The Stray God and the Phantom...

By Kokushibo-Tsugikuni

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My first non-Demon Slayer story. Hope you still enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š More

A Housecat, The Stray and Phantom Gods, and a Tail
Where Happiness Lies

Bidden Calamity; New Phantom Brothers

553 17 29
By Kokushibo-Tsugikuni

At early morning at a charity dump, Yato digs through a bag to find clothes for Yukine to wear.

Yukine: I seriously have to wear this junk?

Yato: Stop your whining.

Yato pulls out a Capyper Land jacket and shows it to his shinki.

Yato: Look at this, Yukine. Does this seems cute?

Yukine: That's so lame.

Yato gets annoyed by Yukine's rejection.

Yato: Then I'll wear it!

Yukine turns his back to Yato when he shivers from a breeze of cold wind.

Yukine: Why do I still feel physical stuff like this...

He takes off Hiyori's scarf and his white robes. As he takes them off, he looks at the kanji on his left collarbone.

Yukine: ...even though I've been dead for a long time?


Later that morning, at (YN)'s apartment, the phantom trio and Tanomi the Pomeranian puppy were having breakfast while the phantom sisters talked about Yukine, Yato's new shinki.

Kurumi: Yaboku-san definitely chose a young spirit as his new shinki.

Itami: And a cute one.

Kurumi: I didn't know you were into young boys, Itami. Are you turning into a shotacon?

Itami: One, I am not. And two, I meant from a sister perspective. Like if we had a younger brother and he was extremely adorable, we'd get the feeling of wanting to protecting him.

As the sister continued talking about older and younger siblings, (YN) was lost in his thoughts while he ate.

(YN): An older sibling protecting their younger sibling... Right now, Yukine's sister is probably regretting she hadn't taken him with her. The abuse he suffered while still he was alive will certainly affect his relationship with Yaboku. I'll use that to my advantage to see if he'll break his promise.

Kurumi: (YN)-san.

I snap myself from my thoughts when I heard Kurumi call me.

(YN): Yeah?

Kurumi: Have you ever thought about getting phantom shinki again that were similar Asomi and Nozomi?

(YN): Kurumi, I...

I lower my utensil as I look at my plate with a sad smile.

(YN): My bond with Asomi and Nozomi was similar to the bond between brothers when they have to rely on each other, and it cannot be replaced or replicated. That's why after getting you two, I never considered getting more. No amount of phantom shinki will ever fill the void their deaths created.

Kurumi: Oh, I see. I apologize for asking the question.

(YN): It's okay. I know you didn't mean any ignorance behind it. Why did you ask?

Kurumi: Itami and I were thinking of what's it like to have younger brothers, so...

Itami: Can we have younger brothers?!

Kurumi: We're not saying this as a way to immediately fill the spots they left empty in your heart.

I look at them with a stern look.

(YN): I just told you that no amount of phantom shinki will their spots. Not even you guys, and don't take that as me saying you guys are not special to me because you are.

Kurumi: I understand, (YN)-san. It was just a suggestion.

The sisters go back to eating with despondent looks on their faces. I look at them for a moment before releasing a light sigh.

(YN): Just for you guys, I'll think about it.

Kurumi & Itami: Really?

(YN): Yes. But as I stated before we got Tanomi, don't get your hopes up. I still have the willpower to decline.

Kurumi & Itami: Okay.

The sisters return to eating but with happier looks this time. After finishing, I wash the dishes then join Kurumi and Itami on the couch to watch TV with them. Tanomi jumps on the other side of Kurumi and rececives head scratches from her.

(YN): So what do you girls want to do in the afternoon? I'm going out for a stroll around town.

Kurumi: I'm staying here to have a relaxation day, unless Tanomi wants to do something. Tanomi, bark once if you want to be a lazy couch potato. Bark twice if you want to go out and be a energetic puppy.

The satified Pomeranian lets out a single bark.

Kurumi: I got my answer.

Itami: Can I joining you on your stroll, (YN)-sama?

(YN): Why?

Itami: Because I like being around my favorite phantom in the world.

(YN): That's your reason?

Itami: Only for when you ask me why I come with you.

Itami chuckles while I shake my head.


In the afternoon, Yato and Yukine, who was in a blue hoodie over a purple shirt, loose dark grey jeans, a white and teal patterned hat, and light grey dress shoes, go behind a diner in town.

Yato: Let's eat here today.

The lesser god scavenges through a trash bad and finds two dried sardines. Yato puts one in his mouth and gives the other to Yukine on a tin plate for lunch.

Yukine: What is this?

Yato: You said you were hungry, so I got you some lunch.

Yukine: You call this lunch?

Yato: You're my shinki! What your master says, goes!

A stray cat takes the sardine from the tray, making Yato freak out. He grabs and picks up the cat as he tries to take back the fish.

Yukine: Shinki, huh?

Yato: Yeah! A shinki respects, worships...

He successfully manages to get the sardine back from the cat. The stray feline jumps out of his hand.

Yato: ...and serves at their master's beck and call!

Yato takes a bites and chews the dry sardine, only to cough and pound his chest as he swallows it.

Yato: I command you to make us some tea!

Yukine: I'll make some tea when you get us off the streets.

Yato: You will not talk to me like that! I demand obedience!

