Kipo and the Age of Wonderbea...

By tacomanatetoman

6.9K 152 90

(Book is discontinued) Y/n, A human who has lived on the surface for all of his life, finds a mole, err, a pi... More

Burrow Girl and Surface Boy
Hop frogs
Exploding berries
Frogs vs Bunnies.
"Magic" Flapjacks
Cactus Town

Real Cats Wear Plaid

493 18 9
By tacomanatetoman

A pre outside the burrow Kipo stabs her ice axe into the stone as she talks to herself.

"Today's the day. All the way to the ceiling" kipo types herself up.

She tries to go further up, but loses her grip and nearly falls. However, she can grab onto the ice axe and stable herself with her teeth clenched together.

"What's the holdup, slowpoke?" kipo's dad, Lio, a black man with bushy brown eyebrows and a beard connected to a mustache, asks.

"no holdup. Why?" kipo asks as she crosses her feet and continues to swing left and right.

Finally stopping kipo nervously giggles while asking "Does it look like I'm holding up?"

"No, you are clearly not holding up." Lio says with an eye roll.

"But, uh, while we're waiting, tell me, what minerals are in most abundance at this stratum?" Lio, ask as he motions toward Kipo.

"Dad, that's easy: azurite and malachite, two of my favorite "ites"' kipo says, regaining her lost composure.

"If you can ace a pop geology quiz, then I know you can make it the rest of the way." Lio says, Trying to give his daughter hope.

Kipo looks back up before she reaches out and grabs onto a stone face that's out and pulls her axe out of the stone. Then stabs it up further as she continues up.

Kipo continues climbing when the entire Collom of rock, no, the entire burrow shakes. Causing some rocks to fall into the river below.

The burrow folk all look up as an old lady shrugs and continues walking.

"Whoo! Just a mega mute passing overhead. Little close, but nothing to worry about." Lio says with relief in his voice.

Kipo looks up slightly shocked as she puts a hand over her eyes.

"two, three, four... Five seconds between footsteps."  kipo says as she moves her hand back away from her eyes.

"Whoa, this ones big. What do you think it is?" Lio questions his daughter.

"I'm guessing a 400-foot-tall squirm with eight tails." kipo says, a smile on her face as she guesses something out of this world. (Literally)

"Maybe it's a giant dolphin that's adapted to walk on land." Lio questions.

"Dolphin? Well, I did read once they have vestigial leg bones..." kipo says as Lio listens to the loud mega mute outside the burrow.

His eyes widen as the beast yells out.

"...from millions of years ago." kipo continues, but her father pays no mind.

"they found us..." Lio says in shock as his eyes look around for some escape.

"Did you know they used to look like horses before they went into the water?" kipo says as lip looks down towards the flowing river. Slowly, his mind came up with an idea.

"Dad, Dad, are you listening to me?" kipo asks when Lio untethers her from him and pulls her down harshly. Causing the girl to lose her grip on the Ice axe, and fall into the river below.

Quickly reaching down after he saw that his daughter made it into the river safely, Lio untethers himself and jumps into the river below, right as the Collom he was on cracked and fell as well.

Kipo gasp for air as Lio dives into the water. The current taking her away.

A rock lands behind Lio, causing a large wave that pushes kipo away from him.

"Dad! Dad!" kipo yells in a panic as she goes down the river and into a tunnel.

Rocks suddenly fall and block the tunnel as lip jumps up and lands on them.

"Kipo!" Lio yells as he jumps up and tries clearing the rocks that block the tunnel.

He gets a small rock off when a light suddenly shines through and he looks up.

The dealing cracks and crumbles before a large tree stab through it and hit the city below.

"it's ok. You got kipo out OK, that's what matters. The rest..." Lio tells himself.

The tree is pulled back up and light shines through.

"piece of cake?" Lio questions as he looks up at the large body of light.

A large thing covers the light, as it looks through the hole it created. It zooms in on the pupil of its eyes.


An axe is hit against the floor the group watches.

A large cat is seen standing there, wearing a lumberjack shirt and holding a small axe. His face has brown fur on it. And his paws end with a brown color. Along with his tail and ears. 

Soon a snow white cat also wearing a lumberjack shot steps forward. And then many others do as well.

Kipo stares up at the army of cats that stop their only way out. The wind blew her hair and shirt slightly.

"Uh... Guys?" kipo asks as her eyes turn toward the group.

