One Chicago one-shots

By PoppadomWrites

118K 1.8K 31

This is just me writing a bunch of one shots that are either of my own or have been requested. All of these w... More

Falling in love with you - Halstead!Sibling
Solutions - Matt Casey
Let's hope cupid was right - Will Halstead
Hype - Kelly Severide
When I grow up - Jay Halstead
Let's have a baby - Jay Halstead
Good Coffee - Will Halstead
Custody - Antonio Dawson
Stress & Advice - Rhodes!Sibling
GrandChildren - Boden Daughter!Reader
Donut Box - Platonic!Reader
Angry - Jay Halstead
Father Dearest - Will Halstead
Attempted Kidnapping - Jay Halstead
Older Sister - Halstead!Sibling
Losing - Connor Rhodes
Men Suck - Severide!Sister
Bad kind of butterflies - Jay Halstead
Twins Halstead - Halstead!Sibling
She promised - Jay Halstead
Anesthesia - Kelly Severide
You have a kid?! - Halstead!Daughter
Money, Money, Money - Connor Rhodes
Med Students - Jay Halstead
Too many big brothers - Severide!Sister
When he's good with kids - Jay Halstead
High Pt1 - Connor Rhodes
High Pt2 - Connor Rhodes
Nosebleeds - Halstead!Sibling
Brother-in-law dearest - Will Halstead
Gymnastics - Halstead!Sibling
Love on ice - Jay Halstead
Uncle and Niece - Halstead!Daughter
By my side - Platonic!Reader
Secrets - Will Halstead
Peeping Tom - Jay Halstead
When he's good with Kids (II) - Jay H
A Prom mess - Halstead!Sibling
FBI - Kelly Severide
Passing - Platonic!Reader
Passing (2) - Platonic!Reader
Passing (3) - Platonic!Reader
What to do - Jay Halstead
His Girl - Halstead!Daughter
Excuses - Halstead!Sibling
Her father's daughter - Halstead!Daughter
Uncertainty - Matt Casey
Drugssss - Severide!Sibling
Is it too late? - Rhodes!Sibling

Dodgeball - Halstead!Sibling

2.6K 41 0
By PoppadomWrites

Characters: Will Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Jay Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Ethan Choi

Warnings: Injuries, bullying

Summary: In which a volleyball ball was used instead.


You scowled, ignoring the snickering girls standing opposite you, eyes flickering over at you, looking you up and down as if you were their inside joke but you knew better.

By now, it was expected that 17-year-olds would be mature enough to civil and even stick up for each other, but some girls seemed to miss the memo since they were still acting as if they were in preschool.

This wasn't anything new and you weren't their only target, but it did happen that you were their only current victim in this class, hence why you're their centre of attention.

It shocked you that your gym teacher hadn't noticed but he was too indulged in repeating the rules that you all knew since middle school.

Dodgeball was a game you were relatively good at but once it came down to being the last few people standing, it became much harder to evade any oncoming attacks, all foam balls come hurtling towards you, bouncing away comedically.

It was a decently easy game but not with competitive girls lashing out on each other.

Volleyball was your sport, being on your school's volleyball team since you started as a freshman and from the very first day, it's been your livelihood. The game gave you a rush that you had never experienced and when you won, it was euphoric.

Your brothers had given their full support, wanting nothing more than for you to do whatever you love, and your team won their first state competition, it was as if it sealed in fate that this was what you were meant to do.

So, yes, you were a sporty girl and an extremely competitive, passionate one at that so when you lost a round or game, no matter the sport or even board game, it really got to you.

The same foam balls had been used by the school for years now, no one really knew how old they were but after thousands of complaints, teachers only realising now, they were thrown away and your teacher was firm on doing nothing else but dodgeball.

However, stupid man forgot about the lack of foam balls and really said 'Oh its fine, we'll just use the balls from volleyball or something'.