Just then, the cat jumps on Yato's back and starts clawing at his hair.

Yato: Stop it! Your ripping my hair out! Quit it, you little furball!

Yukine sighs and drops his head while he reflects on his current lifestyle with Yato.

Yukine: I never would've guessed being a god means drifting around town, sleeping at some old shrine to avoid attention, and picking through the trash for everyday items.

He turns to Yato who had just spray painted his name amd phone number on the wall behind him.

Yukine: That's the first thing you do?

Yato: It's missionary work!

Yukine: For jobs that never come.

Yukine's comment shocks Yato when their stomachs growl from hunger. Yukine looks at Yato with a annoyed side glance.

Yukine: Are you sure you're a god?

Yato takes notice of his shinki's look.

Yato: What's with that look?

After seeing Yukine's expression, Yato smiles lightly at him.

Yato: I'll show you what I can do.

He takes his phone out and makes a call. Elsewhere, (YN) and Itami were taking stroll in town.

Itami: (YN)-sama.

(YN): Yeah?

Itami: Did us talking about wanting little brothers stir up your memories of Asomi and Nozomi?

(YN): I think about those two all the time, so it doesn't effect me. But whenever I talk about them, it does makes me miss me a lot more.

Itami: I see.

(YN): But don't you and Kurumi overthink that I'll be sad whenever I talk or mention them, or someone mentioning stories that involves their siblings. Okay?

Itami: Yes, (YN)-sama.

Itami phantom shinki grabs on to my arm for the rest our walk until we got a diner.

Waitress 1: Welcome. Please take a seat and we'll be with in a moment.

As we go take our seats at a table, I see Yato, Yukine, and Hiyori, who seemed irritated, at a table.

Yato: Hiyori has decided to buy me some food. That's pretty nice and generous of her, would you say?

Yukine: This is extortion.

Hiyori: Once you're done, I expect you to finally listen to my request.

Yukine tosses Hiyori's scarf next to her, surprising the human girl. He takes his next to Yato and puts his head on the table.

(YN): Hello there.

The trio looks up and sees (YN) and Itami standing at their table.

Yato: What are you doing here?

(YN): The same reason any human would come to a diner.

Itami: Hey, Hiyori.

Hiyori: Hi. Where's Kurumi-san?

Itami: Nee-san and Tanomi are at home having a relaxation day to themselves. It's just me and (YN)-sama.

(YN): We'll be in the booth behind Hiyori.

When Itami goes to take her seat, I take a quick glance at Yukine.

(YN): Poor kid. But at least he's in better hands now, though that might not last long.

I then take my seat across from Itami and grab a menu. A waitress approaches Hiyori's table and places a glass cup of ice water on it.

Waitress 2: Welcome. Have you decided what you want to order?

Yato: Miss, three cups of water.

Seeing Yato and Yukine surprises the waitress as she had not seen them before.

Waitress 2: I'm so sorry!

She runs off to get them water.

Hiyori: I thought people couldn't see you because you're not human.

Yato: It's not like that. We're not invisible, we're just hard to notice. People can see us. Now let me ask you, how many waitresses are here right now?

Hiyori tries to head to see them, but Yato tells her not to look.

Hiyori: Um... two.

She turns to the waitresses and actually sees four of them.

Hiyori: Four?

Yato: It's just like that. Yukine and I blend in with the background just like the two waitresses you didn't see. Once we're noticed, we're seen as people, but we're soon forgotten again.

The waitress returns with two extra cups of water for Yato and Yukine before leaving.

Yato: Like you don't remember every person you'very passed on the streets, do you?

Yato takes a sips of his water.

Yato: Since we're from the Far Shore, it's like that but stronger.

(YN): It's sad that happens to you, Yato, but thankfully that doesn't happen to me and my shinki. We're in the spotlight all the time.

Hiyori: How so?

(YN): Hold on.

The waitress who greeted me and Itami approaches our table with two glass cups of water.

Waitress 1: Have decided what you wanted to eat?

(YN): Yes, we have.

We tell the waitress what we'll have and she writes them down. After taking our orders, the kind waitress smiles and bows.

Waitress 1: Thank you very much.

The waitress leaves.

(YN): So about my what I said. Remember the old tales and eye witness reports you mentioned? From those stories people pretty much know who we are and what we do. So we're pretty much famous all over the country.

Itami: Another cool fact about us is that we have a unique way of being letting people see us and being hidden from others. It's far more detailed than that, but that's the general gist of it. We mostly use it to mess with criminals to make them believe they're hallucinating.

(YN): In fact, Itami and I are doing it right now so that only the waitresses see us. And everyone else has no idea that we're here.

Eventually, food for both tables arrived. The phantom duo casually ate their food while also feeding each other the other's food. Hiyori's left eyebrow and right hand holding her cup of coffee twitch with irritation as Yato and Yukine were devouring theirs.

Hiyori: You certainly know to fill your stomach.

Yato: It's never a good idea to waste an offering! That's an important rule!

Hiyori: You're going to make yourself sick eating too much.

Yato: I'll be fine! Besides, gods don't poop!

Hiyori nearly spits out her coffee from Yato's statement.

(YN): Others are eating here. Save your bathroom comments for another time.

Itami: (YN)-sama.

(YN): What is it?