"More mutes! Are these ones friendly or unfriendly?" kipo questions as she looks back at the Lumbercats in front of them and points upwards.

"there's an entire army of them. Packing axes. What do you think?" wolf asks as she stands up and looks over at kipo.

"unfriendly. Got it." kipo says as she smiles.

"So uh... Should we run, or something?" y/n asks as he looks between kipo and wolf.

"to where?" Wolf asks as y/n looks around.

"anywhere but here." he says as he continues looking around.

"Charge!"  a loud yell rings out as y/n looks forward again and sees that the cat army is running toward them.

"oh, man! Oh, man! These are timber cats! Cats eat bugs!" Dave yells out as he flies in front of the group.

"Dave, you're flying! Fly us
out of here!" kipo yells out an idea.

Dave's eyes grow large as the entire group goes closer and he bear-hugs them.

"I had my doubts about your usefulness Dave. Never again."  Y/n says as Dave lifts them into the sky.

Dave lets out a loud grunt of pain as he suddenly drops everyone and out pops an old Dave. His skin is now grey before that Dave fades away as well.

"I have doubts again." y/n says as he stands himself up.

"Yeah, sorry guys. Dave's got a little bit of, uh... Performance issues." Benson says as he defends his best friend.

"lesson seven of the surface:  Know when to run!" wolf yells out as the group turns and runs towards some rocks. Kipo holding mandu and Benson holding Daves's cocoon.

The cats run past the rubble before kipo pops her head out.

"The footprints led here! The monsters gotta be here somewhere. Keep looking!" the white and brown cat commands the cats who simply bang their axes into rock.

Y/n peaks out as well and notices a cat that strayed too far from the group.

Right as he's about to leave the rubble, kipo shakes her head.

"Don't even think about it mister." kipo says as she pulls him back into the rubble-safe place.

"Guys, I think we should try and work with the mutes to find the mega mute," Kipo says as she looks over at the group.

"huh?" Y/n questions as he looks at kipo.

"That's a horrible idea." wolf says stoically.

"listen to them. They are clearly going after the mega mute that did this to my city." kipo says as the entire group goes quiet and listens.

"that mega mute must if used our tree to make this crater. We're no match for a beast who can do that." a white cat says.

"What if my people didn't get away? What if it took them?" kipo questions the group, who all look at her.

"Tough luck...?" Benson says in a questioning way as y/n nods his head.

"We have an enemy in common" Kipo says as she points toward the group.

"kipo, my great friend." y/n says as he comes closer and wraps an arm around kipo.

"I've been with ya since ya came out of that tunnel. And let me tell you. Mutes that are intelligent are a no-go." y/n says as he pulls her closer and rests his forehead on hers.

"They are literally a human's worst nightmare. Don't interact with them. Let's just get outta here while we still can." y/n says as he pulls back.

"..." kipo stays quiet for a few seconds before turning and running towards the cat mutes.

"Not once does she listen." y/n says with a sigh as wolf nods in agreement.

"Hi, there!" kipo says as she reaches the group of cats who all turn towards her.

"um, funny coincidence, the mega mute your looking for? We're looking for it, too." kipo says as she points her arms in the direction of her friends.

"oh my... Did she just sell us out?" y/n ask in shock.

"yep." wolf says.

"Seems like it" Benson says.

"I swear, if I didn't love her, I wouldn't be able to take any of the dumb things she does." y/n says with a frown.

"... What?" Benson questions as he looks over at y/n.

It then cuts to the group as they are carried away in a little container filled with litter being carried by four of the cat mutes.

"I tried." kipo said as she looked out of the cage and the direction they came from.

"Something tells me this isn't the kind of sand you find at a beach." Benson says as he picks up a small handful and then lets it fall out of his hands.

"Did the color give it away or- Ah God!" y/n cut himself off as he tried to stand and move away from the cocoon Dav jumped out of.

The cats all simultaneously looked into the cage for any sort of trouble, only to see the human trying to stand and an open cocoon.

"Quite your hollering and sit down." one of the cats said as y/n obediently sat down.

"Quite you hollering and..." y/n trailed off as he picked have up and sat him down on his crisscrossed lap.

"Stop eating that toddler dave." y/n said as he patted Daves's back.

"Toddler dave?" Benson questioned y/n with a raised eyebrow.

"I like to keep tabs." y/n said nonchalantly.

" Aww, that's so cute," kipo said as she scooted closer to y/n and Dave.

