NCIS: Best Shots

By Brambleshadow96

10.7K 264 6

A collection of one-shot songfics/karaokes. Since I keep writing them, I just decided to post them all in one... More

Table of Contents
Chapter One: All Eyes
Chapter Two: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You
Chapter Three: Alone
Chapter Four: Bad Animals
Chapter Five: Call of the Wild
Chapter Six: Cruel Nights
Chapter Seven: Total Eclipse of the Heart
Chapter Eight: Fallen From Grace
Chapter Nine: Heartbreaker
Chapter Ten: Heartless [AU]
Chapter Eleven: Hell Is For Children
Chapter Twelve: I Didn't Want to Need You
Chapter Thirteen: I Love You
Chapter Fourteen: If Looks Could Kill
Chapter Fifteen: I Want Your World to Turn
Chapter Sixteen: Nothin' at All
Chapter Seventeen: The Night Will Only Know
Chapter Eighteen: The Thunder Rolls
Chapter Twenty: Thriller
Chapter Twenty-One: What About Love?
Chapter Twenty-Two: What He Don't Know
Chapter Twenty-Three: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter Twenty-Four: Hotel California
Chapter Twenty-Five: Love is a Battlefield [AU]
Chapter Twenty-Six: Easy Target
Chapter Twenty-Seven: How Can I Refuse?
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Magic Man [AU]
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Precious Time
Chapter Thirty: Promises in the Dark
Chapter Thirty-One: Just Like Me
Chapter Thirty-Two: RSVP
Chapter Thirty-Three: Crazy On You [AU]
Chapter Thirty-Four: Little Too Late
Chapter Thirty-Five: Looking for a Stranger
Chapter Thirty-Six: Secret
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sex as a Weapon
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Shadows of the Night
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Shell Shock
Chapter Forty: Addicted to Love
Chapter Forty-One: I Need a Lover
Chapter Forty-Two: It's a Tuff Life [AU]
Chapter Forty-Three: Beat It
Chapter Forty-Four: Billie Jean
Chapter Forty-Five: Stranded
Chapter Forty-Six: Strangers of the Heart
Chapter Forty-Seven: Tall, Dark Handsome Stranger
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Night [AU]
Chapter Forty-Nine: We Live for Love
Chapter Fifty: When It Was Me
Chapter Fifty-One: Wild Child
Chapter Fifty-Two: Will You Be There (In the Morning)
Chapter Fifty-Three: A Friend to Me
Chapter Fifty-Four: Allies
Chapter Fifty-Five: Anxiety (Get Nervous)
Chapter Fifty-Six: Barracuda
Chapter Fifty-Seven: City's Burning
Chapter Fifty-Eight: All I Want for Christmas is You
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Desire Walks On
Chapter Sixty: Blue Guitar [AU]

Chapter Nineteen: The Wolf

149 4 0
By Brambleshadow96

You were born to privilege

Licking on a silver spoon

You think you gotta buy all your friends

Just so you can tear up the room

Ziva David was roused from her thoughts by Tony DiNozzo's voice right next to her ear. Startled, her fist went up and hit Tony on the nose.

"Ow! Geez, Ziva! I think you broke my nose!" the Italian playboy cried, holding his nose with his free hand.

Concerned, Ziva pried his hand off and checked the body part in question carefully. After a close and careful examination, she released her verdict: "It's perfectly fine."

He relaxed immediately. "Good, because I wanted to ask you if you'd go out for dinner."

"With you?"

"Well, me and the team. I'm buying."

"Sure. I didn't have anything else planned," Ziva said with a smile as she twisted around to look at the (very) special agent. Inwardly, she was thinking, You just had to tear down the room. I got that right, right?

But your kind is a dime a dozen

I've seen it all before

A parasite in a good disguise

Just another wolf at the door

A half hour later, the NCIS team was hanging out at their favorite bar. As Ziva swirled the straw in her drink, she couldn't help noticing that DiNozzo was flirting with all the good-looking women, yet his heart didn't seem to be in it. His eyes kept darting back to her.

