London's Call

By winterkonijn1

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London has fallen to the Templars. Their rule has been so long that it has been more than a hundred years sin... More

Chapter 1: Meeting With Allies
Chapter 2: Mystery Twins
Chapter 3: The Search Begins
Chapter 4: The Ladies Scott
Chapter 5: Dinner with Sarah and Olivia
Chapter 6: Securing The Price
Chapter 7: The Past And Future
Chapter 8: Clara Scott
Chapter 9: The Kenway Mansion
Chapter 10: Going For It
Chapter 11: The Troubles Of The Mind
Chapter 12: Capturing The Mind
Chapter 13: Explaining The Past
Chapter 14: Coming Home
Chapter 15: The Council of London
Chapter 16: A New Foundation
Chapter 17: The Reemergence Of Maria
Chapter 18: Commitments
Chapter 19: Following Tradition
Chapter 20: Clara's Request
Chapter 21: Jenifer White
Chapter 23: The Last Play
Chapter 24: The Shroud
Chapter 25: Epilogue
After word

Chapter 22: Home

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By winterkonijn1

Evie Frye

Evie never would have thought what a joy it would be to have a little girl in her life. It makes her feel a tinge of sadness in her. She just realised she would never have one of her own. It wouldn't make her leave Sarah, she loves the woman too much to do that. But it will leave a certain hole in her life.

They were on their way back to the orphanage, Jenifer smiling happily in between the two women. Both of her hands are still held by Evie on the left and Sarah on the right. The red-haired girl looks like a completely different girl. A bright smile on her face, eyes shining with joy for the first time since she probably started to live on the street.

"Say, Jenifer, what would you like to become in the future?" Evie asks.

"I don't know. I want to do something that brings an escape to people. To let them experience a world they could only dream of!" Jenifer explains with enthusiasm.

"You want to be a writer?" Sarah suggests.

"Maybe. I can't write or read, though. I guess I can be a painter instead?" The girl says as she contemplates her future. Evie glanced at Sarah who was frowning, her eyes pitying the girl that lives with only limitations. Let alone all the other girls in the orphanage.

"Never let go of your dreams, Jenifer. If we do, we have nothing worth living for. Remember that," Sarah says. Jenifer smiles at Sarah, nodding as she seems to think of another world. A world she would want to share with others through pages filled with words.

"Then I will be a writer!" Jenifer exclaims. Evie chuckles while squeezing the girl's hand. What a sweet girl, she would go far if she just got a push. Optimism seems abundant within the girl. As the orphanage comes into view, they cross the threshold of the building. Jenifer almost immediately became more alert.

It wasn't any special building, your typical building with wallpapers, oil lanterns dotted across the walls and a deep coloured wooden floor. At the very least it feels warm inside, but then again also cold. No children's giggles, voices, or playful sounds echo through the corridors. It was eerie quiet for some reason.

"Is it always this quiet here?" Evie asks Jenifer.

"They don't like it if we make a ruckus. Even if we try to play quietly in our free time, they come barging in and teach us to be quieter. Mainly by either hitting a few children to make an example or by spanking us with a ruler..." Jenifer answers in a hushed tone, careful to not make much noise.

"That is horrible... I should have come sooner," Sarah says as she heard the bells of police carriages from behind them. Soon enough, Abberline came inside with a curious yet unsure expression about being here.

"Lady Scott, Miss Frye, I received your message... Mind telling me why I have been called to an orphanage?" he asked.

"To make a few arrests. Children are being abused, used to gather alms for the headmistress, and I imagine some of them are underfed," Sarah says. Abberline nods softly as he rubs his chin in thought.

"I am afraid it is tough to make such an arrest without the owner. A warrant is..." he starts to say, but Sarah waves his concern away. "I am the owner. It is only now I discovered what horrible things happen within these walls," Sarah says before she crouched down and looks at Jenifer.