"did you name all of them or-" kipo started but y/n cut her off.

"Kipo, move back a little. I'm getting too close to the bars. And I think that one likes hurting me." y/n said as he pointed to a cat that had a devilish smile and slit eyes.

"Oh... Sorry." she said as she moved back.

"Thanks... Now, onto the matter at hand-" y/n stops himself as Dave suddenly turns into a teen and his old form explodes lancing green onto his shirt.

"... He grows up so fast." Benson said whipping a fake tear away.

Y/n just silently stares at the same in his lap, who slowly looks up at him.

"..." "..." dave steps out of Y/n's lap and walks to Benson.

"You guys are idiots." Wolf finally said something.

The cage is suddenly put down and y/n looks around in confusion. Kipo stares out at the front of our little cage.

The cat that led the charge opens the cage and starts speaking.

"Stand at attention! You're in front of the scratching tree!" he orders the other cats while watching the cage.

All of the cats close their eyes and raise their axes.

The caged ones step out and look at the giant stump.

"it looks like it's... um, how do I say, uh, not much of a tree anymore." Benson says as he and the group stare at the-

"Stump. You guys worshiped a stump?" Y/n questions as he hears something growl behind him.

"HEY! it's sacred to the way of life! And it wasn't always a stump..." a short cat says, pumping a first outward and glaring at the group before going all sad and monotone.

"What's that on your sweater, human? Is that supposed to be funny?" The charge cat asked as he pointed the death stick's tip at Benson.

"Hey, that's-" Y/n tried to take a step forward but stopped when an axe chopped right in front of him.

"Don't even try human." a white cat that gave a speech earlier said.

"..." y/n stared at the axe and then surveyed the area around him before Benson spoke up.

"Look, I meant no harm or to make fun of your culture... How about I just uh..." Benson crosses his arms and covers the cat.

Dave suddenly jumps out of the cage as man dave.

"I'm back in fightin' shape. " He exclaims before he looks around at the cats who stare at him with glares.

"aw, man, I just remembered we got caught." Dave says as he deflates.

The white cat lifts her axe and pushes past y/n as she walks forward.

"Now, What would we do with these humans? Should we eat 'em? " the white cat asks as kipo and dave share a terrified look while y/n glares at her and Wolf stares forward uncaring.

"We'd have to clean them first, they rode in the litter." She says thinking about all the steps of cooking the humans.

"I say we bat them between our paws for several hours until we get bored." The cat that led the charge said as he passed the stick between his right and left hands.

"Maybe we should let them go." y/n said while standing behind the short cat and using a fake voice.

"my, that sure is a great idea short stuff. Thank you for going against the wave of human haters." y/n said in his normal voice while all the cats just stare at him.

Wolf face plans as she whispers "idiot".

"Your attempt was amusing Human. But it won't be enough." The white cat said as she rolled her eyes.

"so we should eat them, right?" the white cat asks as the cat that led the charge turns toward her.

"No! We should bat them. It's what the great Yumyan would have wanted." he said.

"Eat them" "Bat them" "Eat them!" "Bat them!" the cats argued before a cat in the crowd yelled something.

"Caterbrawl!"  and then all hell broke loose. As all the cats jumped at each other and fought with their axes and or threw them.

"We need to get out of this madhouse as soon as possible" Wolf said as she crouched down to avoid an axe that flew by the group.

"But look at them! The poor things are lost without their friend Yumyan." Kipo says as she points towards a pair of cats who are slowly throwing swats and paws while on their knees crying.

"We should help find him!" Kipo exclaims as the entire group just stares at her.

"They are having this fight because they can decide whether they should beat us or eat us." y/n said as he noticed an axe flying his way and dodged it.

"It's just the right thing to do!" kipo exclaims.

"yeah no. I'm with him on this one. We should go." Benson says when a cat suddenly lands in front of them all and they all stare at the short cat who is being held down.

"No! This isn't right! It's just not the same without Yumyan!" she exclaims sadly when the white cat walks over and lets a single piece of pink string flow in front of her.

The short cat immediately became interested in the small string and started batting it with an "Ohh!"

"if you don't mind me asking, who is this Yumyan?" kipo ask causing both cats to look at her.

"This human keeps talking to us. Why does she keep doing that?" the white cat asks as she looks around.

"Who is Yumyan Hammerpaw? He's the lord of the timber cats! Or at least... He was." tiny says as she looks down sadly. But then looks up, along with all the other cats.