At the time, you laughed, slapping your best friend on the arm but when he came out from the damp cupboard, dropping an awfully familiar looking bag, you cursed.

You had been hit by a volleyball a few times but that was in very pathetic places that only left light bruises and a few cuts on your fingers and wrist. Those never hurt which you were grateful for but to play dodgeball with the volleyball balls, you could hear the voices of your classmates asking for icepacks and permission slips to see the school nurse.

All your complaints fell on deaf ears and using your 'expertise', you tried explaining to the teacher, but he assured everyone that nothing could go wrong, he knew nothing would go wrong.

Oh, Jay and Will were going to have a field day with this.

Standing in your teams, you were decently happy with your team but due to odd numbers, your best friend who was on your team had to be moved off, gym teachers request. It would've been nice to have her by your side, but you've played perfectly without her before.

As soon as his whistle went off, havoc ensued.

The game went exactly as you thought it would, the mean girls specifically aiming for you as you dodged each on which resulted in someone else got hit, some trying to catch the balls, but it slipped, and they were out. Whining girls sat to the side about aching limbs while others were the embodiment of team spirit, shouting the best encouragements for those who were still playing.

There was a decent number of players left on each team, the other had one more but you didn't let that bother you.

Your attention was torn away from the opposing team as one of your teammates shouted for you from the side, pointing out something that would give you the upper hand.

But with your attention gone for a split second, it gave your bullies the perfect opportunity to attack their unaware prey.

Quickly backtracking, you were short sighted, having been so since the age of ten. You wore glasses 24/7 but when it came to playing volleyball, you opted to wear contact lenses instead. For gym though, you never had a problem with wearing glasses, your teacher couldn't care less, and it was a hassle to put contacts in at school, taking them off all in the few minutes you were given to get changed.

So, obviously today was no different and your glasses remained firm on your face.

Anyways, so your attention was drawn away from the game for a nano second. You could hear your teammate, but the idea was so absurd you had to look at her, which was a big mistake.

As you were looking back, a volleyball ball came hurtling towards you, hitting you directly in the face. Your glasses were pushed into the bridge of your nose, the force pushing you back slightly as your eyes watered slightly.

Your face was tingling and pulsating, the painful sensation nothing you had felt before and that says a lot since your period cramps could get so bad to the point you were immobile.

Trying to recover, the gasps and shouts from the girls on your team got louder as they approached you but before any of them could get remotely close to check on you, you were forced down.

Another ball was hit in your direction, once again hitting you spot on in the middle of your face but this time, the impact was worse.

Your glasses were gone, and you found yourself struggling on your feet, slipping when you couldn't regain your balance and falling to the polished gym floor.

You gasped, the tingling and pulsating pain tenfold, a stray tear fell that you had no control over.

The world was moving way too fast for your liking, rolling around like a dice that a stubborn child keeps shaking and refuses to let go. All the voices around you were fading away as your vision blurred but you couldn't tell if that was because of your poor eyesight or because you were hit.

Either way, it wasn't good you thought to yourself as you felt hands on your shoulders in comfort, but they brought nothing when you could heard a phone ringing overlapping all the voices.


You insisted on walking but per the paramedic's demand, you were being rolled into the very familiar ED.

Nothing had really improved besides the world moving slower than it was before, but it was still moving, the gurney being rolled and moved constantly not helping your case at all.

"Talk to me Desmond." You recognised Maggie's voice, getting nearer as she approached, eventually coming into your line of sight, and frowning at your auburn hair that she caught from afar.

The charge nurse shook her head, muttering under her breath. "You Halstead's." Before shouting for an available doctor that wasn't your oldest brother. "Doctor Choi, treatment 2."

The man came out of nowhere, scaring you when he suddenly appeared at your side, grabbing the gurney, and turning it into the treatment room as he took in your hazy appearance, brows raising for a second in recognition.

"Hey Y/N, can you tell me what happened?" Ethan asked, pausing to let everyone know they were transferring you onto the bed.

