Team Fortress 2: The Nine Dad...

By TheValkyrie13

132 4 24

Subject Zero was made to be the magnum opus of all magnum opus in what she had been created from the genetics... More

Subject Zero Character Information:

132 4 24
By TheValkyrie13

This has been gone with the idea during my years back then when I just thought, 'what if we could make a child out of nine mercenaries of TF2' and thus this story came along and I don't have any regrets.

Still, while the idea is interesting, it's what I want to make that is either a crossover of or a plot that I actually want to basically move forward and it is hard to actually choose, ranging between either Fairy Tail, RWBY, Isekai or some other stuff and it would actually be the first 'Betrayal FanFic' I have ever made that is far more in canon than the whole 'Adaptational Jerkass or Villainy' where every Betrayal FanFic revolves around a lot of those stupid cliches people did with themselves.

Like, seriously you guys, can't you just write something less stupid than 'Oh, a character is being bullied because... reason... Oh, he or she runs away and then comes back, becoming a badass... Oh, he shall show those bullies how tough he or she is by being so... Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah...'

You get my point?

Honestly, I'm not going to shut up about the problem Wattpad has with their stories that are bland, cliche and dumb and I'm not gonna shut up until someone should just start improving themselves and make a much more decent story...

As long as it means Wattpad won't be wasting time with the whole 'Union Academy' or the 'Abused and Neglected Male Reader' or the many cringe Fairy Tail, Highschool DxD and RWBY 'Abused and Neglected Male Reader' stories, I'll do what I can...

Likewise, this is basically another story that takes inspiration from JustyTurner's 'Castle town dandelion X Spider-Man male reader: The nations great spidy hero' and I'll do this because I don't have much of a choice in the matter, basically...

Next, I'll be doing another inspiration from JustyTurner such as...

'Kyocho Retto X Far cry male reader: Survive the island of giant insects'

'Zombie apocalypse X Male reader: The last hope for humanity'

'Queen's Blade Harem X Op Male reader: The powerful Warrior King'

And finally, 'Borderlands x male reader: Pandora's great saviour'...

And for the most part, I am only writing the title similar to how JustyTurner writes because I don't want to disrespecting the guy...

Also, JustyTurner, I don't know if you haven't noticed this but I also have another account on my other phone named 'nonahassan597' so thank you for giving me your permission.

Okay, so let's get this show on the road...

Disclaimer: I do not own Team Fortress 2, Castle Town Dandelion and JustyTurner's The Nation's Great Spidy Hero. They belong to their respective owners.


Name: Subject Zero

Title: Mann Co's Perfect Super-Soldier. The Bodyguard of the Royal Family.

Character Information:
In the inner workings of Mann Co, corporations alike, such as the Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and the Builders League United (BLU) are all in a corporate war against one another through their own usage of the Nine Mercenaries they had been hired, all the same to each other, unaware that they are manipulated by the cunning, ruthless and manipulative, Administrator, who profit the war through the numerous updates from the TF Industries in order to gained as much money as they can in the long term possibility they have.

Or something like that, I guess? Let's forget about the lore first.

Mann Co's most greatest achievement that they had created through the genetic donor of the Nine Mercenaries that they had hired, Subject Zero is the latest creation of an artificially created superhuman super soldier that had gained the skills of said Nine Mercenaries who she sees as her many fathers as she is sent on many important missions through the skill and weaponry she has learned from her nine fathers.

And now, her purpose shall be taken to the next challenge as she embark on another job where it will test her mettle as Mann Co's ultimate freelance mercenary if the money is likewise worth it.

This means being the bodyguard of the royal family where she will protect the Sakurada Family while dealing with the threats that shall come upon them as she deals with the difficulty of school life, socializing and finally, an ever growing feelings between a bodyguard and her many female charges.

Zero is consistently noted for her serious, professional attitude which is to be expected of a mercenary that is just doing her job and is a stoic, cold, no-nonsense, calm and collected teenage girl who will do what she can with her job.

However, having the genetic donor from her nine dysfunctional fathers means that behind Zero's professional and stoic attitude is a really crazy and insane girl that can make people weirded out by her behaviour.

Thought she may not have the boisterous attitude of her fathers, Scout, she is actually proven to hate boredom behind her calm and collected demeanour and has been known to get annoyed and frustrated easily when she has nothing better to do or even have anyone that she hasn't socialised with and despite her calm attitude, she is shown to be just as prideful in her abilities as Scout, willing to even display it if it means much to her.