Itami: If you ever decide to get us younger brothers, what do you think their vessels forms will be? Swords, clothes, animals, guns, or some ordinary object?

(YN): I always like idea of having divine clothes that provide protection from other shinki. That'd be fascinating.

Itami: What about their phantom forms?

(YN): Probably something cool. But you'll have to wait and see, if I decide to do it.

Eventually, everyone continued eating until they finished. Hiyori was just about to pay for until I decided to pay for their meals, along with his and Itami's. Yukine, Hiyori, Itami, who had took some candy from the small basket at the register, and I go outside and wait for Yato.

Hiyori: You didn't have to pay for our food as well, (YN)-san.

(YN): I wasn't going to let you pay for all of that.

I then take some of candy from Itami's hand.

Itami: Hey!

(YN): You took food from my plate, so this is just as fair.

Hiyori chuckles at the phantom duo when she notices Yukine looking at her. Yukine looks away with a light blush on his cheeks.

Yukine: Um... Thanks for getting us food.

Taken back by Yukine's gratitude, Hiyori smiles at him.

Hiyori: You're welcome. I'm Hiyori Iki. You can call me Hiyori.

Yukine: What is it between you and him?

Hiyori tuns ger head as Yukine points to Yato, who was inside the diner trying to take the rest of the free candy.

Hiyori: Um... I sometimes leave my body so I'm hoping he could fix that.

Yukine: I feel sorry for you.

Hiyori: I know, right?

She turns back to Yukine.

Hiyori: What about you, Yukine-kun? How did you....

I cut Hiyori off by coughing and clearing my throat, making Hiyori look at me. I shake my head at the question she about to ask Yukine. She then turns back to Yukine.

Hiyori: What did you do before you became Yato's shinki?

Yukine: I don't know. I do know that I died. But all I can recall his being in his hand. I don't remember anything from when I was alive. I don't know what to expect now, either.

(YN): You really don't remember anything or anyone from your previous life, like family members for example?

He shakes his head no, making me furrow my eyebrows in anger to the person that killed him. The stray cat that attempted to take their sardines earlier affectionately rubs itself against Yukine's leg.

Yukine: You're that sardine thief.

He bends down to the pet cat.

Hiyori: Yukine-kun, do you like cats?

Yukine: Maybe.

Hiyori approaches Yukine and crouches next to him.

Hiyori: Cats are cute, aren't they? I like them too.

As Yukine turns his head to Hiyori, he looks at her chest for a moment and blushes lightly before lookijg away. Yato comes out the diner with a handful of candy when he's suddenly stung in the back of the neck.

Yato: Yukine, did you just have a dirt thought?

The two look at Yato, with Yukine looking around nervously before getting frustrated.

Yato: Listen, Yukine. Just so you know, gods and shinki share mind and body.

Hiyori looks at the lesser god with confusion.

Yato: As your master, I can sense all of your wicked thoughts.

Yukine: What are you talking about?

Hiyori: What do you mean you share mind and body?

Yato: Honestly, kids going through puberty are a handful.

Yukine: Shut up, idiot!

Yato: Who are you calling an idiot?!

The two get into an argument.

Hiyori: Is he supposed to act like that if he's a generous god?

Yato's phone rings when he gets a call.

Yato: Hello! Fast, affordable, and reliable! Delivery God Yato, at your service!

(YN): I wonder who's calling him.

Yato: Yukine, we got a job call!

Yukine: A job call?

Yato: (YN), are you in?

(YN): If it's something like cleaning a human's car, you can count us out. I'm the God of Death, Calamity, War, Execution, Revenge, and Punishment, not a service worker to do for lazy humans.

Itami and I put our masks on as we walk up to Yato and Yukine.

Hiyori: Wait! What about my request?!

She runs up to Yato just the four disappeared, leaving Hiyori''s body and a few pieces of candy at the diner's doorstep. When the group of four and Hiyori, in her ethereal form, appear in the air at a shrine, Hiyori lands on top Yukine and Yato while the phantom duo landed feet first next to them. Yato yells out in pain and takes deep breaths after Hiyori landed on his "divine jewels".

Yato: Why the heck did you come with us?

Hiyori: Then help me out already if it bothers you that much!

Yukine notices the phantom cord protruding from her back end.

Yukine: A tail?

Suddenly, a strange mist manifests and covers the area, then six dark figures appear within it and surround us.

(YN): Come, Tsuki!

Itami transforms in her katana form and flies into my hand.

Yato: Who are you?!

Yato rises to his feet.

Yato: You set up a fake job call to ambush me?!

A man taps his smoking pipe against an a small statue.

Man: "When the east wind blows, flourish in full bloom, you plum blossoms."

The bare plum blossom trees around the shrine bloom after the voice stops.

Hiyori: Plum blossoms?

Man: "Even though you lose your master, don't be oblivious to spring."

A fifth dark figure appears.

Hiyori: Th-This one of Sugawara-no-Michizane's poems! Could it be...?!

The figure reveals itself.

Hiyori: The God of Learning, Tenjin-sama!

Tenjin: Oh? You know who I am?

Yukine and Hiyori bow to heavenly god, surprising Yato. Seeing Tenjin, I instantly furrow my eyebrows in frustration.

Itami: (YN)-sama, should we kill him since a heavenly god?

