Awakened as a Fine Female Can...

By SheijiHiei

310K 5.9K 1.6K

In every book, there's always a female cannon fodder who seeks death - the ones who are arrogant and tyrannic... More

Chapter 1 - The female lead with plot armor was snatched by her childhood friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Elite female characters
Chapter 12 - Snatching away the golden trump card childhood best-friend
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - End
Chapter 27 - The Sudden Transformation of the Female Star with no Talent
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - End
Chapter 35 - The unveracious Heiress out of your league
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - End
Chapter 55 - Be hated by everyone in the love variety show
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - End
Chapter 75 - A sickly cousin in the care of others
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 59

2.2K 47 21
By SheijiHiei

The first group of people who really support Huo Wei were the audience who liked Xiao Liming. Because they all knew that Xiao Liming didn't like Susu, but Susu was aggressive and fought for the chance to wash the dishes with him.

To her surprise, Huo Wei was still the third wheel. The CP fans of Xiao and Susu cursed her for being blind and disturbing others in a relationship. The audience who only liked Xiao Liming was angry. They fought back directly and supported Huo Wei by the way.

But they were also a little worried that Huo Wei had changed her target. Did she fall in love with xiao Liming? They didn't feel relieved until she wrote a letter to Xiao Liming and thanked him politely.

This time, there was another thing that surprised everyone. It was that when Huo Wei was doing sports, it was really eye-catching. She was fat, but she looked serious and moved properly. Everyone could see that she had tried her best, not for fun.

The label of being serious and inspiring always gave people a good impression. What Huo Wei did this time had already made everyone look at her with a new view.


The last part of each program would be broadcast a prevue. Almost all the variety shows would intentionally cut the next part into a contradictory look, attracting everyone to watch. Even though the audience was familiar with this trick, sometimes they would be really angry or worried.

Just like this time's next notice, it was about the seventh episode when Cheng Yi came. In the prevue, as soon as other guests entered the kitchen, they saw the graceful and beautiful Cheng Yi. Then everyone took their seats. Several men praised her one after another, and the faces of the women changed. After having breakfast, Susu said, "Aren't you on a diet and don't eat this?" then Cheng Yi face changed slightly.

The prevue ended here, without cause and effect. There were only a variety of small fragments and screenshots, and the 'story" that was pieced up was simply a conflict drama. The audience exploded at once.

Would this new female guest break the current situation of the villa?

Will she threaten Bai Yuen's status as a stunner?

How many male guests would fall in love with someone else?

Did Wen Susu take revenge because of the kitchen time?

Was Cheng Yi unhappy because Huo Wei didn't have her breakfast?

Did Huo Wei have breakfast? Did she only lose weight for 1/3 of a day???

The prevue completely aroused everyone's appetite, so the trending topic this time was no longer Bai Yue's exclusive enjoyment, but also added " Huo Wei 3-minutes-passion of diet".

The topic was already very attractive. Almost half of the girls had lost weight, and 3-minutes-passion was more common. When she saw this topic, she naturally clicked in to have a look. Then she saw the cause and effect of Huo Wei's weight loss.

Someone mocked her for being so shameless just for one day.

But more people understood her because losing weight was really painful, especially losing a lot. It was easy to reverse the mentality and it was difficult to hold on.

Huo Wei was only 22 years old. She was a grown-up, but she was still a little girl in many people's eyes. There was nothing to laugh at if she couldn't keep losing weight?

Many passers-by joined the discussion on the trending topic, and they were all on the side of Huo Wei. Some of them turned into the audience and began to watch the show. So this time, Huo Wei began to affect the show, which surprised and excited the director.

Huo Wei's performance was different from the previous. This reversal was the easiest to attract fans. If she continued to attract fans, the last few episodes of the show would be more attractive!

The prevue made the audience look forward to the seventh episode, including the star watchers in the observation room. They were curious about the development of the villa.

Everyone had made a lot of predictions, but they never expected that the newcomer, Cheng Yi, would like Huo Wei the most!

The main point was that when Cheng Yi and Huo Wei were chatting, they gradually talked about some technical terms. It seemed to be very profound. How could Huo Wei answer it? Did she seem to know a lot?