"oh... Sorry." kipo said solemnly

"So long, Yumyan. Hardly knew ya." Benson said as he closed his eyes.

A sudden screech was heard as y/n jumped back and a barrel landed where he was before it bounced away.

"oh God, who threw that!?" y/n yells angrily before he hears a tree fall down.

"I apologize for any rudeness that was present when I said that." y/n says as he takes a step back.

"Must have been Pierre, Yumyan's pet. You might wanna duck." the white cat says as a giant flea jumps around from tree to tree with a cat holding on to a piece of string wrapped around Pierre's neck.

It lands on the floor and the cat that was on it is now off.

"Timber!" The white cat yells out and picks up the other cat while running as the tree lands where they just were.

"ok, that tree was not stable. How come no one thought to chop it down? Does Yumyan have to remind us to do everything?" the white cat complains.

"uh, somebody still needs to get Pierre back on his leash." tiny says as she points up at Pierre, who is launching cats off a giant tree before he jumps into a tree.

"Any volunteers?" tiny ask as all the cats stare with wide eyes filled with fear.

"We volunteer!" Kipo yells with her hand up as all the timber cats move out of the way.

"Really?" wolf asks in disbelief.

"we're gonna die." y/n said as he fell to his knees.

We now are on top of the gain trees as Pierre lands and loads himself like a bull.

"I have half the mind to put that thing around your neck." wolf said as she looked over to kipo.

"Don't you ever do things you don't want to do, to help others?" kipo questions wolf.

"Nope." wolf said as she snapped off a sizable branch and held it like a spear.

"Are you gonna hit him with that?" Kipo questions.

"what do you want me to hit them with, a dirty look?" wolf questions sarcastically.

Pierre starts to get closer.

"OK, on the count of three--" kipo starts off, but is cut off when the group runs forward yelling "Charge!"

Kipo watches with a wide mouth as y/n leans back on the tree.

"'Charge'. Yeah right." y/n says as he watches the carnage.

Like a bull, Pierre bucks and gets off most of the group.

"Wow. This is sad." y/n says as kipo looks around and notices some things.

Wolf is sent flying and gets hung up by a branch before kipo suddenly gasps, catching Y/N's attention.

"What are you doing?" y/n questioned Kipo's intentions as she dropped the leash. Catching the fleas' attention.

"Uh oh." y/n said once he noticed.

Kipo pulled an axe out of a nearby barrel. The flea notices and growls slightly as the sun Flint's off the axe and kipo fails to hide it behind her.

"No no no no!" Wolf yells out as kipo takes a step back.

Y/n jumps in front of the girl and grabs onto her, when she swings her axe into a barrel And a turret of brown liquid comes out. Pierre stops and leans down to drink it.

Y/n stares at it before kipo taps him and he looks at her.

Pointing at the leash, y/n nods his head slowly and allows kipo to go and grab it. She then tiptoes toward Pierre before putting it on the mute.

He stops drinking for a second as everyone watched with baited breaths, but then it went back to eating.

"Ohh, you were just a sweet, hungry pet." kipo says softly.

"who hasn't had a bite in days." kipo said as she stroked Pierre softly.

"You guys are... You guys are horrible pet owners." y/n said as he looked at the white cat beside him, who had dropped down from above.

"In our defense, we never had to interact with Pierre all that much." she said with a shrug.

"Ah well. I guess we won't kill or eat you guys now... Any other ideas?"

"Let us go?" Y/n and Benson question hopefully at the same time.

"Oh! Let's trade me' to Scarlemagne!" the cat who lead the charge earlier said.

"I change my mind. You guys can bat or eat me." y/n said hopefully.

"No can do! It's what Yumyan hammerpaw would have done." she says as she does previously at the group.

"You guys can't be serious! Not-"

"Scarlemagne." kipo finished off what dave had started, as they all were back in the kitty litter box.

"That's pretty bad." kipo said.

"Very." y/n said as he started up at the roof of the cage, his voice devoid of hope.

Benson and the hand looked over at y/n, as he simply drew something into the litter.

Benson has a sudden big brain move as he moved closer to the white cat.

"Hey! Uh, listen, before you do anything rash here, can we discuss all the syrup you have?" Benson questions.

"because you haven't lived until you've tried my world-famous flapjacks." Benson says as the cats all suddenly stopped and y/n loomed over.

The cats drop the cage and stare forward.

"Flapjacks sound good."

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