The Fallen Goddess - Before I...

By swiftiecorexx

124 4 7

Rewrite of ✨️Amy's Adventures✨️ (Which has been unpublished so you lucky people who HAVEN'T seen that monstro... More

The Fallen Godess - Before It Starts
One - Welcome To The Show!


10 1 0
By swiftiecorexx

Sorry about the wait I've been away on holiday and just finished editing it!
Hope you enjoy and don't read it to fast cus I still need to finish the next chapter.
(Help me i wanna cry)


The show had been running for about an hour and by now, the two kids had grown bored and had resulted to whispering about school. The group that was performing on stage were a group of three girls singing a cover to some random song that had been played too much on the radio. "They're ruining this song for me Lils...And I don't even know what this song is!" Abigail complained quietly as she stared at the girls as one of them began fumbling on her words.

"Be nice Abi." Lilly muttered, eyes staying on the stage.
"Your right. Not everyone can sing as well as me." Abigail said in reassurance. Lilly snorted suddenly, drawing the attention of a few nearby people. After ushering a few apologies, she turned to face the redhead.
"You, shut up." She said poking Abigail's chest and jerking her fingers towards the stage. She rolled her eyes at Lilly's childish antics before sighing and doing as told. "Thank you." Lilly breathed before all attention returned to the stage as the song finished and the three girls got their score.
"And now, Ninjago, we have our last performance. The defending champions! Our very own, Royal Blacksmiths!" The blonde man shouted into the microphone as four men wearing brown, ironed suits with black smooth hair walked on and began to take their places on the stage while the crowd cheered. But the loudest cheers were from the other three Brookstone's that sat in the audience. The quietest cheer, ironically, coming from Abigail.
"GO DAD!" Cole shouted from his seat.

The audience calmed down as they began creating melodies with their voices, all together, creating a music masterpiece with no instruments. Acapella at its finest. After a minute or two, the group fell silent, as did the audience before they erupted into cheers for the group. And as they received their scores, (Perfect by the way, except for Darren on the end. Fuck you Darren) the cheers only got louder. They had won. And as the trophy was placed into the groups hands, pride blossomed in Lilly's chest. The family reunited backstage in the midst of celebrations. "Lilly!" Lou shouted wrapping his arms around her strong frame, bringing her into a crushing hug. They were soon joined by Cole and Amanda.
"Group hug yay!" Cole commented quietly as his small arms wrapped around his mother's hips.


Lilly, Abigail, Cole and Amanda were waiting in the foyer for Lou to come out of the dressing room. Lilly had given her phone to Amanda and Cole to keep them quiet while Abigail filled her in on all the drama that she missed out on.
"So, Koko was talking to me last night and she was telling me about this massive new discovery they made at the base of the...Wailing Alps I think it was." Lilly hummed in acknowledgement, so Abigail continued.
"Anyways so she and Garm have gone to check it out and everything." Lilly scoffed lightly in amusement.
"That should go well." She said in reference to Misako and Garmadon's solo mission.
"Tell me about it." Abigail started; a bright smile displayed on her lips.
"Koko did seem quite irritated when she told me that part. But she was also quite quick to move on."
"Ugh. I love Koko but she just needs to get over herself and kiss him." Lilly whined in an amused frustration.
"I knowwww. Garmadon has loved her since he first saw her and Koko's lucky enough to even have someone to look at her like that." Abigail rambled. Lilly stroked her shoulder in silent sympathy.
"I know. I know. I brought in on myself." She muttered bitterly.
"What- No. You fell in love, and it ended badly. It happens. Stop beating yourself up about it." Lilly said lightly punching her shoulder.
"And besides. You might not have Chen's love, but you have mine. And Maya. Heck you have Wu's as well. You are not as alone as you think you are." She continued. A soft chuckle tumbled quietly from Abi's lips.
"Thanks' Lil."
"No problem. Anything for my little sister."
"Mmmm. Still shorter than me."
"Fuck you Lilly."
"Ah ah ah. Married." Abigail counted pointing an accused finger at Lilly.


