The Lonely Warrior Queen

By LavenderHamsa

385K 15.7K 1.2K

It all started when Princess Catheline married the dangerously attractive and recently crowned King of Anthre... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
{Chapter 38}
{Chapter 39}
{Chapter 40}
{Chapter 41}
{Chapter 42}
{Chapter 43}
{Chapter 44}
{Chapter 45}
{Chapter 46}
{Chapter 47}
{Chapter 48}
{Chapter 49}
{Chapter 50}
{Chapter 52}
{Chapter 53}
{Chapter 54}
{Chapter 55}
{Chapter 56}
{Chapter 57}
{Chapter 58}
{Chapter 59}
{Chapter 60}
{Chapter 61}
{Chapter 62}
{Chapter 63}
{Chapter 64}
{Chapter 65}
{Chapter 66}
{Chapter 67}
{Chapter 68}
{Chapter 69}
{Chapter 70}
{Chapter 71}
{Chapter 72}
{Chapter 73}
{Chapter 74}
{Chapter 75}
{Chapter 76}
{Chapter 77}
{Chapter 78}
{Chapter 79}
{Chapter 80}
{Chapter 81}
{Chapter 82}
{Chapter 83}
{Chapter 84}
{Chapter 85}
{Chapter 86}
{Chapter 87}
{Chapter 88}
{Chapter 89}
{Chapter 90}
{Chapter 91}
{Chapter 92}
{Chapter 93}
{Chapter 94}
{Chapter 95}
{Chapter 96}
{Chapter 97}
{Chapter 98}
{Chapter 99}
{Chapter 100}
{Chapter 101}
{Chapter 102}
{Chapter 103}
{Chapter 104}
{Chapter 105}
{Chapter 106}
{Chapter 107}
{Chapter 108}
{Chapter 109}
{Chapter 110}
{Chapter 111}
{Chapter 112}
{Chapter 113}
{Chapter 114}
{Chapter 115}
{Chapter 116}
{Chapter 117}
{Epilogue I}
{Epilogue II}
ו My Review •×
×Swords and Schemes×

{Chapter 51}

2.3K 107 14
By LavenderHamsa

Xander's POV:

"Our King has offered you some peace terms,"

I did not bother how he addressed his sender because it does not matter. We were in the audience chambers as it would be foolish to meet them in my study.

"A man doesn't become a king just because he claims so," I replied, tapping my fingers on the armrest.

That amused him. Instead of tensing up, he became more relaxed. He had an air of confidence I was curious to break. His gaze slightly shifted to my side where Lestor sat, glaring at him with bloodlust. I could order him to kill the man right away. But I have to evaluate all the options and choices I would make.

"Just because a man wears a crown on his head, does not mean that he is King," he replied, with his twist of analogue.

"But he is King when his kingdom believes he is," I replied smoothly.

He has no position or power in this castle. He better know who has the upper hand in the conversation. But I admired his courage, speaking as if the devil himself is his protector. That is true in a sense but that devil is not here. No one can protect him now.

"You speak of peace terms," I reminded him of his purpose. "Best get along with it,"

The man smiled and I despised the way he did it. He quickly pulled out a roll of paper, ribboned and sealed with a symbol made of red wax.

"My dearest nephew," he began as soon as he unrolled it. "I know we never were true friends. But I do care for you as I cared for your father. And I am aware that you have bare knowledge about wardom. So I hope that you would oblige to these terms I had made, just for you,"

I fidgetted with the hilt of my sword as Lestor growled. He was making an impression that I was a silly boy, who knows nothing about anything. That does make me irritated.

"Abdicate the throne and announce me as your successor. Here on, you would receive a noble title and I will welcome you to my arms, as any family would. Your wife and your unborn child would be safe and protected from any harm. You have my word on that. And if I fail to produce a male heir, I will turn to you."

"Refuse me and I will show you no mercy. Blood will be spilled over the land your grandfather worked so hard to unify. Everyone you love would be killed or imprisoned. I am afraid that I am barely a merciful man. You surely heard how your parents died in my hands."

