NCIS: Best Shots

By Brambleshadow96

10.7K 264 6

A collection of one-shot songfics/karaokes. Since I keep writing them, I just decided to post them all in one... More

Table of Contents
Chapter One: All Eyes
Chapter Two: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You
Chapter Three: Alone
Chapter Four: Bad Animals
Chapter Five: Call of the Wild
Chapter Six: Cruel Nights
Chapter Seven: Total Eclipse of the Heart
Chapter Eight: Fallen From Grace
Chapter Nine: Heartbreaker
Chapter Ten: Heartless [AU]
Chapter Eleven: Hell Is For Children
Chapter Twelve: I Didn't Want to Need You
Chapter Thirteen: I Love You
Chapter Fourteen: If Looks Could Kill
Chapter Fifteen: I Want Your World to Turn
Chapter Sixteen: Nothin' at All
Chapter Eighteen: The Thunder Rolls
Chapter Nineteen: The Wolf
Chapter Twenty: Thriller
Chapter Twenty-One: What About Love?
Chapter Twenty-Two: What He Don't Know
Chapter Twenty-Three: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter Twenty-Four: Hotel California
Chapter Twenty-Five: Love is a Battlefield [AU]
Chapter Twenty-Six: Easy Target
Chapter Twenty-Seven: How Can I Refuse?
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Magic Man [AU]
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Precious Time
Chapter Thirty: Promises in the Dark
Chapter Thirty-One: Just Like Me
Chapter Thirty-Two: RSVP
Chapter Thirty-Three: Crazy On You [AU]
Chapter Thirty-Four: Little Too Late
Chapter Thirty-Five: Looking for a Stranger
Chapter Thirty-Six: Secret
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sex as a Weapon
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Shadows of the Night
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Shell Shock
Chapter Forty: Addicted to Love
Chapter Forty-One: I Need a Lover
Chapter Forty-Two: It's a Tuff Life [AU]
Chapter Forty-Three: Beat It
Chapter Forty-Four: Billie Jean
Chapter Forty-Five: Stranded
Chapter Forty-Six: Strangers of the Heart
Chapter Forty-Seven: Tall, Dark Handsome Stranger
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Night [AU]
Chapter Forty-Nine: We Live for Love
Chapter Fifty: When It Was Me
Chapter Fifty-One: Wild Child
Chapter Fifty-Two: Will You Be There (In the Morning)
Chapter Fifty-Three: A Friend to Me
Chapter Fifty-Four: Allies
Chapter Fifty-Five: Anxiety (Get Nervous)
Chapter Fifty-Six: Barracuda
Chapter Fifty-Seven: City's Burning
Chapter Fifty-Eight: All I Want for Christmas is You
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Desire Walks On
Chapter Sixty: Blue Guitar [AU]

Chapter Seventeen: The Night Will Only Know

156 5 0
By Brambleshadow96

That night will live forever

Their first time to lie together

They were finally where desire dared them to go

Both belonging to another

But longing to be lovers

Promising each other that the night will only know

Tony drove to Ziva's apartment. It was risky to see her, but he had to. He wanted to explain how he felt about her. He was sure she felt the same way. Tony didn't care that she was seeing someone else, like he was; he couldn't stay away from her. That time they went undercover—literally and figuratively—as that assassin couple was only the beginning. Then she had asked him if he had ever heard of soul mates. He had said something like, Oh, yeah. Aren't they a rock band? Ziva had said, You'll never understand all disappointed. Lost in thought, he stopped as he realized he had already knocked on the door and Ziva was looking at him expectantly.

"What do you want, Tony?"

"I want to talk to you."

She stepped back, inviting him in. Tony shook his head. "Not here. He's been here."

"Well, where do you want to talk, then?" Ziva asked, tilting her head and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come with me," he invited, "and I'll tell you."

She relented. "All right."

Was that a triumphant smile on his face? Ziva wondered as Tony broke into a large grin. She didn't have long to think about it, as Tony had turned and headed out to his car. Ziva followed him and was hit by a blast of freezing night air. She quickly climbed in the passenger's seat while Tony started the engine. Soon, they were tearing down the streets of D.C.

When Tony had been driving for a good half hour, he slowed and turned onto an old backstreet. Three-quarters of the way in, he stopped and parked the car. The seat belt slid upward as he unhooked it and crept into the backseat. Feeling a little creeped out, Ziva followed him, even though a voice in her head was telling her not to.

"Tony, what are we doing here?" Ziva was starting to get a little nervous. He had never done anything like this with her before.

Parked on some old backstreet

They laid down in the backseat

And fell into the fire down below

But they would pay for their deceiving

For a deadly web was weaving

Why they picked that spot that evening

Lord, the night will only know

"Ziva, do you feel the same way about me that I do about you?"