"Bye Abi!" Lilly shouted towards her as she walked towards her car. Abigail waved before sitting in her car and driving off. "Right then. Let's go." Lou said as the four sat in the car and the ignition rumbled to life. "Well, that went well." Lilly sighed tilting her bead back and staring at her husband. Lou hummed in response, eyes remaining on the road. She sighed and turned her attention to the trees and meadows that flew past the window as the family drove on.

Ninjago has changed a lot over the centuries. At first, the first Spinjitzu master lived in peace with the ever-growing population. With his wife and friends - The elemental masters. With them in charge. Everyone was safe and at peace. But when he died. Everything dissolved into chaos. The humans blamed the elementals for failing to save him. They manipulated the next generation into thinking of them as monsters rather than their saviours.

A demon to an angel. Or a little closer to home, a yin to a yang.

Tensions rose and people split off into groups. Enemies divided by lies. The elementals were kicked out of power and driven into hiding. Saying goodbyes and travelling far and wide, searching for new places to call home.

The earth elemental, after many years of being on the move, settled in a quiet village that would soon become Jamanakai. Then when he passed not long after, without an heir, the element itself picked a new vessel to stay with. A young woman called Natalia. A beautiful, strong and determined woman who had a soft spot for anyone and everyone. She married and had two children. Betty and Jonathan. The youngest of the two (Jonathan) married and had, well. Lilly. And you know who Lilly married.

The elementals had been in hiding for almost five hundred years when a woman who did not look her age, came looking for the next generation of elemental masters, as well as assigning a few herself. Her name was Kathryn. What I mean by "a women who doesn't look her age" is that this woman had been around long enough to witness the first Spinjitzu Master's wedding and she looked like she was in her fucking thirties! She was his best friend. And the first Elemental Master of Spectrums.

Let me elaborate.

Kathryn could control some of the elements. And, unlike Amber, she didn't have to absorb them. She just, had them. The elements, as we know of: (We know of, who am I kidding I've met the bloody women. I'm just under strict orders from the author not to say anything) Fire, Earth and Nature. After Kathryn had activated all the elements that she controlled at the time. All that was left was to give away was her element.

Now, elemental masters can give up their powers if they wanted to, with enough strength. But the Spectrum element is different from the others. It', are slightly different from the others. So, when she did finally give them up (by focusing all her energy into one place and then releasing it) the process left her incredibly weak. She collapsed and didn't have the strength to get up or call for help. The element was her lifeline. It kept her alive. Powered her every move. She had always been that way. Relying on her power to keep her safe, and when she let that go, her body didn't know how to react. She had gone hundreds of years leaning on the element and without it, she was lost.

Obviously, the element itself had left some evidence of it being there, it's what kept her alive in those last few moments. But when the element found a new vessel to stay with. It took those last few bolts of power from her. And although she was able to say goodbye to the people she would leave behind. She was gone not soon after. However, she had done a good job choosing the next generation of elemental masters. They kept Ninjago safe, won over majority of the population all while keeping their identities a secret - more or less - and having relationships and children.

Lilly had been one of the few people who had inherited her element rather than being given it. She was found by Garmadon, Wu and Maya. And along with Abigail, Misako and a few others, they were trained to control their element and to use it for the greater good and everything. Lilly already had knowledge of her element. She also had a rough idea of how to use it, but she was a very skilled fighter. Seriously. Natasha Romanoff level of skills. She had been brought up with a clear idea of good and evil. She knew what was right and what was wrong. And was firm when it came to what she believed in.

Lilly had grown up in a loving and caring household. Her parents, Jonathan and Juliet, who had met when they were young, were both elemental masters. And so was her older brother, Elijah. He had married a women called Phoebe. They had moved to the city and had a daughter who Lilly thinks her name is Imogen? Anyways, a couple months after they had gotten married, Lilly got engaged. But along with that, she began getting letters from the queen of what she thought was a make-believe kingdom. But she ended up going anyway and low and behold, the kingdom existed. And they needed help.

Lily saved so many people that day, but at what cost? She thought she'd won; she'd let her guard down. They had a cure for it, the munce and geckles tried so hard to cure her but they couldn't. They gave her thirteen years to live, fifteen at a push. But Lilly didn't let that stop her. She got married two months after she returned and had Cole not long after. And three years later, she had Amanda. The Brookstones lived in Jamanakai and had done for a few generations, in one of the houses nearer the top of the mountain that the village rested on.