You've seen his kind before, she told herself. They're just wolves at the door.

The wolf

Prowling in the nighttime

The wolf

Howling in the moonshine

The wolf

Gives you what you want but he ain't no friend of mine

As the movie-loving senior field agent started to head back to his seat, Ziva slipped off her barstool and headed over to the last chick she had seen Tony with, ready to give her a piece of her mind.

Aware that she was being watched, Ziva's quarry turned and faced her, long streaks of golden hair fanning out behind her, amber eyes wide.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized, assuming Tony was Ziva's boyfriend.

Ziva held up a hand, cutting her off. "He is no friend of mine," she lied.

"But he gives you what you want," the blonde noticed.

You lay it on oh so sweet

Just like that bad cologne

You're just smilin' tooth and nail

Got to make your presence known

"Uh, well, I . . ." Ziva stammered.

"You don't have to say anything."

The probie was about to reply when she suddenly tensed, feeling a presence behind her.

"Were you talking about me?" a male voice asked sweetly.

Ziva whirled, giving herself a case of whiplash, and found herself face-to-face with her partner. Standing this close to him, she could smell the strong cologne he was wearing. Tony's infamous grin was also in place, loudly announcing his presence to every female in the room.

But you are only a lonely hunter

Some things you can't disguise

Just to look in the hallway mirror

Now it's howling in your eyes

Her chocolate-brown eyes met his emerald-green ones angrily for a moment before she turned and headed towards the front door. Even over the noise, she could hear him following her. The scary thing was, Ziva had a feeling he was hunting her, no matter how he tried to disguise it.

Ziva had just reached the hallway that led out front when she felt his hand clamp down on her shoulder. Fear rushed through her as she slowly turned and met Tony's gaze. His lust for her, which had been reflected in the hallway mirror, was now howling in his eyes.

The wolf

Prowling in the nighttime

The wolf

Howling in the moonshine

The wolf

Gives you what you want but he ain't no friend of mine

"Tony, do not do this," Ziva whispered, inching backwards until she felt the door pressing into the small of her back.

"Do what?"

As he shuffled closer, Ziva was reminded strongly of a wolf prowling in the nighttime. The way he looked at her, as if he wanted to devour her . . .

He won't hurt me, she thought. He's my partner, for goodness' sake! Still, she couldn't suppress a flicker of doubt. Even so, she knew she could kick his butt if it came to a fight.

Ziva couldn't help wondering why Gibbs didn't come to her aid, or McGee, Abby, Ducky—even Palmer would be a huge help—come see what was going on. Surely the rest of the gang would've noticed their absence by now!

Suddenly, there was a loud crash at one of the tables. Tony's head whipped around to look, and Ziva took the opportunity to slip outside. By the time Tony looked back, the former Israeli had left the building. Sighing in exasperation, he started after her.

Silent slick and stealthy

Slinking through your evil nights

You can see in the dark they tell me

The daylight burns your eyes

She walked quickly through the D.C. streets, knowing Tony was slinking after her. You can see in the dark, they tell me, she thought. The daylight burns your eyes.

DiNozzo followed Ziva, keeping her in sight without help from a streetlamp or flashlight. When a car went shooting down the road a block ahead, the headlights momentarily blinded him.

I know you're trying to track me down now

You're right on my trail

You thinking you're going for the big big game

But you're just chasing your own tail

Shivering, Ziva walked even faster, breaking into a run. She just knew Tony was trying to track her down and that he was right on her trail. The ninja had no idea how she knew, she just did—if that makes any sense.

A half-block away, Tony could feel his excitement growing—as well as his desire. As with Ziva, he couldn't help comparing himself to a wolf hunting with the pack—only he was hunting alone. Little did he know he was chasing his own tail by going after Ziva. He didn't care. The senior NCIS agent just wanted her for his own. . . .

The wolf

Prowling in the nighttime

The wolf

Howling in the moonshine

The wolf

Gives you what you want but he ain't no friend of mine

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