The audience immediately called out, "Have someone come out to evaluate? Is this the script of the crew of the program? Were they really professional? Did she recite the lines?"

Now the audience was full of different kinds of people, and someone really responded, "I don't know if it's a script or not, but they really talked very professionally. It should be the work of Cheng Yi before, and she accidentally blurted it out. But I didn't expect that Huo Wei took it."

"I guess because of the script. Hahaha, you said that Huo Wei has no backstage? As soon as everyone cursed her for being useless, the crew of the program arranged this for her. It was obvious that she was going to be an elite."

"But who will be her sugar daddy when she is like this?"

"Don't you know that there is a kind of person called the rich two generations? I guess Huo Wei is a rich girl who comes here to catch some handsome young boys."

Before the netizens could finish their discussion, she began to embroider!

Before someone asked, someone came out and said, "There is not a script. This is a true Master. It's really amazing. Cheng Yi is exaggerated at all. I'm also shocked now! I've been learning embroidery for eight years. To be honest, I'm far worse at it than Huo Wei!"

"Oh my God! What's that? Did she see it clearly? Can't she hurt herself? It's so beautiful!"

"I've said that she's good for nothing and she can't do anything. Now I take back my words. It turns out that she's talented. Why didn't she say it before?"

"Do you remember that she majored in Chinese literature? She must like these classical things very much! Wow, I've changed my opinion of her. It turns out that she also has something special."

"Haha, you have changed your views just because you know embroidery? In modern society, who needs embroidery? They are all machines, okay? It's just a small thing."

"If you don't understand, then get out. Real awesome embroidery works are also luxury goods, okay?"

Excellent people would be liked wherever they went. Seeing that, the audience liked her more. The audience also liked her, especially when she wanted to leave the boy and Huo Wei team up to play basketball.

Then the four men and four women respectively formed a team to teach basketball. Laing Chen and Wen Susu were the most boring. The two of them were absent-minded, simple, and a little alienated. From time to time, Cheng Yi looked in the direction of Huo Wei. Ciao Liming looked helpless and interesting, but the two of them were about the same in playing basketball, which was more like teaching and one-to-one practice.

Huo Wei was the most serious one. Because of her more and more serious attitude, Du Hang had become more and more serious. They were completely different from others in Yuanmeng House. It was like a coach training an athlete, which made the audience laugh and cry.

But the effect was obvious. Her fat body did it in a short time, from clumsy pounding to standard dribbling!

The audience was surprised. Bro. Li, who was in the observation room, was also surprised. "Wow, she's a fast learner. Is she a straight-A student at school?"

Yang Jing smiled, "I like this girl a little. I think she was too eager to fall in love before, but she might want to come here and don't go back empty-handed, right? She had to make a boyfriend. So she paid too much attention to the male guests. Now she has given up," said Yang Jing, shrugging her shoulders. "So she's back to normal."

Bro. Li felt a little confused, "So you think she is in a normal state, just like a straight-A student?"

"Yes." Yang Jing nodded, "She can't grow so fast, so she must be like this. Think about it. If she doesn't have any advantages or specialties, how could she enter the villa? Everyone else is excellent."

Bro. Li asked Ding Ning, "Do you have anything to say today? Don't be so quiet."

Ding Ning looked at Huo Wei on the screen and couldn't take his eyes off her. He smiled and said, "that's good for her. If the male guests can't be a boyfriend, but it's not bad to just be a friend. Her friend taught her something and she learned it carefully. It's respect."

"Oh, you take it as respect." Ding Ning laughed and said, "Don't forget that this is a love program. All the guests are coming to have a relationship. Huo Wei has shown her talent, and there may be a male guest who likes her. She still has a chance, and there is no need to give up so early."

Hearing this, Ding Ning shut up, but in his heart, he felt that those boys were not suitable for her. The look in Huo Wei's eyes had changed. He had an intuition that she didn't like them either.

