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By PrincessAnemoneXx

5.8K 213 105

Pokemon werent really your thing. They smell weird, they can only say their names, they shoot elemental beams... More

Chapter 1 |:| First impressions
Chapter 2 |:| NOPE
Chapter 3 |:| Partner
Chapter 4 |:| Awkward
Chapter 6 |:| Train ride
Chapter 7 |:| Soaring!
Chapter 8 |:| Something called fear
Chapter 9 |:| But we arent.
Chapter 10 |:| What now?

Chapter 5 |:| Goodbye

725 27 18
By PrincessAnemoneXx

Yknow i used to be like "why would anyone like leon??" But NOW im like "how could you NOT like leon????"


It was quiet from where me and Leon sat at the pokemon centre. We had given Nurse Joy our pokemon to be healed and now we waited in silence, gazing out the window as people walked to their homes to go to bed.

Thats when a random question popped into my head, "Hey...Leon?" I spoke softly, his name still feeling foreign on my tongue.

Leons purple hair shifted as he turned to look at me with soft eyes. "Yeah?"

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment about the question i had, it really wasnt any of my business. "N-nevermind" i stuttered, looking away.

Leon let out a low chuckle. "What is it? You can tell me" he smiled, leaning forwards.

I looked around, the pokemon centre was completely empty other than me and Leon.

"Well...i was wondering....how come you wear that cape?" I muttered, training my gaze on the floor.

A moment passed before Leon bursted out laughing, making me feel even more embarrassed for asking. Its not like i was trying to get to know him, i was just curious!!

Leons laughter died down, "The cape isnt- well..." he trailed off, scanning the pokemon centre for any prying eyes, when he found none, he continued. "The cape isnt really my choice...the chairman thought that it would help me be seen as a hero in the eyes of the public. I dont mind wearing it....just...sometimes it makes me feel a bit...lonely" he admitted, looking away.

There was a stab of panic that ran through me, "Oh crap! What the heck am i supposed to say to that??? Hes opening up to me and i dont know what to do!!"

Without thinking, i blurted out the forst word that came to my mind.


Leons eyes refocused on me, and it felt like he was searching my soul.

"WHYYY did i SAY that?? Now hes gonna think im nosy!! Ugh! Its none of my business!! I shouldnt have said anything!!!" I internally died.

"Well, when you think of a hero...you kinda put them on a pedestal, and they're usually seen as more important than the average person....thats not the image that i want to project. I want people to believe that anyone could be a hero, not that you have to be the Galar champion just to be special." He explained.

I stared at him in awe, he is way deeper than i had originally thought. Maybe my idea of him was wrong?

With my silence, his face twisted with embarrassment and his cheeks turned pink. "Sorry! That probably made no sense! Gah i shouldnt have said anything" he fussed, ruffling his hair and hiding his face in his hands.

"No! Its okay!...im glad you told me, its nice to know that youre an actual human and not just some shallow celebrity..." i said, placing my hand on his.

He looked up at me, shocked, and a warm smile crept onto his face, his golden eyes melting into mine. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Nurse joy cleared her throat, carrying a tray of two pokeballs and my dive ball.

I snapped my hand back to my side, embarrassed, and smiled weakly at Leon, who had already stood up to receive our pokemon.

"Have a good night" chirped Nurse joy as she gave him the balls.

He cast her an award winning smile in return, and her cheeks dusted pink.

I rolled my eyes, i suppose not everyone has the gift of being immune to his charm, unlike me.

He handed me Vulpix's pokeball and i immediately sent it out. Vulpix gave me a happy mew, and it looked as pristine as ever. I picked it up and stuffed its pokeball into my pocket.

As we exited the pokemon centre, he asked me, "So, how come you always keep Vulpix out of its ball?"

Vulpix whipped around to glare at him, almost as if telling him to mind his own business. I answered his question without much thought.

"My dad said that i need to be friends with Vulpix, and that the best way to do that is by spending time with it, so ive been going around all day with it out of its pokeball." I shrugged.

"Annnnd how come you carry it everywhere? It can walk y'know" he laughed.

"Well of course it can, but i think it has some sort of issue with getting dirty? Anyway, i dont mind carrying it, its pretty light and its not like its gonna get much bigger than this" i giggled.

"Until it evolves"


"Well you know, if you want it to get as strong as it possibly can, it'll have to evolve. I can hook you up with an ice stone if you want" he said casually, stretching out his arms.

Vulpix looked up at me with innocent eyes, and i couldnt help but feel a little annoyed that Leon talked about Vulpix's evolution as if it was my decision.

"Well, thats Vulpix's choice to make. Besides, i dont think we're quite ready for that anyway, after all, i've only been with Vulpix for a day" i said, keeping my gaze on the road and hugging Vulpix tight.

Leon could sense that he'd hit a nerve and stopped talking, eventually we made it to the crossroad where it forked off in the direction of my house, and his.

"So...goodnight" i blurted awkwardly.

"Yeah...goodnight" muttered Leon, undoubtedly feeling as awkward as me.

Just as i turned to start walking home, he said something else.

"...Tonight was fun Y/n, lets hang out again" he said warmly.

I turned around in shock. He wants to hang out with me?? The champion??

"Yeah...lets" i smiled.

And with that, we went our separate ways.