"Surrender now and we will make peace, giving rise to a new and more powerful empire. With regards, your dearest Uncle."

For a moment, I sat there numbly as all the words swirled in my mind, like dried leaves in the slightest breeze. And then, that breeze brought forward a storm.

"What makes you think that I would agree to those ridiculous terms?" I asked the messenger, resting a hand over my head.

"Your family," he replied. "Your wife and your unborn child,"

His mentioning Catheline made me almost snap into something more dangerous than I could ever be.

"Tell me, Sir," I told the man with masked coolness. "Which is more powerful, A Lion or a scheming cunning, and vicious hyena?"

His eyes flashed but he never answered. I smiled in a formidable way and leaned forward.

"If the hyena tries to be King, the Lion would rip it apart into pieces," I told him, this time with no smile. "Your False King will never be crowned a true one, not because of his birth status, but because of his barbarity,"

"Your False King speaks of peace but I am no fool to put faith in such a man. A man who killed my parents. A man who tried to kill me many times to count."

"My King is faithful to his words," the man replied smugly. "He knows no deception when it comes to something of such importance,"

I laughed. I had to. If I was ludicrous enough to do what he says, I am marking my own doom. The moment he steps foot in Anthreal, he would never hesitate to slay us all. I and my unborn child and are still a threat to him. A threat he would wipe away at the slightest chance.

"I may be inexperienced. I admit it. But I am not forgetful." I told the man, my voice dripping with venom. "Since you are here, take back my terms of peace,"

The man shifted in his seat, taken aback by my words. Did he expect that I would say yes to what his sender asked me to do?

"I have no real intention to spill the blood of many. We could end the possibility of war in one wise thing. A wise battle with only one person on each side. One fights for power and the other fights for vengeance,"

"Tell him to put an end to this madness. Tell him that he is too incapable to be King and that the people would despise him if he became one. Tell him that I would not give up my birthright to a man who has no right to it,"

For a few moments, the messenger just stared at me. But then he laughed. Laughed as wildly as humanly possible. Lestor growled loudly as if asking my permission to shred him into pieces.

"You are truly an impressive speaker," he told me after his laughter subsided. "But do you think that you would have a chance to go against him? The son of Abraham Arefes, the brave warrior King? You, the son of a cowardly and ignorant prince?"

Bite back your anger, I told myself. This is not worth losing my years of practiced calmness. This is not what I would have done. This is not expected of me-

"And your child? It will be born a coward too, just as you are. Pray  tell me, do you truly want to leave your splendid wife a miserable widow-"

I never knew when my hand went for the handle of Mistriver. I never knew how I stood up and pierced the edge of the sword into his neck. Rage covered everything and clouded my mind. No strategies. No clever remarks.

"Speak of my wife and child like that again," I said, in a dangerous tone. "And I assure you that you would regret ever coming here,"

I moved the sword slightly forward, causing the man to bleed slightly. He flinched and fear slowly took over his confident attitude. Nearby, I found Lestor, staring at the man, ready to strike.

"Where is your arrogance now?" I asked him in a mocking tone. "I suppose you can see this as a lesson. Talking wildly in front of a man who could kill you is an unwise action,"

"I-If you hurt me..." He stuttered, which I was glad to hear. " would anger my King. This is the highest form of disrespect-"

"The highest form of disrespect of your very existence," I commented. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something clever, but decided to against it.

"I would not kill you," I told him, moving the sword slightly. "Because I hope that you would take my message to my uncle." 

The man stared at me before nodding, without much movement. He was losing too much blood already and I knew he would not like to risk it.

With one last look, I pulled back my sword away from his throat. He quickly got up and stumbled back. Lestor moved slightly forward but I stopped him by holding his body.

"And one more thing," I said, as I watched him retain his balance while grasping the cut I gave him. "My uncle claims that he is not lenient. Rarely, he is ever gracious. But here is one thing about me. If he is rarely merciful, then I am barely merciful."

My voice echoed in the room, making him realize how vulnerable he is now. To my shock, a wicked smile spread over his lips.

