The New Boy (LuNa)

By cheburburb

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Hey, this is my first fan fiction so I apologise in advance. Nami lives what appears to be an ordinary life... More

The new kid
Two of a kind
I'm right here
What would I give to wake in your arms
Something's wrong
shared pain
if only life didn't pick its favourites.
the broken and the reformed
here for you
not alone
an unexpected guest
patched up
welcome to my world
hellos and goodbyes
doctor chopper
prolific nightmares
dont touch
by your side
special update - christmas one shot
back to life
Thank you

take care of me

668 10 3
By cheburburb

Namis side ached from the kicks she had received, and red marks on her arm showed exactly where she had been grabbed.

'Lu, chopper, should we go upstairs and and patch ourselves up? She suggested. Luffy gunted and rolled off her so she could bet up. She offered him her hand and her took it, the toll of standing much more than it should be.

Together, they scooped chopper up and hauled themselves upstairs where they collapsed on the floor of namis room.

All three of them collapsed onto the matress that still adorned the floor. Soon after, chopper faded back into oblivion, leaving Nami and luffy to tend to themselves.

Without either of them saying a word, luffy strode right up to nami and gently took the base of her shirt between his fingers before casually pulling it over her head.

Nami sat there, completely stunned, for a solid 5 seconds before reality caught up to her and she turned beet red. Luffy, however, didn't seem at all phased by the fact that he had litterally just stripped her. He tossed the shirt aside and began to gently trace each of her ribs. The action stirred that thing inside her, but it also caused one shit ton of pain. She cried out through gritted teeth and luffy immediately pulled his hand away.

'I don't think any are broken, but I cant really tell.' He said. He didn't seem to notice namis flushed face as pulled out various ointments and bandaged up her sides. When her entire torso up to the base of her breasts was covered, he pulled away and repeated the process with the bruises of her arms. When When got to the final piece of damage, he slowed, allowing the bandages to drop out of his hands as he covered his face and curled up.

'Goddammit Nami, I'm so sorry. I couldn't even get out of the door. I shouldn't have let myself get this weak...' He sobbed. Immediatly, Nami wrapped him in an embrace and pulled him closer.

'Don't apologize to me stupid.' She said. 'It makes it sound like you regret saving my ass.'

'I'm sorry...' He whispered again. Not feeling like repeating her point, Nami he's him it a arms length to give him a look that did it for her. He never caught it. Instead, he passed out and sloped to the floor, exhausted and suffering low iron and blood sugars. Nami, unsure of what to do, pulled a shirt on and left him there and ran chopper down to the ambulances that were just leaving.

They happily took him and nami returned to luffy, having decided in that moment to respect his only request to be kept away from doctors. She gently picked him up and put him on her bed, tucking him I and sitting beside him.

She stared down at his sleeping face and gently brushed the hair out of his eyes, her face openly showing the adoration she had for him now that nobody was there to see it.

She knew she loved him. She had always loved him. And maybe, when he was able to think clearly again, she would tell him that to his face. Not because she expected him to return the feelings, but because that way he would at least know that he was still loved.

Sighing, Nami wandered off to the kitchen to prepare a glass of water and gather all the medication hopper had left behind. After bringing that up she prepared a platternof as many helpful things she could think of. Finally, she crawled in beside luffy and snuck under his arms, burying her face in his chest.

Luffy stirred in his sleep, rolling slightly and wrapping his arms around Nami. Her eyes widened and she squeezed them shut, trying to calm herself down. He was so warm and despite smelling of blood, sweat and alcohol wipes, his presence lulled her to sleep.

Downstairs, genzo had finished dealing with the cops and bell mère had tidied everything up. They were mow sitting in a nild state of shock, neither of them saying a word. They were both just glad luffy was there. If not, Nami could have been abducted from her own home.

Eventually, genzo caught bell mères eye.

'Are you... alright?' He asked quietly. She just nodded and looked at the floor.

'I'm just a bit surprised is all.' She stated, giving him a small smile. Since he had pretty much recovered from his state of shock, genzo sprung to his feet.

'crap! I forgot about the kids! Luffy got a little bit shaken up, but Nami got it worst. I'm pretty sure they took the small one away in ine of the ambulances! Where are the other two?'
He bought his hands to his head, amazed he was stupid enough to forget about the victims.

Bell mère stood with him and assured him she'd find them before hurrying upstairs. Genzo heard the sound if the door opening and then a something chuckle and was quick to follow bell mères path.

He peered over her shoulder intk the still brightly lit floors. He didnt see the source of her amusement. There were bloodied blogs and ice packs all over the floor, along with a hefty amount of medicinal drugs. A few shirts were strewn around the room as well, and each of them sported blood stains.

Eventually, his eyes handed on the bed, where the two were now lying together sleeping peacefully. He sighed in relief and mirrored bell mères soft smirk. He stepped back as she flicked off the lights and closed the door, following him back downstairs.

'Well, they seem healthy enough.'She stated. 'Neither of them ate dying.'

Genzo nodded and slicked on the jug, humming quietly as he prepared himself and bell mère a cup of tea.

'I do like that luffy kid.' She mused by way of conversation. She grinned and lifted her head. 'Who knows. Maybe he'll be family some day.

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