I stretched out my body as i blinked away the sunlight shining through my window. Turning my head to the side, i was faced with two icy-blue eyes.

A bolt of adrenaline ran through me before i remembered the events of yesterday.

"Thats right...im a pokemon trainer now"

A day ago, i would have been disgusted with myself for being a trainer, but now, i couldnt help but feel a bit of...pride?

It was a strange feeling, i wasnt used to having postitive emotions because of pokemon.

Now everything was different.

I brought myself to a sitting position and gently picked up Vulpix, placing it in my lap and stroking its fur.

"I should...do something." I blurted out.

Vulpix looked up at me with curious eyes.

I met its gaze and continued my thought. "I have no idea what i want to do with my life...but maybe...if i travel around Galar then i can find a purpose."

Vulpix stood up and pressed its paws to my chest, stretching up its head and booping its cold muzzle against my nose.

"Vul!" It chirped, eagerly showing support for my idea.

Now excited for my future, i put Vulpix down on the floor and hurried downstairs to tell my father the news.

I was going to leave Postwick.

Nearly tripping over Cinccino and Leafeon, i made my way to the kitchen where my dad stood cooking breakfast.

"You're up early" he noted with a smile.

"Dad, i have something to tell you" i started, but was interrupted when a pancake was shoved into my mouth.

"Eat first"

"But dad-"

"Shhhhh, you need to eat more now that youre a pokemon trainer." He hushed, handing me a plate.

"What? That makes no sense" i said, chewing the pancake and crossing my arms.

Before my dad could respond, a whine was heard front the bottom of the stairs, looking over, i saw Vulpix peeking around the corner into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Vuuuuul" it cried, looking at the floor in disgust.

"Oh jeez, youre so dramatic" i laughed, walking over and picking it up. Only to see that my dad was looking at us with stars in his eyes.

"Im so proud of you!! Youre already getting to know Vulpix!" He gushed.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said, placing Vulpix on the table next to my plate, it sniffed the pancakes curiously."But dad i really do need to tell you something"

With my tones new seriousness, he turned to me and gave me his full attention.

"I want to leave. To go explore Galar and find out what im meant to be doing with my life" i breathed.

My dad hesitated before answering.

"But, Y/n, darling, your Vulpix isnt strong enough yet. Im happy that you want to go out and do something but you arent ready."

"Yes i am! Vulpix will get stronger if we have new experiences and meet new people, that wont happen if we stay cooped up in Postwick!"

"Y/n-" he started, but was interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

Shuffling over to see who it was, i opened the door to two sets of fluffy purple hair, and golden eyes.

"Leon? Hop?" I said, looking at the two, i hadn't expected them to come bother me so early in the day.

"Hey Y/n!" Hop piped up, "We came to say goodbye"


"Yup! Leon needs to go do champion stuff and he's going to drop me off in Motostoke to start the gym challenge!" He chirped excitedly.

"The gym challenge...i didnt think that it was starting so soon?" I said.

Of course, i knew that my best friend would be going away to start his journey at some point, but i had never expected it to be so...soon. I couldnt help but feel a bit sad, not to mention that Leon will also be leaving, even though i'd only known him for a day, i couldnt help but feel a bit disappointed.

Leon had seemed to notice my mood change, as well as the overall energy in my house. My dad, who was normally cheery and kind, was glaring at the two for interrupting such an important conversation.

"Are we...interrupting something?" He asked.

Me and my dad responded at the same time.



Leons face grew more confused, i let out a sigh and explained to him how i want to go travel but my dad thinks im not ready.

"That's because you aren't ready" dad butted in.

Hop looked shocked that i wanted to leave, but Leon looked deep in thought. After a few moments, Leon asked a question, his tone smooth and calm.

"What if Y/n travelled with a strong trainer for a while? Just until Vulpix can hold its own in tricky battles." He asked.

My father was taken aback that Leon would stick his nose into our business, but i really wasnt suprised.

"Well- i guess then that would be okay but-" stuttered my dad before getting interrupted.

"Great. Y/n, pack your things, you're coming with me." Said Leon, giving me a smile.


Utterly shocked.

Thats what was shown on both me and my dads faces.

I didnt have time to think, i just ran upstairs and stuffed some clothes into a bag, as well as my wallet, phone and Vulpix's Pokeball before sprinting back down (nearly punting Cinccino across the room) and grabbing Vulpix.

I was about to go out the door before my father could say no, but before i made it, he said "Wait!"

Out of love for him, i did.

He rummaged through his pockets and handed me a handful of empty pokeballs.

"Make sure to catch some strong pokemon, okay?" He smiled softly before turning to Leon, "Leon, please make sure she gets a Rotom for her phone too, i'd feel a lot better if she had one to help keep her safe."

Vulpix let out an offended yip as Leon chuckled and nodded his head.

"We really should get going now" said Hop, looking at his phone.

"Right! Bye dad!" I smiled, giving him a quick hug.

"Goodbye y/n" he sighed.

And with that, i went off with Hop, Leon, and Vulpix to the Wedgehurst train station.

Someones pov

As the girl and the Vulpix left with the two brothers, a shadow loomed out from behind the trees.

It growled softly as a warm breeze brushed past it.

And then, it disappeared.


Things are happeninggggg
And im back into writing!! I was worried that i had lost my touch but i think im still pretty good.

Stay safe friends❤️✌🏼

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