"Be careful, King of Anthreal. My King loves to take his enemies by surprise. And a surprise awaits you soon. He could pick anyone. And by anyone, I mean anyone."

After saying that, he turned back and walked out of the door. I was left to my thoughts, about his ominous warning. What could that mean?

Does my uncle plan to strike harder?

"Your Majesty," I heard Nathaniel's voice near me. "They are under the custody of our guards-"

"Let them leave," I replied quickly, not meeting his eyes.


"Call upon the troops to choose a location near the castle." I quickly commanded him. "Make sure no one enters or leaves the castle without my permission. Keep an eye on every passageway and door. Keep an eye on the city as well,"

Nathaniel looked confused at the sudden loads of orders I have him. Nevertheless, he did not question me about it further.

"And what about the Queen?"

I paused, hoping that I would not regret the decision I am about to make. I am so sorry, Catheline.

Catheline's POV:

The sky darkened with grey clouds as I watched it through my window. Ferus was beside me, in his cage, asleep. I already changed into my nightgown, feeling that I would not need to roam around this time. It has been hours since that incident and I was curious to know what happened. Most importantly, I wanted to know the safety of my husband.

"Here you go, Your Grace," Karra said as she placed a warm blanket around my body.

I quickly pulled it closer and looked at her in uncertainty.

"Can you go and learn whether Xander had finished speaking to that man or not?" I asked her.

"I would but that man outside the door would not let me!" She squealed in frustration.

I shook my head in defeat and put another warm toast into my mouth. I was overwhelmed by my thoughts and hoped that Xander would visit me tonight. To explain what happened.

"This is all so confusing..." I whisper to myself. Would Xander let go of the group or would he imprison them for interrogation?

Suddenly, I had an idea. Perhaps I could ask Lady Daraa to approach me. Maybe she knows what is going on. I hoped that she would. But before I could even formulate a plan, there was a knock on the door.

Karra glanced at me nervously before running off to open the door. I slowly walked forward and found out that it was Nathaniel. Disappointment ran through my feelings. I expected Xander on the other side.

Behind him, I saw at least more than ten guards moving around the hallway. All this made me even more confused and worried.

"How is he?" I asked him quickly. "Did they leave?"

"They did, carrying the message of the King, Your Grace," Nathaniel said calmly.

His tone was strange but I ignored it. I moved a little more ahead to see what was going on outside, but Nathaniel stopped me by raising his arm.

"What is the meaning of this?..." I whisper, looking right into his eyes.

Nathaniel sighed and stepped backward, resting his arms by his side.

"From the strict orders of the King, Your Grace is not allowed to put a step outside of this chambers, unless his Majesty permits it. There would be guards, patrolling this entire hallway day and night. No one except your maid can enter this room."

I stood there, in some form of numbness. And then panic took over me as I moved back. Karra quickly ran and held me tightly by the arm. She threw a hateful look at Nathaniel.

"Stop pressuring the Queen!" She yelled at him.

"I am so sorry, Your Grace," His gaze fell to the ground. "I am not supposed to speak anything more than what I ought to but the men who were sent by the enemy came with a threat. This is the only way to keep you safe. Please forgive the King for doing this,"

"No, I would not!" I yelled at him, straining my eyebrows. "I want the King himself to come and explain all this to me. Please, just tell him that I wish for his presence,"

Nathaniel looked at me as if considering my words. But he quickly shook his head.

"The King is too caught up with what has happened. He is not likely to visit you tonight," he told me, a little upset. "Please do not make this hard for us, Your Grace. All of us wish for the safety of you and the unborn royal child,"

With his words, I was reminded of my current situation. Yes, I was carrying a life inside me. If I struggle and make a scene, it would be of no use. I gently patted my belly as Nathaniel moved to leave.

"Wait!" I called after him. "Is it possible that I could meet Lady Daraa?"

Nathaniel looked back, unsure. "I will try to convince his Majesty to allow that, Your Grace,"

With that, he walked out, leaving me alone in this room. I was dumbstruck and impassive for a while. Karra held my arm gently and lead me to the bed.