And while once again, she is shown to be far more calm and sane than one of her insane father, Soldier, Zero is still an actively insane, thrill-seeking challenger who is eager for violence and how much her demented smile will likewise show when she got herself into anything really, really violent.

Of course, there is also her pyromaniac tendencies, courtesy of being the genetic child of Pyro, even being fascinated by the flames itself and of course, still thinks of them as beautiful, like a swarm of fairies that welcomes anyone she kills with open arms.

Fortunately, she doesn't share one of her fathers, Demoman's penchant for alcoholism and wanting to be drunk but she does share his penchant for common sense and a nuance ways of thinking.

And of course, there is her genetic relation with another one of her fathers, the Heavy Weapons Guy, who they both share in being stoic, calm and collected demeanor who also hides a compassionate side, deep down.

As well as her genetic relation with another one of her fathers, Engineer, who may not have his laid-back attitude but Zero does have her interest in technological engineering.

Of course, she also shares another one of the her fathers, Medic, in being an insane mad scientist in the arts of biology and while Zero is more subtle than Medic's outward insanity, she is still willing to experiment upon her victims if it means taking interest at what to do with their insides.

Obviously, she is also shares another one of her fathers, Sniper, in being a cold, efficient and professional mercenary who also doesn't inherit his much more questionable traits....


And finally, she also shares one of her fathers, Spy, in being a secretive, classified, careful and more or less paranoid girl who will come prepared with anything at the drop of a hat.

All in all, Zero is a clone of a girl that inherit the best traits of her fathers with few of the worst traits and may comes across as a stoic anf professional mercenary who hides a very dysfunctional mindset beneath her stoic and professional attitude.

And of course, Zero is still has the maturity and somewhat of an innocence of a teenager, meaning that hormones, feelings and even a sense of love are all suddenly incomprehensible to her for a superhuman mercenary like Subject Zero.

And what she is actually feeling is such a bizarre feeling that all Zero can handle is maybe to try to hit it until it isn't become a problem.

"Because that's how one of my dads taught me."

Powers and Abilities:
As stated before, Subject Zero is a genetically engineered artificially created clone that is made from the genome of the nine mercenaries that were employed by Mann Co and alongside being trained by his nine mercenary fathers in the ways of utilizing her genetic skills and prowess, Zero is proven to be a perfect superhuman mercenary soldier that one should be very wary of against her.

She is fast as Scout, even having the ability to double jump like him while also combining the strength of both Soldier, Heavy, Demoman and even Engineer in the strength and durability shown, even having be able to heft even the heaviest objects, such as her many, many weapons at her back and call with ease.

Finally, she is also smart and not just being a really smart girl but also very gifted in the arts of scientific biology and mechanical engineering, capable of being a talented doctor in the medical expertise while also a talented mechanical expert who has the ability to create artificial intelligence and defense mechanisms for her to use.

Furthermore, while she is undercut by her social awkwardness and lack of tact, she is proven to be more than capable of espionage and subterfuge and has been known to be capable of blending in with ease, even having the ability to disguise herself and capable of acting like anyone at the drop of a hat.

Overall, Zero is stated to be one of the strongest and smartest beings that had been created and birthed to the world itself and bear in mind that Zero is, thought an artificial human of genetic superiority, is still somewhat normal by comparison to her charge, the Sakurada Royal Family who all have their own fair share of superpowers, Zero still remained incredibly dangerous by her ruthlessness and being an experience mercenary who doesn't shy away from committing violence in the most insane ways possible.

Weapons and Equipment:
Subject Zero is one where aside from being a genetically modified clones of the nine mercenaries that she considers as her fathers and a perfect and efficient super soldier at that but she also has her armaments at her disposal, courtesy of being a skilled mechanical engineer that knows her way around creating her own customized weapons that are likewise similar to what her own nine fathers has alongside a few other tweaks to her.

This includes:

• The Superheavy 'Ironblast' Shotgun:

A double barrel shotgun similar to Scout and the other's own shotgun weapon, the Superheavy 'Ironblast' Shotgun is a very powerful close-quarter combat weapon that actually has four barrels that is designed to like two barrels and like any shotgun, the weapon itself is as powerful as it is dangerous where Zero can shoot against anyone in close proximity and kill them through a buckshot of it's bullets inside, killing anyone in a shower of blood and gore.

