The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

35 Do Memories Hurt?

5.5K 303 268
By melantha123

A/N: Chap might be a bit intense. I promise that it won't ruin your life however xD.

POV Punzie

The drop down is maybe 80 feet and I feel the wind blowing on my face. The bed sheets that I tied up together are not long enough to get me down. I turn around and I see the round stone walls that surround me and work as my prison.

There might be these comfortable furniture, all the books you could think off and possibilities to have a hobby but yet this is just my prison. I want out from here.

"Rapunzel! Lay down your hair," I hear a familiar yell. It's my husband, Eugene.

"THANK GOD!" I shout and ran to the window. I see Eugene standing in the green forest that opens up down and around the tower.

"Eugene! I can't get out," I cried to him as I lean against the window seat.

"Lay down your hair!" Eugene shouts and lifts his hands to megaphone around his mouth.

I frown. My hair? Suddenly I feel a heavy burden on my head and I look behind of me. My eyes flash open from shock. Yard after yard there's this golden blonde hair circling around the room.

"Where did that come from?" I whisper and touch my head. I lift some of my hair in front of my face. It's golden blonde.

"B-but my hair is brown and short?" I mumbled aloud. This is so confusing.

"Lay down your hair!" Eugene yelled again. Yeah, he might be right, if I throw this down it might be enough for him to climb up. Quickly I gather as much of my hair into my lap as I can and I throw it down. He starts to climb and soon I would be held by him.

Then, the whole forest darkens as storm clouds fill up the sky. Water is pouring down as the sky opens with a hit of lighting. I see a shadow moving in between the trees. It's closing in Eugene.

I'm gasping as I feel the threat. It's like this bad feeling.

"Eugene," I said in worry. Our eyes meet and then he glances down. Now the figure was close to him and I'm gasping. Quickly I try to help Eugene up by pulling my hair up. It was too late, now the figure of a woman with frizzly hair raises a blade and slams that into Eugene's back.

I stare in shock as Eugene falls down from my hair. The weight disappeared and he lays on the muddy ground. His eyes stare into me lifeless, the spark of life in him disappeared.

"NO!" I cried. "EUGENE!" I screamed. My whole world shattered in just a moment. He was coming to get me but then he died while trying to save me. I fell to my knees and I start crying. I can hear someone else climbing up, the cruel laughter of the woman is making my heart ache even more.

"Punz, wake up."

The woman is now climbing over the window seat. I'm staring at her figure as she covers the window. I can barely see from my tears.

"PUNZ!" Eugene's voice yelled. And I startle. Suddenly I feel warm arms around me, the cold and damp air is disappearing. The sound of thunder and rain switched to the beeping sound of heart machine.

"Eugene," I sobbed happily as I see who is holding me. I bury my head against his chest. The smell of his foresty cologne fills up my nose.

"Thank god you're alright," I whispered and couple tears escaped from me.

"Another bad dream?" He whispered and I nodded my head. It's been like this for couple days after I woke up in the hospital and found out about my father's death.

"How's our baby?" I asked. Concern is filling me up.

"Doing well. There's nothing wrong with him," Eugene said securely as he let go of me. His brown eyes are calming me down by their gentle way to look at me.

"That's good," I smiled and rubbed my baby bump. Eugene told me that some experimental medicine helped me out when I was poisoned with something. It saved me and my baby, however it made my hair turn into golden blonde.

The poison.

Again I feel sad when I think of what happened. My father died because someone had done such horrible thing. Who would want to hurt us and why? Tears fill my eyes again.

My father was a nice man, he didn't want harm to anyone. Why would someone want to kill him or anyone of us? We try to help people.

"Shh.." Eugene whispered and sat on my bed. Gently he pulled me back into embrace.

"I'm so tired Eug," I said quietly as I hug him back.

"I know," Eugene replied.

"And I'm afraid of sleeping... Every time I close my eyes I see a nightmare about that woman," I cried aloud.

"Yes I know my love," Eugene comforted me and swayed me close to him.

"When will they let me out from here? I don't want to stay locked up in this room at the hospital anymore. I want to go home with you. I want to sleep in our bed," I continued my crying.

"Tomorrow I hope, now...try to sleep. I'm here next to you. It's still night," he spoke softly and kissed my forehead.

Slowly I lay back down while he is humming a song. It's calming and slowly I feel my eyes closing. His hand is gently squeezing mine as his other hand is stroking my shoulder. Last thing I saw before falling asleep was his caring smile.