(YN): Only if he tries to attack us. Until then, don't interact with him and stay alert. Revert.

Itami changes back to her human form.

Tenjin: I'm impressed, little spirit. It's a bit of a "goldie-oldie" as far as poems go.

Hiyori: It's in all the schoolbooks!

Tenjin: Well, that's distressing. Aren't there copyright laws and such?

Hiyori: They expire 50 years after the author's death!

Tenjin: Oh, I see.

Yukine: Such a godly aura.

Hiyori: So god-like!

Tenjin: Oh, my. Really?

Hiyori: You're the total opposite of...

Hiyori and Yukine turn to Yato, who becomes shocked and falls to the ground. Just as Tenjin was about to address Yato, he spots (YN) standing behind Yato with Tsuki in hand.

Tenjin: Hello. And who are you?

(YN): Someone who's not interested in talking to the likes of you. And that's the end of this conversation.

Tenjin gives a slight frown at the Phantom God before speaking to Yato.

Tenjin: Yato-kun.

He looks at Yukine.

Tenjin: What is this little one called?

Yato: He's called "Yuki". As a shinki... "Setsu". As a human... "Yukine".

Tenjin: Yukine-kun. You've recently become a shinki, yes? As a shinki, you should not prostrate yourself.

Yukine looks at the God of Learning with slight confusion.

Tenjin: Tsuyu.

A shrine maiden walks up when she gets called. She has long, black hair and straight-cut bangs parted in the center, revealing a red forehead decoration, or huadian, that she wears in the shape of a plum blossom. Her eyes are colored purple and her lips are colored red. She also wears the same shrine maiden attire as the others behind her.

Tsuyu: Indeed, young one. 'Tis disgracious to bow to another god in the presence in front of the one you serve. Take that as a lesson.

Hiyori: Amazing! You certainly have a lot of shrine maidens!

Ayu: I'm Ayu!

Nayu: I'm Nayu!

Miyu: I'm Miyu!

Moyu: I'm Moyu!

Moyu: We are...

The four shrine maidens pose together.

Ayu, Nayu, Miyu, & Moyu: The Tenjin Sisters!

Tenjin: These girls are actually my shinki. It was a bit difficult to provide for them.

Hiyori: Real gods are on a whole different level!

She claps her hands twice and pray while Yukine looks at Yato.

Yato: I'm a real god, too!!! So? What do you want?

Tenjin: Ah. With it being exam season, I'm going to be quite busy. So I was hoping you could take care of some phantoms for me. I mean, you have nothing else to do, right?

Yato frowns from slight irritaton.

Tenjin: I do know that you sleep at shrine without my permission.

Yato reacts again to Tenjin's detective work.

Tenjin: I'm willing to let you join my Tenman Group, if you want to. I could even make a branch manager. But you want to have a shrine of your own.

The gray-haired god takes out his wallet, opens it, and takes out a 10,000 yen bill from his wallet.

Tenjin: In that case, here.

He then looks at the bill.

Tenjin: Oh, I'm sorry. I only have a large bill. Think you can spare me some change?

The annoyed lesser god subconsciously takes out his saké bottle of five yen coins. Tenjin starts taughting Yato with the banknote.

Tenjin: What's the matter? Are you a little low on change?

Hiyori: There's even a huge wealth gap between the gods.

Yukine: This must be why the world is an unfair place.

Tenjin tosses a five yen coin to Yato, which he catches in hand.

Yato: You had change on you the whole time!

He bites the the coin to check its authenticity.

Tenjin: Now, then. Would you be kind as to show him the way, Makato?

Tsuyu: My lord, Mayu hasn't been with us for that long. I would suggest another guide.

Tenjin: True. But Mayu and Yato know each other quite well.

Tenjin's smoke pipe transforms into a shrine maiden with a familiar face, making Yato, (YN) and Itami gasp in shock.

Yato: Tomone?!

Itami: Tomone!

Itami runs up and hugs Yato's former shinki.

(YN): Hey, Tomone.

Itami: It's nice to see you again! How are you?

Mayu: Hello, Itami and (YN)-san, I'm doing well. But I'm not Tomone anymore, I'm Mayu.

Yato: Tomone! You joined this super elite?!

Mayu: My name is Mayu.

Hiyori and Yukine walk up to Mayu.

Hiyori: Excuse me...

Mayu: I used to be Yato-san's shinki.

Hiyori: Is that true?

Hiyori's eyes gleam with delight at meeting Mayu.

Hiyori: What was it like? How did your work go? Did he actually do his jobs?

Yukine: What about food, clothing, housing? Is he really an unemployed, jersey-wearing drifter?

Mayu: He was homeless, jobless, wore a jersey, called himself a god.

Yato: Give your former master some credit, Tomone!

Mayu: My name is Mayu! Don't call me by that old name! It's disrespectful!

Yato: You constanstly complained about me touching you, but now your this old geezer's smoke pipe?! You've been blinded by money!

Mayu: I'll kindly team up with anyone but you!

(YN): Would you ever consider becoming one of my shinki?

Mayu: I would have to kindly turn down your offer, (YN)-san, as I would not want to indulge myself in your line of work.

(YN): Understandable.

Hiyori: Is she an ex-girlfriend of Yato's?

Yato & Mayu: You're wrong!

Yukine: Probably his ex-wife. You two are on bad terms.

