Battle Life SMP

By YanDanTDM

7.3K 177 731

Twelve Robloxians awaken to find themselves in...Minecraftia, of all places!? But if you thought waking up in... More

CHAPTER 2 | Day 1 Part 2
CHAPTER 3 | Day 2 Part 1
CHAPTER 4 | Day 2 Part 2
CHAPTER 5 | Day 2 Part 3
CHAPTER 6 | Day 2 Part 4
CHAPTER 7 | Day 3 Part 1
CHAPTER 8 | Day 3 Part 2
CHAPTER 9 | Day 3 Part 3
CHAPTER 10 | Day 3 Part 4
CHAPTER 11 | Day 3 Part 5
CHAPTER 12 | Day 3 Part 6
CHAPTER 13 | Day 3 Part 7
CHAPTER 14 | Day 4 Part 1
CHAPTER 15 | Day 4 Part 2
CHAPTER 16 | Day 4 Part 3
CHAPTER 17 | Day 4 Part 4
CHAPTER 18 | Day 4 Part 5
CHAPTER 19 | Day 4 Part 6
CHAPTER 20 | Day 5 Part 1
CHAPTER 21 | Day 5 Part 2
CHAPTER 22 | Day 5 Part 3

CHAPTER 1 | Day 1, Part 1

1.1K 13 76
By YanDanTDM

"Hey. Hey." says a person in an alleyway, beckoning the other over.

"What's that? Who's there?"

"Behind you. Come here."

"Okay, I'm here. What do you want?"

"Say, how would you like to become a god?"


"Would you like to become an admin in real life, basically?"

"What's the catch?"

"You'll just have to watch over a game for me. Can you do that?"

"Oh, hell yeah, that sounds easy. I'm in."


When DylanHyper wakes up, what he expects is to be in his warm bed, his girlfriend beside him, with the sound of alarms ringing in his ears.

What he doesn't expect is instead to be waking up on cold hard ground, face covered in grass, with bright sunbeams being the things that wake him up. Someone with pink hair stands over him, but he doesn't recognise them.

"Hyper, are you alright?"

"...Who are...?"

"Hyper! It's me, Megan! Are you okay?"

Right, Megan has pink hair. So then why does she look so different right now?

"Ooooohhhhh! Oops."

He looks for his glasses, before realising that they're already on his face. No wonder he's so disorientated. He's used to being basically blind when he wakes up.

Hyper starts to get his bearings. He's in a grassy clearing, with trees standing guard all around him, and tulips dotted around. The sky's blue, with only a few clouds - hey, are those mountains in the distance? He doesn't know.

In the clearing, though, is the strangest thing. Aside from himself and Megan, there's a bunch of other people around, too. Ten others, to be exact. Some he recognises, some he doesn't quite yet. Some are still sleeping on the ground, some are still dazed, others are chatting in between themselves.

"Where are we, Megan?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

As he gets a better look at everyone, he starts to notice something weird. Everyone seems to have a hollow green heart symbol on their sleeves, somewhere. And everyone's got a green streak of hair, too. Megan's got one, and as he looks on his sleeve, he's got one too.

"Uh...what's up with the green hearts? Am I hallucinating, or are my eyes still adjusting?"

He can hear Megan loudly facepalm behind him.

"How did you not spot that earlier-"

"Look, I just woke up. I'm not a morning person. I can't function in the morning without coffee."

"Well, too bad, Hyper!" Hang on, that's not Megan speaking.

Turning to his left, he spots the culprit. Who else would it be, standing there in a basic plaid jacket, and that mouse hat he never goes anywhere without, and the hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in years? Out of all the people to not care about his appearance, he's the least likely, but it's a distinguishing feature now.

"You're just gonna have to deal without it like the rest of us!" Kreek teases, a wide smile on his face. All his expressions are 'wide' in one way or another.

"Hi, Kreek. You got any idea where we are?"

"Nope! Well, actually, I have an idea , but I can't guarantee it's right."

"Yeah, yeah, because you're so smart, Kreek." Hyper turns behind him and spots a certain demon sitting behind him with a smirk on his face.

"Hi, Tanqr."

To be honest, it took Hyper a second to recognise him by his necklace. While he's used to the hoodie and all, he's never seen Tanqr with the hood down. Who knew his hair was so long? If that's even hair?

"Hey, Mr. Hyperactive. None of us know what's going on. Half of us are asleep." He considers himself the opposite of hyperactive, so he's not sure why Tanqr's calling him that. Maybe that's exactly why.

"I have an IDEA-"

"Shut up, Kreek."

"How about you shut up!!"
And immediately Kreek and Tanqr start teasing each other again. They're rivals, you see. One won RB Battles season 1, the other season 2. And even if they're amicable at times, they'll never resist a chance to try to one up each other.

Hyper rolls his eyes and turns around, and suddenly now everyone who was on the floor is awake, and is looking around confusedly. Most he can put names to, others...well, they're familiar, but not so much.

"Right, so who's here?" Ah, that's Ashley. She's still got her hat.

