
By tonguetide

67K 2.2K 562

Love is such an odd concept. Who would devote their life to one? Why that specific person? What is is about t... More

1::Hannah Banana
2::Hannah Stressed
3::Hannah Goody Goody
4::Hannah Lost
5::Hannah Crazy
6::Hannah Pinched
7::Hannah Mean
8::Hannah Weak
9::Hannah Murdered
10::Hannah Run Away
11::Hannah Exhausted
12::Hannah Ridiculous
13::Hannah Cry Baby
15::Hannah & the Enigma
16::Hannah Eat the Lobster
17::Hannah Put the Gun Down
18::Hannah Ain't Loco
19::Hannah One of a Kind
20:: Hannah You Imbecile
21::Hannah the Moon
22::Hannah Montana
23::Hannah the Hopeful
24::Hannah Baby
25::Hannah First
26::Hannah Empty
27::Hannah Hurting
28::Hannah and the Drama
29::Hannah is Loved
30::Hannah Reborn
31::Hannah Go Soft
32::Hannah Fated
33::Hannah Taken
34::Hannah the Castaway
Authors Note
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter::1
Bonus Chapter::2

14::Hannah Wins Gold

1.8K 70 42
By tonguetide

October 18 6:03 PM

I feel like I should have won a gold medal in the Olympics for how much I ran. Believe me when I say that I'm not athletic, because not one ounce of me is fit. Yet I was able to book it all the way back to Andrew in a record of time. Sure the majority of it may have just been the adrenaline, or perhaps the fact some old lady was chasing me, but I'd like to say it was all skill. Which of course is bull, but whatever floats my boat, right?

I arrived back, the familiar sound of the waves crashing and the salty air filling my lungs. I was gasping, trying to catch my breath but I kept running and running, straight into Andrew's arms.

"What the hell? Where have you been?" He asked, holding me tighter.

Still trying to catch my breath, I felt so overwhelmed. Where do I start? The old lady, her threat, the fact she may be behind us. I didn't know where to start, so I started to sob. I'm sure I had cuts and bruises, not to mention I had dirt all over my clothes. I was basically shocked, but I was able to choke out two words.

"Mystery person."

His body went rigid, and he took a step back and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Holy crap, Hannah Banana are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

I nodded grimly. "But the water-"

"Forget the water, Hannah. I just need to know if you're okay. Can you tell me what happened?" He said, pulling me back so that our bodies molded as one.

I continued to sob into his shoulder, wrapping my arms tightly around his muscularly warm torso like my life depended on it. I felt myself being lifted, and I wrapped my legs around him as a reflex. I didn't know where he was carrying me, but I didn't care. I now trusted Andrew with my life, as seeing how the circumstances are. If we're going to be stranded for a while, we better be able to have each other's backs.

When he sat down in the sand, I stayed in my position, only I turned my head to the side so I was looking down at the sand. I felt his hot breath on my neck, and it sent butterflies to my stomach. I realized how compromising our positions were, and I moved to get off him but he held me close, putting his arms around my waist and drawing circles on my back. It only made me feel even more embarrassed, but eventually I was able to relax. And when I did, I told him everything. From how I felt like I was being watched to how vague she was about this islands treasures. He listened while picking out the twigs and leaves that had made their way into my hair.

"How did she get here?" He asked, his chest vibrating against my own.

"I'm not sure," I said softly. "She was very persistent on giving me the main ideas without any details."

"Huh," he grunted. "That's odd. But I'm proud of you Hannah Banana. You handled that situation very well, probably better than I would've."

I got frightened as a thought crossed my mind. "She knows where our camp is, and she's out there running loose with a fricken spear!"

"So we'll relocate. It's okay Hannah," he said, his voice even.

I pulled back from his chest so I was face to face with him. "Andrew, you don't get it-"

"Hannah, stop stressing. We can handle this. It's just that we need to be rescued even more now-"

"Andrew." I said sternly, looking him dead in the eyes. "For the first time that I've been stuck on this stupid island...I'm actually scared. And I'm normally a brave person."

He didn't say anything, only looked at me, as if I was the enigma that would get us off this island. His intense gaze faltered as he looked down at my lips, and I suddenly realized that our proximity was close. I blushed and buried my face into his chest again, trying to find comfort not only in this awkward situation but the entirety of our situation.

"Are you over Adam?" He suddenly asked, his chest vibrating against my cheek.

I stilled, perplexed by the odd question. Of course I was over Adam, but why did he care?

"I guess," I said.

"You guess?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me again as the wind blew by. He provided an odd warmth and comfort, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

"Well I mean, the idiot did cheat on me." I muttered. "He isn't worth my time anymore."

"He is an idiot." He chuckled.