Ziva swallowed hard. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you feel it? This pull between us?"

Pull? Does he mean this feeling I have whenever I'm around him? Then a dream she had had about a week ago came back to her. In the dream, she had been standing in her room with Rivkin, her former Mossad partner. She had been wrapped in his embrace, then she felt him change. When she looked at him, she had been in Tony's arms. Tony lowered his mouth to hers. Ziva had found herself pressing against him, returning his kiss, yearning for his touch. . . . When she woke up, she found herself longing for another one of his kisses, his touches, even though it had only been a dream.

Ziva shifted uncomfortably with the memory of the dream. Obviously, her subconscious had thought about kissing him. It had only gotten stronger since that time they had gone undercover as the assassin couple a few months back, and when she had had that talk with that African-American woman about soul mates. She had said that when you meet your soul mate, you just know. When Ziva asked Tony about that, he had said something like, Aren't they a rock band? Ziva had been disappointed.

She jolted back to the present. The beautiful Israeli opened her mouth to reply, when Tony said, "Ziva, what I'm trying to say is, I love you."

Ziva sat there, stunned. "But what about your girlfriend?"

"Ziva, I don't feel with her what I feel with you. I don't feel a need to lie with my body curled around hers. I don't think about kissing her. I want you."

"And I'm sure you say that to every girlfriend you have."

"Actually, I don't," he said softly.

Ziva turned her head to look at him. When she did, she found his mouth covering hers. Before she knew what was happening, her arms had wrapped around his neck and she was kissing him back. The windows were quickly fogged up with steam as they sank onto the backseat.

Well within the innuendos

Just outside the steamy windows

The night was shattered by a woman's scream

Motionless and frightened

The grip of fate had tightened

And with trembling hands they wiped away the steam

Ziva and her co-worker were deep in a passionate embrace when the stillness of the night was broken by a terrified woman's scream. The two NCIS agents froze and wiped away the steam, hands trembling. It was a good thing they had left the engine off; it would have given away their position right now. All they could do was watch the scene unfolding before them.

They saw a woman pleading

Stumbling, begging and retreating

'Til she became the victim of her foe

And they watched her fall in silence

To save their own alliance

But the reason for the violence

Just the night will only know

Just outside the window, a few yards away, they saw a young woman erupt from the shadows. She looked back at her pursuer and stumbled over a crack in the alleyway. The NCIS agents saw the gleam of metal as silver moonlight struck it. "No, please!" the woman begged. "I'll do anything!" she pleaded. Tony and Ziva glanced at each other and reached for their weapons before they realized they hadn't brought them. They couldn't do anything to save her. As the would-be killer stepped out of the shadows, they got a clear look at his face. Ziva shut her eyes as the knife struck its target, glistening wet with blood.

When he left, Tony and Ziva exchanged glances, then, tires screeching, tore out of there. Tony dropped Ziva off at her apartment before driving home. Their parting words rang in his head.

"Let's not tell Gibbs about this," he had said. Ziva had nodded, though reluctantly.

"He'll find out anyway. You know that. If he found out we broke Rule # 12 . . ."

"Hey, it'll be okay,"Tony had reassured her, drawing her close to him. "I'll see you tomorrow,"he murmured, pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

Tony saw that he had already passed his apartment. He made a U-turn and pulled into the driveway, dreading the next morning.

And every paper ran the story

She was stripped of all her glory

And they told exactly how the woman died

Abandoned and forsaken

Too many pills were taken

And they ruled the woman's death a suicide

DiNozzo and Ziva were at their desks the next morning, trying to avoid each other's gaze. It was as though they though Gibbs or the rest of the team would find out what had happened between them last night. They were startled by Gibbs shouting, "GEAR UP! Dead Lieutenant downtown."

They exchanged nervous glances, but followed their boss to the elevator. When Gibbs announced he was driving, they groaned. On the way to the scene, Tony asked, "Didn't the paper say she died of suicide, Boss?"

"Yeah. They said she OD'd on prescription pills. I don't believe it, though. That's why we're checking it out."

In what seemed like a few minutes, they were there. After they were out of the van, Ziva pulled Tony aside and whispered, "Tony, we could have stopped this. It's our fault she died."

"No, it's not, Zi. We were unarmed, not to mention off duty."

"I still think we should have done something."

"Ziva, there was nothing we could do," he muttered, pulling her close to him.

"I still hate it," she grumbled against his shoulder.

They were startled by Gibbs yelling, "DiNozzo, David, quit making out and get over here!"

Red-faced, they obeyed the order. Inside they were thinking, If he ever found out about us . . .

Bound by their behavior

They could have been her savior

Now guilt becomes the endless debt they owe

But another crime was committed

And it's never been admitted

Have the guilty been acquitted

Lord, the night will only know

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