Bro. Li continued, "Let's look at the couple, Bai Yue and Fang Xiao. Ding Ning, look, this is the right way to live in the Yuanmeng House. Learn it. "

The camera turned in the direction of Bai Yue and Fang Xiao. It was Bai Yue who accidentally dropped the ball and hurriedly picked it up. Then the two collided with each other; Bai Yue held the ball tightly in her arms and played tricks. Around her, Fang Xiao stretched out her arms and tried to grab them; It was not easy for Bai Yue to shoot, but she failed. she acted like a spoiled child, and Fang Xiao said no first, and then compromised and admitted defeat.

The two of them were just responsible for showing love in the show. But what they didn't expect was that because of the progress of the previous two episodes, now everyone thought that they were locked up. Seeing this scene, they were more affectionate. They even gave them the names of the "Sun-Moon couple", hoping that they would get married at once.

Now everyone began to worry about the other few people. In the past, four men competed for a woman. Although it was very interesting and exciting, a girl would always choose a boy, and the other three boys were left alone.

Now, it was obvious that Bai Yue had chosen Fang Xiao, so Huo Wei gave up completely. Xiao Liming keenly sensed that they had made substantial progress, and Liang Chen didn't seem to be so enthusiastic. Seeing that Du Heng didn't take Bai Yue seriously and focused on teaching Huo Wei. it seemed that their goal could not be changed.

Then everyone hoped that they could see more female guests. Since they were watching the love show, of course, they hoped that the end of the show would be a happy ending. They would all be happy in pairs.

The originally confused situation became a one-on-one situation. Everyone began to try the others. However, Susan was in the game, so it was impossible for her to know these subtle changes and accurately control people's minds. She wrote this night to Mr.Du.

All the stars in the observation room guessed wrong!

Lin Lang choked on water and pointed at the screen, "what's going on? Why did she choose Du Heng? Does she have any interaction with him today?"

Yang Jing asked in surprise, "really? No. Did I miss it again?"

Bro. Li shook his head and said, "You didn't miss it. It's true. It's not an interaction even if we meet and say a few words. She wrote that she regretted that she didn't learn basketball from him. So she wanted to learn how to play basketball?"

It was rare for Ding Ning to take the initiative to say, "if she really wants to learn, even if Fang Xiao is an amateur, he can teach her some basic things."

All thought that did Bai Yue learn it seriously when she was with Fang Xiao? She didn't. So what did she want to learn from him? Did she flirt with Fang Xiao and learn how to play basketball from Du Heng? It seemed that she didn't really want to learn basketball. Wasn't she acting like a spoiled child when she played later?

In fact, in the love program, Bai Yue acted like a spoiled child, which was a kind of candy that the audience liked to watch very much. But now, she suddenly combined with studying seriously, and with the example of Huo Wei, audiences suddenly felt that it was against the rules.

So, since Bai Yue didn't want to learn basketball, what did she mean by writing to Du Heng? Why didn't she choose him in the daytime? But wasn't she with Fang Xiao now?

All in all, audiences were fascinated by the fact that she didn't give the letter to Fang Xiao but gave it to Du Heng. Seeing that Fang Xiao was depressed after he didn't receive the letter, people really wanted to find Bai Yue and ask her what she thought.

CP fans were just like this. The more love the CP showed before, the more suspicious they would be when it was not sweet enough. The CP fans also divided into ones who favored the woman and ones who favored the man. Bai Yue's behavior made the audience who liked Fang Xiao unhappy. They all released comments to question what Bai Yue meant.

After that, they all guessed wrong about the letter written by Huo Wei, Because last time, Huo Wei wrote to Xiao Liming, and this time, she and learned cooking from Xiao Liming. Everyone guessed that she would write to him. To their surprise, she wrote it to Du Heng in the end.

After reading the content of the letter, everyone was suddenly enlightened. It was because of the teaching of the Du that she was grateful. She even gave some advice about injury and fitness attentively, which was real gratitude. But her tone was very polite. She didn't want to interact with others at all. She just wanted to be an ordinary friend. It was in line with her current state.

She had just been hurt in love and had just walked out from her love of Fang Xiao. Everyone had a healing period? How could she throw herself into the next section so soon? So it was reasonable for her to thank the one who helped her like this.