The sun was going down, and it was getting darker. The sky was a mix of light orange, red, and purple balls of cotton candy that puffed out, disappearing throughout the sky. I focused on the now dark sky, trying to spot the first star that appeared. The same one that would appear in front of my family back at home.

"To answer your question," I said, looking back down at him, "yes, I'm over Adam."

He offered a small smile. "Hannah-"

"The first star!" I cried out, crawling off his lap and standing up. I pointed at it, smiling broadly. "My Mom always said to make a wish when you see the first star."

"What are you wishing for?" He asked, suddenly standing next to me.

"For Adam and I to get back together."


"I'm kidding," I giggled. "I'm wishing to get off this stupid island. I want to be rescued."

He grinned faintly, looking up at the stars. "I second that." After a while, he said, "Did you get hit in the jaw? It's swelling and it's purple."

I smiled to myself. "You should have seen what I did to her."

* * *

October 19 10:19 AM

Relocating our camp on the island should have been as easy as adding one to one, but unfortunately it wasn't for us. I ended up stepping on a crab buried in the sand, and I cut my foot open. It wouldn't have been so bad if it would have stopped gushing blood-which it didn't-so Andrew carried me halfway across the island. I offered to just walk in the water but he scared me by mentioned sharks being attracted to blood, so the idea appalled me now.

It was also rather difficult to find a place where we could figure out where the pond with fresh water was. We needed to be able to navigate our way through the trees. So we decided we would get the water together because it would be safer if we stuck together. That, and I didn't want to be left alone when he went off. Id rather not have another run in with Crazy Lady. I'm not sure how she expects us to get off this freaking island when she burned our only boat.

"I think this place will due," he said, setting down the small can and then gently placing me down on my bottom.

"Sure," I mumbled, looking around uneasily. Ever since Crazy Lady made an appearance and mentioned how she'd been watching us, I've been super paranoid. It's almost like walking through a haunted mansion, unsure of when the people would pop out and scare me, which then leads to me cussing them out.

"Chill, Hannah Banana." Andrew smiled. "I'm right here, I won't let Crazy Lady get you."

"My hero," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes with it for the full effect.

He winked at me. "Always."

I buried my feet in the sand and laid back, throwing my arm over my eyes and trying to fall asleep. "I'm sick and tired of this." I muttered out loud.

"Of what?"

"If this! I'm tired of not knowing whether or not I'm going to get my life back! I'm sick and tired of trying to survive on this island with some crazy old lady who wants us off but burnt our only fricken boat!" I cried, sitting up and facing him. I could feel my face grow heated from my anger, and I'm sure Andrew noticed it.

"We could always become savages?" He offered, "Join the crazy lady?"

"This isn't Lord of the Flies," I said to him. "I'm a civilized person who's trying to maintain her happiness in hopes of ever getting off this stupid little island that must be uncharted in the stupid maps."

"You rant when you're angry, huh?" He said with a small smile.

I scowled at him. "It's the only thing that keeps me sane."

"Listing off all your problems isn't going to help you keep your sanity." He said. "But I will."

"Well then, please help," I begged, standing up and walking towards him as he began to dig a hole. "I'm going insane just thinking about not being rescued."

"Breathe Hannah, breathe. And I'll never let you go insane, you can count on that." He laughed and grunted at the same time. "Now could you help me dig this hole?"

"Why are we digging this?" I asked, but helped dig nonetheless.

"We're making a secret fort. It's going to be a bit hard to see us when we're in a giant hole, don't you think?" He asked, his hand accidentally brushing against my own.

I shrugged. "Well I think the hole will be noticeable."

"I've got a plan for that," he grinned wickedly, "and it's pretty good if I do say so myself."

I snorted. "I'm sure. Anything you come up with is just genius."

"Is that sarcasm?" He said to me. He stopped digging and was now acting as if I had killed his puppy. "You know, we could always split off into our own individual and make our own camp, because you obviously don't appreciate my ideas enough."

I smiled at his boyish-ness. "It's not that I don't appreciate it, it's just that I think their stupid."

"Hannah Banana, you wound me."

"I have that affect on people."

"I'm sure you do."

Changing the topic, I asked him, "What happens if Crazy Lady finds us?"

"Please," he scoffed, "Trying to find us will be like trying to find ammonium on the periodic table!"

"Ammonium is a compound, you idiot."

"Yeah, well I spent twenty minutes trying trying to find that on the periodic table when I took the final." He muttered annoyingly.

"How did you even pass chemistry?" I asked him, once again rolling my eyes.

"I have 4.0 GPA Hannah, I'm what some people would call smart." He smirked, raising his eyebrows at me with his piercing green eyes.

"Well with how much school we've missed im willing to bet we no longer have 4.0 GPA's," I said sadly, twiddling with the hem of my shirt.