Yato & Mayu: For the last time, it's not like that!

Yukine: Either way, you have a sour relationship.

As Yato and Mayu continued their argument, Hiyori approaches Tenjin.

Hiyori: Excuse me.

The knowledge God turns his head to the half-phantom human.

Hiyori: You asked Yato to kill some phantoms. Are phantoms really that dangerous? Why do you need to get rid of them?

Tenjin: "Disorder among people means disorder in the heavens."

Hiyori: Huh?

Tenjin looks up at the plum blossoms.

Tenjin: Hiyori-san, is it? I can't say That I approve of involving yourself in our matters. You can easily interfere with us or with people.

He smiles at her, making her more confused.


Later, Mayu takes everyone to a railway crossing where a vase of flowers sat on the side next to a small white fence.

Mayu: The other day, someone offered us an unsettling wish plaque. When I looked into it, I learned that two people had already ended their lives.

Hiyori: Why would they do that?

Mayu: This area is often plagued by Storms. The phantoms they bring cling to people and control them. Michizane-sama felt heartbroken and erected a barrier here, but people still carry deep rooted spirits through it, which makes complete purification difficult. Such a waste of precious life...

(YN): These phantoms are just as worse as criminals.

Hiyori: So we just need to defeat these phantoms that possess people?

Mayu: Yes.

Yato: Hiyori?

Hiyori: People are dying because of this. Don't you want to put an end to it?

Yato: If someone wants to die, I'd say let them.

Hiyori, Itami, and I look at Yato with shocked expressions while Mayu frowns at him.

Mayu: You''re still as scummy as ever.

Level crossing lights go off and the gates lower as Hiyori confronts Yato.

Hiyori: I don't think that's the right attitude to have.

Yato: If a soul's willing to commit suicide, it means it's been possessed. It can't even become a shinki. It doesn't matter if it's alread dead or still alive. It can't be saved.

Hiyori: How can you say that?! Is it your job to stop them?!

The two exchange a brief Gaze with each other before Hiyori jumps on top of the passing train, leaving everyone.

Yato: Well, I'm outta here.

The lesser god turns around and leaves. Just as he starts walking away, he's suddenly knocked into the nearby stone wall. When he regains his senses, he looks up and sees (YN) standing over him with an expression of frustration.

Yato: What the heck was that for?

I bend down to look get face-to-face with Yato.

(YN): You'll help humans with menial jobs for chump change just to make a name for yourself. But a human who is about to end their life in front you, you're just gonna let them do it? You are the most detestable god I ever met.

I straighten myself while still looking at the downed god.

(YN): Now get your ass up and help this human, unless your ego wants to see them die.

Yato gets up and dusts himself off.

Yukine: You're fine with letting her go off on her own like that?

Yukine towards Yato when he doesn't get a reply.

Yukine: He's such a pain in the ass.

Yato: Yukine. It's time for your first job.

Yukine: What do you want me to do?

Yato: Come when I call for your vessel. Revert when I call your name. That's all you need to do for now.

With Hiyori, she stood atop of a building and sees a Storm at a pick-up station. As she gazes at the phantom gathering, she remembers Yato's harsh words.

Yato: If soneone wants to die, I'd say let them die.

Hiyori: Yato, you are just the worst!

Hiyori heads towards the station. At the station, a young man was reading a when a small green phantom appeared in his shoulder.

Phantom 1: Don't... wanna get... a job... but... don't wanna... go to college... either...

Hiyori: Sushi Roll... Kick!

She kicks the small phantom off his shoulder, passing through the man and skidding to a halt as she lands on the ground.

Hiyori: You're in big trouble for making people do bad things!

Suddenly, more phantoms appeared from the station, taking note of Hiyori's half-phantom form.

Phantom 2: What... is... that?

Phantom 3: One... of... us.

Phantom 4: Half... of... one of us.

They gather together and move towards her as they make her back up towards the edge of the platform.

Phantoms: Let's take her with us.

They tell her to come to their side as a train turns on a bend on the tracks. Hiyori tries hold them back but gets overwhelmed and pushed on to the tracks, where three other phantoms are hold her down as the train approached. Just before the train got close, (YN), with Tsuki, jumps from the train and kills the phantoms restraining her with a single swing, freeing her.

(YN): Jump!

She jumps into the air and lands on tops of the train with me and Yato who had Sekki in hand.

(YN): You okay?

Hiyori, a bit shaken, nods.

Yato: Man. I told you that you'll die if you get your cord cut. Now stay where you are.

He spots a Storm at the upcoming crossing.

Yato: Yukine, our real work is coming up.

At the crossing, a hand-shaped phantom forms on the track as a schoolboy looks at his work.

Schoolboy: I got an E on my practice exam. This sucks.

A multi-eyed red phantom appears on his shoulder.

Phantom 5: Take it E-Z... Take it easy. E-Z.

Hand Phantom: Come here... and take it E-Z... Easy... Take it E-Z... Easy...

Schoolboy: The answer is... easy.

Hand Phantom: It's easy... E-Z...

Yato: We're taking out that phantom. Don't wuss out, Yukine.

Yukine: Whatever.

Itami: Are we going to help him?

(YN): Let's see how Yukine does on his first job. Plus, we're going to see if Yaboku is going to keep his side of the bet.