The most admirable thing was that many people guessed that she didn't choose Xiao Liming because she wanted to avoid arousing suspicion. After all, before she wrote a letter, she looked for her in private and asked her who she liked, saying that if she liked someone, she would not choose that person. Huo Wei must have known that Cheng Yi was going to write it to Xiao Liming, so she avoided arousing suspicion. Anyway, she wrote it to another.

Many people had mocked that Huo Wei was a fake friend of the female guest before. But now, when they saw the interaction between Huo Wei and Cheng Yi, they suddenly felt that they might have misunderstood her? Or was she pretending to get along with Cheng Yi in order not to be isolated?

No matter what they thought, they changed their opinions about her after two consecutive episodes. Some people suspected that she was in love before, but now she gave up on Fang Xiao. Naturally, her mind was clear and the highlight came.

The audience who liked Xiao Liming was watching the comments to show him the newcomer, Cheng Yi. This beauty was very good, and they matched each other well. When Xiao Liming got along with her, he smiled more. Coincidentally, Bai Yue didn't choose him. Now he had become the first person to interact with Cheng Yi. He must seize the opportunity and don't miss it!

After the day was over, it was Cheng Yi's birthday. She had only mentioned it to Huo Wei, so Huo Wei had secretly prepared a birthday party for her behind her back.

That night, when they were going to cook, Huo Wei took Cheng Yi to do some sports. The audience knew that Huo Wei was trying to find an excuse to send Cheng Yi away, but they all laughed out loud when they saw that Cheng Yi's face fell down as soon as she heard the exercise.

It was really hard for people who didn't like sports, especially at the beginning. Cheng Yi had been doing Burpee with Huo Wei for two days. When she was doing it, she gasped and said, "I don't think it's a good idea for me to do it. 8 Burpees almost sent me away, but I had to do 8×3. That's too much."

She pointed at herself and said, "I feel pain all over my body. I can't even walk naturally today. My thighs are so painful. Wei, don't you feel pain? Was it because of the wrong movement or because it was too hard at the beginning? How about asking Fang Xiao?"

After asking her in detail what was wrong with her, Huo Wei said, "it's all right. You don't do any exercises at ordinary times, but it's normal for you to do all of a sudden. After two days, you would get used to it and feel relaxed. Exercise is not to lose weight, but to shape. Only if you exercise to make your metabolism higher can you not easily get fat in the future."

Cheng Hi said, "I...I'm not fat, or..."

Huo Wei turned to look at her but said nothing. Cheng Yi said, "How about I insist?" She didn't want to be looked down upon by Huo Wei. Since Huo Wei could insist, why couldn't she?

Then they did sixteen Burpees together. After that, Huo Wei pulled Cheng Yi to stretch. One of the audience couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Is her EQ too low? Can't you see that she doesn't want to do it? At that time, she said that she would go with her just out of politeness. Cheng Yi is too embarrassed to tell her the truth. Yiyi is really kind."

"There are too many scenes. The two of them are fine. It's Cheng Yi who said she wanted to lose some weight. Did Huo Wei make a mistake to help her? You can try watching other people doing sports, which will annoy you to death. It's your own business. Huo Wei is willing to urge others to do something. Cherish it when you meet it!"

"Is it too hard for Huo Wei? She's so fat. Of course, she needs to exercise more, but Cheng Yi is not fat at all."

"No, it's not that hard. It's just right. That's how it works. What's the use of you doing it with ease? They had to get close to their physical limits. Of course, they just needed to get close to them. It was very tired of them to finish like this, and it was the best state for them to finish just now. I really understand."

"But today is Cheng Yi's birthday. What is Huo Wei doing? Does she have to make her unhappy on her birthday?"

The comments had already been noisy. Some people began to be dissatisfied with her again. They habitually felt that she was wrong and she didn't know how to behave. But in the program, after she finished stretching and taking a walk with Huo Wei for a while, Cheng Yi smiled and said, "Oh, it's so comfortable. I thought it would be more painful after I finished it today, but I felt better after that. Wow, I finished it so early today. I suddenly feel that there is still a lot of time left. Happiness."

"Are you happy now? Don't you think your requirement for happiness is too low? "

"If you can give me a birthday gift, I will be happier." Cheng Yi had already known what kind of person Huo Wei was, so she held her hand and joked.

"What kind of birthday present can I prepare here? I have to think about it carefully."