POV Jack

We are sitting on my couch as usual. Elsa has been as my roommate for some time now. I glance at her quickly when she can't notice it. It's weird on how distant she can sometimes get. Even though we both share feelings towards each other, she pushes me away like something is wrong.

Earlier today we were seeing Punzie. She had got out from hospital and now she's resting at home until her baby is born. Everyone is concerned about her but she's been strong, maybe too strong when you think that her father died.

Elsa pulls her legs against her body and I bite my bottom lip. The urge to kiss her is growing inside me. I'm holding my breath as I go closer to her. She noticed my try to approach and she flinches. It made me pull back immediately.

"You still don't like me as much as I like you?" I whispered as I ruffled my hair. Her cheeks turn red.

"There's just something missing," she smiled sadly and pulled the blanket better on her. I watch her figure under the blanket and her delicate hands over her lap. Her soft rosy lips are like inviting me.

"Something missing?" I whispered and I look down to my knees as I sit back down.

Yeah, love. She doesn't love me so that's what is missing. She nodded her head which made it feel even more painful to me. I sigh loudly as I stood up. I saw her eyes getting sad and she grabs to my arm.

"Where are you going?" She whispered.

"I'm taking a shower. To clear my mind and think of things," I replied blankly.

"But," Elsa started.

"You don't love me. You don't want me to touch you," I laughed a bit and I shrug her hand off. What's the point to try if I get my heart ripped out of my chest every time?

When I got into my bathroom I strip down quickly. I place my hoodie into dirty clothes pile.

Once the cooling water rinses over body I let out a relieved sigh. This is so weird, realizing that someone makes you feel this way. It really hurts when she's pushing me away. Sometimes she kisses me but it seems like she's disappointed. Like she wishes me to be someone else. This I've realized in these past weeks that I've been with her.

When I finish washing myself, I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my waist. I pull the shower curtain aside.

"Boo," Elsa smiled. She's standing in front of me, wearing my hoodie and biting her bottom lip.

I shouted in surprise, taking a step back and slipping on the wet floor. My body is falling, my hand reaches to grab onto something. I touched the shower handle but my grip broke from it and the water turned on.

"Jack!" Elsa gasped and tried to take a hold of me. It was too late.

I hit my head and I feel how my back slams against the floor. I groaned in pain while the water was raining over me. I hear this odd echoing sound as my ears are ringing, I keep on blinking my eyes and my vision returns slowly.

"F-Frost, oh gosh I'm so sorry," Elsa is crying and I realize that she's over me. Her hair is dripping wet because of the water. "I just wanted to take your hoodie and then prove that I love you," she whispered.

"Uh," I managed to gulp out.

"Y-you're alive!" She laughed in relief. Then she looks to my right and I follow her gaze. My eyes widened, I had actually frozen the shower wall while falling.

Then my eyes look into a shining thing that's hanging outside the hoodie and on her neck.

"J-Jack? S-should we go to doctor?" Elsa gulped out but I don't say anything. I just jerk my head to right while I reach to her necklace. It's a small silver pendant, having a snowflake on it. My heart beats irregularly now, this piece of jewelry is familiar. I let go from it and I touch the one that's hanging around my neck.

"Uh.. are you okay?" Elsa sounded worried.

She's having the same necklace.

"D-do I know you?" I whispered.

Her eyes filled with tears. "Y-you forgot me again?" She cried.


Then I felt sharp pain piercing my head. Forget her again? This necklace. Why isn't she surprised or horrified to see me freezing a shower? I shut my eyes tightly and I squeeze my head while moaning in pain.

"Speak to me!" Elsa whispered.

Finally the pain was giving in and I open up my eyes. She's still there, concerned.

"You look so ugly while your face is like that," I laughed aloud.

"W-what?" She whispered.

"Ya know, how your pretty lips are upside down, your eyes being pink and swollen. I prefer you with a smile brighter than the sun," I smiled slyly.

"Your Knight is at your service My Queen," I whispered as I wiggled myself up. She was now really confused, it amused me. I turn the water off and I feel her stare on my back.

"Last time, when we encountered like this. It was when you hit your head and I was wearing the hoodie, right?" I said mysteriously.

"Jack?" She whispered.

"And you called me a ghost or something like that. Right?" I said when I turned around. She flinched when she saw me staring at her. I smiled slyly while I felt like I should be really pushy this time.

"I'm not understanding you," she whispered and stepped out from the shower.

I hummed while I grabbed onto the hoodie. I pulled it off from her which made her gasp. "Wow, well. Let's dry you up," I grinned while giving her another towel from cabinet in the bathroom. She wrapped it around her body quickly while blushing.

