believing what was a lie."

"You weren't weak love, you were a child wanting love."

I lean into Ian more and speak again. "He didn't stop using drugs even though I thought it pained him so much. I believed every time he took a drug and looked at his two children it pained him. That he wanted to stop. My thoughts were proven wrong after an incident had occurred."

I take a deep breath and Ian runs his hand along my thigh claiming me. "He left me. He deserted his daughters. The worst part? My sister wasn't shocked when we came home to find his few things gone. I was the stupid little girl that let a tear shed. I keep letting it happen. I love someone and they leave me. Shitting over my trust. Gosh I'm so pathetic."

"Don't talk about yourself like that. You're everything but pathetic love. Those idiots didn't see how much of a wonderful woman you are. And they don't deserve to." Ian kisses my cheek. "Your fucking everything. My everything.

"So you still want to hold me after I told you that sob story?" Ian's eyes shot up to mine. I can feel his heart hammering against my chest.

Every inch of my body warmed.

His hand slipped around the back of my neck and whispered against my throat. "you have no fucking idea."

The sunlight dimmed on us and Joe shouted from within the shop. "Going home early I have to catch Judge Judy's new episode. Lock up for me." With that, I hear a door close.

"Love, it's wise for you to get off my lap." But I don't move. I stayed there in Ian's embrace.

Ian mends his head to press his mouth on the side of my neck. "You know why I brought you here?"

I stay quiet, though I'm sure Ian can feel my body begin to tremble.

He kisses me in the same spot again, his hands under my shirt

"I want you to know every aspect of life. The good and bad. So when the time comes you'll be ready to be mine." The words murmured against my skin. He pulls away from my neck resting his head on mine.

Ian's dick swelled beneath me in response. He runs his fingers through my hair before fisting it as our lips touch.

The heat of Ian's lips fell over mine and I ran my hands beneath his shirt feeling his warm bare chest.

I want him. I want everything at once. Ian's free hand stays on my upper thigh but I can feel it shake.

We held each other, our lips attracted with no movement. Until finally...

Ian caught my bottom lip with his teeth, I whimpered and sunk my mouth into his. My hand comes up to wind around his neck pulling him deeper.

I pressed my body into him further, my breast pressed into his chest. Ian traces his hand along my side, soon drifting across my breast.

"So soft," Ian panted over my mouth.

I part my lips allowing his tongue to enter and deepen the kiss.

Our kisses turned into us devoting each other. Tongues, teeth, biting, and heavy breathing.

I love how it feels. His tongue tangled with mine. His hand in my hair and on my beast. His heart beating rapidly. And gosh those moans he makes when I kiss the sweet spot on his neck or when he completely devours me.

It's like I'm the most delicious thing he's tasted.

The familiar pulsing between my thighs begins.

All he's responsible for.

And he's the only one that can stop it.

I can't breathe or think. I can only run my fingers on his skin helplessly. His fingers slide up, skimming the top of my bra.

I moaned, diving down to his neck. I grind on him, nibbling and sucking his neck.

My head fogged at the feel of him. I wanted to see him. I wanted to touch and kiss him in other places.

But I fought the urge to straddle him.

"Fuck" Ian gasped.

"Ian..." I gasped, breaking away from his mouth. still breathing heavily and unable to move.

I give him a quick peck on the lips before smiling.

"One more" he begs.

My smile grows even bigger and I greet his lips with another peck.

Ian's lips leave my lips before carrying me back into the shop.
Ian and I walk on the sidewalk in comfortable silence.

I look over and see Ian grinning ear to ear.

"What are you smiling about?"

"You said you wouldn't give me any." Ian continues to smile cockily.

Fuck, I'd forgotten about my mission to make Ian pay for his actions. My lips and vagina obviously had other plans. I can't believe those bitches betrayed me.

"You only got any because you hypnotized me."

"What with my lips?" Ian laughs. "don't blame yourself for giving in Waldorf, my lips are pretty soft. I would kiss myself if I could."

"One day I hope to have a house as big as your ego."

Traffic begins to increase since people are getting off work. A car honks trying to get the other to move.

Ian switches sides making sure he's on the side of the street and I'm towards the building. "Sidewalk rule." Ian mumbles.

I turn my head slightly so he can't see my smile.

A perfect gentleman.


"I'm 99.9% sure that you have a strange food fetish." Leonie looks over the eight different dishes I prepared for her. I didn't know which one she liked best so I decided to make them all. "Is it your utmost desire to feed me?"

"Yes, it certainly is my desire to feed you but what I desire most is to put something in your mouth that is not food."

Leonie takes a seat seemingly quiet but I heard her whisper the words "food's overrated anyways."

She's playing with fire. It took every inch in my body not to slip my fingers underneath her jeans today.

I can't keep trying to stop my urge for her. I'm going to make her mine. Whether she likes it or not.

Today unfortunately will not be that day. She looks beautiful but I can see she's very tired.

I walk over to where she sits eating one of the pasta I made and swoop her into my arms.

"Hey! Where are we going? Put me down!"

"I'm taking you to our bed."

"You may have gotten a make-out session but I'm not having sex with you, mister!" she declares.

"For sleep not sex"

"Oh," Leonie says, resting her head on my shoulder.

I carry her upstairs before gently placing her on our bed. Leonie would say this isn't our bed since she doesn't live here but What's mine is hers. She completely owns me and everything I have.

I'm about to head back downstairs but the voice of my love stops me. "Stay."

I hop in the bed with her and she places her head on my chest. "When did I become a pillow?" I chuckle.

"Shh it's safe here." I don't say anything more and soon she's dozing off to sleep.

I watch as she sleeps which is totally crazy to some, but I can't help it. She consumes me even when she's asleep. "Why'd you go and make me hopelessly obsessed with you?" I ask stroking her black hair.

I wrap my arms around her and give her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Her phone begins to ding but I don't pick it up wanting to give her privacy.

But the shit dings again.

And again.

And again.

"Fuck privacy." I murmured before picking up her phone from the side table.

It's a text from Ethan.

Why the fuck is he texting her?

I read over the text of Ethan begging for forgiveness when another chimed in. A picture of flowers he left on her doorstep.

That motherfucker.

I snapped a selfie of Leonie curled up on my chest in my shirt sleeping before pressing send.

"Stop texting it's pathetic E. She's asleep with me. And she's allergic to Tulip's dipshit" I quickly sent after.

I place her phone back on the side table not hearing another ding. I pull Leonie closer and fall asleep with her in my embrace.

Hiii guys!! I hope everyone's getting in a festive mode for thanksgiving and the day I've been waiting for most...Christmas!!

Thanks for all the love again and I hope you love Ian's and Leonie story so far!!

If there's anything you want to see in a new chapters or have any questions let me know!!

Had to give Ian some outfit appreciation:

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