"Jenifer, listen carefully, will you go with Mister Abberline and point out the people that hurt you and your friends? Don't be afraid, Abberline will protect you," Sarah calmly explains to the girl. She nods and takes a deep breath. Together, Abberline, Jenifer, and a few policemen went upstairs.

The women stood near the entrance to let the police make the arrest. It is best to stay out of this affair for now. They are normal citizens at the moment. Not Assassin's who could probably murder all six policemen that came with Abberline.

"Sarah?" Evie says to get the woman's attention.


"Have you... Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a child? I know you have Clara, but she is not exactly the typical child, sort of. Do you know what I am trying to say? To have a child you can teach, play with, to show how to survive in this world we live in? Someone that fills a certain part of you that you thought you never had," Evie asks.

"Evie, do you want to adopt Jenifer?" Sarah asks with a smile as she takes her arm in her own. In a way, many women do when walking around with friends and family. Evie takes a deep breath. Yes, she does. That girl wormed in her heart in a way she only experienced with Sarah. Jenifer has such an outlook on life that seems to bring the sun when she wants. How could anyone not love such a girl?

"Yes, I would really love that actually. Do you... object?" Sarah laughs as she shakes her head in response. Her arm squeezed that of Evie while sending a loving gaze at the woman. A gaze that Evie only saw when she looks at her. Eye shining bright, lips forming a smile that went from ear to ear. A look that Sarah only has for Evie.

"Of course not! Will she become a Scott or a Frye, though?" Sarah mused with twinkling eyes.

"Scott. I want to have your name as well, Sarah. To let myself fully turn the page. A start of a new chapter for myself and you. For us both."

"Sounds wonderful... then it is settled."

As Abberline worked with efficiency, he soon got all four people of the inner circle and the head of the said circle. Sarah met with the staff and with a piercing gaze, and practically interrogated them to fish out any potential 'villains'. After all is set and done, Sarah and Evie met again with Jenifer.

"Thank you, Misses! We are eternally thankful," Jenifer said as she stood in the large common room. It was slowly becoming more lively, but you can easily see that the children need some time to fully realise it. Although, children will soon be children again as they feel the new effects.

"That's nice to hear, Jenifer. Well then, it is time to go then," Sarah says to Evie and Jenifer. The girl nods with a smile. "Do come again!" She says.

"Hmm? Of course, you can visit your friends anytime you want, but you should first make yourself comfortable at home," Sarah says contemplatively with a playful look directed at the girl.

"I know...? I live here..." the girl says with a confused frown. Evie crouched down taking hold of the girl's hands. "I think what Sarah fails to explain... We would love it if you'd come to live with us. To become part of our family. What do you think?"

Jenifer blinks at Evie and then at Sarah. Slowly some tears start to leave the girl. Probably unbeknownst to Jenifer as she only switches her dumbfounded gaze between both women. Sarah smile as she wipes each tear away.

"Y-you m-mean it?" The girl whispered in disbelief.

"Mhm, Jenifer Scott has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Sarah says as she crouched down to open her arms for the girl. Evie does the same as both women stand ready to receive their hug. Hardly any more motivation has to be given as Jenifer practically jumps at the women. Her small arms barely managed to engulf both of them, trying her best to give them both a warm and loving hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Jenifer practically cries on their shoulder. "It is our pleasure, Jenifer. Shall we go home?" The girl nods while her tears flow freely.

The carriage came to a stop in front of the Kenway mansion and Jenifer looked with bulging eyes at the large and impressive mansion. An expression of utter disbelief at today's event was carved across the girl's face. Sarah and Evie smiled as they held each other's hands. Both were having the same feeling of completion.

Jenifer was the missing part of their relationship. Sarah is quite sure many new family members would follow from Olivia and Jacob. It became obvious from what Olivia shared about her adventures with Jacob. Sarah could surmise from the longwinded story that Olivia was spewing at her that she was happy. That was all that mattered to Sarah.