"I know why you weren't surprised to see the ice," I whispered to her ear. My hands were digging into her soaking wet hair.

"W-why is that?" She gulped out.

"Because you once met a poltergeist. With similar power," I replied huskily while slipping my hand away from her hair. I took a step back and I waved my hand. A circling cool wind came inside the bathroom and her hair started to float in the air. I smiled slyly while seeing her reaction, horror turning into wonder and finally. The realization.

"It's you?" She whispered.

"It was me all along. I just got something that I lost back and now, if you excuse me," I grinned while going so close to her that I could see every slight detail on her sweet heart shaped face.

"I've waited this so long," I whispered when I wrapped my arms around her. I then used my other hand to lift her chin up and I started kissing her. Her body shivered against mine and I smiled during the kiss.

We parted for air and she rested her head against my chest.

I've known her for so long, promised to love her and be there for her.

"Elsa," I whispered. "I'm sorry that I treated you like that, forgot you. Now I'll make it up to you," I said quietly. I won't forget her ever again.

Her arms wrap around my neck and she kisses me again. When she broke from our kiss I feel her hands traveling down on my back which made me flush. Her face is against my neck and I feel her kissing my neck.

"I missed you Frost," her words were like sobs.

"Well, I was here all this time? I just forgot my time as your poltergeist," I chuckled as I petted her head.

"Yes and you treated me differently without those memories," she whispered. She was right. When I woke up I wasn't annoyed to her, I had no reason and that's why I was really nice from the beginning. As a poltergeist of hers we hated each other's at first and we eventually grew together, falling in love. So I dare to be cunning around her when I remember our past together.

"Yeah I did," I hummed. A grin spread on my face. Quickly I scoop her up and I place her to counter in the bathroom.

"J-Jack?" Elsa gulped out and I slam my lips against hers. I'm way more daring when I remember our time together.

"Marry me?" I whispered as I wipe her hair out from her shoulder which I kiss. I glance at Elsa who is blushing.

"M-marry you? Uh... I guess that we could," Elsa whispered and smiled. Suddenly her face went pale and I part my lips from her shoulder. She is staring behind me.

"Elsa?" I questioned and she pointed towards the shower. My heart was now racing as I turn around.

"No," I whispered aloud. I kept on repeating the word. Elsa jumped down from the counter and rushed to the shower. Slowly I drag myself there.

I'm staring at my body. It's laying on the floor. I groan loudly and I turn around, slamming my fist to shower wall. I'm back to spirit again.

"Crap, how did this happen?" I groan and rub my temples. Elsa is searching signs of life from my body and she sighs from relief.

"Frost, you're breathing," she laughs a bit and I flinch. I look at her and I see her kissing my forehead which made me blush.

"Yeah, of course I am. If I wouldn't then even my spirit would be gone," I smiled faintly and now she grabbed to my body's arms.

"Els?" I questioned her actions as she started dragging my body out from shower.

"You WILL get back in here," Elsa snapped at me as she nodded towards my body.

"Where exactly are you dragging me?" I replied while raising my eyebrow.

"I'm worried Frost. Your body was cold," Elsa whispered. I see how she kneels down and throws my arm over her body. I look at my arm, I'm actually feeling the pressure when she's lifting my body up. She just lifted my body up against her back.

Elsa threw my numb body to bed. I rub my chin and I look at her. "Wow, you are much stronger than you look," I laughed. She's so tiny and yet she can lift up a guy.

"Yeah so now you're going to call ambulance?" I hummed and nod towards my unconscious self. Yeah, great, we're back to square one.

"No, you are getting back in," she replied seriously. Her determined look was making me chuckle.

"I tried it many times when I got trapped into this spirit form which I am again. I don't know how I got back last time. I just remember that you were in danger and I wanted to help," I smiled. That doctor, Pitch Black tried to inject something into her then. I was nearly dead but I returned to my body and I used my winter powers before passing out. After waking up, I forgot my relationship with Elsa.

Her touch made me flinch. Her hand was going over my bare chest. Bare?!

I look at my body, it's still just wearing a towel around waist and I look down. So am I. Wonderful, am I now stuck in this form? Just wearing a freaking towel! That won't be good when you fly.

I'm feeling nervous and my eyes wander, I'm just trying to think what to do. This is crazy and scary.

"Jack," Elsa whispered gently and I feel her hand on my cheek. "We can figure this out together," she smiled to me. Her hand slides down on my other arm, her fingers wrap around my hand and it makes my heart jump inside my chest. She's backing up, guiding me after her while her hand is now going behind my neck and away from my cheek.