Hiyori looks and gasps when the boy walks towards the gate and starts to climb over it.

Yukine: Oh, no! We're not going to make it-

Yato: We will!

As the boy began to climb over, Yato runs forward and leaps towards the phantom as he prepares to use his Rend.

Yato: You who would desecrate this Land of the Rising Sun!

He begins "charging" Sekki with power.

Yato: With my advent, I, Yatogami, lay waste with Sekki and expel thy vast defilement!

After charging Sekki, Yato swings the blade in a single powerful motion.

Yato: Rend!

Yato cuts the phantom with the enhanced swing but unleashes a shockwave from attack that destroys one of the signal lights, the fence, a tree, and part of the gate that boy was about climb over, as well as knocking the boy down. Having been sliced, the phantom explodes and dies. Yato lands then jumps as the train passes by.

Yato: Yuki! That's enough! Revert! You cut too well!

Yukine changes to his human form as Yato lands on the ground, with the phantom duo joining him, next to the safe schoolboy, while Hiyori watched from the train.

Itami: Amazing. Looks like Yukine and Yaboku might be compatible with each other.

(YN): We'll see how long that lasts.

After the train passes and the intact gate rises, Mayu, on the other side of the tracks, bows to Yato for his services and leaves. Later, as the sun sets, Hiyori, back in her body, catches up to the gods and their shinki at the crossing.

Hiyori: You said people want to die should just die, but I guess you do help after all.

Yato: It's nothing like that. But I refuse to let these let anyone die in front of these guys, if I help can help it.

Hiyori: "These guys"?

Yato: Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive at all.

Hiyori looks astonished at Yato from his comment. (YN) does a slow clap to the statement.

(YN): I'll agree with you on that, Yato, as someone who saved multiple people from taking their lives. However, the fact you want you people to die and not do anything about it still ticks me off, and there's probably nothing that'll change your mind. With that said, I can officially declare this.

I walk around and stand in front of Yato face-to-face.

(YN): Yato, I will not be friends with a someone doesn't care about helping suicidal humans. I also will not be helping you with any more phantom jobs for that same reason. So from this moment onward, you and I are only acquaintances. But I will keeping a close eye on you, even when I'm busy, to see if you'll break your word.

I leave with Itami leave without saying another word. Hiyori watches them leave then turns her back to Yato.

Yato: "If a soul's willing to commit suicide, it means it's been possessed. It can't even become a shinki."

Hiyori: They're all so young and innocent...

Hiyori looks at the two vases of flowers on side, then looks at Yukine.

Hiyori: If suicide isn't how they died, then shinki are people who still want to live.

She look at ground as she drops her head in sadness.

Hiyori: So people taking their own lives in front of them...

Hiyori grips her shorts.

Hiyori: ...was something couldn't stand.

A tear falls down her cheek and on to the ground. Yukine glances at Hiyori after hearing her sniffles.

Yukine: Hiyori?

He sees the young teen girl crying and blushes, stinging Yato in the process.

Yato: Yukine, you perv!

Yato looks at Hiyori as she wipes the tears away from her eyes.

Yato: D-Did you do something to her?!

Yukine: I didn't!

Hiyori: I-I'm okay! Some lingering fragments got in my eye, that's all.

Yukine: That's not okay at all!

Yato: Don't rub your eyes! Stay calm, Hiyori. Take deep breaths.

The lesser god starts doing patterned breathing techniques.

Yukine: Will that really help her?


At night at one of the Tenjin's shrines, Yukine wakes up and shivers due to the cold. Yato throws the Capyer Land jacket he got from the charity bin at him.

Yato: Use it. It'll warm you up a bit.

Yukine grabs the jacket and frowns when he realizes it's the Capyer Land jacket.

Yato: You did pretty good job today on your first job.

Yukine at the Yato who was already asleep. The blond-haired shinki puts the jacket over himself like a blanket as he lays down and goes to sleep. Unaware to them, a young girl with straight chin-length black hair and deep purple and dressed in a burial gown watches them sleep from the entrance.

At the same time, a wasp-shaped phantom with multiple eyes and a certain eye symbol on its abdomen was also watching them. It flies away from the shrine and into an park area, where (YN) was sitting on a bench. It lands on (YN)'s finger to tell him what it saw.

(YN): On top of Yaboku still having that thing, that damn Stray is still stalking him for attention.

I shake my head while smirking.

(YN): Something else I can use to see if he abandon Yukine. Look like things are just stacking in my favor. Thanks for the report. Resume observation, Tokki.

Tokki: As you wish.

The wasp phantom flies off. I let out a sigh as I thought about Asomi and Nozomi.


On a rooftop, the phantom brother trio, wearing their masks, watch the people below who were walking about and unaware of the Death Harbingers.

Asomi: Onii-sama, I got something to you. It's kind of a serious question.

(YN): What is it, Asomi?

Asomi: We've been killing a lot of people, gods and shinki, have we?

(YN): In order to defend ourselves, yes.

Asomi: And we've seen a lot of death, too.

(YN): Uh-huh.

Asomi: Have you thought about how you'd feel if me and Nozo-nii were to die?

I looked at my phantom shinki with a slightly surprised expression.

Nozomi: Asomi, why would you ask Nii-san that?