Your groaned in pain, the bright lights burning into your eyes. "Dodgeball." You managed to get out, closing your eyes thinking the pain would go.

Even though you weren't looking, you could feel the confusion of the doctor and the nurse around him that you guessed was April since they always worked hand in hand, well that's what you heard from Will. The paramedics relayed what they knew of your injuries and what caused them before setting off.

The world was buzzing as it all started to fade but from the furthest depths, you could make out the comforting voice of your oldest brother, getting louder as he approached and stood in front of the treatment room, not being allowed in by Maggie.

His concern radiated across the room, helpless as he wasn't allowed to get any further. Soon enough though, his concern would become anger once he heard what caused you to be in the ED in the first place.

Everything after that went by in a blur, voices merged together before you suddenly felt a strong urge to sleep.


It felt like you didn't even get time to sleep, blinking before you were met with blurry curls standing at your bedside. You didn't need glasses to know who it was.

"Will?" You questioned for some reason; voice heavy with sleep as you rubbed your eyes.

"Hey." He whispered, pushing the thin blanket slightly so he could sit by your feet. "How'd you feel?"

"Like I got run over." You said, sipping the water he offered you.

"You and Jay need to stop rolling in here looking half dead on gurneys." Will said seriously. "You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days."

You smiled, eyes dropping with the sleep still heavy over you but with a poke on your arm, you sat up.

Before you could complain, whining that you wanted to sleep longer, the doors to the treatment room were pushed open and the first thing you saw was a very blurry man dressed in jeans and a jacket, something shiny hanging on his neck.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" Jay asked Will, looking at him for a split second before making his way to your side, eyes filled with worry.

"I just found out man." Will kinda lied, letting Jay have his moment of fretting over you as he inspected every inch of what he could see. "Maggie pulled you from my contacts once she was free from saving a dude from dying."

Jay ignored Will's sarcasm, crossing his arms as he stood by your head. "What happened?" He asked, jutting his head towards your bruising face.

It took a minute to recollect all your memories which would've been a concern if it wasn't for the look Will sent to Jay, stopping him from voicing any of his concerns over your health.

"Were playing dodgeball with the balls we use in volleyball." You started. "Stupid girls hit me in the head twice, right?" You said with confidence before you were hit with a wave of confusion, looking at Will for affirmation.

Will nodded, looking at you and Jay. "Ethan said you have a concussion, a bunch of gnarly bruises and you had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop since you blew your nose, and someone leaned your head backwards."

The disappointment in his voice was as clear as your vision would normally be with your glasses. Speaking of, "Where's my glasses?"

You realised; hands flat on your face when nothing came in their way like it usually would. You were wearing them while playing dodgeball.

"Not only are they cracked but they caused that little bruise right there." Will pointed out a bruise on the bridge of your nose, you obviously couldn't see it, but Jay could.

By the looks of Jay's clenched jaw that you managed to see through squinted eyes and a tilted head, you knew he wasn't happy at all and if it wasn't for your 'young age' or not yet a legal adult age, Jay would've taken serious action.

"Why were you playing with volleyball balls? It's dodgeball." Jay asked you. Not only was he mad that you were hurt but he was mad at the person who hurt you and the person who allowed a bunch of teens to hit each other with volleyball balls.

"Gym teacher said we would be fine." Your replied to his rhetorical question. "Say that to the girls at the nurse's office asking for plasters and ice packs."

You chuckled a little but when no one followed you, you cleared your throat. Apparently, there was nothing funny about this.

But what was going to be funny was the faces of teachers when Jay walked into your school on your first day back next week.

Will, unfortunately couldn't make it because of work but you were able to record their conversation, which, you totally don't know how, was sent to Will and all of Intelligence you had in your contacts.

A/N: So, this may or may not be based off of personal experiences. I'm happy to say that I've recovered since then but I have decided to lay off the sport for a bit. 

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