• The Double Revolver Ocelot:

A sidearm of a weapon used by Zero, a powerful, stable and highly accurate weapon with a steady form of ammunition and a good grip that has Zero able to kill his enemies with a steady aim of its immense power from a rather large and heavy revolver that is wielded by Zero.

• The Multi-Target Ballistic Rocket Launcher:

A five barreled weapon of mass destruction, designed similarly to Soldier's rocket launcher where Zero even has no qualms firing the rocket below to be used as a form of rocket jump in the ways of mobility and such and it does help that Zero can mitigate the damage by just firing one and being durable to survive gunshot wounds and an explosion in close proximity to her body although she will still be critically injured unless someone is there to heal her, thought.

• The Model 19 Sniper Rifle:

A weapon that is more bought than created, served in her specialty for sniping just like one of her fathers, Sniper, the Model 19 Sniper Rifle is a powerful and capable weapon that has the scoping mechanisms alongside the firing mechanisms to puncture through any and all known defenses, especially steel, with ease, killing anyone that Zero has her eyes on, of course.

• The Recharging Grenade Launcher:

A customized weapon that is similar to Demoman's Grenade Launcher, the Recharging Grenade Launcher is as it's name implies as Zero's nearly unlimited weapon that fires grenades from it's barrel and through a steady signs of nanotechnology, can create another grenade inside that Zero can use to fire upon her enemies, even from afar, of course.

• The Triple Minigun:

A weapon similar to Heavy's Minigun, the Triple Minigun is as it's name implies as a three barreled minigun that Zero can carry it around effortlessly to mow down her enemies in droves by it's massive ammo and even more massive rate of fire that can tear through anyone and anything with ease as long as it has the ammo to spare, that is.

• The Dragon's Flamethrower:

A flamethrower similar to what Pyro used, the Dragon's Flamethrower is as it's name implies as a weapon that shoots out a jet of flames, burning anyone in close proximity to it's flaming element alongside it's ability of combustion that can push anyone, even projectiles with the exception of bullets, away through the power of it's air blast.

• The Half-Zatoichi:

A weapon used by both Soldier and Demoman, the Half-Zatoichi is a katana that is likewise named after a blind Japanese swordsman where it is a katana that can heal the user if it ever kills anyone and drain it's blood upon the blade itself.

• The Industrial Eyelander:

A modified version of Demoman's Eyelander, the Industrial Eyelander are two great swords that Zero wields with little effort that she used to cut off the heads of anyone in her way, gaining power as her eyes glowed, boosting Zero's already superhuman strength, speed and durability in gusto.

• The Butterfly Blade:

A knife that had a blade which emits a cutting edge laser upon it, the Butterfly Blade may look small but is no more deadly in Zero's hand where it is as small and light as it is sharp that can cut through anything as molecular as possible with the blade in hand, likewise served as a stand in for Spy's Butterfly Knife, that is.

• The Division Excelsior Watch:

A gadget that Zero wears on her wrist, the Division Excelsior Watch is served similarly to how Spy wears as a watch that allows anyone who wears it to cloak themselves in an invisible shimmer where they basically hide in play sight and while it is just as temporary as Spy's watch, the DEW can do more than just making Zero invisible, which includes scanning, creating maps for travel, sensing where her charge is at and even has a teleportation system inside.

• The Cyber Cat Disguise Mask:

Served similarly to Spy's Disguise Kit, the Cyber Cat Disguise Mask or the CCDM for short is another one of Zero's gadgets that allows her to disguise into anyone if the mask has already analyze their appearance completely and this disguises are so perfect that whether Zero can appear as either a large man, a child, a baby or even a dog, the CCDM is proven to make anyone into a perfect spy were it not for it's rather complicated utility such as how it can only used it's disguise function by anyone just once, it is easy to for the disguise to fizzle out by just splashing with water or be inflamed and finally, how getting punched in the face actually results in the mask being broken, also resulting in the disguise fell out.

For a genetically modified superhuman soldier who is all almost intimidating in her appearance, not helped by the fact that she was raised by some of her more dysfunctional fathers, Zero isn't exactly that bad when you get to know her as behind her stoic, super serious and no-nonsense demeanor is a socially awkward girl who can show a brink of kindness, compassion and empathy when she was given the chance and more so if she has been interacted and socialize more with other people.