(YN): It's fine, Nozomi. In honesty, Asomi, I'll be pretty sad for a long time because I'll no longer have my brothers at side anymore. And even with new shinki, it'll never be the same with them. But I'll always have your memories in my heart. That's how I would how would feel.

The phantom brothers look at the their older brother and master with astonishment.

Asomi & Nozomi: Wow.../Nii-san...

Asomi lifts his mask to wipe eyes.

Nozomi: Why are you crying?

Asomi: I'm just... just... I'm just so happy that Onii-sama cares about us!

Asomi bawls loudly which made Nozomi sigh frustratedly and me laugh.


(YN): Asomi, Nozomi... I have been mourning you two for centuries. Since your deaths, I have refused to become the older brother that I was before because it would not be the same without you. But Kurumi and Itami want to know what it's like to have younger brothers. So if they want that experience, I'll happily do it again.

I brought from my thoughts when I feel a tug on my arm. I look at the source of the tug and see a preteen boy. He has light skin, shortand sky blue hair and eyes of the same color. He wears a sky blue hoodie and a pair of sky blue jeans with a pair of sky blue shoes.

(YN): What's the matter, kid? Are you lost?

Boy: No.

He takes a seat next to me on the bench.

Boy: I'm a shinki.

The boy rolls his left arm sleeve up to show me the name imprinted on his forearm — 光 (hikari).

(YN): Hikari. I'm (YN). Do you have a clan name?

Hikari: Onee-sama believes that a name is special without a clan name, so she never used one.

(YN): "Onee-sama"? She allowed you to address her in any way that wasn't her name or "master"?

Hikari: Yeah! She saw us as more than just her shinki that served her.

(YN): She sounds a like pretty nice goddess. Why don't you go back to her? She's probably worried about you.

Hikari looks at tue ground with a mournful look.

Hikari: I can't.

(YN): Why not?

Hikari: Onee-sama died in battle and never reincarnated. All her other shinki applied for jobs in Heaven and I didn't. I tried to apply to the other gods, but since I already had a name that my master didn't revoke, they didn't want a stray serving under another master.

(YN): And you came to me to see if I'll take you in. You don't even know if I am a god. I could be a stranger just sitting here.

Hikari: You are a god, right?

(YN): I am but not a heavenly god. I'm half-god and half-phantom, thus making me a Phantom God. I'm not created from a person's wish and can reincarnate infinitely. That's all you need to know.

Hikari: Please! I honestly don't know what else to do. No other god will accept me!

The young shinki gets on the ground on his hands and knees and lowers his head to the ground.

Hikari: Please make me your shinki, (YN)-sama!

I look at Hikari for a moment before standing in front of him.

(YN): Very well. I'll take you as my shinki.

Hikari: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!

I put my arms behind my back and create a mask.

(YN): Shinki, hear me.

Hikari suddenly into a deep trance as the light fades from his eyes. I place the mask on Hikari's face and begin to trace the kanji of his new name above the mask — 毒 (soko).

(YN): My name is (YN). Grasping thy borrowed name, I bind thee to the mask. With bestowed name, I dub thee my servant. The name obeys, the vessels corrupts. I summon thee as my divine instrument of terror. The name Soko, the vessel Doku. Come, Dokki.

As I finish the incantation and tracing the kanji, I toss the kanji on the mask. Blight and phantom eyes from the mask instantly spread across Hikari's body and transforms him into a skeleton samurai, then into a human with different physical features than his previous form. Then, like with my previous and current phantom shinki, the kanji envelopes the new phantom shinki in a black light and shoots up in the air. The shinki splits in two as it descends and attaches itself to my arms. The light fades away and I'm able to see the shinki's new vessel form.

(YN): Wow. Nice gloves. You'll be useful for unarmed combat. Your phantom form will certainly be handy in kill requests. Revert, Soko.

The phantom shinki changes into his new human form: a young boy with light skin, black and straight hair, and green eyes. He wears robes similar to Yukine's but black in coloration, with black socks and black sandals. He has his mask on the side of his head with his name 毒 engraved in the center of the eye symbol.

(YN): Hello, Sokomi. I am (YN), your master. You are allowed to be close to me as family and may address me as anything other than "master."

Sokomi looks at (YN) slightly confused before.

Sokomi: May I call you "Onii-chan"?

(YN): If you want to, sure.

I rub Sokomi on his head, making him smile.

(YN): There's just one more thing I need to do before we head home. Let's go for a walk.

Sokomi: Okay.

During our walk, I begin tell Sokomi about his phantom sisters which excited him.

Sokomi: Wow! They're really like that? I can't wait to meet them!

(YN): Unfortunately, your brothers are no longer around.

Sokomi: What happened to them?

(YN): A story for another time. But your sisters will be delighted to see you.

Suddenly, a ferocious beast-like phantom appears, interrupting our conversation.

Beast Phantom: Smells... good...

(YN): Whoa, I never seen a phantom like that before. But...

I create a mask as I walk up to it.

(YN): This is actually what I was looking for.

Sokomi: What are you going to do, Onii-chan?

(YN): He's going to be your new brother.

The enormous phantom charges full speed at (YN) while he stood in place.

Beast Phantom: Smells good!

The phantom jumps at the Phantom God with its mouth wide open, ready to sink its teeth in him.

(YN): Phantom, hear me!