"You live here!?" Jenifer asks with shock, pointing to the mansion. "And now you as well, welcome home, Jenifer," Sarah says as takes Jenifer's hand and walks to the entrance.

"I am dreaming... This can't be real," Jenifer mutters to herself, "Please let me dream a bit longer," she wished softly. It makes both Evie and Sarah laugh as they guide the girl to the door.

The door opened as soon as Sarah put the key in. A large open hallway greeted them. Several family heirlooms hanging on the wall. The swords of Edward along with his pistols. On the floor was a large red carpet that sprawled over almost the entire floor. The rest was filled with small furniture pieces such as small cabinets to a few small sofas. They barely stepped inside before a rich smell came from the right wing of the house.

"Oooh, Italian! You're in luck, Jenifer," Sarah says with a chuckle as she set the suitcase of Jenifer in the hallway. It was barely filled with anything as Jenifer didn't own much. Only one picture of her father and mother, a copper wedding ring that was worn by her mother, and a few clothing pieces. Although, Sarah and Evie are already planning on buying new clothes. All in all, Jenifer has been given a clean slate. Starting her life anew almost.

"Sarah! You have a letter! I put it on your desk in the study," Olivia yells from the kitchen. Jenifer looks at Sarah with a silent question as to who the woman was.

"Olivia, can you come here? We would like you to meet someone," Sarah says. A few clattering noises came along with a few curses from the direction of the kitchen. It made Sarah sigh softly. Two minutes passes before Olivia emerged, her hands covered in flour.

"Who...? Oh, who may you be?" Olivia asks as she looks at Jenifer, crouching to her level. "She is our newest member of the family, Jenifer. Jenifer this is my sister Olivia."

Jenifer cocks her head as she looks at Olivia then at Sarah, then back at Olivia, then again at Sarah, before finally settling on Olivia again.

"I am confused. There are two Sarahs," Jenifer finally says with confusion. Olivia laughs as she puts a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Just think of me as a backup Sarah," Olivia says with an amused smile.

"Do you like Italian?" Olivia asks as she boobs the nose of Jenifer. Flour made the nose white as if she came out of a snowstorm. A giggle came from the girl as she shakes her head. "Never tried it."

"Really?! We have to fix that, don't we, love?" Olivia nudged the girl with childish enthusiasm. This makes Sarah happy. Even Evie is brightly smiling. "Well, since you will be staying here, you need a room! I am sure your two mothers will happily escort you to it," Olivia says while giving the girl a brief hug before she rushed back to the kitchen to get dinner ready.

"Mothers? What does she mean?" Jenifer asks turning to Evie and Sarah. "I guess you didn't understand," Sarah says while picking Jenifer up and placing her on her shoulders. Jenifer was happily sitting and looking in every direction in awe and wonder.

"Evie and I love each other, Jenifer. Very much. Just like your father loved your mother. Does that make it clearer?" Sarah explains as she walks up the stairs with Evie in tow.

"Oh... Okay! Pa used to say that love is love! You do love each other like the sun loves the moon, right?" Jenifer asks them sternly. Sarah chuckles as hears the stern voice, even if she doesn't understand what she meant.

"The sun loves the moon?" Evie asks.

"Yeah, why would the sun chase after the moon every day? It wouldn't make sense otherwise," Jenifer says with pride at her conclusion.

"I guess it makes sense," Sarah says with a laugh, "We indeed love each other like the moon loves the sun, and the sun loves the moon."

"Try to keep it for yourself, okay? Not everyone is as smart as you," Sarah says while putting Jenifer back on the ground. "Okay!"

"Well, does this room be something to your liking?" Evie asks as she pushed the door open. It wasn't anything special in the room, although, compared to the other rooms. Sarah and her own room were much more decorated with paintings, stray items, and even some jewels that were never worn. This room has only the basics. A comfy and large bed. A closet for many dresses and other pieces of clothing. Finally a desk and some extra storage space.

