To Be There

Por _melsbooks

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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 #𝟏 - 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ❝𝐈'𝐦 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮❞ It's the last year of high s... Mais

To Be There Revision News
characters + epigraph
story's playlist
chapter one | home
chapter two | a night with loved ones
chapter three | the boy from afar
chapter four | the girl from afar
chapter five | the good news
chapter six | january 13th
chapter seven | face to face
chapter eight | until next time
chapter nine | mornings at danberry
chapter ten | beside the lockers
chapter eleven | for the time being
chapter twelve | a visit from taylor
chapter fourteen | a visit to kelly's diner
chapter fifteen | it's nice to cross paths
chapter sixteen | a friendly ride home
chapter seventeen | a new beginning
chapter eighteen | it's real now
chapter nineteen | 4 days until game day
chapter twenty | spending time with the edwards
chapter twenty-one | the boys and basketball
chapter twenty-two | rosemary vs. colby pt. 1
chapter twenty-three | rosemary vs. colby pt. 2
chapter twenty-four | the special invitation
chapter twenty-five | can't wait for saturday
chapter twenty-six | a kind welcome
chapter twenty-seven | spending time with the hales
chapter twenty-eight | the past comes by to visit
chapter twenty-nine | a lingering ache
chapter thirty | to notice a change from afar
chapter thirty-one | to drift away for one self
chapter thirty-two | to have caring hearts
chapter thirty-three | a shoulder to lean on
chapter thirty-four | reunited
chapter thirty-five | it's time for spring break
chapter thirty-six | a night out in town
chapter thirty-seven | quality time with good stories
chapter thirty-eight | a time for kind smiles
chapter thirty-nine | to capture memories
chapter forty | the special meeting
chaper forty-one | the spring fundraiser
chapter forty-two | a special night for rosemary
chapter forty-three | not a dream but a reality
chapter forty-four | a night of changes
chapter forty-five | to keep one's guard
chapter forty-six | to keep one company
chapter forty-seven | to be at odds
chapter forty-eight | an inkling of truth
chapter forty-nine | a beacon of light
chapter fifty | a time to breathe
chapter fifty-one | to be with gentle wings
chapter fifty-two | a day of warm moments
chapter fifty-three | spending time with loved ones
chapter fifty-four | a light for thankful hearts
chapter fifty-five | a time to look back
chapter fifty-six | rosemary's memories
chapter fifty-seven | june 8th
chapter fifty-eight | to be there
author's note + thank you ♡
special news (trilogy series)

chapter thirteen | small talk and kind smiles

97 11 56
Por _melsbooks


Coffee shop music plays softly in Mrs. Pattinson's classroom. The music is soothing as it dwells around the quiet room of teenagers. Lia sits at her table near the window. With her hand resting against her cheek, she looks at a book in front of her.

Nibbling on her bottom lip, her eyes widen. She sees the last word of the page she's on. Wait, I finished, but how? I just started this chapter. She's on the page she's supposed to stop on. She can't go any further, at Mrs. Pattinson's request.

Accepting this, she looks away from her book. Her gaze falls on Angela. Angela sits beside her, absorbed in her reading. Feeling Lia's gaze, Angela stops reading. She turns her head. When she meets Lia's eyes she smiles at her.

"Hey," she whispers. After she talks, she marks the page she's on with her pointer finger to not lose her spot in the chapter she's on.

"Hi," Lia whispers back.

"How's it going?" Angela asks as Lia crosses her arms on top of the table. She rests her head gently upon them. Her cheek touches the soft sleeves of her indigo sweater. She turns her head to the left, so she can still see Angela as they talk.

"I'm good, I finished Chapter 13."

"How was it? Does Nia give her letter to Leroy?" Angela reaches over for her coffee on the table. After the cup is in her hand, she sips away as she listens to Lia.

"Yeah, she does. Mrs. Pattinson was right about that. Nia was going to leave her letter with him before heading to the train."

"Interesting. So she did let Leroy know her reason for leaving in the letter?" Angela asks curiously about the mystery that's taking place in their book.

