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By Theiadb

8.1K 298 120

"I want a divorce." I finally breathed out the words I've been holding in for so long. I wanted him to be hap... More

Impotent 🪻
Entwining souls 🪻
Second thoughts🪻
Heartbeat 🪻
Confusion 🪻
Unknown 🪻
Vulnerable 🪻
Revelation 🪻
Ameliorate 🪻


513 17 10
By Theiadb

When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.

Hazel's pov

I was about to step in the elevator but a blonde strode out and bumped onto my shoulder. Umm no don't get mad, it was mistake. I spoke to myself. "What are you doing in Mr. Kim's floor ?" She questioned me in an authoritative manner.

I chose to stay silent. I kept looking at her face; big fake eyelashes, a red lip and a shirt that had a deep cut neck through which most part of her plastic boobs were visible. "Am I supposed to know you?" I asked her, uninterested.

"Yes, of course you should, I'm Mr.Kim's future wife. You better remember me if you want to keep working here." Her annoying high pitch voice came. I didn't need to think twice. I gripped her fried blonde hair and pulled her closer. "How fucking dare you ?" I gritted out.

She was welcomed with a hard slap across her left cheek, which caused her to loose balance and fall down. "Did you just hit me?" She spoke in disbelief. "Yes, I just did. I thought only your face was plastic, looks like your brain is too. And where did you get your trashy accent from, from your mom who doesn't know who your father is?" I mocked her. I heard boot clicks from behind me. Oh look who's here ?

The blonde stood up and ran towards Taehyung. He stepped aside, rejecting her hug because of which she again fell on the hard floor. "What is all this ?" Taehyung raised his voice at me. I wasn't in a mood to talk. "I fucking asked you something!" He yelled at me but I was unbothered.

"Sir, s-she hit me an-and-" blondie complained to him. His face showed no change in expression. Suddenly his angry eyes were on me. A shiver passed down my spine under his gaze. I heard the elevator open and saw a guy who's a bit taller than me entering the scene. "You're fired." Taehyung's rough voice announced.

The blondie looked up in hope and smiled. "She is my wife and if you have any problem with her, then you'll have to deal with me first." He spoke pointing at me. My breath hitched when he addressed me as his wife. The blondie's eyes widened in disbelief, sadly her eyeballs didn't fall out. I winked at her in victory and she turned her face away in embarrassment.

"Jimin do the necessary formalities and send a bad profile of Emily Forbes to all multinational companies." He added. The blonde's smile dropped. "You can't do that, my daddy's-" she was cut off in the middle. "Jimin, cut off all the deals with John Forbes." He declared. "But sir-" she was cut off again by his dominating voice.

"Get out of my office or you can stay if you want the security guards to do the honors." He glared at her. The blonde held her head down and walked out. My lips curved up to form a smirk, looking at her walking away in shame. Serves that bitch right. "And you too, get out." His voice came, directed to me. Humph!

I drove back home and handed the keys over to the guard. I won't make him dinner. Let's see how he'll eat happily today. Who am I kidding? Lemme get to the kitchen.

Taehyung's pov

I clicked on the phone screen and it lit up showing the time. It was almost 6 pm. I stacked up the papers I was working on. Everyday she waited for me without eating dinner, even when I reached home late at night. She was awake. I decided to go home early today. Why? Bec-Because if she gets sick without eating on time, I'll be the one blamed.

I had to visit uncle's house cause my cousin's pregnant. I was never close to any of my relatives but Eomma insisted. I walked in my closet in the office and changed into some casual clothes. I put on a gray hoodie and a black ripped pants. I took the car out of the parking lot and drove to uncle's house. Time flew by as soon as I reached the house. Eomma was also there so she made me something to eat. I didn't eat much because I was already missing the taste of the food she makes.

Am I being dependent on her? God. I bid farewell to my not so close relatives and drove out of the driveway. I drove through the less crowded streets and my eyes caught a flower shop. A sudden urge came to my heart, to stop and get some flowers for...her. I parked the car on the side and walked to the shop. "A bouquet of hydrangeas, please." I requested to an old lady who seemed to be working there.

I pulled the door open and stepped out of the shop with the bouquet of hydrangeas. I looked up at the sky and watched the tiny spheres of water falling down. I gripped the bouquet harder and sat on the sidewalk. What am I doing? "You're becoming soft and you are starting to feel something for her." Devon chided. "No, I'm not." I argued.

"Look at yourself. You're holding a bouquet for that useless bitch." He gritted out. "Don't fucking talk about her like that." I yelled. "You've started defending her too." He mocked. I kept the bouquet on the side. "I...." My voice abruptly stopped. Whatever I'm feeling for her...these feelings. I feel good. These feelings are giving me peace.

The rain brings a richness to each hue, the browns deepen in a way that soothes my heart, brings a steadiness to my soul. The grass becomes glossy, reflecting the light, a new bright shine to their wands, softly waving in the breeze. This rain brings a freshness, each drop a heaven-given gift for each part of creation. I raise up my hand, tilt my face toward the sky, feeling water and sunshine together. As I do, a song stirs within, one that feels as if it means "thank you" and "love" all at once. Perhaps this is joy, a happiness that feels pure. Should I give a chance to her love or doubt her love ?

I know you guys are confused about who Devon is but only time will tell. 🤭 Hope you guys enjoyed. Stay tuned !

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