The phantom suddenly pauses mid-jump and lands on its feet in front (YN) in a trance.

(YN): Bow.

The entranced phantom bows its head and I place the mask on the phantom's head.

(YN): Watch this, Sokomi.

I extend my arm out and trace a kanji above the mask — 難 (kata).

(YN): My name is (YN). Grasping thy true name, I bind thee to the mask. With bestowed name, I dub thee my servant. The name obeys, the vessels corrupts. I summon thee as my divine instrument of terror. The name Kata, the vessel Nan. Come, Nanki.

The kanji attaches itself to the mask. The phantom lets out a loud roar as it starts to shrink until it changes into a young boy. Like before, the kanji envelopes the young boy in a black light, ascends into air, and on to (YN). As the light fades away, the new phantom's vessel form was revealed.

Sokomi: Wow... You look awesome, Onii-chan!

(YN): It does. This will do well as divine garments in fights. Now let's meet your new twin brother. Revert, Kata.

The phantom shinki changes into his new human form: a young preteen boy with light skin, black and straight hair, and bright green eyes. He wears black robes like Sokomi's, with the same black socks and black sandals. He has his mask on the side of his head with his name 難 engraved in the center of the eye symbol.

(YN): Hello, Katami. I'm (YN), your master, and this Sokomi, your twin brother. As your master, you are allowed to be close to me as family and may address me as anything besides "master."

Katami: Anything I want?

Sokomi: Yeah. I call him "Onii-chan."

Katami: Can I call you "Aniki"?

(YN): Sure.

I rub Katami on his head like Sokomi, making him smile too.

(YN): Now, Katami, you have two older sisters who don't about you. So this is a little surprise to them.

Katami: Really? I have older sisters?

Sokomi: Mm! They seem like really nice people from how he described them. Can we meet right now?

(YN): I've done what I had to do, so let's go home and meet them.

Sokomi & Katami: Yes!

(YN): Dokki. Nanki.

The twin brothers transform into their vessel garments.

(YN): I'll change you back to surprise them.

Sokomi: I can't wait to meet them.

(YN): Rikki!

The red-orange bird phantom lands in front of the (YN), surprising the phantom brothers.

Katami: Aniki, you can call in phantoms?

(YN): Yeah, but I'll explain that and some other stuff about me later.

Rikki extends his wing out for me to climb on his back.

(YN): Take us home, Rikki.

The bird phantom takes to the skies and heads on the direction of my apartment. Meanwhile, at (YN)'s apartment, Kurumi and Itami, in the night gowns, were sitting on the couch watching TV when they hear the door open.

(YN): I'm home.

Kurumi & Itami: Welcome home.

(YN): You two, come here for a moment. I got something to show you.

The phantom sister get up from the couch to meet (YN) at the door. Their eyes widen slightly with amazement upon seeing his hooded cape and gloves.

Kurumi: Wow, (YN)-san, what's with the new setup? Decided on a new look to make yourself look more sinister?

(YN): Not quite. I'll show you instead of telling you. Nanki. Dokki.

The twin brothers change into their humans. Upon seeing the boys, the girls' jaws dropped in surprised.

(YN): Introduce yourselves.

Sokomi: Hi! I'm Sokomi!

Katami: I'm Katami.

(YN): These are your little brothers.

Kurumi: (YN)-san, you....

(YN): I did. After giving a lot of thought, I realized I'll never have the same experience with Asomi and Nozomi again. But I thought I'd relive my role of being a big brother. Go ahead, introduce yourselves to them.

The girls bend down to the boys' level.

Itami: Hello, I'm Itami.

Kurumi: I'm Kurumi. We're your sisters.

Sokomi looks at Itami with widen eyes and his mouth slightly agape.

Sokomi: You're pretty.

Taken back by Sokomi's compliment, Itami embraces her new little brother in her arms.

Itami: Oh, you are just the cutest little thing ever!

(YN): Seeing that you guys are this excited, you're going to be up for a while. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed.

I walk towards my room but stop at the door when I remember something. I turn around to see the phantom sisters taking their newfound brothers to the couch to talk with them.

(YN): Sokomi, Katami, I'm taking you shopping in the morning to get you some new clothes and futons.

Sokomi & Katami: Okay.

Kurumi: You two can sleep with us for the night. Itami and I have pretty comfortable beds. Would that be all right with you, (YN)-san?

(YN): Yeah, sure. In the meantime, tell them what I do and stuff. I couldn't be bothered to do it since I'm a bit tired.

Kurumi & Itami: Goodnight, (YN)-san/sama.

(YN): Goodnight.

I walk into my room while the phantom siblings got to know each other. I change into my pajama pants and get under the covers rest. Tanomi, happy to see (YN) but still sleepy, jumps on to the bed and curls up next him. (YN) gives the Pomeranian a couple of headpats before they both fell asleep at the same time.

Just a couple things to note:

• I changed (YN)'s clan name to "mi" (美, the kanji for "beautiful"). So all of his phantom shinki names, including Tanomi, are spelled with this kanji.

• I was going make the ending just (YN) introducing Sokomi and Katami to Kurumi and Itami. But I figured you guys wanted the process of how a phantom shinki is made, hence why this chapter took a while to complete.

That's all. Hoped you all enjoyed 😄

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