"She did and she went along with her plan in the last chapter to go into hiding to protect her family," Lia glances at their recent book that her English class started reading last week. A new book Lia couldn't put down the moment she started it.

The book is called In The Daylight. The story focuses on a sixteen-year-old girl named Kia Dixon. Her life changes unexpectedly when she discovers her family is hiding secrets about a lost relative being her older sibling.

Mrs. Pattinson finds the book to be a good choice for her seniors. There's a nice mixture of mystery, adventure, young love, and familial ties to come across when reading. Lia loves this literary novel so far. It's unique with twists and turns that'll have you on the edge of your seat. She didn't realize how much she'd like it after having to stop reading Chapter 13 today. The reason is Mrs. Pattinson wants the class to stop there since she wants to discuss it with them later on in the class period.

"I knew it! I knew she was going to hide. There was no way she wasn't after receiving that note from her cousin," Angela declares in a low voice.

"Yep, you were right. Now we just have to wait and see what she does next now," Lia nods, feeling assured by this idea. She knows she'll find out later in the future.

As Angela goes back to reading Lia reaches for her backpack on the floor. Setting the bag in her lap she roams through to find her notebook. The blue one she uses is for keeping track of her thoughts when analyzing In The Daylight. But as she pushes her other stuff aside from folders, a pencil pouch, and small textbooks realizes the one item she needs isn't there as she'd hoped.

I left it in my locker, she shakes her head at her mistake. Her eyes focus on another blue look-alike notebook. The one she's seeing is the Spanish notebook she grabbed this morning from her locker.

"Hey, I'm going to my locker. I took the wrong notebook for my notes," Lia reveals as she zips her bag closed. She sets it on the ground as she turns to Angela.

"You're leaving now?" Angela asks.

Lia nods back as she grabs her phone, slipping it into her pocket.

"When you stop by our lockers can you grab our donuts since I thought I'd survive without them?" Angela admits with a cheeky smile.

Lia nods with a knowing smile. She remembers before they went to English, Angela told her she'd not need their donuts after their breakfast at Lia's place. She wanted their snack to be a fun treat for them to enjoy throughout the day. But looks like she couldn't hold back on her guilty pleasure any longer by asking Lia that question.

"Of course, I'll grab it," Lia kindly replies as she rises to a stand.

"Thanks, Li," Angela winks as she goes back to reading her book.

Lia moves away from their table. As she passes by she sees Mrs. Pattinson. Her teacher sits at her desk relaxed in her chair. She holds the class book in her hands as she reads along with the class. With her glasses on her face, she looks intrigued by their book but then looks away at the sight of Lia.

"Hi Mrs. P, how are you?" Lia smiles.

"I'm good Li, I'm loving my coffee with a nice book this morning. so I have no complaints," Mrs. Pattinson smiles.

"No worries since it's a relaxing vibe for today," Lia notes. She's happy to say this since this morning gives off that calming atmosphere.

"Exactly, it is a peaceful vibe for today. How's your morning been?" Mrs. Pattinson asks as she reaches for her cup of coffee. She sips her drink with a soft hum.

"Great! I can't put our book down since I love it that much."

"Well, that just means I've done a good job of picking a great one."

"You did, so no complaints from yours truly," Lia teases back, causing Mrs. Pattinson to laugh.

"I'm happy to hear that," Mrs. Pattinson agrees as they part ways now by sharing a smile. Eventually, Lia reaches the door and slips out into the halls.

Early quiet mornings at Rosemary are something Lia has been used to over the years. Being around 8 in the morning, the hallways aren't too lively but have a mild atmosphere. Lia thinks it's this way because everyone's still trying to wake up for a new day. But that known bright energy will be back in no time as the day goes by.

Taking her time Lia walks down the hall. Her light footsteps echo against the clean marble floor, as that's the only sound you hear. Reaching the end of the hallway she turns and enters a hall that has a staircase. Taking 2 steps at a time she went up the stairs to the second floor.