As the car pulled up the driveway of the house the sun peeked out from the clouds. It was a lovely day despite the familiar chill of an autumn afternoon. The Brookstone's house was a copy and paste of the other houses in Jamanakai Village. Black roof, subtle white brick walls and brown wooden door. It was slightly bigger than the other houses, but it fit in well. The four made their way indoors and immediately dispersed, doing their own things. Cole and Amanda into the living room turning on the TV, giggling along with the characters that were displayed on the screen. While the adults started cooking dinner, talking about the day's events and Lou doing everything in his power to stop Lilly from burning the house down.

"So, Libby, Bronte and the kids are coming over tomorrow." Lilly said as Lou placed the pizza's in the oven. He nodded and straightened.
"I think I have a band thing tomorrow actually- what day is it?"
"Oh. Yeah I meet with them at..." He paused as he combed back through his memories. "Twelve and you said they'll be here at ten thirty right?" Lilly nodded her head.

"Don't forget to make sure you're free for Amy's birthday." She said pointing a finger at her husband.
"Oh yeah. It might be hard cus of Christmas shows and everything." Lou said tilting his head. Lilly raised an eyebrow and strode over towards him to wrap him into a hug.
"On the 10th of December?" She questioned as she looked at him, resting her chin on his chest.
"What happened to 'Christmas starting in November' huh?" Lou countered, eyes widening. Lilly drew quiet so Lou cheered quietly.
"Shush." She said smiling and placing a small kiss on his lips before leaning on his shoulder.

Meanwhile Cole and Amy where lying on the sofa's - one on each one - and watching in silence as the hero on screen landed the final punch. Cole cheered quietly.
"We have watched this a million times Cole." Amanda complained.
"I don't care I like it." Cole muttered, eyes remaining on the screen. Amanda groaned loudly as she rolled off the sofa and into the kitchen.
"Hello my love." Lilly commented from her husband's embrace. Amy waved before looking at the oven.

Both her parents nodded.

"YAY!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air and spinning on her heels to head back into the living room. Lilly laughed against Lou's chest. The man in question had seemed to tense up. Eye's unfocused.
"You okay sweetie?" She asked. He nodded slowly but just when Lilly opened her mouth to pester him more, the oven's timer went off. So, Lou pulled away from his wife's hug. He took the pizza out of the oven and placed it on the counter just as Cole and Amanda burst into the kitchen. Smiles on their faces. The parents loaded each of their plates and brought them through into the dining room. Placing them in their unofficial designated spots around the table.

The four ate their dinner mostly in silence. Eating the pizza, chips and leaving the vegetables untouched (As usual) before Cole broke the silence.
"Aren't Jay and Elyse coming tomorrow?" He asked his parents. Lilly nodded and smiled as the two siblings shared an excited glance.
"But your father will have to leave about an hour and a bit after they get here cus of some band...thing" She added.
"That's okay" Amy said before shoving a whole slice of pizza in her mouth.
"You will be missed-"Cole began placing a 'sympathetic' hand on his Dad's shoulder.
"Ames what are you doing?" Lilly cut him off staring at her daughter.

She froze and turned to face her mother. "Nothing." She replied as innocently as she could. Despite having half her dinner in her mouth at once. "Oh yeah nothing at all except I didn't know you could shove a whole pizza slice in your mouth- how is that even possible?" Lou added gesturing to her plate, a smile on his lips.
"That's my superpower Dad."
"What's my superpower?" Cole asked to no one in particular.
"Being annoying." Amy said with no hesitation.
"That's what I was going to say!" Lilly said raising a hand to high-five her daughter. Cole crossed his arms and slumped in his seat.
"I'm kidding." Lilly assured him, nudging him gently with her leg from under the table.
"Your superpower is being kind to everyone even if they can be idiots sometimes." She said smiling at him.
"Well now my superpower sounds lame." Amy mumbled to herself
"Really?" Cole asked, eyes wide with affection as he looked at his mother.
"Yes my love." She said, this time looking at her husband with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes.

"That is your one and only superpower."

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