"It will be alright," she said in a soothing voice. "Oh no..."

She looked at my eyes at the same moment I found them glassy, blurring my vision. Before I knew it, I started crying.

"That jerk!" Karra said with irritation. "He could have said it more softly-"

"This is not his fault..." I replied, choking between sobs. "Karra...what should I do? I want to see Xander..."

"I will try to go and tell him what you wish to convey," she replied, grasping my hands slowly.

I shook my head and continued tearing up as I glanced at the window. Deep down, I knew he only did this to protect me. He does not wish for me to be harmed. But I can't help but feel angry at him.

All these events unraveling around me are making me exhausted. All I wanted was for everything to be over and for Xander beside me. I don't even want his love now. I just hoped that he would be safe and sound. For one thing, I cannot imagine a life without him.

I slowly slipped into memory as sleep claimed me soon.

The night was cold as always. But I decided to go out for a small walk. It had been three months since I arrived at Anthreal.

The castle was a beauty and so was the garden. The people?... They just needed more time to get used to their Queen.

I sighed, remembering my home. I missed my father dearly and wanted to go back to him. This new place was too unfamiliar and cold to me.

I reached the swing in the garden, my new favorite spot. This place was beautiful, peaceful, and isolated. I visit here often in the morning.

I sat on the swing and stared at the sky. The stars were luminous and beautiful. They were the only things that haven't changed at all. I thought of my father again and began to cry quietly.

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I stopped weeping. I stood up and tried to look for the source. When the sound was heard again, I began to walk in that direction.

The more closer they walked, the more pronounced the voice became. My slippers made a slight noise every time I moved a step. After a few moments, I reached a tree.

Again, the sound echoed in my ears. I narrowed my eyes to find a small white creature on one of the branches. Oh, dear!

Before I could even make a move, I heard another person walking toward the tree. I hastily hide behind a tall bush.

For a few moments, I stayed still, afraid that I would be caught. I did not want to make a scene in the castle. It would bring me a bad reputation. After a few moments, I was tempted to look at the creature again.

To my surprise, I found that person on the tree branch where that creature had been. Now, it became more visible that the creature was a kitten. And the person was...

"It's alright...just come near me," I heard him say and I knew who that was.

It was my husband, Xander. The King of Anthreal. I quickly looked away, my heart beating fast.

I only managed to get glimpses of my husband a few times. We barely know anything about each other. But I can not deny that he was handsome.

Dark brown hair and those beautiful blue eyes along with the perfect physique...

Gosh, Catheline! What are you thinking!?

I slapped myself and heard a loud thud. I carefully looked around to see that my husband was on the ground, holding the kitten in his arms. Lucky kitten.

"You silly creature," I heard him say with a smile. "Did you enjoy your little trip up the tree?"

I smirked at those words and continued watching. He was still not letting go of the kitten and it didn't want to leave him. He patted the creature before setting it on the ground.

"Go find your mother. You are not old enough to wander on your own,"

I watched as the kitten meowed one last time before sprinting away into the darkness. After that, my husband just left, failing to notice my presence. After making sure that he did leave, I stepped forward.

My heart melted after witnessing the scene. All these days, I thought that the King of Anthreal was a cold and collected person. Who knew that it was all just a mask and that there was more to him than he lets others know?

At that very moment, I saw him in a different light. The way he smiled was so enchanting and I was every bit jealous that he didn't smile at me. I mean, we are married and he hasn't even talked to me properly yet.

And our wedding night was nothing special either. I was too ashamed to think how we had not consummated the marriage yet. That night, before he arrived, I thought he would go straight to performing his duty.

Well, that was perhaps for the best. Maybe in the future, we can fall in love and all I had to do was to wait. I just hope that our first night together would be beautiful and something I can never forget.

With that, walked away from the garden, and back to my chambers without anyone catching sight of me.

Author's NOTE:

I hope you guys are doing alright! Guys, we are almost close to the breaking point and I can not wait to write it!

Please comment with your thoughts and vote for this chapter :)

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