After stepping off a second flight, Lia enters another hallway. From, far off to the left side in her peripheral vision is the main locker section for the senior class. With a soft hum, Lia walks over as her eyes skim. Her eyes land on her locker as she walks on. Reaching her locker Lia scrolls her combo as it clicks off. Holding the lock in one hand she opens her locker. She sees her English notebook lying on the top shelf.

"There you are," she whispers as her spiral notebook slips into her hand. Slipping the object under her arm Lia closes her locker. She puts her lock back on, locks it then steps over to Angela's which is right beside hers.

But as she turns she sees a few feet away, beside another column of lockers is a boy. He stands with his back against a locker. With his phone in his hand, he scrolls through whatever he's looking at. He's relaxed as he's wearing a green crew neck sweater paired with dark jeans and black lace-up boots.

Awe falls upon Lia as she stands still at seeing James. But she doesn't walk up to him. Instead, she turns away to lean back against Angela's locker. She's lost for words. It has her wondering if what she's been hoping to come true since thinking about it lately is real now.

I'm seeing James again. She's been wanting that to happen. To see James more at school so she can talk to him. To spend time with a boy she's interested in being around. It'll pop up in her head as a small reminder that she's met him now.

"I like your necklace."

Lia blinks, snapping out of her thoughts now. She turns in surprise at hearing James's compliment.

He had moved away from the locker he was standing by. Now he stands nearby Lia with a curious gleam in his hazel eyes that falls upon her.

"This?" Lia asks, as her fingers touch the object on her chest.

"Yeah," James gently replies as he gives a small nod to her question.

Lia, seeing James' interest, gazes down at the piece of jewelry centered in the middle of her chest. It has one pink rose connected to a gold chain. My necklace. It has a unique connection to her. A small piece of jewelry she loves to wear.

"You like it?" she asks, looking up at the boy who meets her eyes.

"I do, it's pretty," James murmurs as he gives a smile at his compliment.

"Thank you," is all Lia can whisper as this makes her smile.

"Is it new?" James asks as he steps closer to Lia.

"No, it's a gift I've had for a few years," Lia holds the rose in her hands, not letting go of it.

"Cool, you've taken good care of it," observes James as his eyes focus on the necklace looking impressed.

"I always do," Lia admits as thinking of her mother appears in her head.

"I'm guessing it's maybe from your parents?"

Lia gently smiles nodding to confirm this. "Yes, my mom gave it to me for my Sweet 16 as something special,"

Lia remembers Whitney told her the necklace was meant for her. It was one of the gifts she received that day. The object is a way for her mother to show her love to Lia. It may seem like a small thing to receive but Lia loves knowing it's hers.

"That's cool, it's nice of your mom to give you a nice gift," James admires as Lia can't help but smile.

"I'm happy she did. It's nice since I feel it's meant for me." After wearing it for a few years, Lia appreciates knowing that her necklace was given to her by someone she loves dearly.

"I think it is as it suits you," James agrees as Lia can't help but smile at these kind words. Silence appears between them as Lia stops touching her necklace. She leans back against the royal blue locker as James is next to her doing the same. It's not an awkward quiet, but comfortable silence between them.

She acknowledges being alone with James. The last time she spoke to him was during their fourth period by the lockers last week. After that, she only saw him around their school a few times after their last encounter. They hadn't talked again until now.

"Are you in math right now?"

Lia's soft voice says as she gazes at James. He turns to the sound of her voice, his eyes meeting her brown ones as he listens to her question.

"I am. I just had to drop something off for my teacher. Are you in English?"


"Are you guys just reading?"

"We are."

"I wish I could read, instead I'm about to take some functions test."

Lia's eyes widened realizing what James meant. He should be back in class taking that test not out here in the hallway talking away with her. Why is he still here?

"But you're talking with me when you should be there. Are you sure you aren't missing it right now?" Lia says with worry laced in her voice.

James isn't fazed by her worrying but instead gives Lia a reassuring smile. "Don't worry since I'm doing Mr. Callum a favor for the office. I'll take it when I'm back in class."