The two of them were talking and laughing. It was easy to tell that they were friends. All the people who had just diss Huo Wei had turned off their phones. Who would have thought that they would be humiliated so soon?

Other guests were making cakes in the kitchen. In order not to let Cheng Yi find out, Huo Wei took the guitar and went to her room to learn. Cheng Yi also knew her dream. Seeing that she practiced a little about the guitar, she suggested, "It's too difficult to learn in this way, and it's easy to take a detour. After the show, you'd better find a professional teacher to teach you."

"Of course. I just want to do something more. There happened to be a Book Cafe next to the ice rink last time, so I bought a few books to kill time."

Cheng Yi was amused by her indifference. "Aren't you here for a relationship? There were still three of them if she missed one. Why did she use these to kill time? I'll give it a try."

"You don't know. I've tried it. They don't like me. What can I do? If it's not fate, it will be troublesome to fight for it too much. I'd rather make friends with you and practice these basic skills, preparing for my future career."

Cheng Yi was amused by her again. "Are you really going to be an idol? Okay, I support you. At that time, I will definitely support you. If you hold a concert, I will book a lot of seats and invite my company's people to support you."

"You look down upon me, don't you! Man has to grab the tickets to my concert. You want to cover a large part of it. No chance."

"Haha, yes, your concert must be as hard as those top class. At that time, please reward me with a ticket, let me sit in the first row, and watch you closely."

The two of them joked happily. At the same time, Huo Wei was also practicing the guitar. She devoted herself to two things. The two spent half an afternoon on the guitar.

When it was dinner time, the two of them went to the dining room together. As soon as Yiyi entered the room, she was sprayed with colorful ribbons. Everyone laughed and shouted, "Happy birthday, Yiyi!"

Cheng Yi was surprised and looked up, only to find that the dining room was well decorated. On the balloons were written happy birthday, champagne is with beautiful bowknot, more than ten delicate dishes on the table, and cake with candles in the trolley pushed over by Xiao Liming.

Huo Wei turned off the light. The room was dark, and the light of the candles was more obvious. Holding Huo Wei's arm, Cheng Yi was touched. "I didn't expect you to hold me back on purpose this afternoon. I'm so happy that you've prepared the birthday party for me so attentively! Thank you."

"You're welcome. Wei told us today is your birthday, so we discussed this plan. We did it ourselves. Of course, the biggest credit is Mr. Xiao." Smiling, Liang Chen put his arm on Xiao Liming's shoulder and especially explained to Cheng Yi. He could see that Xiao Liming was trying to get in touch with Cheng Yi. They were roommates for so many days, so he must help him.

Cheng Yi looked at Xiao Liming with a smile, "thank you, Mr. Xiao. You must be tired today. Thank you for your hard work!"

Xiao Liming smiled and said, "Come, make a wish. Blow on the candles."

When Cheng Yi closed her eyes and made a wish, the audience who had been humiliated before came up again and mocked, "Everyone worked hard. What did Huo Wei do? Playing with Yiyi and let her not come over? It was really hard. That's enough. She told others that it was Cheng Yi's birthday and then threw everything at others. Didn't she feel ashamed of herself?"

"There must be such a person. If it weren't for Huo Wei, it would be someone else who tried to stop her. Isn't she the most natural person to not be suspected? How could you diss her by this? I really don't know who you are behind the screen!"

Xiao Liming helped Cheng Yi cut the cake as she was closest to her. Then he gave the cake to others. Everyone could tell that he was interested in her.

Bai Yue lowered her eyes and took a bite of the cake. It was delicious and made by Xiao Liming himself. They said that they were going to prepare the birthday party together this afternoon, but they did a little. The main dishes and cakes were ordered by Xiao Liming. The food tasted so good now, which showed how attentive Xiao Liming was. At least, it was better than the dessert he made for her before.

She found that Xiao Liming's fondness for her was declining in the past two days, a little bit every day. Now his fondness for her had dropped from 70 to 55, and even the passing line was not reached. She couldn't figure out what had happened. She even deliberately avoided Fang Xiao and tried to get in touch with Xiao Liming. However, his attitude towards her was completely different from before, and now he even turned to contact Cheng Yi.