"I will marry you," she whispered and her lips come closer to mine.

"I would love that," I mumbled and my cheeks flush. I close my eyes as her lips seal the gap between us. She's now kissing me, her lips are like heaven on earth sending me into world of bliss. I can feel her heart beating against my chest. Our hands are like a serpent that's drugged over sweet scented flower, squirming and enjoying the sensation.

A smile spread on my face as I realized what she had said. She's now mine and we will be one through marriage. When our lips part lightly so we could catch our breath I hear her whispering my name once. I laugh and lift her up from her waist.

I lost my balance for a moment and I place her down. It made my legs hit on the bed and I fell and she fell over me. We were tightly sealed on each other, her lips were glued into mine and her hands were exploring every inch of me.

Suddenly a moan escaped from me and I gasped. Somehow her presence feels a bit different, the feeling of pressure is now much more. I can smell her, I feel her warmth and her hair tickles my nose.

"Elsa, something is different," I whispered as I push her away. When I see her body I have to look away and pull the bed cover over me.

"Jack? Why are you hiding?" Elsa laughed and touched my shoulder. I lift myself to my arms support. When I look around there's no sign of my body.

"M-my body. Where is it?" I whispered and I search around the room again.

"You fell over yourself Frost," Elsa whispered and kissed my cheek. Her touch made me have goosebumps.

"So... I am... me?" I whispered and I pinch my skin.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for so long to have you here with me. I loved you all along but you forgot me. Now you seem to remember?" She whispered.

"I do... ngh.. my head hurts," I mumbled as I felt my head being painful.

"You hit it when you fell," Elsa sighed. "I'm really sorry, I acted up badly and I tried to make a really bad scaring joke," her voice quieted into sobs.

"I know but... if this was needed for me to come back then I'm not mad over it," I chuckled and touched her hair. She kissed me again, her hand traveled under the blanket and caressed over my chest.

"Don't... unless you want to try to have that kid which you didn't want with me before," I gulped out.

Elsa gasped and slapped my chest. It made me startle and I stare at her in shock. "YOU REALLY ARE A PERV!" She shouted.

"I guess so," I grinned. Elsa rolled her eyes and I smile innocently while planting a kiss on her lips which she eventually deepened. Suddenly her hand grasped onto bed sheets which she pulled away from me. I yelled as she pulled my towel off.

"ELS! NO!" I yell as I reach on the cover again. I notice her staring and blushing.

"W-why did you do it!" I groaned as I cover myself quickly by grabbing the blanket back.

"You've seen me naked. Now we're even," she chuckled.

"That's twisted way of thinking," I mumbled as I look away. My cheeks are red and I gulp. Her soft hand turns my head to face her.

Her smile makes me smile and soon I find myself kissing her. We close our eyes during the kiss, she's getting more intense the longer it lasts. Now he slipped under the blanket with me and I feel how her hip touches my leg.

Elsa bites her lower lip and looks into my eyes like to ask a question. Her crystal blue eyes feel like I could drown into them. Her hand goes into my hair and I feel her running her fingers through it.

"Does your head hurt?" Elsa asked softly.

"Not anymore," I said and shook my head. She smiled and nodded her head, placing her forehead against mine.

Slowly her hand goes to my shoulder and down my arm. Her fingers entwine with mine. "I love you so much," she whispers to my ear and I feel how her body is fully against mine. It made me react and quickly I wrap my arms around her, sealing her into embrace.

"I love you too... future Mrs Overland," I grinned.

"I don't want a big wedding," she laughed.

"Well.. just the whole town," I said playfully. "A wedding fit for a Queen!" I continued and she groaned. If she wouldn't be held this tightly against me she probably would have slapped my chest by now.

"JACK! Not funny. And if I am Queen... You would be King," she laughed aloud.

"I prefer being your Knight until the day I die," I spoke against her soft hair. It smells so good even though it's still wet after shower water raining on her.

"Queen marries her Knight. Sounds like a scandal?" Elsa laughed aloud and snuggled against my chest.

"Yeah but so sounds the fact that the new Leading Chief of Burgess fire stations is about to... you know... well, you are one of the Chief's of the fire stations I'm leading," I hummed and smiled. I roll us around and now I'm on top of her. It made Elsa blush and I grin.

I lean down and kiss her. Her hands go around my neck.

In sickness and in health. I promise to love and to hold you.


Update. Sorry guys for it taking this long! I've been exhausted and extremely busy. I have barely any free time. Gosh.

How did you like it?

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And.. what should I burn?

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