"I'm sure we'll be excused. I mean, it is senior year, we rule the school!"

"What day is it?" I asked, unwrapping my camera from around my neck and snapping a picture of our new area where we will set up camp.

"Don't know," he said. "What day did we get lost? Wasn't it a Saturday?"

I sighed sadly. "Yeah, mom and Dave had their wedding on a Saturday."

"That must've been a surprise. Do you think Eric and Tara actually told someone?" He asked, sitting down across from me. I shifted so I was now criss-cross.

"Yes. Eric and Tara may be idiots but they're sensible. They know when To joke around and when to be serious." I smiled slightly. "I really miss my family."

"You and me both."

* * *
October 19 10:42 PM

"We need to get off this dumb little island so I can go home."

"You don't think I want that too?" Andrew laughed. "Hannah, it's only been like, what, eight days? Nine days?"

"Nine days too long!" I muttered. We were curled up in the hole in the ground. I'm not sure what it is with Andrew and holes, but apparently he feels safer; and if Andrew feels safe then I feel not only safe but relieved. "We're going to miss homecoming."

"There goes my chance of being homecoming king." He grunted.

"You wanted that?" I asked, straightening my leg against the side of his body. The hole was big enough for maybe one persons' height, and two peoples bodies. Andrew was smart enough to dig the hole to a certain depth so that the sand wasn't wet. It was almost comfortable, but Andrews long legs take up the majority of my room. He's already kicked my chest on accident three times!

"Not really. But like I said, I like to try new things." He said, facing me while sitting up. He was shirtless at the moment-hardly noticeable though because it's pitch black out-as he spoke.

"I'm just sad I've never been to homecoming." I said sadly. Every time hoco comes around my family decides to put me in the hospital. Whether it be because I was "accidentally" pushed down the stairs or because mom forgets Im allergic to a bananas and puts it in the morning smoothies. Tara's favorite fruit just happens to be bananas, but everyone forgets to mention that it was put in the smoothie to me. So basically my family is the reason I've missed three homecomings, and I guess this one I can blame Andrew for. "Technically you're the reason I'm missing it."

"I didn't ask for you to come get me," he pointed out, "that was your choice."

"I couldn't just leave you!" I said defensively.

"Why not? Don't you hate me, anyways?" He laughed bitterly.

"I don't hate you-"

"Sure you do. I mean, I am your ex's best friend." His voice held an edge to it.

"Don't bring Adam into this," I hissed. "Just forget it Andrew." I wasn't liking the way this conversation was going, and there was no doubt in my mind we would begin to argue very soon.

"No, you just blamed me for something I didn't do. I have the right to defend myself." He said, his voice still laced with that unknown tone. What was is, jealousy? Moodiness?

"What right? In case you haven't noticed, we aren't in America right now. For all we know we could be hundreds of miles away from the United States!" I snapped at him, proud at my successful comeback. I know for a fact we weren't that far away from civilization, because we were only in the boat drifting to sea for about two days or so. There's no way we could have crossed the entire Pacific Ocean.

"Well I was born an American, therefore I was born with these rights." He practically shouted.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so moody?" I snapped loudly at him.

"Because this entire time all you've been worried about is yourself. You're putting your needs and worries and concerns before anyone else's. What about me? Have you even stopped and worried about me, or is it just you?" He said, his voice seething with a mixture of anger and hurt.

I was taken back by his hostility towards me, and i internally winced. My id hasn't completely taken over me, nor would I give it the chance to. Sure I've been worrying about how I'm going to get off this island, but I haven't been selfish, and me wanting to get rescued implies that we want to get rescued. I'm aware Andrew has family and friends to get back to. He also had a life, and the fact that he doesn't think that I've taken his life into consideration pisses me off. How dare he call me selfish, especially in a situation like this. There is no guarantee that he and I will ever get off this island.

I wanted to cry. So badly. But I didn't.

I bit my tongue, forcing my blurry eyes of unshed tears to clear up before I shook my head. I will not cry over what some stupid boy has to say. I refuse, and I don't want to deal with this either. Deciding I've had enough, I stood up and crawled out of the hole, stumbling slight in the darkness.

"Where are you going?" He asked, anger evident in his voice.

"Why should you care," I snapped, and walked away.

Hola my readers! It's been a bit, but this long and eventful so here you go, I hope this makes up for it. I'm so so sorry for the long wait but I've been so busy--you have no idea. And I'm about to get even more busier with finals coming up, not to mention last minute projects. But as soon as summer hits I'll be good and updates should be more regular. So until then (it might be a while, sorry :/) have a wonderful day/week/weekend. Lots of love!! Xx

Stay strong and smile for me:)

Peace out.

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