Lia looks at James still worried. This causes his eyes to soften at her caring nature. "It's okay Lia, I'll be fine. Besides, I want to talk to you so this isn't wasted time for me."

Lia nods, accepting James's modesty. James wanted to be here with her. If he didn't want to, he could've ignored her at first sight and gone to his class.

"Okay," Lia releases a breath as she relaxes. She glances down at her shoes. "I just don't want you to miss your test."

"I know, but I'll be fine. I'll still take it when I get back, it's a short one."

Lia keeps this in mind as she leans back against Angela's locker. The locker she was supposed to grab something for...Angela's donuts. It's like a light bulb goes off in Lia's head as she remembers her reason for being at Angela's locker. To grab her best friend's donuts!

"Oops," she blurts as her mouth falls into an o shape. The young girl turns now, catching sight of James's curious gaze at her comment.

"Can you hold this for me?" She hands her notebook to James.

"Sure," James nods back as he takes it from her.

Lia faces Angela's locker. She types in the code as she slips off the lock. She opens the locker. There on the top shelf safe and sound is some Dunkin. A beautiful assortment of donuts is inside the box, comprising flavors from sprinkled, glaze, chocolate, and sugared. Personally, for Lia, glazed donuts are her favorite, so she'll have no problem enjoying those later.

"I almost forgot," she remarks, reaching in to grab those donuts.

Beside her, James glimpses at what Lia takes in her hands to hold. "Can't go wrong with donuts," he remarks as Lia looks up at him.

"You can't, especially if it's glazed," Lia beams as James smiles at her carefree attitude. Just the thought of Angela's donuts brightens her mood.

"Glazed is good but I'm a sprinkles kind of guy," James grins.

"Sprinkles isn't bad so I think that's a wise choice," Lia chirps as this makes James laugh. He glances at Lia with his eyes having that amused twinkle.

"I'd like to think so, I'm happy you think sprinkles are a worthy choice," James jokes back as this has Lia respond with a soft laugh now.

Lia glances at these donuts again. She has to leave to bring them to Angela. But knowing this has her realize her time with James is coming to an end. She releases a small breath knowing she can't stay longer. Trying not to feel sad, Lia glances from the donuts to the boy standing by her side.

"I have to go back to class," Lia admits. "I remember my class is having a book discussion."

James nods as he pushes himself off the locker he was leaning on. Still holding Lia's notebook in his hand, slips his free hand into his pocket.

"I have to head back too," he replies.

Lia nods as James doesn't look away, but says something that catches her attention. "Well, if you're leaving, I am too. Maybe we can walk together?"

He still wants to spend time with me. Lia stares at him secretly, liking he still wants to talk. I mean to think they can do this is perfectly fine with her. I mean she'd like to walk and talk, it's not a bad idea.

"You want to walk with me?" Lia says with curious eyes.

"Sure why not. Since we're on the same floor for our first period, I can walk with you to English," James can't help but give her a smile at his proposition.

He's right they are on the same floor. Lia's class is closer than James considering how far apart the English wing is from the math wing. But it's still on the same floor.

"So, can we go?" Lia asks.

"Mhmm, as long as you want to?" James smiles, waiting to see if Lia's fine with this.

That's all she needs to hear as she smiles back. "I'm good, let's go."

Lia closes Angela's locker, making sure it's locked. After she does holds the Dunkin' box safely in her hands. She falls in step with James as they move away from the lockers. Walking down the hall they make a left turn to enter the staircase. Lia walks down the long steps two at a time as James follows at her pace. As they make a turn to walk down another flight, Lia realizes there's something important she needs to tell James. Something that's on her mind. She's been wanting to tell him since he first visited her place.

Now's a good time. She talks as she turns to her companion.

"Hey, James?"

"Yes?" His voice is calm yet friendly. He turns to her. When their eyes meet, Lia finds herself at ease seeing he's giving her his attention.

"I have something to tell you."

James nods back, ready to listen. "What is it?"