Likewise, her relationship includes:

• RX-O TOMA, Zero's Assistant Drone:

A creation of Zero that served as her assistant drone, RX-O TOMA or just TOMA for short is the cute little floating ball that served as an assistant to Zero who served as her scout, spy, saboteur and powerful assistant who's cute appearance bely how dangerous it is for Zero to make full use of.

The Sentry Girls - Mimzy, Mimmy and Moria:

A trio of Zero's personal Sentry Turrets, now turned into three robotic girls that served under the command of Zero, the Sentry Girls, consisting of the brash blue Mimzy, the collected red Mimmy and the insecure yellow Moria are a creation that Zero and Engineer had both been working together in creating her own personal army in battle.

Likewise, they shouldn't be underestimated despite appearing cute little robot girls as their sentience and autonomy means that they can kill anyone and anything with the turrets upon their arms and are all capable of working together while showcasing how tactically savvy they are in battle.

Furthermore, the relationship between Zero and the Sentry Girls are likewise akin to a big sister treating her three little sisters right and they do look up to their creator like how a younger siblings look up to their elder sibling.

All in all, don't mistake Zero's lonesome as a fact for Zero is not alone in her regard, that is.

Sage, the AI Software of Zero:

Another one of Zero's creation, Sage is the absolutely powerful, skillful and highly intellectual AI of Zero who served Zero wholeheartedly as it is ordained by being her creator and while loyal to the core, she is also cold to others, especially Zero's fathers, making her come across as very condescending at that.

A software AI made in perfection, Sage is a skilled creation that allows Zero to take control of anything electronic, being an AI under Zero's command who will grant her reports, information and even secrets that she is willing to put it to good use as Sage shall do whatever is necessary at Zero's behest.

The Nine Mercenaries of Team Fortress:

The Nine Mercenaries that were all in the employment of a Mann Co, these nine mercenaries consisting of a Bostonian baseball fan chatterbox, an All-American zealous patriot of his country, the enigmatic pyromaniac, a drunken Scottish demolition expert, the musclebound Russian, a German mad scientist, an Australian that isn't even muscular and the enigmatic Spy, these are all nine men that had been in service to Mann Co through... a complicated method with their very employment as they kill, used weapons, get hats and get payed, simple as that.

And all of them are all the fathers of Subject Zero of which even they find shocking due to how her creation are actually without their consent with Scout even saying that he didn't mean to go on a one-night stand with a lady of which it shouldn't be mentioned ever.

Despite this and setting aside their shock of Zero's birth, Zero has nothing but positive memories of her time with her nine daddies and the nine mercenaries, in turn, finds her to be such an adorable little girl that they are willing to take care of like she is truly their daughter in heart.

And they alone will make no attempts to hide how they genuinely cared about Subject Zero regardless of her origin and whatnot for she nonetheless brings out the best in them as much as Zero learned everything from them as well as taking their lessons heart.

Especially when she remembers what Soldier likewise spoke to her in a moral dilemma, "Remember. Dying is gay."

The Sakurada Royal Family:

The royal family that Subject Zero is tasked with protecting from any and all threats, courtesy of the father hiring the administrator for bodyguards for him and his family, the Sakurada Royal Family are all the direct rulers of a country that are not only wealthy but also literally powerful, courtesy of having their own royal superpowers at the backing of their time.

Still, despite their wealth, influence and having real powers, they are inexperienced when dealing with far more deadlier and more credible threats and by and large, many criminals and even villainous organizations would want to get their hands on the family for any number of reasons.

Through this that Zero shall become the sole bodyguard of the Sakurada Royal Family and likewise, everyone one of them, even the ones that actually hired her service, are all shown to be pretty much afraid of Zero, due to her intimidating appearance, no-nonsense behaviour and how she can be violent, ruthless and murderous without hesitation, also doesn't help by how she is even inducted to school herself, meaning that they had to tolerate a scary girl at their side for the rest of their life.

However, over time, the relationship seemed to have improved slightly as the Sakurada Royal Family seemed to see Zero in a more positive light as she is revealed to be socially awkward as well as being very kind and thoughtful deep down and Zero herself seemed to enjoy actually being a part of their family, aside from her fathers, that is.

And of course, there are some indication of some feelings with Zero and the more teenage members of the family where Zero has no idea how to actually handle it and all in all, she will likewise have the potential to know more than just see the family as a charge that she shall do her job.


Well, that's all there is to it. If you have anymore ideas, let me know in the comments below.

As always...


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