What a jerk Xiao Liming is! He changed his mind so easily. She finally got 70 points, but his affection for Bai Yue declined so fast. Men are all dogs, and it's stupid to fall in love with them.

In the past two days, the likability of Liang Chen dropped to 75 from 80, the likability of Du Heng dropped to 65 from 70, which was a drop of 5, and the likability of Xiao Liming dropped directly to 15. Bai Yue thought that the biggest crisis was on Xiao Liming's side because he had recently contacted a female guest, and the other boys didn't need to worry about them.

So she planned to focus on Xiao Liming today. As for Fang Xiao, his likability had increased from 80 to 87. She didn't need to worry. She could just find an excuse to coax him later.

Therefore, when Bai Yue took her seat, she quietly sat next to Xiao Liming. She even let Fang Xiao could not to sit next to her and could only sit diagonally opposite her. The seats were also very meaningful. If one sat far away, it was not convenient to interact with each other during dinner. She just wanted to reduce the interaction with Fang Xiao, so as not to be misunderstood. The good fisherwoman shouldn't be too close to any fish.

On the other side of Xiao Liming sat Cheng Yi and then Huo Wei. Susu slowed down a step and could only sit opposite Xiao Liming. At this moment, her attention was all on Xiao Liming and Cheng Yi, and she didn't notice why Bai Yue was sitting there.

Everyone began to eat. Bai Yue naturally chatted with Xiao Liming because she was next to him. But Xiao Liming had more interaction with Cheng Yi and wanted to take care of her.

"Have you found it?" said the inspector, Yang Jing."Xiao Liming has changed his target. He likes the newcomer, Cheng Yi."

Xia Lin smiled and said, "they are also very sweet. On Cheng Yi's birthday, Mr. Xiao has cooked so many delicious foods for her. If they really love each other, they will be full of happiness and sweetness in the future."

Bro. Li was amused and said, "Stop! Are they sweet now? Was it too fast? She hadn't finished yet. But they are a good match. They are in a state of mutual selection. It's interesting."

"Don't you think that Bai Yue doesn't have much contact with Fang Xiao? It seems that she doesn't show her love to Fang Xiao," said Lin Lang hesitantly.

"Yes, you're right. They didn't have dinner together." Bro. Li nodded and looked at Ding Ning, "Ding Ning, tell me."

Ding Ning thought for a while and said, "Mr. Xiao analyzed that Bai Yue had chosen Fang Xiao. Now that Cheng Yi is here, it's natural for him to change his target. This was a blind date, not a real one, or a special pursuit. I don't understand Bai Yue and Fang Xiao. Maybe they haven't chosen each other yet."

They laughed and said, "it's normal that you don't understand. We don't understand either. How can you understand as you are a straight man? If we don't have a choice, this is... Well, we don't understand either."

Bro. Li asked Mr. Yuan to analyze. Mr. Yuan, the psychologist, had already known that Bai Yue wanted to catch fish, but he couldn't tell everyone in the show. Or one would think that she guided the audience and let them diss special guests? Besides, it might not be a good thing for the show, so he thought for a while and said, "All the guests in the villa get along with each other to fall in love. It's normal for them to have good feelings, or their good feelings have improved greatly. But after all, we haven't been together for a long time, so we have to be rational and have the upper hand. So even if they have good feelings for each other, they may not be together all the time, We need to keep a proper distance from each other. We can't be sure of it until the last moment."

Bro. Li tried to mediate the dispute and said, "Before a relationship is decided, no one knows the result. If you fall in love, it's the same, that does not mean you will get married. If you get married, you may not necessarily grow old together. So it's normal for them to behave like this. But we are too drunk to their love. Let's continue watching."

Although Bro. Li tried his best to make Bai Yue's moving reasonable and emphasize that it was normal that they were not sure about the relationship, the audience already felt uncomfortable. Why did Bai Yue have so little interaction with Fang Xiao during dinner? Why didn't she sit with Fang Xiao? What she said to Fang Xiao was not as much as what she said to Xiao Liming.