"I loved the cake your family made for my family. It tasted amazing! thank you again for dropping it off," Lia rambles with happiness. She can't hide her joy in knowing she loved that amazing cake from the Hales. She even spoke with Marissa on the phone shortly after that visit to thank their family.

Lia remembers each cake slice she had made her feel on cloud nine. It was sweet bliss to have that treat last week. So that's why she wanted to let James know in person how she felt about it since they did agree upon her telling him when they first met.

James's face softens at Lia's happiness. He smiles. "Of course, it was no problem. I'm happy you loved it."

"I did," Lia assures as she continues to talk. "My parents loved it too; they said it was delicious. They're not wrong because it was."

"That makes me happy, thank you for telling me. I'm glad your family loved our surprise." James smiles. He can't look away from the girl whose words made his morning.

"I'm glad I gave it to you."

"Me too."

"I knew you'd love it."

"I did, thank you."

To tell James about the cake is something Lia doesn't regret sharing. It's meant for them to hear this morning. For the two to talk about appreciating the gift shows it means something special to them.

"So, are you eating all those donuts by yourself? You have some good flavors,'' James's gaze goes to Lia's box.

They step off the steps as they trail down the empty hallway. Lia shakes her head to deny this. I mean sure it's tempting, especially knowing their donuts. But there's no way she can do that without ending up in the nurse's office at the end of the first period. Resulting in her questioning her previous life decisions.

"Oh, no I can't. I don't think I can do it by myself. Besides, it's for me and Angela to share. She's the one who got Dunkin."

"Got it. So it's enough for both of you to enjoy since sharing is caring," after hearing this Lia glances at James. As their eyes meet he boyishly grins.

She returns an amused smile. "Sharing is caring so you're right."

From afar Lia can see the English complex come into view as they're close to her room.

"Are you sure you'll still make it for your test?" Lia can't help but check one last time as they stand near Mrs. Pattinson's closed classroom door.

"I'm sure, I'm not worried about missing it, I'll get it done," James responds as ran his hand softly through his hair.

"I'm glad you'll still be able to get it done," Lia glances at the box of donuts and then up at James.

He holds the notebook in his hand as their eyes meet. They look at each other as if passing a message knowing it's time to go now.

"Thank you for walking with me, it was nice of you," Lia admires as she looks into those kind eyes that are locked with her brown ones.

"Of course," James replies. "I'm glad I did since we got to talk more."

Lia nods as she glances at her shoes. It's at that moment something settles on top of the Dunkin'' box. It makes a thud sound as it touches the cover of the box causing Lia to glance up. There lies her notebook from James who put it there. He glances at it before meeting her friendly eyes.

"You'll need that with your donuts," he reminds her.

"Thank you," Lia murmurs.

James smiles back. They lock eyes until James glances at the donuts one last time. He looks back at Lia knowingly. "Enjoy your donuts."

"Thanks, I will." she smiles back. Those are their parting words to each other. James steps away as he vanishes down the hall. After he's gone Lia slips back into class.

The class talks away while Mrs. Pattinson is writing on the whiteboard. Seeing their discussion hasn't started yet Lia sees Angela at their table. It's then Angela turns around and sees Lia.

Her eyes light up at seeing her which causes her to wave. Lia smiles waving back and then glances at their donuts. She's happy to know she'll enjoy them with her bestie.

Hi, I loved writing this chapter
Somehow it feels cozy yet sweet at the same time whenever Lia and James are together. It's nice to see

Anyways I love donuts so I'm all for Li and Angie enjoying them (:

I want to say how grateful I am to have you guys read my story. It has me in awe sometimes to know that guys are liking it. To always see your kindness makes my day. Thank you again. I appreciate all of you

You make it sweet for me ♥️

The next chapter is a fun one! Who's ready for a trip to a nice diner? I think you'll love it, see you soon ☺️

note: I have an insta account. I share more about Lia and James there. It's a cozy, nice place of mine (: If you want to see sneak peeks of what's to come you can follow me there.

My instagram is mels_books

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