"Where's your room?" Jenifer asks softly, her gaze going to Sarah and Evie. "Just down the hall. If you ever feel afraid or scared, you just come to us. Whenever you want, okay?"

Jenifer nods as she steps inside looking around the room. "All this is for me...?" She gasps turning to her new mothers. "We have to go shopping to make it a bit lively in here, but yes, all of it is yours. And you will be posing for a painting soon," Sarah states as she watches the gobsmacked Jenifer with Evie while holding each other's arms.


"Mhm, come I will show you," Sarah says as motions for the girl to follow. With a skip in her steps and the largest smile plastered on her face, Jenifer follows. The sparkling green emeralds for eyes never settle on one thing for long. They walk back to the ground floor before walking in the direction of the dance room. As they walk many more paintings, art items or Scott heirlooms go by.

Jenifer was looking around not knowing what she has to focus on, but she soon stood still for a moment as she saw one of the larger paintings. It held five people in the picture. Two identical blond women. A dark-haired girl was in between them. Then there is another dark-haired woman who held the arm of one blond. The other blond held the arm of a man with dark hair.

"Your family. That's me and Sarah," Evie says as she points to the two women holding arms. "The girl is Clara and the other duo is my brother and Olivia."

Jenifer smiles brighter which was extraordinary if you ask Evie. The smile almost covers her entire face. It barely left any room for the eyes to open. "My family... Thank you, Evie, Sarah. I will be the best daughter you can wish for!"

"All we want is for you to be happy and see us as family..." Sarah starts to say before a voice rings through the house.

"Dinner is ready!" Olivia announces. "Ah, well, we will show you another time. You don't want to keep Olivia waiting," Sarah says with a chuckle.

The hours flew by as the House of Scott rumbles to a halt. Olivia went to bed early since she has a few loose ends to handle with Jacob. Evie and Sarah also went to bed not too late as they have a meeting with the Maharajah in the morning tomorrow. The women now lay in bed, warmly under the blanket. Evie was reading a book while Sarah was making herself comfortable on the stomach and chest of Evie. After tucking Jenifer in her bed, they were still feeling elated about her being here.

"Do you think it was correct of us to bring her into our life?" Evie asks as she puts the book to her side. "I don't know. But she makes us happy Evie, I can already tell. We can't make our life duller just because of what is out there."

"I guess you're right... It's strange, I barely know the girl and I already love her immensely. Are we going to be happy?"

"Of course! I am already very happy," Sarah says, placing a fleeting kiss on Evie's stomach. A shiver traveled through the entire body as Evie felt it. "Naughty girl," Evie tisked. Sarah merely shrugs, grinning.

"Maybe..." Sarah says her lips traveling to those of Evie while her hand travels in the opposite direction. Fingers make fleeting contact with some patches of skin to let Evie know where she is going.

"Sarah..." Evie whimpers. "Hmm?" Sarah asks as she starts a heated kiss. Evie closed her eyes as she syncs her lips with those of Sarah, a sort of dance as they prepared for a slightly longer night than expected.

"Sarah, Evie?" A small girl's voice says. Sarah jumps almost a meter in the air at the sudden sound. "God, oh my god..." Sarah gasps for air practically jumping off Evie.

"Jenifer?" Evie asks as she tries to make herself more presentable. "What's wrong?"

"Can't sleep... it's quiet in my room," Jenifer explains softly, holding her pillow in her hand, "Can I sleep with you?"

Sarah nods as she took a few breaths. "Of course, sweety," she says after clearing her throat. Evie sighs and nods as well. She was actually looking forward to being 'naughty'. Evie opens the blanket to let the girl in between the two women. Jenifer climbs over and settles in between both women. One arm of each goes over her as the warm blanket bundles the three women together.

"Night!" Jenifer says more at peace it seems.

"Sweet dreams, Jenifer," Evie and Sarah say together.

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