The audience who liked Xiao Liming had expected the two of them to interact before, but they had Cheng Yi now. Bai Yue was a model, and she may love Fang Xiao. As a senior manager of the company, Cheng Yi hadn't interacted with other male guests yet. Wasn't it obvious which side they supported? The audience hoped that Xiao Liming would choose Cheng Yi.

So at this moment, the audience was not very friendly to Bai Yue. They thought that she was a little blind. Why didn't she create an opportunity for Xiao Living? On the contrary, she had interrupted the interaction between Xiao Liming and Bai Yue two times? She was really smart before.

After dinner, everyone rushed to wash the dishes. Fang Xiao felt that he didn't have much interaction with Bai Yue today. The day before yesterday, he didn't receive her letter too, so he tried to seize the chance for them to wash the dishes. Just then, Susu was sitting next to Fang Xiao and jokingly smiled at Bai Yue, who was diagonally opposite her, as if she was saying that they were a couple. Bai Yue was so annoyed that she cursed her in her heart, but she still smiled and tried not to show any trace on her face.

Of course, it was not the right time to wash the dishes. When Huo Wei urged Cheng Yi to go back to her room and change into her Hanfu, the guests also quickly ran back to their rooms to change clothes.

Later, Cheng Yi changed her clothes and changed her hairstyle. When she walked out with a small fan in her hand, she didn't find them. Then she found that there were many petals scattered on the ground, spreading all the way to the living room. She was surprised and then happy. She thought the birthday party was a celebration prepared for her, but she didn't expect that there would be a follow-up!

Cheng Yi lifted the hemline of her dress and slowly walked over with expectation and excitement. Then she saw that all of them had changed into Hanfu. The living room was antique and full of ancient charm. Three male guests stood on one side of the door, Susan, Susu, and Fang Xiao on the other side. They all carried a small flower basket in their hands. When they saw Cheng Yi coming, they threw the petals from the basket above her and congratulated her on her birthday with a smile.

With a bright smile on her face, Cheng Yi didn't see Huo Wei. When she was about to ask, she heard the sound of Guqin. An incredible premonition arose in her heart, and her heart thumped quickly. She took two steps quickly and saw Huo Wei in a similar dress sitting in front of the Guqin and gently playing it.

The beautiful Hanfu was good at embellishing her figure. Although she was a little fatter, she looked a little beautiful with makeup, hair, and Hanfu. None of them had ever heard the music played by Huo Wei. They just felt relaxed and happy when they listened to it.

Xiao Liming and the others walked behind her and looked at her with amazement!

It was not music but played by Huo Wei herself. She was so good at playing Guqin. Although they didn't know much about it, they could still hear it clearly. They were totally obsessed with it. Bai Yue couldn't help panicking and couldn't even keep her expression. Not only did Huo Wei know how to embroider, but she also knew how to play Guqin. Would she be able to find out other talents in the future?

Bai Yue unconsciously clenched the flower basket in her hand. Was she so scared that she was finally coming? Was Huo Wei going to fight back?

After playing the song, Huo Wei raised her head and looked at Cheng Yi with a smile. "Happy Birthday to you. I can't prepare any gifts in the small room. I think you like ancient things, so I'd like to set up an ancient scene and send you a piece of ancient music. I hope you like it."

"Yes! I like it! "Cheng Yi's eyes lit up. She walked quickly to Huo Wei and hugged her. "Huo Wei, you are such a treasure. I love you so much! If you were a male guest, I would propose to you immediately. You are so kind. This is my happiest birthday!"

Huo Wei smiled and hugged her back. Then she picked up the brocade box next to her and gave it to her. "Don't be moved. Come and accept the gift. I asked the crew for handmade materials from the program."

Cheng Yi opened the brocade box and saw a delicate hairpin. It was not polished by Huo Wei, but it was designed by her. Then she bought some materials to make it. The hairpin was very beautiful, even more, beautiful than the one she wore on her head. She couldn't help but touch it again and again. Then she couldn't wait to take off the hairpin and change it into the one that Huo Weigave her.

"Is it beautiful?" Cheng Yi asked.

Huo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, it's very beautiful."

A bullet screen suddenly appeared, "Oh my God, I suddenly feel that Huo Wei and Cheng Yi have a CP sense. What's wrong?"




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