"I am!" That's Leah, she's still got her crown. Doesn't look too much different, if a bit messier.

"Heya, Kreek!" DenisDaily! And ah, the one in the orange hoodie must be Sketch, that's obvious - he's still got that censor bar on his face? He always thought that was a glitch. Blonde hair in pigtails, that's Sanna. Pink wings - that's probably Flamingo, if the cowboy hat says anything.

So now there's two more for Hyper to put names to. He spots them in the corner and waves. One's got a halo, fiddling with the climbing gloves on their handWho the hell is th-

"Is that Pink?! Geez, didn't expect him here!" Kreek waves at the guy, and he waves back. Right, PinkLeaf. He's never talked to the guy, but he's seen him around. Seems nice, if a bit...strange.

The other one has a denim jacket with a cookie stitched onto it - ah, cookies. That must be BigBStatz, he's the only guy he's heard of to love cookies enough to have them on his outfit..

...Why does BigB look so utterly terrified?

Hyper doesn't have much time to check up on him, as Megan's already dragging him over to talk to Leah, Ashley and Sanna.

"Hey guys!! Leah! You look tired."

"Well, that's because I normally wake up at 10, not...whenever this is!"

"Oh! Lovely!"

Hyper chuckles, but stays at the side, glancing over at the others. Pink is trying to comfort BigB, Tanqr and Kreek are arguing, and Sketch - why is Sketch punching a tree?

Suddenly, he hears a loud cough, and everyone falls silent. It's Kreek, waving to get everyone's attention.

"Okay, everyone! So I know we're a little bit disoriented right now, but trust me, it's all alright! I know what's going on! And I'll explain it now!" He yells, pointing to himself. Typical.

"Who made you captain, Kreek?" Tanqr butts in, rolling his eyes.

"Tanqr, interrupt me one more time and I'm going to strangle you."

"Alright, chief."

Kreek smiles, clearly not noticing Tanqr's sarcasm, and continues.

"So, uh, we're not in any Robloxian world, or anything like that. In reality, we're in a completely different dimension! We're in Minecraftia!"

Ah, Minecraftia? He's heard of it. No, he's not only heard of it, he's fixated so strongly on it that he's stayed up nights just reading up on it. He's always wanted to visit.

"Raise your hand if you've heard of it!" Everyone raises their hands. "Okay, good, good. Now, keep your hand raised if you have ever been to Minecraftia!"

Most drop their hands, except from a few. Namely, Denis, Sketch and BigB. Oh, and Tanqr- wait, Tanqr?! Of all people to have been to Minecraftia, Hyper was definitely not expecting Tanqr.

"Oh, well that's concerning." Kreek continues. "Don't worry, I've been before too."

"Tanqr, you've been to Minecraftia before?" Denis asks. Seems like he had the same expectations as Hyper.

"I have, once. It was interesting, I learned a lot." Tanqr's clearly getting a lot of joy out of everyone's surprise. Kreek, meanwhile, only has salt to give out.

"Playing Bedwars twice doesn't count. It won't help you in a proper survival situation."

"Yeah, playing in MCC once doesn't help either." comes Sketch's response from behind Kreek.

"Yeah, playing doesn't. However I won. And I had an extended stay here so I could train. I actually practised. Tanqr stayed for what, an hour or two? It's not the same."

"It's more experience than some of the others here have, at least."

"Okay, can you get on with the explanation please?" Pink yells out, clearly getting annoyed.

"My apologies. If only a certain demon wouldn't interrupt me again, that would be great." Kreek grimaces as he speaks.

"I didn't even interrupt you this time, that was Sketch-"

"Well, if you interrupt me, I will mildly injure you."

Kreek marches on.

"I hope some of you have done some reading, because it looks like we're all going to have to survive the night! Stay away from mobs, make sure to kill animals for some food and smelt it, yadda yadda. It's not hard to pick up. Just start by punching trees to get wood, and making a crafting table. You'll need wooden planks." 

Ah, that explains why Sketch was punching that tree. Hyper looks over to see him holding some small, blocky planks and a crafting table. Apparently everything in Minecraftia can shrink and look like blocks when being held. Interesting.

"And Captain Kreek, have you got any genius explanation for why we have hearts on our arms? Or green in our hair?" Tanqr asks, putting on his best baby voice.

Kreek pauses.

"Sketch, pass me one of those planks."

"Uh, sure!"

He takes it and immediately throws it directly at Tanqr's face. Into his eye, no less.


"I did warn you." Suppose he did. "Anyways!"

Kreek continues, ignoring Tanqr's yelps of pain.

"Unfortunately, I do not have much of an idea of what's going on with the green streaks and such. That's something we'll figure out between us. Unless anyone here knows?"

Murmurs amongst the crowd. But no one speaks.

"Right! Thought so! So let's just treat this like a normal server until we get answers, eh?"

No one responds, so he takes that as agreement.

"Alrighty! So to recap, in case anyone missed - get started by punching trees and making tools, and learn from there! Group up with others so you can survive the night, and make sure you have someone in your group that knows what they're doing! Any questions?"

"Uhm, yeah, actually." That's Sanna, who's waving something in her hand that looks vaguely like a smartphone. "What's this?"

"Oh! That's your communicator, you can find your health and hunger bars on that. That and open your inventory. Oh, and you can chat with others! Switch over to the chat tab, everyone, and you'll see. You should be able to find your communicator in your hot bar - that's somewhere in your clothing, pockets or whatever."

Hyper taps around his body, and finds a lump in his back pocket. Pulling it out, it looks just like that - a smartphone. He flicks it on, and switches to the tab Kreek mentioned.


<KreekCraft> This is the chat tab, everyone! Say hi ;)

<SketchYT> we been knew

<DenisDaily> UwU :3

<Tanqr> catboy

<KreekCraft> None of these messages seem like 'Hi', guys. Are you illiterate?

<PinkLeaf> hi

<BigBSt4tz2> hi

<IAmSanna> So it's basically just a phone, then?

<LeahAshe> Seems it

<DylanHyper> Got a few more functions on it, though.

<IAmSanna> Cool <3

<Tanqr> hey look our names are green here too. got an explanation, captain kreek?

<KreekCraft> Shove it up your butt, Tanqr

<FlamingoAlbert> We all know why you're suggesting that ;) 

<Tanqr> excuse me

<KreekCraft> I'm going to shove a wooden plank in your eye next.


Hyper looks over at Megan, who's doing her best to stifle her laughter. She doesn't need to, for Albert's already laughing out loud, and some others are too.

"I have a feeling that this chat function is going to lead to some incredibly funny moments to share back home." she tells him.

"Oh, absolutely."

Kreek coughs once again to get everyone's attention, and the laughter goes silent.

"Moving on. It seems that the green names are related to the hearts. But otherwise, things should be the same! Use this to communicate even if we're apart. Now, we shouldn't stall - we have resources to gather! See you all later! Or not, we'll see!"

And with that, Kreek (finally) stops talking and lets the others converse.

Megan nudges Hyper.

" wanna team up? We can do things together for a bit until we can figure out things. Yeah?"

"Sure, why not."

"I hope you know some things about this place. Because I don't know much."

"Ohh, trust me Megan, I've fixated hard on Minecraftia before, I know a lot. Let's get started!"

Megan beams.

"Hell yeah! Good thing I have someone who knows what's going on, then. The heart thing's not normal here, I assume..?"

"No. Normally, health bars are represented by hearts here, which we can try to find on our communicators. But they aren't like these green things."

"Good to know. Well, let's go and look for things, shall we? We have to...punch trees, right?"

"Yeah, to get wood. I'll show you the crafting recipes."

"Get ready to show me everything, Hyper."

Megan winks, before starting to punch the tree beside her - but Hyper stops her.

"Let's not get wood here. It's going to be crowded with others. Let's find a separate place, and we can make a base."

"Oh, good idea! Let's go!"

Megan points in a direction, Hyper nods, and silently they start running.

Before he goes, though, Hyper looks back, to see what the others are doing, and he mentally notes down their groups.

Kreek, Denis, Sketch and Albert? Oh, of course Kreek would choose the two other experienced people, he would want to be on top after all. But they get along fairly well, and they could survive a pretty long time if they don't get too clumsy or cocky.

Leah, Sanna and Ashley? He's not sure any of them know what they're doing, but they're fairly smart between them. They'll figure it out, whether that's through stealing from others or trial and error. He's confident they will.

PinkLeaf and BigBStatz? Yeah, he can see them being strong, too. Pink is clearly smart, to team up with the last guy who knows what he's doing. And maybe Pink will figure out why BigB's so nervous. Damn, now Hyper wishes he was with BigB.

Considering the teams, he's not sure about the chance he and Megan have. But they'll probably outlive someone, right? Especially if they don't'll be alright, Hyper, it'll be okay.

There's one person left. Tanqr. Hyper can't see where he went. Oh, is he going alone? That's a terrible idea, especially if Tanqr hasn't got much experience...but Tanqr's smart, he'll be fine, probably.

Before he can think about it, he and Megan are already running off.

Time for a new game to begin.



So! Here's the fic I've been working on for the last few months! It's a crossover between 3rd Life SMP and RB Battles, if you can't tell. And it's been living rent free in my brain for a while, popping up here and there. It's quite fun, and I've enjoyed writing it when I get the chance.

Which isn't often, but I'm getting there. I was going to wait until I finished the whole thing to post it, like I did for my previous two fics, but then I realised it would be impossible to do that before RBB S3 came out and 3LSMP S4 comes out, which this takes place before. So I decided to just post now.

And this fic's LONG, by the way. We're already over 25000 words in the google doc, and we're only halfway through Day 3! So I hope you enjoy a lot of reading!

I hope you all like this little passion project of mine! It's a fun AU and I can't wait to explore more 'canon' versions of my interpretation of the RBB cast, unlike COTF.

See you when I eventually update! Which, updates will be slow. As I said, don't have much time to write anymore.

- YanDan

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